Supernatural One Shots

By softlymasculine

699K 8.1K 2.9K

Supernatural X Reader One Shots☆☆☆ - Female x Female - Male x Male - Ships - x Reader ~~~ (I don't own all of... More

Supernatural x Reader
Sam & Dean x Vamp! Reader
Hey Dean here
Sam & Dean x Reader
Dean x Suicidal! Reader
Castiel x Dying! Reader
Sam x Reader
Castiel x Reader
Dean x Reader
Lucifer x Reader {Part 1}
Lucifer x Reader {Part 2}
Crowley x Reader
Lucifer x Reader {Final}
Jack Kline x Reader
Archangel Gabriel x Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
SMUT! Dean x Reader
Sam x Reader
SMUT! Jack Kline x Reader
Charlie Bradbury x Reader
Castiel x Reader
Dean x Witch! Reader
SMUT! Castiel x Reader
SMUT! Sam x Reader
SMUT!Meg x Reader x SMUT!Castiel
Dean x Daughter! Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
Father! Castiel x Nephilim! Reader
Claire Novak x Reader
Dean x Cutting! Reader
Dean x Male! Reader
Castiel x Reader
SMUT! Sam x Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
Dean x Reader
Sam x Male!Reader
Charlie x Reader
Human! Castiel x Male! Reader
NSFW! Crowley x Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
Sam x Birthday! Reader
Lucifer x Male! Reader
Sam x Guardian Angel! Reader
Jealous! Jack x Reader
Dean x Dying! Reader
Castiel x Demon! Reader pt. 1
Castiel x Demon! Reader pt. 2
Castiel x Demon! Reader FINAL
Jack Kline x Reader SOUL
SMUT! Dean x Male! Werewolf! Reader
Dean x Birthday! Reader

Lucifer x Reader {Part 3}

7K 153 22
By softlymasculine

When Lucifer told you all about Michael's minions at the store and about how Michael wanted his war had you all on edge. Dean had every possible wording up, Cas was forever looking for traces of his brother's whereabouts. You couldn't settle over the next week waiting for Michael's army to do something. Nothing happened a week went by and there wasn't a single sign of an angel or any attempt on Lucifer's life, after he childishly refused to stay in the bunker until Michael was found. Lucifer full of confidence saying Michael had lost his bottle after their sister told him what happened at the store but deep down you knew it wasn't that easy. Another month went by and everyone started to forget about Michael and move on with life.

You were hunting again, today you had a possible wraith. In an old people's home in Georgia, an old retired hunter called Dean's phone looking for help. You headed into the home looking in every mirror hoping for an easy lead. Sam went into the communal room posing as a visitor, while you and dean went to see the manager for jobs.

Yours, a trainee nurse while Dean was posing as a handyman. It took 2 days and you still hadn't found the monster, yet another body showed up during a night shift making you request nights the next morning. Your first night shift started and you scooped out each staff member finding nothing. Sam and Dean were parked outside neither of them officially allowed in at this time of night. You looked out the window giving them an OK thumbs up signal, letting them know you were safe but still hadn't found anything.

"miss waters" you heard someone call out your cover name. You smiled at the old woman in the hallway playing the role of your fake job. "what are you doing out of bed at this time of night, Mrs white?" you asked helping her back to her room. Once inside something felt off, the old woman stood up straight raising her arm hitting you in the head. Dazed you get up blinking the stars away pulling out a silver blade. The old woman laughs at you "that's not going to hurt me stupid girl" she said "well see" you call back slicing her arm.

There was no burning, no screaming expected by a wraith when touched with silver. "what are you?" you asked backing yourself into a corner. "I'm an angel of the lord and my brother Michael wants to meet you," you said before hitting you again knocking you down. Your head hit a cabinet blood dripped onto the carpet, the angel stood over you smiling as she touched your head knocking you unconscious.

Dean watched the windows, it had been an hour since you'd last looked and he was starting to worry. "she's a professional she knows how to look after herself and there is only half an hour of her shift left" Sam said trying to reassure both Dean and himself. 40 minutes went by and there still wasn't any sign of you. Dean got out the car heading to the back of the building, in a rush. Sam followed asking Dean what he planned to do and to think before he acted. Knowing is brother's shot first policy when someone he cared about was in danger.

Within minutes Dean picked the lock on the back door one he'd used as a service entrance during his fake job. Once inside he and Sam snuck around looking for you. They walked to the window they saw you last not really knowing where to start looking "should we split up?" Sam asked. Before Dean could answer they heard two voices down the hallway getting closer. Dean grabbed Sam dragging him into an open door. happy to find the room dark and empty. Not wanting to be kicked out before finding you.

Sam stood by the door listening out for the people to pass. Dean pulled out his cell and tried calling your phone for the 10th time. A faint buzzing could be heard in the room making both Winchesters look. On the floor was your mobile, a small pool of blood there too. Both boys looked at each other worried, Sam put on the light as Dean noticed a note next to the blood, under the phone. He picked it up feeling sick, he knew this was the reason you were missing and hadn't checked in. he wondered how long you had been gone for he should have can in soon and maybe he could of saved you. His fingers shook as he opened the folded paper reading the black fancy writing.

Lucifer, you shouldn't have said no to me! now I have your human! Your Soulmate! I will have my war one way or another! Meet me, fight me and save your girl. Keep me waiting and I'll make sure she feels my impatience. Michael

Dean handed Sam trying not to be sick, Sam gasped as he read it out loud. "what are we gonna do?" Sam asked. Dean pinched the bridge of his nose, "I don't know Sammy! We give this note to Lucifer and he will kill us both then start an apocalypse. We don't and y/n Gets beaten and killed. Trust me those dicks are creative when it comes to pain" dean said knowing they were caught between a rock and a hard place. "well we can't just stand around here, let's get back to the car and call Cas maybe he can help or he can tell Lucifer what happened" Sam said looking out the door hoping no-one would see them.

Back at the car dean called for Cas, not like he hadn't been silently calling him since finding Michael's note. "Cas get your feathery ass down here right now or so help.." dean yelled being cut off by Cas appearing in the back seat "Dean," he said looking at the Winchesters "I sense urgency and fear. What going on? Where is y/n" Cas asked? Dean had his head in his hands trying to keep a grip on his emotions. Sam looked at Cas handing him the note "your brother took her" he said. Dean couldn't handle the silence and started baby not knowing where he was driving too he just needed to be moving.


You woke feeling groggy, the light hit your eyes bright making you blink several times. The room around you was in a large and exquisite room, with white and gold walls. It reminded you of the best suit in a 5-star hotel. Your mind goes back to what you're remembered last, being in the home with an angel posing as a wraith. You go to the door trying to open it, to your misery it was locked. You panic looking around all your weapons had been taken from you. Running your hands in your hair you pull out a clip, smiling to yourself. Bending the clip you place it in the lock, "that's not going to work but points for trying" you hear someone say, making you jump.

Turning around you see a man in his 20s, he had jet black hair with honey brown eyes. Something about him seems familiar, liked you'd seen him before. He also reminded you a little of dean. "so you're names y/n! And my brother's new pet" he said it like he was telling you it more than asking. "yes and I'm guessing your Michael" you answer back keeping your body and voice strong. You watched Michael hold himself like a soldier in the army his legs spread shoulder with apart, his arms behind his back. "I am, the archangel Michael to be precise," he said a hint pride. "so you're the big brother, right we've met now like you wanted hello not exactly a pleasure. now open the door I wanna go home," you told him. You may have looked and sounded tough and confident but inside your heart raced and stomach twisted and turned in fear.

Michael took a step forward "well I can see why my brother likes you and it's not just the grace in you, but I can't let you go, not yet anyway" his voice is cool and calm making your fear grow. "why can't I leave? where are we?" you asked first hoping to stall long enough to find a way past Michael. "we're in what Zachariah calls his green room and to answer your other question. Well, I need you to show my brother he can't run away from his destiny. I'm sure holding his soul mate hostage will push Lucifer into starting an apocalypse just to find you alone" he smirked. "now I'm not a monster like my brother, while you're here if you behave you stay here until the war is over then you can go home." Michael started to say.

"behave. You expect me to just sit back and be a good girl after you kill people to lure me out, kidnap me so you can start a war to destroy the world," you yell

Michael steps closer to you, anger all over his face "who do you think you're talking to? I am an archangel the firstborn" he started but you didn't care for his speech or title.

"You're not the first archangel I've met. You can't scare me I've been tricked by the trickster and came out on top and as a child literally danced with the devil. You really think I'm scared of your choir boy angel threats" you shouted back.

You felt a sharp smack to your face, it hurt like hell but the adrenaline running in your veins you didn't feel it as bad. Michael hit you another two times until you fell to the floor. "you will obey me and you will hold your tongue in matters you don't understand" the room around you started to smoke and change. The luxury suit darkened the once golden walls turned into dark gray stone. The tables and artwork had gone, a metal chair was the only item left. The door now steel bars with another room on the other side, Michael transformed the room into a cell, a bed in the corner and a metal chair with chains, another click of his fingers you found yourself chained to the chair. You screamed a mouthful of curses at Michael as he walked out the cell.


Cas hadn't said much on the ride back to their motel. He couldn't believe Michael would do this, take another angel's soulmate. One of the few things he did say to the boys, he explained about y/n soul how she'd been made for Lucifer. "This was my father's plan bringing him to the bunker, so he could meet her again" he also told dean how he'd sensed it the first time he met her, he could feel the grace in her, it was one of the reasons he'd been distant with her. "I've never once hated y/n. I just didn't want to anger Lucifer"

They got to motel all nervous about facing the devil, they decided not to go home just yet. "what if we just don't tell Lucifer. We can save y/n ourselves" Sam suggests. Dean looks at his brother doubtful "I'd agree with that but how do we even find her. We spend weeks trying to find him the note didn't even say where Lucifer was meant to go. So I'm guessing he already knows, should we tell him to find out where Michael wants them to meet" Dean argued. "and how many people do you think will die if Lucifer goes after Michael" Sam said back. "so what you suggest leaving y/n with Michael for God knows how long until we find them. You never know what Michael will do to her" dean shouted back. he'd been held by angels before, he knew what Raphael was capable of.

Cas sat on the bed looking at the note, while the brothers argued. Dean turned to him pulling the note out of his hand "your quiet, what's your opinion?" he asked. "telling Lucifer is going to end in a lot fighting and bloodshed but Michael shouldn't harm y/n unless provoked or Lucifer doesn't answer his message" Cas said looking at Dean, Dean made the point you wouldn't just sit back you'd fight against Michael to get back to the bunker. Making Cas give a nervous look, "give me an hour before you tell Lucifer. I think I can find somebody to help" Cas added before vanishing.

Not even 15 minutes after Cas left Dean started to get restless. Sam knew, he could see dean fidgeting and pacing around the room. "we can't just sit here we need to do something" Dean said, "look give Cas a chance and if he's not back in an hour. Well go the bunker and I'll tell Lucifer myself" Sam said. "tell me what?" Lucifer's voice came from the door. His eyes glanced around the room "where is my angel" he asked feeling the nerves coming from them. Sam and Dean looked at each other, Sam sighed knowing there was no way they could hide this from him now. "look don't get mad, but..." Sam said as he walked next to dean pulling the note out of his hands and handing it to Lucifer, not knowing how to tell the devil y/n had been kidnapped.

Lucifer read the note his eyes going red with each line, the air in the room getting colder with his anger. Sam watches Lucifer's hand scrunch the paper in his fist before the same hand came up hitting the wall leaving a large hole in its wake. "what the bloody hell happened, how could you let this happen! You were meant to be protecting her, have her back isn't that what you hunters say" he growled through clenched teeth, trying to keep as calm as he possibly could. His body language was anything but calm, his clenched fists shaking at his side, his shoulders tensed and squared.

The look on his face alone was enough to scare any man. Dean swallowed hard "we're not 100% sure on the what exactly. We were on the hunt y/n got a fake job inside the home and asked for a night shift. She checked in at 5 am with us letting know she was okay but by ten past 6 she was gone. We went in to find her and we found this note. Cas is going to get help or information on Michael's whereabouts he said give him an hour" dean said holding his hands up, palms facing Lucifer. Lucifer didn't answer instead his fist hit the wall again this time close to deans head this time he kept his hand in the wall. Lucifer wasn't in a waiting mood, not when you were in Micheal's hands. "I'm getting her back, you can either help me or stay out the way! Try and stop me and I will make sure you feel the full treatment hell has to offer when I kill you both" he said the full promise in his voice. Before Dean had a chance to answer Lucifer clicked his fingers and was gone, leaving Sam looking worried at dean a hunt of I told you so in his eyes.


You sat in the cell. Michael made around you. Losing track of time you didn't know how long you'd been in here for. Well it looks like my brother isn't responding yet, do you think we should give him some motivation" Raphael said. He was Michael's second in command and more than happy to do his dirty work. In the time you'd been here Raphael had paid you three visits each ending with you in pain from some chronic illness he magicked up or bloody from his grace as he boiled your blood in your body. Raphael painted a sigils on the wall part of you wondered what it was for. "now let's see if your screaming draws him in shall we" Raphael said coming at you with an angel blade in his hand.

It had been hours, you had stab wounds everywhere each non-fatal but that didn't mean you weren't in unbearable pain. You had lost a lot of blood but Raphael would click his fingers and stop the bleeding before you could die from blood loss, however he left each cut and bruise how it was. You closed your eyes picturing Lucifer in your mind, 'Lucifer help' you thought over and over as Raphael ran his blade into hip again making you scream loud. Raphael stopped and smiled at you "was it so hard to call for him, if you'd done that hours ago you wouldn't be in this state, but because you made me wait and I'm having so much fun let's make sure he gets the full message shall we" your eyes widened at what he said then flicked to the symbol on the wall. When you watched him draw it, you assumed that was how they were going to contact Lucifer. You never believed they would use your prayers to torture their brother. "interesting thought, but no that sigil is so he can't use your prayer to find you but he can still hear you scream" Raphael said. clicking his fingers, the pain in your chest was unbearable making you believe he was making you have a heart attack, you screamed again this time for Lucifer, Cas, God anyone who could hear you.


Lucifer kicked in the door to Crowley's mansion, demons came running at him only to burst into dust. Lucifer wasn't in the mood to deal with them, he came to see Crowley and nothing was going to stop or slow him down. If Michael wanted a war he was going to get one, right now Lucifer was working on getting his army. After the first attempted apocalypse when both Michael and Lucifer were locked in the cage, Crowley had found a way to become king. To Lucifer's annoyance a lot of demons followed Crowley, saw him as king and lost faith and respect in their creator. If he wanted a loyal army he needed Crowley.

Crowley looked at Lucifer "you should have called Lucy, I would have baked a cake" he said sarcastically. "I'm not in the mood for jokes Crowley, I wanna make a deal and if you say no well I'll kill you right now" Lucifer said, if it were a cartoon he'd have steam coming out of his ears. "well I see someone's shoved a stick up your ass, what's this deal you wish to make" Crowley said part of him not wanting to test the devils word. "I will let you keep this whole king of hell thing you have going on. In return, I want an army of no less than 3000 demons. And I want soldiers, not your Wall Street crossroad demons. I need demons to go against Michael and his army" Lucifer said not batting an eyelid.

Crowley thought about it, knowing it was one of the easiest deals he's ever made. He could lose that amount of demons if it meant keeping hell and his title as king. "3000 is a lot of demons Lucy, but I guess I can work with that, you sure you're willing to give up hell. A petty fight with your brother just doesn't seem worth it. What's really going on?" Crowley fished. Lucifer wasn't in the mood but knew without Crowley he'd only be able you rally up around 1000 demons for his army and that wouldn't be enough to go to war with.

With a sigh, he told Crowley about your kidnap. Part of Crowley wanted to help Lucifer, he knew you from his dealings with the Winchesters and enjoyed your company and humour. When he was the resident of the bunker's dungeon you used to come to sit with him and just talk for while even bringing the demon king a drink of whiskey some nights. if Crowley was honest about his feelings he developed during his time on human blood he would actually call you a friend. "well I must say it's a shame I quite like the little kitten. Okay, I'll get you your army, it's a deal" he finally said.

As Lucifer walked out of the mansion "brother don't do this, I have a plan let us help you" Cas called out with the Winchesters in tow. "Cassy like I told your human pet, you're either with me and that's great, but if your not and try to stop me I will smite you the same way I'm going to smite Michael" Lucifer told his younger sibling. "and what's your plan open the gates of hell and start an apocalypse there is a better way" Cas argued. Lucifer was about to make Cas vanish when he heard your voice.

your cries for help rang in his ears followed by screaming, he could hear Raphael's laughter in the background. Another loud blood-curdling scream came. "Lucifer, Cas, Chuck someone please help me" your voice called in his head. Lucifer turned to Cas who looked terrified by the prayer he'd also heard. "if you heard any of that Castiel then you know I have to do this" Lucifer said before walking off. Dean looked at Cas, he still had a look of horror "what's going on? What's he talking about Cas?" he asked. cas lowered his head "they are using y/n screams and prayers to torture Lucifer, to make him angry and it's working. they are torturing her to make Lucifer mad enough to tear the planet apart" cas said trying to think of a way to stop this and save his friend.

-----F O L L O W-----

-----C O M M E N T-----

-----V O T E-----

-----R E Q U E S T-----

-----E N J O Y-----

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