My Dad's Girlfriend

By prettyliar0199

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A year after Emily's mom passes away, her dad meets a new woman but she's a little younger than him. In fact... More

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By prettyliar0199

Alison's POV

Emily and I are currently laying together on the blankets while looking up at the stars. Her head is laying on my chest while her arm is draped across my stomach. My fingers run through her hair slowly, something Emily likes me to do.

"Thank you for tonight." Emily breathes and looks up at me with a smile. I smile back at her and kiss her forehead.

"Of course. I wanted our first date to be special."

"Well, it was." Emily smiles again. I love her smile. Every time she does, her eyes light up the entire place. 

"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" My voice is light while my eyes search Emily's eyes. I always seem to get lost in them. 

Instead of saying anything, Emily leans in and presses her soft lips against mine. The kiss is gentle and full of passion. Her kisses are so much different than all the guys I have kissed in my life. They were always rough and slimy.

That's only because they only wanted one thing from me. I'd never let them though because I'm not that kind of girl. I have only slept with one guy and that's when I was trying to figure out who I was as a person at the age of sixteen. I was so lost at that age. I thought there was something wrong with me so I wanted to change my mind.

When the opportunity presented itself, I took it. I will never forget that night. It's not one of those nights where you can't forget what happened because it was the best thing that has ever happened to you. It was one of those nights where you can't forget because you regret it so much. And I did. I regretted sleeping with him because, in the back of my mind, I already knew who I was.

But I wanted to change. At that age, I thought it was wrong because my friends thought it was wrong to like the same gender. So I did what any other scared and confused girl would do.

Pretend to be someone I'm not.

At first, it was surprisingly easy to pretend to like boys. But then when guys started throwing themselves at me when I turned seventeen because puberty hit me, I couldn't handle it anymore.  I hated the fact that guys would do that. It grossed me out but of course, I had to pretend that it didn't around my friends.

That's all Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline would talk. Boys, boys, boys. Then that's when it all came crashing down on me at once. I realized I had a thing for Caroline.

Now I'm here. Kissing the girl of my dreams. Emily is so perfect and so amazing. I love her so much and I wouldn't trade the day I met her for anything in this world. Because she is my world.

Emily's hand slips under my shirt, caressing my side, igniting my skin on fire with her touch. Her hand slides further and further up before it runs across the side of my breast, making me moan. I'm glad I decided to not wear a bra.

I figured Emily would pull away, freaked out that she touched me there but she doesn't. She just keeps running her hand along my skin making goosebumps rise.

As the kiss deepens, I slowly make my way on top of Emily, not breaking the kiss. I use one elbow to hold myself up so I don't have all of my weight on her. I pull away from her lips and go straight to her neck.

I can't hold back anymore. I want all of her. I just hope she wants all of me. What if she doesn't? What if she doesn't stop me when she wants me to because she's afraid to say no? I need to make sure.

"Em?" I look her in the eyes but I don't need to say anything else because she knows what I'm asking.

"I want to touch you, Ali. I want all of you." She breathes, looking down at my lips. I nod my head with a smile and kiss her again. The kiss is slow and full of love and passion.

Emily's hands grab the hem of my shirt and slowly begins to pull it upwards. I sit up slightly and pull it off the rest of the way. My eyes look at Emily to see her staring at my breasts. Her eyes are a darker shade of color and I smile.

Emily's POV

Whenever Ali takes her shirt off, everything just seemed to disappear from my mind. The feeling of me being afraid and worried about what Ali might think of me with my clothes off, disappear.

Alison leans back in and kisses me on the lips. I guess she was getting nervous about me just staring at her without moving. My hands move to her back before they run down, feeling every inch of her smooth skin.

"Emily." Alison moans and I know what she wants me to do. In the back of my mind, a part of me is afraid that I won't be good enough for her but I'm not going to stop now.

I flip Alison over so I'm on top of her. My lips start from her mouth and then trail down to her neck before placing light feather kisses all the way down to her chest, the smell of her vanilla scent intoxicating me. I kiss each one of her breasts and then kiss down all the way to where the hem of her pants her.

My eyes look up to a breathless Ali for permission. The moment she nods her head yes, I unzip her jeans and pull them off of her. My lips come down in between her legs as I trail up to her inner thigh.

Before I can even do anything else, Ali pulls me upward and then flips us over. Her lips hungrily land on mine as her hands trail under my shirt. Her hand slides to the back of my bra before unclipping it with a little struggle. I lean forward and pull my shirt off and then pull my bra off.

Alison pushes me gently back down and immediately puts her mouth onto my left breast. I bite down on to my bottom lip to keep from moaning out loud. The last thing I need to do is attract some wild animal.

I have never felt this in my entire life and it feels amazing. I'm glad I didn't rush to have sex with the first guy I talked to which was Ben. He was a great guy but that ended when I realized who I really was.

Ali pulls away from teasing my skin and looks at me. "You're so intoxicating." She kisses my lips with a smile.

Alison's hand slips into my pants before slipping inside my underwear. I take a deep breath trying to prepare myself for a night that I would never forget.


"You slut!" Hanna shoves me as we walk into another store at the mall. I had just told her and Aria that me and Ali finally slept together. I can't seem to stop smiling about it. It was amazing. Ali was amazing. "I want details!"

"Well, at least wait until I'm not around. I do not want to hear all about it. If I want to hear something like two people having sex in detail, I'll just download wattpad and read it myself." Aria laughs while shaking her head. 

I silently thank Aria with a smile. Maybe I will get lucky and Hanna will forget all about it later.

"I still can't believe you are eighteen." Hanna states as she looks through the clothes on the rack. "I wish I was eighteen already." 

"Hey, try being the youngest out of your two best friends. It sucks." Aria sighs with a playful eye roll.

"Thank you guys for spending time with me on my birthday. I appreciate it."

"Of course, Em." Hanna and Aria say at the same time. I smile before pulling them into a hug.

I have amazing friends and an amazing girlfriend. What more can I need?

I know I didn't go much into detail with Emily's and Ali's first time but it was because I didn't know how all of you would feel about it😐 Anywayysss hope you enjoy this chapter😊😊

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