.Rise And Fall.

By takenbyshawnbut_

1.9M 66.3K 10.6K

Highest ranking: #1 in Rise. #1 in Fall. #1 in... More

.Rise And Fall.
.Rise and Fall. (1)
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.Author's Note And Cast.
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.Bonus Chapter.
.Bonus Chapter.

.Rise and Fall. (49)

19K 777 121
By takenbyshawnbut_

|Chapter: 49|

"After forty years when Landon is at the age 57, he still loves Jamie and wears her ring. The story finishes by him saying, 'I now believe, by the way that miracles can happen'", I finished the story quoting the last part as I fold his last shirt.

"Thats it?", he asked sitting up from his sleeping position like he couldn't digest the ending. "Yeah", I said walking towards the wardrobe to put the clothes in.

"But that's total bullcrap. I mean what a fucking tragic end", he frowned. Thats how I felt the first time too. After reading for the uncountable times I've got used to it. I even remember few quotes.

"Not all stories have a happy ending. We should concentrate more in what it taught us through the journey."

"And what exactly is that?"

"They were two different worlds. Despite that something held them together, love", it felt weird to say the word love with him. "There's a movie too. The plot is a bit different but eventually draws back our attention to the same thing", I tried to lighten up the mood.

I closed the door and when I turned around to see him, he seemed to be in a deep thought. He was just staring in the distance looking lost. "Nick?"

He shook his head and look up at me. "Can I tell you a story?"

"Yes why not." I excitedly sat down at the chair. He sat at the edge of the bed and studied his hands for a while before he started.

"There was.. this little boy. He was good but not as good as his brother. He wanted to be loved like the way everyone loved Jade. But.. but they...", he looked away, unable to continue with his story. Then I realised that little boy is him.

I quickly stood up before I ran to him. I engulfed him in a hug. He held me tight, his face buried in my stomach. He was shaking.

"Its okay you don't have to say." I rubbed his back, resting my face on his head. I wish I could take his pain away. He shook his head negatively.

"Fuck! I don't want to lose you."

"I'm here always." I kissed his hair.

He pulled me on the bed with him. We sat facing each other, legs folded and I saw the way his eyes were burning red, like he was about to cry. It hurt me so much to look at him, his dishevelled state but still good looking.

"Jade was the perfect son any parents could ask for", he started again. "He had straight A in every report card and the only A I had was in sports. Being the smart kid he always got everything his way and dad supported him all along. He kept mocking me how everyone in the family loved him more than me. I was angry, hurt and at some point I started to doubt if I was really their blood. Indeed, I wasn't. My mom had an affair with a guy, my biological father." He paused, breathing deeply. "Anyway, I wanted everything Jade had except Julia Arrington, the girl he was crazily in love with. And yes, she is Stella's sister."

I nodded slowly telling him to go on.

"On Jade's fourteenth birthday, Arringtons came to our house to celebrate. Dad kept on ranting about his perfect son on and on during the whole meal. He didn't even once complimented about the soccer trophy I achieved on the same day. I didn't need that but just one congratulation is what I wanted or even a pat on my back would've been enough. I was so done with Jade and his perfect life. I really despised him with every bone in my body so I decided to give him the best birthday gift...", he said gloomily.

8 years ago.
(Nickel's POV)

"Why don't you kids go and play while we set the barbecue?", my mom chirped happily walking around the house.

"Mom can I just go for my soccer practice?", I pleaded. I had enough listening to them and their ranting about my brother.

"Nick honey, its your brother's birthday. Can't you just abandon that ball for a day? Plus, I don't want your dad to get mad", she kneeled infront of me cupping my face.

"Get mad for what?", dad's stern voice made her stand up. She played with her fingers nervously.

I wasn't scared of him. I stood my ground unlike Jade. "I'm going for my practice", I stated, trying to sound brave.

"You and your stupid little ball", he spatted before lifting his hand. I closed my eyes and waited for the slap but it never came. When I opened it, I saw Stella standing infront of me.

"Uncle Black. Can I take Nicky to play with me?", she asked giving him her sweet smile. He sighed and waved his hands, "Just go take him anywhere, out of my sight. He is nothing, but a disgrace."

After we left the kitchen, my parents started to argue about the same old things. His hate was so strong that I could even feel it radiating from him, everytime he yelled at me or hit me even for the smallest mistake. I was only a disgrace to him, to the family.

"Thank you." I frowned looking at the girl in her pink polka dot dress. She smiled sheepishly looking down at her ballet shoes.

"Why do you always do that?", I asked, irritated.

"I like saving you. So what do you want to play?"

I shrugged. "Nothing.."

I sat down on the porch with the ball placed between my legs, and she followed suit. I turned to look at her, annoyed by her actions but she only smiled in return. I was in no mood to talk to anyone even Stella Arrington, the girl who just saved me. I huffed tiredly atlast and tried to ignore her presence.

I kept watching the charming Jade spinning his ball on one finger showing it off to Julia. She stupidly giggled at his impressing skills. They looked so happy. Why couldn't I be that happy? Why is life so unfair?

"What's the plan then?", Stella suddenly asked with a sly smile.

"What are you talking about?"

She came closer and whispered, "Don't you want to play a little game? With them?" She pointed at the happy couple.

I smirked as a perfect prank crossed my mind.

Stella convinced her sister to go the river just like I told her to. Because if Julia goes, Jade is the attached pack with her. No doubt he will let her get out of his sight even for a minute, that's how much he loves her. In less than ten minutes we made it to the Lockswood river.

I checked the current of the river. It was perfect, not to slow or even fast. We had all planned and I was only waiting for the right time.

"Alright I go first", Stella announced standing on the peak, ready to jump. I saw Jade freaking out looking at the flowing river beside Julia, who was clapping her hands excitedly waiting for her sister to jump. I knew he was not so athletic like me, and a very bad swimmer, something I can beat him at. I ran up to them, and took my shirt off.

"I am after you", I said.

She jumped and a plop sound came when she met the surface of the water. We were waiting for her to resurface up but she didn't. Julia quickly went on the side looking for her sister with a slight frown on her face.

"Stella! Where are you?" I could hear the panic in her voice even when she tried to muster with calmness.

"Stella please don't play this stupid jokes you're freaking me out." She kept running to the side, going to the direction where the water was flowing, looking for her.

"Jade do something. I can't see her, I can't see my sister", she started crying, breaking the faćade. "Stella..", she hysterically shouted.

Jade didn't know what to do and at the same time he didn't want to see the girl he was in love with cry. He was visibly trembling with fear, looking at the river and then back at crying Julia, hesitantly and I only smirked.

"There is she, she is drowning Jade. Someone please help my sister." She cried out louder this time, asking for help. But people rarely came to this side of the river, an isolated and the abandoned part of the small town.

"Yeah I.. I'll...", he gulped.

"You want to help her?", I asked, purposely watching his pathetic state.

"Y-yes but I...."

I didn't let him finish. "Then go help her", with that I pushed him in into the river and didn't regret once, when I saw him struggling to come up on the surface, his arms wailing as he tried to keep his face out of the depths.

"Nick, help me.. I'm I'm ....drowning. I can-cannot swim", he begged.

"So do you agree that you're not perfect?", I asked ignoring his begging, meanwhile Stella came up to the riverside just like we planned.

"Y-yes... please...I I can't breathe", he said breathlessly, his body getting carried away with the flow. I smirked and watched his miserable self for a while, enjoying the feeling of being better than him at something. For the first time, he was defeated by me.

"You owe me, big brother", I said before throwing my body in the river too. I came up and when I looked for him, he wasn't there. This must be one of his prank, I thought as I kept searching for him, or he'd come out of somewhere to scare me.

Minutes passed, I searched for him everywhere I could, but he was nowhere to be found. Now, it was my turn to freak out as some horrible scenes cross my mind and all the horror came true when I saw his back floating. I managed to carry his body to the shore. The sisters came running to where I was trying to hear his beat and then checked his pulse. He wasn't moving. I couldn't believe it, this has to be a prank.

"Jade if this is one of your prank to get back at me then, I swear its not funny", I yelled hitting his chest almost crying. I tried pumping water out but nothing worked. I shook him vigorously. His body was still and lying there lifeless. 

He wasn't breathing.

He wasn't moving.

He wasn't smirking like he always did.

He was pale.

He was dead.

"Wh-what have y-you done?" Julia fell on her knees and that was the last thing she ever said to me.


"Later I found out he had respiratory problems, the reason why he always avoided swimming or any sports. Dad tried to disown me after that but mom begged him not to." He hang his head low like in shame, he couldn't look me in the eyes. I didn't know I was crying.

He really killed his brother. But he had no intention to and it was just an accident. Right? I tried to think it positively, be an optimist.

"I'm a m-monster Rena", he voice cracked at the end. My heart clenched with pain for him. There was so many things running in my head, but nothing could've stopped my heart from defending him when I knew he was wrong.

"Do you regret it?", I asked, softly.

"Every single day of my life.. I cannot forget his face while he begged, I cannot wipe away my sin, I cannot forgive myself.. I'm a mon.."

I don't know what got in me. I instantly pulled him into a hug, stopping him from calling himself that. I should be pushing him away, but I wasn't strong enough. My love for him was more than his biggest mistake of his life. He held me tight to him like his life depended on me. I felt warm tears in the crook of my neck. He was crying. I pulled way to look at the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen, so mesmerising. Rubbing his tears away, I kissed his cheek lightly.

"Despite everything y-you don't hate me? Y-You're not leaving m-me?", he asked, surely not able to believe.

"Why would I do that?" I cupped his face, looking straight at him.

"Because I'm a monster who killed his own brother", his lips quivered.

"You regret it so you're not. Never, never call yourself that again", I warned. "We all make mistakes, the difference is some can be repented and some cannot, but the important part is if you have learned to accept them, you regret them." 

He quickly pulled me in for a kiss. Slowly and passionately he ran his lips on mine, he poured all his emotion in one kiss. Like he was searching the truth in my words, like he was sealing me with a promise, like he was proven wrong, he kissed me like I would disappear.

He pushed my back on the bed before hovering over my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. His grip on my hips were tight and dominating, now.

We pulled away when out of breathe. He rubbed my lower lip with his thumb, his eyes tracing the movement.

"Now I can finally ask you out", he said, making my heart skip a beat.

"I've always wanted this but not before I told you my past. I didn't want to keep you in dark. Now that you know everything about me and I've no secret left to tell you." He took a deep breath.

"Serena Anne Williams, I may not be the perfect boyfriend, I may not shower you with compliments, I may come to you with bruises on my face instead of flowers in my hand, my fist may be super active to hit any guy who even thinks to hit on you. But despite all these flaws for which you'll hate me, I will always love you more and even more. Will you be my girlfriend?" I could feel the thumping of his heart which matched with mine. 

I was dumbfounded, my heart trying to spill out from my ribs and words got struck in my throat. He was waiting impatiently staring at me, pinning me down with his dark pulls. This beautiful human already had me enchanted, and this better not be a dream, I thought. I nodded my head bitting my lower lip trying to fight back the smile, no a wide grin. Happy, or any word is not enough to explain how I was feeling.

"Does that mean yes?"

"Yes, it is a yes", I squealed.

"I love you, Rena", he whispered ever so softly, making my stomach flip and a whole jungle going wild inside.

I closed my eyes smiling, "I love you, Nick."


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