All Over Again (Liam Payne)

By Dani_Payne_Horan

6.4K 265 42

After many years of friendship Bethany Harris finds herself loosely in love with her best friend which happen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 23

76 6 1
By Dani_Payne_Horan

Beth's P.O.V

I decided to wake up early today, I had enough time to finish packing my stuff and prepare a small breakfast for me and my mom, just toasted some bagels, some fruit and orange juice. Usually my mom is up before me, it's almost 8 o'clock in the morning and I'm the only one awake, even Cooper hasn't moved from his bed, it's saturday and I bet almost everyone is resting from a long week.

While I was sitting in one of the kitchen chairs my phone next to me lit up, I checked the screen and it's a new message.

'Good morning Beth, hope you have that beautiful smile on your face today, enjoy your day love xxx'

Oh my God, that is so cute! I need a moment to let that sink in.

He called me beautiful! We'll not exactly me but my smile! I feel like a thirteen years old girl with a crush. But let's face it, Liam has been my 'secret love' since I was eleven, since the day when he climbed up my window on a summer night, the day when he saw me crying because my grandpa passed away, he stayed till late with me until he was sure I was okay.

Eight years later and he's still the reason why my heart skips a beat every time I hear his name.

But going back to the text, I should reply.

'I'm smiling now, thanks Liam xx:)'

I stared at the screen for a while waiting for his reply, and two minutes later my phone lit up again

'Hey I didn't know you were already awake, usually you're up later' said his message

I typed again quickly,

'I know but today I woke up early so I finish packing, but why are you up so early too?'

I counted the minutes and almost three minutes later he replied back,

'Rehearsal and I like going to the gym early in the morning ;)' Just imagining Liam at the gym working out, geez that's too hot for my brain to handle.

'No wonder you're so fit now :)' I texted and pressed the send button.

A while later he replied

'You like it?;)' Oh hell yes I do!

'Maybe, I won't tell you :p' I replied

I felt a presence behind me, I turn my head and my mom was standing right behind me, I jumped surprise, God she is really quiet! I didn't notice when she walked down here,

"Mom you scared me" I said pressing my hand on my chest feeling my heart beating fast,

"Sorry, you looked really concentrated on your phone" she said smiling "Who are you talking with?" She asked?

I looked down my phone and I felt how my cheeks started blushing,

"Umm, it's Liam" I said hiding my face so she wouldn't notice me blushing,

"Yeah I can tell, that's why you're daydreaming already" she said laughing pouring some coffee in her mug,

"Pfft, what? No mom..." I said trying to lie, but off course she is the woman who gave birth to me and I can't fool her, she stared at me and raised one eyebrow,

"Mmmh, Bethany I know you like Liam since you had like ten or nine years old" Dammit she knows me so well,

"Actually since I was eleven" I corrected her, any way she had to know it and obviously I haven't done a good job trying to hide the truth from her,

"Aww I always knew it" she said taking a plate and some bagels "So tell me, did you guys kissed during the trip?" -I wish- she take a seat in front on me now paying closer attention,

"Mom! No we didn't, and nothing is going to happen between us" sad but maybe true "I bet Liam has already dated a super beautiful top model and c'mon he would never be interest in me when he can have any girl he wants" I said and now I'm realizing the small amount of chances I have with him.

Great I made my self sad.

"But what if you are the girl he wants?" My mom said and that made me think, but as far as I know he only sees me like his best friend or his sister,

"I don't know mom, I think if I am the girl he would have already shown it to me" but wait, maybe he had and I haven't noticed it yet.

"Just open your eyes, sometimes you can't see the things you don't want to believe" that's deep and true,

"You always know what to say" I said smiling "thanks mom" I stood up and place a kiss the top of her head,

"I'll go take a shower" I said taking the last bite of my bagel.

I went upstairs and into the bathroom. I took my time under the shower letting the water spray in my back and then washing my hair.

When I was done I went to my room with the towel wrapped around me and my hair wet. I changed into the clothe I prepared for today, just some shorts, a basic black top and a blue flannel with my white Converse.

I was blow drying my hair when my mom walked in my room, she sat down on my bed and I could see her through the mirror that she was staring at me,

"You are growing so fast Bethany," she said letting out a sigh "and every day I'm getting older" she added chuckling

"I'm still your little girl mom" I said turning off the blow dryer,

"I feel like it was just yesterday when you first started high school" she said

"I know, it's crazy how time flies by" I said sitting by her side, I put my arm around her and gave her a tight hug "I love you mom" I said,

"I love you too sweetie" she said kissing my forehead

"I better start taking my stuff downstairs" I said standing up before my mom starts crying,

She let out another sigh "Okay, I'll just go take a quick shower" she said standing up and out my room,

I took another glare around my room before I go, I'll be back during Christmas but that's like in four months. I took my bag and walked downstairs, but someone stopped me, Cooper was standing at the end of the stairs with both of his pointy ears down, my heart broke in million pieces looking at his sad face,

"Aww, Cooper" I said putting my bag down and sitting next to him "I wish I could take you with me" I said picking him up and placing him on my lap "I'll miss you buddy" I scratched his head and he buried his face on my arm,

"Take care of mom, okay?" I said like if he understood what I'm saying to him, I cupped his face on my hands and placed a kiss on his head,

I put him down, then I stood up and grabbed my bag. I heard the shower upstairs turning off, and then my moms foot steps walking to her room. A few minutes later she was walking downstairs were I was sitting in the living room.

"Are you gonna eat something before you leave?" She asked

"Don't think so, I'm not hungry" I said "maybe I will buy something to eat on the way" I added,

"Okay then," she said standing by the stairs looking down, I stood up and walked toward her. Time to say goodbye.

"Guess I have to go" I said "bye mom" I wrapped her on a hug and she hugged me back immediately, I took a deep breath trying to print her sweet scent on my head,

"Take care baby" she said "drive carefully okay" she added still hugging me,

"Yes mom" I answered.

I took my bag and my car keys, we walked to the door and she gave me one last hug and a kiss on my cheeks before I opened the door,

She smiled and I smiled back too, I opened the door and walked outside toward my black Volkswagen. I opened the back door and placed my bag on the back seats. I opened my door and before I got in my car I waved goodbye to my mom who was holding Cooper on her arms, she waved back and then I got inside.

I put the keys on the engine and then drives my car away from my neighborhood.

I drove like ten minutes when I remembered I wanted to buy some cupcakes for Phoebe and Tony. There's a bakery near where I am right now where they make great cupcakes, I kept driving and soon I was already parking in front the bakery.

A small bell dinged when I opened the door and I inhaled the smell of cakes and cookies. I walked toward the glass counter where they have all the different variety of cupcakes, is so overwhelming, all of them looks delicious,

"Hello my name is Amy, how can I help you?" a young girl asked behind the counter

"Hi," I replied with a smile "can I have one red velvet cupcake" that one is for Phoebe "one lemon cupcake," for Tony "and one blueberry cupcake please" I asked politely to the girl,

"Sure," she replied taking a pink box serving the three cupcakes I asked.

At the back of the counter I saw some beautiful and fluffy macaroons. Oh hell yes I'm gonna buy some macaroons,

"Umm, excuse me, can I have some macaroons too?" I asked the girl

"Of course, which one would you like" she asked,

I wondered about it for a while but then I made a choice "two raspberry, two caramel ad two pistachio macarons please" I said, the girl nodded and put the six macaroons on the same pink box.

"Anything else?" She asked

"No that's it" I replied

I paid for what I ordered and then leaving the bakery carrying the small box with me. I got inside my car again and drove to my apartment.


It was almost 4pm when I finally got to my apartment. I took out my keys and opened the front door. Nobody is in the living room and the apartment is really quiet, usually that's not normal especially when Tony is around. I put down my stuff and walked behind the couch.

Suddenly someone tackled me from behind making both of us land on the sofa,

"Beth!!" Phoebe shriek on my ear "You're back!!" She said excited,

"Hey Phoebs" I managed to say with my face squished between the couch and Phoebe's arm on my face, "Phoebe, I can't breath" I said trying to catch some air,

"Oh sorry" she stood up and I was able to breath properly, but soon enough Tony came from the kitchen and he hurried to lift me up on a bone crashing hug, now I think I have a broken rib.

"Bethers!" He said excited too "we missed you" he said putting me back on the ground,

"I missed you too guys" I said smiling "hope you didn't have so much fun without me" I teased them,

"Don't worry we left the fun stuff until you came back" Phoebe said and I chuckled,

"So how was your trip?" Tony asked,

"Great, I needed to spend some time at home" I replied "Oh! And I brought you guys something" I said walking toward the table were I left the pink box with the treats "Who wants a cupcake?" I said and they both hurried to my side to grab the stuff I bought them,

"A lemon cupcake for you" I said handing the small cake to Tony,

"Oh thanks" he said taking the cupcake,

"One red velvet for you" I gave Phoebe her cupcake,

"Aw, thank you" she said smiling,

"And a blueberry for me" I took mine a I take a bite from it, Tony finished his like in too bites and he was trying to take a bite from Phoebe's cupcake,

"I got some macarons for later too" I said taking the box and walking to the kitchen,

"So what should we do now?" I asked,

"We already got that covered" Phoebe said taking a seat on the kitchen table,

"Really?" I said surprised,

"Yeah, first we'll order some food and we'll have a movie marathon" she said and I smile,

"That sounds great" I said happily,

"Oh Phoebe, before I forget it, Louis called me yesterday and the lads are planning a surprise party for Liam next week" I said reminding about the event,

"Next week?" She asked concerned,

"Yeah the twenty-nine" I answered her question,

"Beth I can't, my cousin is coming from Florida and I promised my parents I would pick her up from the airport" she said sadly,

I was disappointed, I really wanted her to come with me "It's okay, I'm sure they will understand" I said

"Sorry I would've loved to go with you" she said,

"Don't worry, it's okay" I said giving her a reassuring smile,

"So girls, what do you prefer?" Tony said coming from the living room "Pizza or Chinese food?" He asked

"Chinese food" I said at the same time as Phoebe,

Basically the day ended with us eating Chinese food, watching comedy films and a call from Liam before I went to bed.

Author's Note:

Hi guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I think I wont be able to upload next week the new chapter sorry :(

And I wanted to thank @Julie_Patenaude2500 for all her lovely comments, thanks for reading my story and I'm really glad you like it :) <3


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