Reincarnation of a human to b...

By yomushosetsu

340K 7.8K 988

The story is about a person named Zach who got reincarnated to another world but for some reason he became a... More

Chapter 2-God's blessing
Chapter 3-The Forgotten forest
Chapter 4-First encounter
Chapter 5-Cheat skill
Chapter 6-Cooking
Chapter 7-Exploring
Chapter 8-Exhausting magic
Chapter 9-Being Human
Chapter 10-Golem
Chapter 11-Unknown material and building
Chapter 12-House
Chapter 13-Meeting humans
Chapter 14-Introducing oneself and nonsensical magic
Chapter 15-Visit
Chapter 16-Testing the fire crystal
Chapter 17-Earth worm
Chapter 18-Mysterious person
Chapter 19-Getting stronger
Chapter 20-Revive
Chapter 21-Evolution possibilities
Chapter 22-Weapons?!
Chapter 23-Paron's boring lecture
Chapter 24-New system and Zach's past
Chapter 25-System's new uses
Chapter 26-Preparation
Chapter 27-Inside Paron's dream
Chapter 28-Meeting a fox(?)
Chapter 29-Fight with a fox
Chapter 30-Fenrir
Chapter 31-Bringing a fox home
Chapter 32-Eternal companion
Chapter 33-The plan
New Book!
Chapter 34-Infiltrating an information room
Chapter 35-Packing up
Chapter 36- Entering a kingdom
Self rant and reflection
Chapter 37-Waiting in line
Chapter 38-Taking the test
Chapter 39-New members
Chapter 40-System "Moonlight"
Chapter 41-The troubled demon
Chapter 42-Hints about the past
Chapter 42.5-WTF?!
Chapter 43-The condition
Chapter 44-The signal
Chapter 45-Gods shall bow down
Chapter 46-Return of the genius
Chapter 47-Defending a kingdom
Chapter 48-The researcher
Chapter 49-The start of something worse
Chapter 50-Scorpio
Chapter 51-Suprise
Chapter 52-Tears of the past
Chapter 53-A way back home
New book has been released!!

Chapter 1-God's offer

18.7K 373 42
By yomushosetsu

I can see a bright light around me and as the light disappears I can see an Old person wearing a white robe.
"Is this heaven?"(Zach)
"No you are not"(Old man)
"Then what is this place?"(Zach)
"This the gods realm i called your soul to this realm because you were able to sacrifice your life for a person who has still many years to live for and can contribute something great to humankind"(Old man)
"What do you mean by 'contribute something'?"(Zach)
"Basically it mean development of new medicine, or technology, in other terms advancing science"(Old man)
"So what will happen to me then?"(Zach)
"You will live a new and happy life in another world different from yours"(Old man)
"My life was already happy what's the difference?"(Zach)
"In the world that you will live your new life it has magic and monsters"(Old man)
"Magic?!... and monsters huh"(Zach)
When I heard the words magic and monsters it got me excited and depressed at the same time I mean im talking about monsters they could be really dangerous that they can kill me with ease.
"You don't have to worry about them because I will grant you powers so you can defend against them"(Old man)
"Okay but i have two requests can you please listen to it?"(Zach)
"Okay i'll listen to your requests"(Old man)
"My first request is can you please keep my family happy because I know that without me they will be sad"(Zach)
"And the second one?"(Old man)
"It is for you to keep me safe in the other world"
"Your requests sounds fair enough"(Old man)
"Thank you very much!"(Zach)
"I will send you to the other world now, but first lets check your stats and choose your race"(Old man)
"Okay show me my stats"(Zach)
Name:Zach Tempest
Active skills:Cooking, Cleaning
Passsive skills:Disease resistance
"Your stats look normal no problems in it at all"(Old man)
"So can i choose my race now?"(Zach)
"Be patient Zach we have all the time in the world so no need to hurry"(Old man)
"Okay Old man"(Zach)
"That hurts my feelings"(Old man)
"Can you please show me the races?"(Zach)
'You just ignored it?!'(Old man)
'The Old man looks surprised just now what did I do to make him look so surprised?'(Zach)
"Okay i'll show you the races in that world"(Old man)

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