Camp Waters

By dailydosexii

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He looked down, it was so silent the only thing filling my ears was the sound of the fire crackling. "Why are... More

Chapter 1: I Don't Do Pigeon Carriers
Chapter 2: 400 Year Long Journey To The Restroom
Chapter 3: Did somebody burn a Smurf?
Chapter 4: Bree I'm uncomfortable!
Chapter 5: The Taste of Snarky Bitch
Chapter 6: Ready to be a counselor?
Chapter 7: Drunk Thoughts and Mystery Machine
Chapter 8:Puppy with Influenza
Chapter 9: Do You Have A Seahorse?
Chapter 10: Shitty Weddings, Shitty People
Chapter 11: Traffic Light
Chapter Negative 12
Chapter 13: It Was The Bears
Chapter 15: Whiplash
Chapter 16: A Night of Mysteries
Chapter 17: The Stupid Creek
Chapter 18: He Broke Me
Chapter 19: The Odd Ones Out
Chapter 20: A Camp Telenovela
Chapter 21: Soccor skills and New counselors! Yay?
Chapter 22: The Vampire Diaries
Chapter 23: It all makes sense.
Chapter 24: You Owe Me 15 Dollars
Chapter 25: I like someone.
Chapter 26: First Kiss

Chapter 14: It Was On People's Magazine

4.8K 198 70
By dailydosexii

I haven't updated in a week so if you don't remember the conversation I'd suggest you refresh a little.

I took a deep breath before continuing "No asking about our pasts."

"What if I want to ask you what your favorite color was when you were eleven?"

"Ugh, guess you'll just have to go the rest of your life not knowing." I fake pouted and he snickered in response.

"Fine Pussypants."

I practically choked on air, "What in the world is a Pussypants?"

Carson was a weird guy, I'd give him that. I figured that out the first day I met him, I also figured out how good looking a guy can look in a leather jacket.

But that's irrelevant.

"A Pussypants is you, now lets get on with the game shall we, I have somewhere to be." He pinched my left side making me squirm underneath him.

"Where would that be exactly?"

"Your bed." He wiggled his eyebrows and an unattractive snort escaped me. "Go head, ask a question already. I'm not getting any younger."

"No just stupider." I said making him push me lightly.

"Ask the question Jones."

"Favorite movie?" I claimed as I straightened myself up and gave him a humored look.

"What if my favorite movie was also my favorite move five years ago? Wouldn't that pertain to the 'no asking about the past rule?' I think you're contradicting yourself here." He smirked and I rolled my eyes intensely.


"Fine Mr.Pussypants, what's a movie that you favor immensely but wasn't part of your childhood what's so ever."

"Woah I'm Mr.Pussypants? I get you're in love with me Bree but I didn't expect us to get married so soon. Won't our early marriage affect our soon to be banana obsessed child? I read that getting married too early can be harmful to your health."

If someone heard our conversation right now, would they think we're both part of an mental institution or just him?

"Where exactly did you read that?" I narrowed my eyes at him but the playful grin never left his stupidly symmetrical face.

Why did he have to be so good looking?

I really need to stop hanging out with him.

"It was on a People's magazine." he shrugged.

"Shut up and answer the question!" I punched his shoulder and he laughed once again. He seemed to be laughing a lot tonight, maybe I really was destined to be a comedian.

"I can't just pick one movie, there are endless genres with endless plots and characters and settings. I can't just choose one."

"That seems to be your motto for a lot of things huh."

He frowned at me.

"I'm not just some man whore who sleeps with girls every night." He looked mildly upset and a wrinkle in my brow appeared.

"No, it's okay Carson. I understand you only sleep with a different girl on Mondays and Tuesdays."

That was a good one Bree.

"I've only been with Hilary these past couple of weeks."

"Like that's any better..." I muttered, trying to ignore his intense stare on me.

"Let's just drop it, we need a new question." He thought for a moment before continuing, "What's the best kiss you've ever received?"

Do I tell him I've only kissed one guy? My cheeks started to heat up, whether it was from embarrassment or the fact that I was talking about kissing with Carson.

"I've only kissed one guy." I barely said, breathing out my words in hopes that they would float away in the air and the topic would be over.

God when did our conversation turn to this.

"What?" He leaned in closer and turned so his ear was closer to my mouth and he could hear better.

"I've only kissed one guy." I said louder this time, whatever, he might as well drop me for being a pathetic loser now before I screw myself over anyways.

He turned to face me, without speaking a single word. Maybe he was studying me or maybe he was figuring ways to drop me in the water and run to go tell everyone that little Miss Pussypants has only kissed one boy. In other places besides my area, kissing only one boy might have not been such a big deal.

But this wasn't another area.

This was whore town USA.

"I've only kissed three girls."

I raised my head from where I was looking, I couldn't tell what was worse, the fact that he was lying right now or the fact that it was almost mocking me.

"Yeah, of course I believe that. Did you know that I'm actually Beyoncé and that I'm only at camp to hide from the press. I'm actually 67 weeks pregnant with my new baby girl, her name's Sebastian. Isn't that ironic?" I claimed waving my head around sarcastically.

"I don't know what that...was." He said pointing to my face almost like he was holding in a laugh. "But I'm being serious, I hook up with girls a lot. We know that, but I never kiss them."

"How can you hook up with somebody and never kiss them?" I lifted my eyebrow in confusion and sighed running my hand through my wet hair.

Carson is a stressful guy.

"Easy, you kiss them everywhere but the mouth. I kiss them on the neck and the chest and well you know..."

Gag me.

"Okay I get it. Why wouldn't you kiss them though?"

"Well because sex is so different, I feel like if you don't kiss someone it's not real. Like a kiss has so much meaning, it shows how attracted you are to that person, how much love you have for one another. I feel like in a way, a kiss can portrait emotions and passion and everything you want to tell another person without really telling them." He wasn't even looking at me anymore, he was staring into the distance and I could feel my jaw hanging wide open.

Who am I even talking to?

It was weird hearing Carson talk about his personal life, not just about how his soccer game went or how many girls he hooked up with last night. It felt like I was hearing a side of him not a lot of people got to see. I had been so wrapped up in my problems that I didn't even realize that Carson was facing his own inner demons as well.


"But you've been to parties right? You've never played spin the bottle?"

"I don't play games like that Bree, I party and stuff but I usually just watch those games."

I felt like I was meeting a whole different person, a person who didn't kiss a bunch of girls because he cared so deeply about the meaning of a kiss, a person who couldn't pick just one movie to love because he had such a vast collection of thoughts on each movie. A person who has been holding me up for the past 45 minutes just so I'm comfortable.

A person who came running after me and waited while I took a shower just so he could make it up to me.

He's making it really hard not to absolutely utterly fall in love with him.

"Have you kissed Hilary?"

"Well yeah I've kissed Hilary."


"So she means something to you?"

"Well... I mean..." He scratched the back of his head with his hand and I could feel my heart sink a little. I wasn't going to let myself get hurt over a stupid guy, I wasn't going to let myself become attached to something that wasn't even mine.

I wouldn't be able to handle it again.

"You obviously feel something when you're with her, you should just ask her out. Who cares?" I said nonchalantly, I surprised my words didn't croak out.

They usually do when I'm lying.

"I'm not going to ask her out." He narrowed his eyes at me and I could see something flicker in his eyes.

Regret? Sadness?

Probably not.

"Stop getting all serious, let's change the subject." I said shaking our eye contact and storing my feelings way down in my box.

It's safe and protected in my box, I keep all of my big emotional issues there and lock them away forever.

It's like casket for my feelings.

"Do you want to go to sleep away for the counselors this week?" I looked at him with confusion and he gave me a faint laugh.

"It's when all the counselors go away for the weekend to another part of the forest and camp out for two nights. Since all the little campers are going to be busy all Saturday and Sunday, we head down there on Saturday morning and come back on Monday morning. We're gonna eat s'mores, play stupid games, swim you know that stuff." He shrugged.

"You want me... as Bree come? I'm a camper." My reaction must have been pretty funny seeing as a loud laugh escaped his lips.

"Who cares if you're a camper? You're our friends and all my friends like you. Plus your brother is going to be there."

I gave him a skeptical look and thought about the pro's and con's of coming with them for the weekend.

Pro's would obviously be hanging with the guys and Carson, because well as much as I'd hate to say it...

I like spending time with them.

Con's would be having to be around Hilary and her arch nemesis but equally as annoying goober, Vanessa. 

But I will be able to get out of camp activities...

Plus S'mores.

"Okay I'm in."

You don't understand how stressful this was to update while on vacation yikes. I'll fix this up later so pardon my errors, I'm going to start making my chapters longer soon.

What do you think about Carson's whole kiss situation?

Very very very interesting chapters are coming soon so keep up bitches.

If you're liking the chapters so far, don't forget to comment and vote<3

Thanks for being patient with me loves.

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