Let's Play A Game (A RWBY Che...

By treylore

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Greetings & Welcome . You must be wandering why you are here, i shall tell you this is a tale of a boy who go... More

John's Ungrateful Life (1)
John's Ungrateful Life (2)
The Trial of (Y/N)
(Y/N)'s Game
Information #2
A Wilted Rose
Melting The Angel
Burning The Dragon (Finale)
Thank You and New book
10000!!! R!E!A!D!S!
John's Past (BONUS)
News To All (Vol.2)
Information (Vol 2)
Reunions (Vol.2)
The Past (Vol 2)
QnA/ Ask the cast
Atlas Intervention (Vol 2)
Author Note.
Raid ( Vol.2)
Grand finale (Vol 2).

Taming The Cat

6.7K 64 453
By treylore

Trapped Room

(Y/N): Hahahahahahaha, It feel's so good. How does it feel Rose.

Ruby: No. This can't happening, You monster.

Control Room

John: I am Aren't I. Man that's alot damage and I have to clean that as well *sigh*. Note to self use less explody traps.

Billy: I got the flex tape for the leaking pipes.

John: Ah thank you Billy.

Trapped Room

(Y/N): So how does it feel, Ruby, lost,Pain,Grief.

Ruby: I thought you loved her.

(Y/N): I did. I use to love her. Now who's next on the list.

Ruby: List?

(Y/N): Yes. List, oops I said too much. Well till next time Miss.Rose.

(Y/N) leaves the room. Locking the door behind him.


Amanda: Yeah we need to clean up the mess in there.

(Y/N): Damn'it.

They both enter the room and start cleaning the room.

Trapped Room

(Y/N): We meet again.

Ruby: Grr.

Amanda: Clean the glass.

(Y/N): Fine

Control Room

John: Next target, Blake belladonna.

Billy: Faunas scum.

John: Woah where did that come from.

Billy: Never liked them.

John: You're a puppet.

Billy: So....

John: Huh alright. Well then back to Blake, the trap I devised for her is a simple one.

Billy: How so.

John: You'll see soon, But we need a way to capture her. She with her boyfriend sun most of the time. And that sun is a defensive one.

Billy: Why not get both and make them play that game.

John: The Oxygen Crusher?

Billy: No the other one.

John: The Water Cube.

Billy: No.

John: The house.

Billy: Yes, and make them fight to the death for, the you know.

John: Yeah I got it. But my question was how do we get them.

Billy: Leave that to (Y/N).

John: Got it.

Team RWBY's Dorm

Yang: Ok now I'm getting worried.

Blake: Why? 

Yang: Weiss hasn't returned since last night.

Blake: Could be the same reason for what happen with Ruby.

Yang: Their just at their Boyfriends Dorm's.

Blake: Yes. I'm going to meet Sun later anyways, I'll ask if Weiss was at his dorm.

Yang: Alright. But just to be safe I think I will report this to ozpin

Blake: Ok.

Beacon's Basement

(Y/N): Finally, the cleaning is done.

Amanda: That was way too long.

(Y/N): Well I'm going to see Lily.

Amanda: Alright, Later.

(Y/N) walks off.

Amanda: Oh yeah I need my little brother. I'll ask John for some time off

Control Room

Amanda knocks on the door.

Amanda: Hey John, I have something to ask.

John (inside the room): Come in.

Amanda walks in and gets hit by a droplet of water.

John: Yes, what is it.

Amanda: Can I have the rest the day off.

John: Little brother?

Amanda: Yes.

John: Alright you can have the rest of the day off. Just don't caught.

Amanda: Yeah I got it and what do you mean get caught, we kill all of our victims.

John: Oh yeah, Haha. I forgot for a moment. Oh yeah toss me that Flex Tape.

Amanda tosses the Flex Tape to John.

John: Thanks.

Amanda exits the room and walks to lift.

Outside Beacon

Amanda: That was quick, sort of like a timeskip. 

She hailed a cab and went to the hospital, Amanda rest her eyes for a moment. Thinking about her brother.

Flashback (before Amanda was A drug dealer)

Amanda: I'm Home.

Lil Bro: Big Sis.

Amanda: How are you doing.

She pets his head.

Lil Bro: I'm ok, I was well behaved today.

Amanda: Good, come help prepare dinner.

Another Flash

Lil Bro: *Cough* *Cough* Sis I don't feel so good.

He collapses.

Amanda panics as she rush to call an ambulance. The para-medics came and placed him on the stretcher

Hospital in the Flashback

Lil Bro: Sis I'm scared.

Amanda: Don't worry, everything is going to be alright.

One Last Flash

Amanda: So how is he doctor.

Doctor: Not to good, He has a super cliche disease, that will cause you to go down a dark path.

Amanda: What?!

Doctor: (insert Cliche disease)

Amanda: No, It can't be.

Doctor: Yes, mdm , mdm , mdm

Flashback end

Cab driver: Bitch Face!

Amanda: Huh, oh were here.

Cab driver: I've been calling you for the past five minutes. Anyway the fee is 10lien.

Amanda pays the driver and exits the cab, She walks towards the hospital holding a small box


She walks to the reception.

Amanda: Tenor Young.

Receptionist: Lvl 3, 2nd door to the left.

Tenor's hospital Room

Amanda walks in holding the box.

Tenor: Hi sis.

He said with a heartwarming smile.

Amanda: Hey bro, you feeling better

Tenor: A little bit.

Amanda: Good, here I got you a gift.

Tenor: Thanks sis. 

Amanda: Well I got to go.

Tenor: Aww, but you just got here.

Amanda: Yeah but I need to go, if not my boss will be angry.

Tenor: You mean the man with the pigmask.

Amanda: How did you know.

Tenor: He came here a few days ago.

Amanda: Huh, I see.

Tenor: Well bye sis.

Amanda leaves the room.

Outside Beacon

Amanda walking towards the lift. 

Amanda: If he did anything to my little brother.

She enters the lift as it begins its decent to the lower floor.

Beacon's Basement ( Control room)

Amanda: JOHN!!!

John: What, don't shout this place is already to echo-y

Amanda: What did you do to him.

John: To who.

Amanda: Tenor.

John: Oh your little brother, I did nothing, I just payed him a visit.

Amanda: You sure that's all.

John: Yes that's all and now if you excuse me, I have work to do. Also check on Ruby.

Amanda: Fine, you better have not done anything to him.

Amanda leaves the room.

John: Bro-con.

Spare room

Amanda walks into the room and finds Ruby staring at the wall.

Amanda: Eh she's fine.

Ruby: List, List , List.

Amanda: Well she's gone badshit insane. Well might as well carry out the plan and see the results. Blake is next if I'm correct.

Ruby: Blake.

Amanda: Oh o.

Amanda quickly closes the door behind her.

Amanda: That was a close one now to get (Y/N)

Control Room

John: Alright (Y/N), you need to find a way to get blake. Got it

(Y/N): Yes John.

John: Now begone I have a show to watch, for research purposes

(Y/N): Right away.

He leaves the room and see's Amanda.

Amanda: I presume we are going to scout them.

(Y/N): Yup.

Amanda: Lets go.

Ozpin's Office

Ozpin: Ah, Ms.belladonna how may I help you.

Blake: I would like to report that Ruby and Weiss.

Ozpin: That can't be good, I'll get right on it.

Blake: Thank you sir, Yang has been very paranoid this few days.

Ozpin: I see, well I will get on it, so please give Ms.Xiao Long.

Blake: Yes sir.

She leaves the office.

Ozpin: This can't be good, could it be his doing. That man. I must stop him

Beacon's Library

Sun walked in looking for Blake. He then found her reading a book but she seemed stress.

Sun: Hey Blake what Happend.

Blake: Please tell me Weiss was in your dorm last night.

Sun: She was not and Neptune didn't come back last night. I thought they were in your Dorm.

Blake: Oh no. This cant be good.

Sun: Wait so there are missing. What about Ruby.

Blake: She's missing as well.

Sun: So are we going to look for them.

Blake: Yes we are, lets go.

While they were talking (Y/N) was eavesdropping on the conversation.

(Y/N): This is going to be easier then I thought.

He quickly run's back to the elevator to go to the basement.

Beacon's Basement

(Y/N): John, John!!!

John: Stop shouting I can hear you. What is it.

(Y/N): I got a plan to get both of them here.

John: What is it?

(Y/N): Im going to trick them into a corner and knock them out.

John: Hmm alright.

(Y/N): Also can I have Weiss's hand.

John: Sure cut it yourself though.

(Y/N): Alright.

(Y/N) walked into the chamber where Weiss's corpse is, and removed an arm.

(Y/N): Hah I have disarmed you. Man I'm bad.

(Y/N) walked towards the elevator to return back to beacon

Beacon Hall's

(Y/N): This is going to be good.

He walks down the hallway with Weiss's arm and sees Blake and Sun asking around for their Friend. So he started the plan plan. He hid behind a Wall and jut out Weiss's arm as if she was there, It worked as Blake took notice.

Blake: Look its Weiss.

Sun: Come on lets go.

Sun and Blake both chased after the arm until the reach a dead end. They were both facing the wall, when Blake felt a tap on her shoulder.

Blake: Weiss-

She turned around thinking it was her friend but she only saw an arm.

Blake: My Oum.

(Y/N): Hello Blake and Sun.

Blake: How do you know my name.

(Y/N): I know many thing. I also know that Weiss schnee is dead and that Ruby Rose is captured.

Blake: You, You are the one that did this.

(Y/N): Ding ding ding.

Blake: I'll Kill you.

(Y/N): Try me.

Blake charge at (Y/N), only to get stabbed by a needle that knocked her out. 

Sun: Bad move bud.

(Y/N): No I did an okay move.

Sun charge at him but got stabbed as well.

(Y/N): This sleeping agents sure do work a charm. This plot so cliched and efficient at the same time thank you author.

(Y/N) Dragged both of them into a Lift. And went to the basement.

Beacons basement

John: Perfect, Dump them into the room.

(Y/N): Yes John.

(Y/N) Placed them into an air tight room. And walked out.

John: And releasing Gas now.

(Y/N): Colourless, odorless and poisonous, my favourite 

John: Once they wake up play the tape and watch the show unfold before your eyes also get Ruby.

(Y/N): Yes John.

(Y/N) walked towards the viewing Room where Ruby was held.

Viewing Room

(Y/N): Hello Miss.Rose.

Ruby: You what are you going to do her.

(Y/N): Who, oh you mean Blake. Don't worry I wont be the one killing this time.

 Ruby: You monster.

(Y/N): You said this earlier in the chapter, its getting redundant. I'll see you after the game.

(Y/N) leaves the room and walk towards the control room.

Control Room

John: It is time.

(Y/N): They're awake excellent.

John flicked to switches activating the tape and the monitor in the Viewing Room.

Trapped Room

The room was empty except for the glass box hanging from the ceiling which had a needle inside it. Both Sun and Blake woke up and the tape begun to play

Recording Plays

Greeting's and Welcome, Lets Play A game, Sun Wu Kong and Blake Belladonna both of you have done something that affected somebody's life, whether it be cheating or the cheater both of you have been sentence to this game, Now the rules, both of you have been in this room for more then a few hours already and have been breathing in a deadly poison. Now I'm not a bad person so the cure for the poison is in the glass but here is only enough dosage for 1 person, so which one of you will sacrifice yourself to save the other or will you both fight to the death for it. Let the games begin

Recording Ends

Sun: Like we would actually fight, come Blake lets find our own way out.

Blake: Heh, yeah...

Sun: Blake are you okay.

Blake: Yes I am.

Blake was holding a scalpel behind her back. The moment Sun turned back she would stab him.

Sun: Alright I'm going to look for a way out.

As sun turned to look at the door, Blake lunged at him and stabbed him in the back.

Control Room

John: Damn.

(Y/N): Man she really is a bitch

Amanda: I agree.

Billy: I got tea.

Viewing Room

Ruby watched in horror as she just saw her teammate stabbed, her friend.

Trapped Room

Sun: Ahh, Blake what the fuck

Blake: You heard the recording.

Sun: What and you believe it.

Blake: There's no way out.

Sun: I don't believe you, there's a door right there.

Blake: Its rigged.

Sun: No way that's anyway why should I listen to you, you just tried to kill me.

Blake: Well so you are  saying you do now want the cure.

Sun: How do we know that we are poisoned, maybe the recording was just fucking with us.

Blake: Huh yeah.

Sun: Dumbass, I'm going to open the door and see what happens.

Sun open's the door.


Word count 2076

And cliffhanger that's all for now, the reason why this took longer is because school has been pretty hectic so I didn't have much time to write well anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, And now for something extra.

John: That was odd, hey whats with this wall here with a hole in it.

John Walks through.

John: Holy shit its a room, whats this, Wattpad. What sort of name is that

Treylore: What the hell who are you.

John: Woah.

Treylore: John, woah cool looks like the 4th wall finally broke.

John: Nice, I'm guessing you're the writer.

Treylore: Indeed I am.

John: Sweet.

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