
By Haddassa

139K 3.6K 308

What would you do if the family you were adopted by was actually a family of werewolves, creatures you had be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chaper 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 22

2.7K 60 2
By Haddassa

I hope you all enjoy! I really do want to know how I can improve or what you think, before the watty awards start, so please help!

Chapter 22

I first needed to find Jace's number somewhere. Dad probably had it. I quickly stood up, and went over to Dad's office. I opened the door, to see Dylan on the phone. He was talking in a hushed but urgent tone into the phone. His eyes snapped to me, and narrowed his eyes at me. I mouthed 'sorry' and shut the door. Well Mom might have it. I slowly and quietly walked over to her office, just incase she was around. I quietly knocked on the old wooden door. No answer. I opened the door a fraction, and looked in. All clear. I opened up the door the rest of the way. I ran in before anybody could see me, and shut the door. I spun around to examine the room.

Ok, where do I start? I ran over to the big dark wooden desk. I started searching through the papers. Work. Searched through another stack. Work. I searched through a folder on the desk. Work! It has to be here. I flopped down onto the large black leather chair that spun. I let my eyes wander around the room. There! I jumped forward, and opened up the drawer.

Sure enough inside I found more papers. I pushed them aside, and found Mom's phone book. I opened up the small blue booklet, and found numbers and names covering almost every page. Great! I flipped through, finding the S's. I searched down the page. Steffan! I nearly leaped up in my seat when I saw it there. I pulled out my phone and punched in the number. I put away the papers I pulled out, and put back the phone book. Everything looked back to normal. I left the office, closing the door quietly, and ran out to the backyard, so I could call in privacy. It was dark outside, with absolutely no light except from those coming from the house, outside.

My finger wavered over the call button. Should I really call them? My heart lurched in my chest at the thought of Jace being hurt. I had to. I hit call, and put the phone up to my ear. My stomach was filled with butterflies, trying to escape. What was I going to say? 'Hey it's Eliana, there is a rouge on your land.' Yeah right. As if that would work. As soon as I said my name he would probably hang up. I should just save myself the pain, and just hang up. I was just about to pull the phone away to hang up when I heard a voice on the other end.

"Hello?" It asked, in a very deep voice filled with authority. I recognized the voice, Jace's dad, the alpha.

Don't panic! Just ask for Jace. Or maybe John. Yeah, ask for John.

"Alpha Steffan, is your son Jace there?" I asked politely. What happen to John?! I scolded myself. I bit my bottom lip in frustration, as I mentally kicked myself. Stupid! Stupid!

"Sure, could I ask who's calling first?" He asked.

"Um, just a new friend."

"Oh are you his new girlfriend... Um, Keila?" He asked. Who the hell is Keila! I nearly screamed it. I could hear my blood pound in my ears in anger.

"Yeah," I got out through gritted teeth, still trying and failing to sound sweet like before.

"Just a sec hon'," He said, before calling out for Jace.

I waited, fuming to myself about whoever this Keila chick is. I glared out at the woods. I'm not even kidding, I thought I saw a bird fly far away from it's previous post on a low tree branch in front of me.

"Hey babe, I thought I told you to call me on my own phone." A beautiful sweet husky voice said into my ear.

My heart jumped up into my throat, nearly suffocating me. I couldn't breath for a moment. My heart pounded in my chest again. I could feel my insides start to bubble up with need. I had wanted him for so long. I didn't realize how much his voice could affect me right now. I felt like jumping up and down. He just called me babe! No he called that stupid Keila bitch a babe.

That snapped me out of my momentary weakness. My body started pumping with anger. My heart started to pound faster and my face turned hot with anger. The bubbling in my stomach stopped, and so did the fluttering.

"Who the hell is Keila?" I snapped.

"Who is this?"

The voice that had been so sweet and charming turned into a cold icy voice. Just like the one in the dungeon that called me pathetic. Tears sprung into my eyes at the memory. He recognized my voice. He would never speak to me like he would with Keila. I fell down to my knees in the grass. I nearly hung up, when I felt my chest start to tighten up with the on coming tears, and my stomach knot up.

No, I had to warn him. I felt like I was betraying my family, because I was telling the enemy a big secret. I would rather have the rouge dead though. It took all of my strength to talk again and tell him what needed to be done.

"I'm-" I broke off as my own voice started to choke me. I felt tears slide down my cheek. I wiped them away, and sniffled.

"I'm calling to warn you. There is a rouge my family chased onto your land. He got away from an attack he and some others had on my family." I was incredibly surprised when it all came out in a somewhat strong voice. Though my voice did crack on the end.

"Is that you Eliana?" He seemed to struggle to say my name with anger and coldness.

"Yeah," I whispered out with my voice cracking again.

"Never call me again, ok?" He said in a not as cold or angry as before voice, before hanging up.

I clutched the phone to my chest, hoping he would call back. Tears were freely coming down my face now. I sobbed, still clutching at the phone, and rocked back and forth on my heels.

"Stupid mate," I kept whispering over and over again. It reassured me, and gave me the strength I needed to stay up, and not fall over. I still bawled like a baby though.

I suddenly heard a rustling in the leaves before me. I snapped my head up, to see a deep oak brown wolf standing in front of me just barely hidden behind a tree. A small scar ran from his ear to his chin. He also had blood matted into the fur above his left shoulder, and on his ear. The rouge.

My phone slipped through my fingers, landing on the soft grass with a gentle thud. My body was screaming at me to stay still. Completely still! I stared into the dark golden eyes of the giant wolf before me. The eyes stared back at me. He cocked his head to the side, curious. He probably smelled that I was human. I started to panic. I'm human I could never fight him. He was almost the size of Dad, and Dad was even big for a werewolf.

He also just found a new way to get at my family, me. This was the one thing that freaked my family out even more then packs, rouges finding out about me. Packs knew their limits, but rouges didn't. Well now they had, and that wolf probably heard my entire conversation with Jace and his dad. Shit, he also knew I had a mate now. Well, I was going to be the death of both packs. This was just great.

I had no idea how my mind reached all of these extreme measures, but I was pretty sure that was what was going on in his head this very moment. It was all true too. The wolf suddenly turned around, breaking contact with me, and running at the speed of light out into the woods beyond. He headed north, and vanished.

After a minute, I had the strength I needed to get up and warn my family. I ran into the house as fast as I could.

"HELP!" I screamed to get everyone's attention. Immediately I was surrounded by my family members that had been inside the house previously.

"What happen?" They all asked.

"The rouge, he was right out there. He saw me."

Everyone's face darkened when they heard that the rouge saw me.

"What! Where is he now?" Dylan screamed.

"He was heading north," I told him.

He and Mitch took off out the back door, and mom quickly started to focus. Probably telling Dad and Philly what had happen.

"What were you doing outside?" Mom asked narrowing her eyes at me, after a few minutes.

"I was making a call to somebody." I said, trying to keep eye contact. If I were to so much as glance away she would know I was hiding something.

"Where's your phone?" She asked suspiciously.

"Shit, I dropped it when I saw the rouge." I quickly left and went out to the back to retrieve my phone.

It was still lying there in the grass where I had left it. I quickly scooped it up and ran back into the house; terrified the rouge might still be out there.

Mom pulled me back onto the couch, and held me close to her. I leaned against her chest. She was rubbing circles in my back as we waited for our family to come back home, unharmed, and with tales of how they killed the rouge.

I alternated glances between the back door, and the clock on the wall. Ten minutes. Twenty minutes. With each passing minute I became more restless. By half an hour, I leaped up from the couch and started pacing in front of the door.

"Where are they?" I growled out as more time passed. I looked at the clock on the wall. Thirty-two minutes had passed. I looked at mom.

"They lost him again, but are trying to track him," She looked out the back door. "Come sit with me hon."

I sighed, before shrugging and heading back over to her. I flopped back down onto the couch, just to jump up again. There they were. My family was pouring out of the woods, and racing back towards the house. I started to relax once they came inside, and they were out of harms way. My heart was still hammering in my chest, at what I had done.

Philly was the first one through the door. I ran up to him, and flung myself into his arms.

"You're back!" I mumbled with excitement into his shoulder.

"Of course I am." He said in an almost superior tone. I gave him the look, and a large smile broke out on his face.

Mitch and Dylan then came through, and once again I flung myself at them. Dad then followed, and I ran up to give him a large hug, but slid to a halt. Before me Dad had a large frown on his face. I turned back to Dylan, to see the same look on his. I looked around the room and saw everyone with the exact same look plastered on their face.

"What's going on?" I asked in confusion.

My blood turned cold, when Dad looked up at me with sad eyes. Oh god, what happen?

"The rouge got away. He now knows you exist." He couldn't even look at me when he said it. "I am so sorry that this has to happen to you. You didn't ever ask for any of this, when we adopted you. I-"

I quickly silenced him by running over, and silencing him with a big hug, that took him by surprise.

"Don't ever say that, I would never undo being adopted by you guys." I said seriously.

Dad wrapped his arms around me, now that he was over his shock.

"Thanks hon." He mumbled into my hair.

I pulled away, and grinned up at him.

"I'm going to go make a call to the other packs, telling them the situation." Dylan said, from behind us.

"That's ok son, I've got it." Dad said before vanishing around the corner towards the office. Mom stood up from the couch and followed after.

"So what's going to happen now?" I asked, looking back at my brothers, who were just starting to settle in on the couch.

"We sent out a few people to go out and find him." Mitch answered me. I nodded my head understanding.

"I'm going to go up to my room, I have some homework that needs to be done." I said before heading up to my room. I slammed the door shut, and waited for my heart to yet beat normally. I pressed my body against my chest, as I thought over the situation. I had just betrayed my family, and I also put my mate and his pack into an even worse position. Why did I have to talk to him outside? If that rouge got out, and told others what was going on, the two strongest packs in the US would be ruined. It's all such a mess.

I needed to go tell Philly what had happen. But if I did, he would know I had betrayed them. He would never look at me the same. Everything was just so messed up! I slid down to the floor, with a few tears leaking out. I wiped at them furiously, upset I was crying once again. I needed to man up! I couldn't just spend my time crying here.

So what if my mate doesn't want me, and thinks I'm worthless. So what if he got a new girlfriend. So what if a rouge knows about me, and can use me against my family. So what if he also knows about the fact that I, a human, have a mate and that that mate is the future Alpha of the Steffan's pack.

I started to feel my heart pound harder, if that were even possible. So what if I got hurt, whenever my mate was hurt, because I am human. So what if-

"SHUT UP!" It took me a moment to realize I had said it out loud. I sighed in frustration, banging my head against the door.

There was no more point in just focusing on what had happen. I needed to do something. I got up off the floor, and moved onto my bed. I pulled my laptop into my lap. I turned it on, and started to scroll through things on Facebook, because I was really far behind. My eyes landed on a post. I started to do a mental happy dance in my head. I knew what to do to solve at least one of my many problems.

So what do you think? What do you think it is that is going to solve which problem? What do you think about the rouge situation?

Please Vote and Comment! I really want to know what you all think.

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