Hard to Love (COMPLETED)

By kyrathewriter

75.7K 2.5K 103

Morgan Sampson is 24 years old. She works as a doctor at a local hospital and has little two year old baby bo... More

Awkward Meetings & Greetings
My Desire for You
Keep it PG:
Unexpected Visits With Parents
A Day With My 2 Girls:
Date Night:
Gone But Now I'm Back And Better
Got My Baby Back:
Church With The Family
Sunday Dinner
Maybe An Addition To The Family
First Big Argrument
Getting Ready To Pop The Question
Popping The Question
It's a..boy or girl?
Preparations For The Baby Shower
Shower For Lucas O. Mathews Jr.
Momma Has Love For Everybody
The Very Special Wedding Day
The Wedding Reception
New Book Alert:

Fanily Picture Day And Preparation For The Mathews Wedding

1.8K 77 3
By kyrathewriter

*not edited*
Lucas Mathews P. O. V.
"Ight.. there you go bud. You finished now go sit down and play with lil Lucas." I told Miles.
Today was our family picture day since baby Lucas had just turned 5 months yesterday. We were all wearing denim and white, because of Morgan. If it was up to me, we would be wearing white but I make my baby happy we're going to wear denim and white.
"Y'all come on! The photographer will be here any minute now." Morgan said walking in and picking up Junior.
"Hey Mommy little man! And hey my big man!" I watched as she played with LJ and Miles. I eyed her whole body, from her hair all the way to her denim heels. After her pregnancy, I realized that Morgan had gained her weight in all the right places. I can honestly for real say that pregnancy gave her hips, butt, and breast life.
I guess she felt me staring because she looked up at me and laughed.
"Can I have my body back?" She asked.
I shook my head.
"Nawl imma give it back tonight though...but come on the photographer coming." I winked at her, and got LJ and Miles, then walked out.
During the photo shoot:
"Smile big you guys—Dad! You're not going to smile?" The photographer asked laughing.
I shook my head sternly.
"Nawl I don't smile." I said and Morgan smiled.
"Come on babe." She mumbled while smiling.
I shook my head.
"Babe!" She scolded me like a little kid.
I couldn't help but laugh, and then the photographer snapped the picture. I stale faced her.
"That's down bad. I told you I don't smile in pictures." I said.
"Alright good job momma that was the end of this session. I already took pictures of the kids. Now momma and daddy time for y'all. I absolutely love this part!" The photographer said excitedly.
Morgan and I laughed. She snapped a photo. We both looked at her, and she laughed.
"I'm sorry that was beautiful..now come on. Please stop acting stiff y'all." She smiled.
We both nodded and looked at each other.
"Okay you know what this is not working...mom you face me, while dad you turn the other way around. You guys hold hands, and I don't know do something to make her laugh." The photographer ordered.
I nodded. It was easy to make Morgan laugh, because she was super duper ticklish.
I traveled my hand along the hem of her denim dress, and she busted into a fit of laughter.
The photographer snapped the photo.
"Ok! Ok! She has the picture! Quit...you know I'm ticklish." She laughed.
I stopped and thought of another pose.
"Babe get on my back.." I said, and she looked at me like I had three heads.
Before she could protest, I bent down and got her on my back. She screamed in laughter, and again the photographer snapped the camera. I put her down and she stale faced me.
"Now since you chose this one, I get to choose the next one. Now let's just do the simple one. You stand behind me and and I stand in front." She said, and I nodded doing as she told me.
I guess Morgan knew my face, she so elbowed me making me put a smile on my face.
"Alright that was a wrap. I had a great time working with you guys." The photographer said excitedly.
Morgan walked over to the computer where the pictures were uploaded.
"Omg yes we have to have you at our wedding as the photographer." Morgan squealed and I looked at her weirdly.
"Of course I will be there." The photographer insisted.
"Alright. Well we have to go to a meeting today with our wedding planner." Morgan smiled, and I smiled too.
"Oh my...when is the wedding?" The photographer asked.
"Seven months away." Morgan smiled.
"Oh wow..you have everything in order though right?" She asked.
We both nodded our heads quickly.
"Oh yes. I have everything done. Now I'm just waiting for it to happen." Morgan smiled.
"Ok..well you have my card and stuff so call me whenever you need me." She smiled, and walked out of the back gate.
We all followed her, but she kept going and went to her car while we walked back into the house.
"Mommy when are we going to get the pictures?" Sammie asked Morgan, while she fed LJ.
"Umm...I don't know she'll call me when they're ready. I'll let you know when though momma. Now let momma finish feeding your brother and then I'll be right there." She assured her with a kiss.
I watched as Sammie walked back and then put my attention back on LJ and Morgan.
"Give me my fat man...and when is our wedding planner coming?" I asked taking LJ out of her hands.
She stale faced me.
"Why do you always do that? When you take him and I ask for him back he always start climbing your back like a wall." She whined.
I laughed.
"I can't help that baby." I said and then started to walk downstairs.
The doorbell ringed and I heard Morgan coming down as well.
"I'll get the door." She said walking to the door.
"Hi!!" I heard Morgan tell the wedding planner.
Seconds later Morgan and the lady walked in.
"Alright shall we talk about this wedding?" She asked excitingly.
Morgan and I nodded.
"Wait one second...let me go check on my munchkins." Morgan excused herself, and then came back.
Then we began the meeting.
After the meeting:
Morgan Sampson P. O. V.
"Kiddos! Time for bed!" I yelled.
I heard all of them sigh, and I laughed.
"Mommy it not late. It early." Sammie whined.
"I don't care...it's still late. And if your mother has to tell you again, it's not going to pretty." I heard Lucas from behind me say sternly.
Sammie and Miles said something under their breaths.
"What'd you say? Sammie I will put you up in the room and wear your butt out. Don't play with me..that goes for you too Miles." He fussed walking in the hallway.
"Thank you babe.." I mumbled.
"Babe you go to bed. I got the kids. I know you're tired from all the ripping and running you been doing." He smiled, and kissed my lips.
"Aww..but it's ok babe I—" he cut me off.
"Babe. Go in the bathroom and get in that bubble I just made you and relax. After that go to sleep. I already washed and put LJ to bed." Lucas shoved me into our room.
I kinda laughed to myself when I walked into the bathroom that was connected to our room. I stripped out of my clothes and got in the bubble bath. I sighed and finally a felt a sort of relaxation. I love my family but I get tired of them sometimes. So happy that my husband to be understands that.
So ready to become Mrs. Mathews now.

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