Unraveling ❖ Stiles Stilinksi...

By mei1524

913K 25.7K 6.3K

Pulling away reluctantly, with swollen lips and messy hair, Stiles kept his hands on her waist as he stared a... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Season 3B
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter: 29
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Season 4:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51:
Chapter 52:
Chapter 53:
Chapter 54:
Chapter 55:
Final Book

Chapter 33:

13K 412 98
By mei1524

Emily stared at the door in front of her. She reminded herself that she was doing this for her boyfriend. The same boyfriend who was possessed by an evil spirit that knocked her out with vervain. She wasn't bitter about it. Maybe a tad annoyed that Void Stiles as he liked to be called, tricked her for a split second. Glancing at the nurse behind her, she growled under her breath and walked into the room. She walked over to her new bed and plopped down on it.

She stared up at the ceiling of the mental asylum that her boyfriend happened to choose as his prison. The moment she had gotten his text, she was not only angry but also hurt that he chose to be here inside of Eichen House. Apparently, only an hour after he woke up from being infected by the lichen, he decided it was better to stay here. Which is why she decided to join him.

She had let him out of her sight for too long and she missed him. She was also worried about him.

The door creaked open slightly and she had really hoped she would be without a roommate but that obviously wasn't happening. "Whoever you are, keep your mouth shut or else we're gonna have problems." She threatened, not moving her gaze from the ceiling.

"Oh, yeah? I was about tell you the same thing." The other person retorted, their tone just as annoyed as her own.

She glanced over to see who it was and blinked, sitting up. "Malia?" She stared at the girl in confusion. Why was she here?

"Do I know-" Malia paused, staring at her, the realization at who the other brunette was evident in her brow doe-like eyes. She narrowed her eyes at the girl with a weird sickly sweet scent. "You're one of them?"

"One of who?" Emily asked, eyeing her warily, not liking the way the werecoyote hands were digging into her palms as if holding herself back from attack her.

"The people who made me like this." She gestured to her body in disgust. She hated how she was human again and the emotions that came with this body. At least as a coyote her emotions were limited.

The pureblood quickly caught on to what she was referring to. "Your human body. You know, I would think that you'd be glad to be back like this and not some wild animal." She leaned against the wall her bed was pressed against.

"Do you have any idea why I'm even here?" She snapped, not liking how nonchalant this other girl was being. "Being human is so foreign to me now! I can't even look at my own dad without being reminded that I can't tell him that I'm the one that killed my mother and sister on the night of a full moon. I want to turn back and stop feeling all this guilt."

Emily hummed, staring at her. "I see. So, you only want to turn back to stop feeling all the guilt and hurt you've been keeping at bay while in your coyote form." She muttered. "Been there, done that." It would be like her shutting her humanity off except she didn't turn into a four legged animal.

Malia blinked. "Wait, do you know how to turn me back?" She asked eagerly, getting on the girls bed and invading her space.

"I don't, but I do know someone who does." She told her, thinking of Scooby and how he would probably be the better teacher.

"Tell me!" She demanded.

Emily glanced at her, her lips twitching upward. "I'll tell you but, first I need to find someone here and then I can take to that person."

"Who?" Malia asked curiously and a bit frustrated. She wanted her fur coat back.

"My boyfriend, Stiles." She admitted, the amusement of listening to someone else's problems disappearing as she remembered the reason she was in this nut house in the first place.

The werecoyote furrowed her brows, tilting her head slightly. "The twitchy kid that followed you around in the woods?" She asked innocently. "Is he your mate? You two had each others scents all over each other when I first saw you two."

Emily chuckled, not at all embarrassed by her questions but she was sure that Stiles would be all flustered. "Yeah, that twitchy kid. He's my boyfriend not my mate. Vampires and humans aren't like that."

"Wait, so you're vampire?" She looked so naive as she asked all these questions and Emily knew she wasn't going to be getting any sleep. The older girl answered the girls questions, finding her bluntness and naivety refreshing. Malia was also really honest about anything and everything which kept Emily distracted from thinking about where Stiles was at the very moment inside of Eichen House.

Thankfully, Malia promised to help her find him tomorrow while they allowed free to roam around, but said that she was more than likely going to punch him in the face because he's best friends with the guy who turned her human.

There was also something about Malia's eyes that reminded her of Mateo's which was surprising since Malia wasn't related to him in any way.


Stiles needed to get out of here now. This place wasn't safe in the slightest. Not even five minutes here and he had already bared witness to a suicide on the stairwell. He was also a bit freaked about the girl Meredith's conversation on the phone that didn't work. It was a bit unnerving but it honestly felt like she had talking about him.

He stopped walking, his brown eyes on the side view of the girl he knew as his girlfriend. The same girlfriend that he hadn't seen since the nogitsune had appeared in her bedroom. He had tried to plead with the evil trickster to not hurt her and thankfully no blood was shed when he knocked her out. As much as he wanted to see her before he came here, he thought it was better not to because he knew she would've ended up convincing him not to come here.

Although, after what's happened since he arrived, maybe it had been better that he had spoken to her. At least he wouldn't be here or her for that matter. "Em?" He was a bit surprised the nogitsune hadn't picked up on how he rarely called her by her full name.

She turned at the sound of her name slipping through his lips and her eyes lit up, shining with relief to see him. "Stiles." She breathed out, it was him. She glanced at Malia who seemed to tense at the sight of him.

He seemed to take notice of the other girl beside her and blinked in surprise. "Malia?" He tried to look friendly as he approached them. "Do you remember me? I'm friends with Scott. Remember. We were the ones who helped you out with..." Suddenly all he felt was pain.

Emily shut her eyes, trying to not smile at how Malia actually went through with her promise. She should be upset that she punched Stiles but it was honestly not like he didn't deserve it. He didn't even say goodbye to her in person. "She actually did it." She murmured under her breath, her eyes opening as she watched the two being restrained and exhaled.

Malia tried to fight off the orderly that grabbed her. "Hey!"

"She hit me." Stiles whined, his face aching and he glanced at his girlfriend who looked like a mother that seemed completely done with her children's antics.

"A few more like this, Malia, and you're headed to the closed unit." The orderly warned.

"Okay, Wait, wait, wait." Stiles snapped, annoyed that he was just punched by the girl they saved from being killed by her own father. "Stop. I didn't doing anything." He gasped, seeing the basement that he had thought he was inside back when he sleepwalked to Malia's coyote den.

"Enough!" Morell showed up, surprising them since they hadn't seen her in a while. Emily eyed the woman warily who had them ushered into the next room.


Stiles walked into the bathroom washing his face, to clear away any drowsiness. He stared at the sink before looking at himself in the mirror. "Okay, just got to stay awake, Stiles. You just gotta stay..." He swallowed, seeing that Emily was taking a shower right behind him. The steam covered her obviously naked body from his eyes which he didn't know if it disappointed him or relieved him. He shouldn't be feeling horny at the moment given what was happening but he missed her.

Emily took notice of his entry but didn't stop her showering as she finished washing the shampoo out of her hair. "Don't worry, Stiles, you didn't just accidentally walk into the Girls' Room."

"Thank God." That would've been awkward for him. He cleared his throat, turning around to face her, trying to not oggle her body. "Um... Okay, so what are you doing in the Boys Room?"


"I can see that. I mean I saw that. Well, actually I didn't see anything really. I just... There was too much steam to, uh... Not that I would prefer there to be less steam..."

"Stiles, I don't care, it's not like you haven't seen me naked before." She reminded him. "If you really need to know, they keep the water temperature in the Girls' Room too low. Malia suggested I come here since it's much hotter in here." She shut the water off and turned around, walking over in his direction, watching his eyes going up and down her body. She smirked. "Now you're staring."

"No, I'm not." He denied, holding out the towel for her.

Her brow raised, her tone filled with mirth. "Then what are you doing?" She wrapped the towel around herself.

"Not staring." He squeaked, avoiding eye contact. His hormones were going haywire. When was the last time they actually spent time together alone intimately without disruptions. "Speaking of Malia, what is she doing here and why did she punch me in the face?"

She sighed. "She's not adjusting well to being human. She also punched you because you're best friends with the guy who turned her back." She told him. "Anyways, it isn't like you didn't deserve it."

He made a face. "I deserved to get punched in the face by the crazy chick because...?"

She looked at him. "Because you didn't come tell me to my face that you were coming here. You sent a freaking text Stiles. Who does that?" She exclaimed.

His features softened, guilt in his brown eyes. "Okay, I know it was wrong and I'm sorry about it, but you have to understand. If I went to talk to you about my choice, I probably wouldn't have come here. I can't let the nogitsune hurt anyone else. I remember everything I did or he did."

"That wasn't you. It was that evil trickster spirit that's inside you. No one blames you though." She stepped closer. "And don't you think it would've been better if didn't come here in the first place."

"I thought about that but, I think this place might have the answers I'm looking for." He told her, sighing. "I also can't fall asleep because according to Morell, I'm vulnerable when I'm asleep." He didn't want to mention the part where the woman threatened to kill him to keep the so called balance in tact. He really didn't want Emily to go breaking the womans neck because she threatened him. "Why did you come here anyway? I thought you wouldn't like coming here?"

"Oh, I don't like being here. But, you're here." She said, dropping her towel and he gulped. Her eyes on him as she started to get dressed. "And I missed you."

"I-I missed you, too, Em." He said softly, his cheeks flushed as she finished getting dressed. He watched as she finished getting dressed. "Um- Em, there's a basement here that I need to get into and the only one who has the keys is Brunsky."

"You want me to compel him to give you the keys?" She asked.

He shook his head, "Actually, I was thinking of something else."


After managing to convince Malia to help steal the keys from Brunski, Stiles had to convince his girlfriend to stay put in her room while he went to check the basement. Although, she had recently found out from the werecoyote that there was a different way to get into the basement but it would require them to get passed the real crazies.

Which is why Emily was currently doing her best to listen through the walls and make sure that Stiles was okay.

"Can you really hear all that's happening out there?" Malia asked, sounding doubtful that she could actually do it.

Emily glanced at her. "If I focus then yes, I can hear what's happening. You can do it to. You just need to relax and focus." She told her, tensing when she started to hear Stiles fighting the orderlies. "Dammit."

The werecoyote blinked. "What happened?"

The pureblood stood from the bed. "Nothing good." She walked over to the door. "I'll be back."

"You'll come back right?" Malia asked her, fearing that she'll end up leaving and breaking her promise to help her turn back.

Emily took notice of her expression and her brown eyes that were child-like but also reminding her of her old lover that it was strange. She sent her a small nod. "I won't leave you here. I already told you I'd take you to Scott." She shut the door behind her and quickly rushed to find the room Stiles was being held in.

Once she found his scent, she grabbed the door handle and broke it without a second thought. She rushed inside to find him thrashing on the floor. She tried to shake him awake and he started to scream. "Ahh!"

"Stiles, it's okay. You're okay." She tried to quiet him down and thankfully he did. He stared at her in relief and appreciation for her being there with him. She helped him stand. "Come, I have another way to get into the basement."


"Okay, so what exactly are we looking for?" Emily questioned him once they stood in the basement.

Stiles stared at the sign for self that was engraved into the wall. "Something that has to do with that." He pointed and she followed his gaze.

She pursed her lips. "That's the kanji for self." She muttered, glancing at him. "Is there anything else we should be looking for?"

"We should probably check those boxes for anything." He said, eyeing the stack of boxes filled with papers and files inside.

She nodded and the began checking them. After almost half an hour of them reading through the papers, there wasn't really anything left. She took note of his dejected look. "Hey, it's okay. Even if we don't find anything then Scooby and the rest will."

"I guess." He touched the back of his neck and sighed. "Hey, Em, can you check the lines on my back for me? Tell me if they're fading."

"Sure." She helped lift up his shirt and sure enough the lines were barely visible. "They're almost gone. That isn't a good sign is it?" She took notice of his heart skipping a beat.

He turned back to look at her and shook his head. "No, it isn't." Stiles stared at her, watching her run her fingers over her bare wrist. "They took your bracelet too." He noted.

"Yeah, apparently it's a hazard and since I didn't want to start a fight before I got a chance to see you, I let them take it." Emily felt weird without it.

Stiles could see how much it meant to her and he felt the same about his own. It was like their own version of wedding rings without the marriage part. Though, he wasn't against their relationship ever getting to that point. In fact, any time he'd picture their future, they would be together.

He placed his hand on her wrist before pulling her in for a kiss. The feeling of being connected to her even in a small, sweet kiss, meant a lot to him. It was their own way of showing how they felt without many words.

He knew that if the lines were receding already, he would only have a small window of time left before the nogitsune eventually regained possession. As hopeful as he was, he knew there was a possibility that if the nogitsune possessed him again, he wouldn't make it out alive.

So, he decided that he would do his best to spend the rest of his time left with the girl he loved. Pulling away, she seemed to notice a shift in his demeanor and gave him a soft smile, her hazel eyes telling him that she was okay with this happening here. Even though having sex in a mental institution wasn't ideal, it was the best they had at the moment.

The two pulled away from their kiss, stripping themselves of their clothing before Stiles laid Emily on the old couch. Kissing down her jaw to her breasts, she moaned, arching into him. Her core brushing his member that twitched. She pulled him away from her breasts and into a rough kiss. He slipped two fingers passed her folds, growing harder when he felt her tighten around his digits. He moved in and out, enjoying her the noises she made.

She tightened around him and he knew she about to come undone. He pulled his fingers out before she could and she gave him an indignant frown. "What the hell, Stiles." She huffed, her breathing uneven. "Why did you stop?"

"Because I want to feel you when you come around me." He told her and she rolled her hips towards him.

She stared at him in frustration. "Then do it!"

He chuckled softly. "Okay." He muttered, pressing a kiss to her neck, slipping into her wet folds. The two moaning at the pleasure. He immediately began to rock his hips into her and she matched his thrusts. Her nails digging into his back the more rougher his thrusts got and the deeper he went.

They ignored the issues at hand, right now in this moment only they mattered and nothing else.

His scent was what comforted her the most. She nicked his neck, licking the small bit of blood that came out and sighed in pleasure. He groaned, his breathing harsh, loving the way she felt around him. Having her underneath him, writhing in pleasure brought him closer to the edge.

The two cried out in pleasure once they both reached their peak. The laid together, enjoying the silence and each other. 

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