My Dad's Girlfriend

By prettyliar0199

846K 19.4K 6K

A year after Emily's mom passes away, her dad meets a new woman but she's a little younger than him. In fact... More

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15.8K 422 60
By prettyliar0199

Emily's POV

Hanna's words are still processing in my mind as I sit in our class that we all have together. Hanna didn't even let me get a word in because she walked away and passed Aria up as well. The short brunette had looked at me with a confused look before chasing after the blonde.

Now, we are here. Sitting in class, listening to Mr. Fitz going on and on about whatever book he chose for us to read about. Aria is probably the only one in this class that is hanging on to every single word that is coming out of his mouth. The rest of us, are either sleeping, texting under the table, or just staring off into space.

I on the other hand is trying to figure out why Hanna thinks that her girlfriend has a crush on me. I mean, if she does, then why haven't I noticed? Did I miss all the signs? Surely, I can't be that blind. Maybe Hanna is just being delusional. I know Aria would never do that to Hanna. 

I just need to talk to Aria after school. She's probably going to go off on me for thinking something like that but I need to know for sure. For Hanna's sake.

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel my phone vibrate in my side pocket. I fish it out and open it up to see Alison messaged me.

From Alison:

On my way to meet him for lunch...I'm nervous as fuck.

To Alison:

Just breathe. It will be okay.

I hope.

But I don't send the last part. It wouldn't help her right now. 

I really hope that my dad doesn't take it hard. I mean, how much damage can she really do to him in just a few months of knowing her?

I'm just ready to get home to make sure he is going to be okay. I already feel guilty just thinking about her breaking up with him.


"How do you think he took it?" Aria asks me as we all head to our cars out in the parking lot after school. I'm in the middle of them and I don't know why. Hanna is the one who chose to walk on the other side of me instead of beside her girlfriend.

"I don't know. Alison hasn't messaged me back yet. Which means it didn't go so well." I sigh.

"You don't think your dad killed her, do you?" Leave it to Hanna to ask that question.

"No, he wouldn't. He's probably at home, taking it hard. I mean, he was going to ask her to marry him, remember?" They both look down at the ground, feeling sorry for him about as much as I am right now.

"Well, I have to go home. My mom is making supper for her new boyfriend. Wish me luck." Hanna gives me a knowing look before walking off to her car. Aria watches her for a few seconds and then turns to me with a small smile.

"I have to go as well. Let me know how things go with your dad." She gives me a slight hug and then pulls away.

"Aria, can I ask you something?" My heartbeat speeds up, nerves taking over me. I don't want to start anything between the three of us but it's obvious that Hanna wants me to ask her.

"Sure, you can ask me anything. You know that." She adjusts her bag on her shoulder.

"Do you have feelings for anyone else besides Hanna?" It all came out so fast that at first I think Aria didn't hear me.

"What? No?!" She shakes her head with a disapproving look. "Why would you think that?" The tone of her voice turns back to normal.

I would say Hanna thought that but I don't want to throw her under the bus and just cause more problems between them.

"I don't know. You have just been weird lately around Hanna." I shrug my shoulders.

"I've been acting weird around her?" She raises her eyebrows at me. I nod my head. "What do you mean by weird?"

"I don't ever see you talking to her during school."

"I try to talk to her but she just shrugs me off. If anyone is acting weird, it's Hanna." She responds with a frown.

"Maybe you need to talk to her." I suggest. "See what's wrong with her."

"Okay. I will. But I have to go now." She shakes her head and turns around, only to turn around to look at me again. "Who did you think I had a crush on?"

"I don't know." I answer a little too quickly, causing her eyes to squint my way. But she lets it go.

I don't ever want to be in that kind of position again. Next time, Hanna is on her own.


When I pull up to the house, I see my dad's car is in the driveway which is a good sign. It's never a good thing for someone to drive around when they are hurt.

I slowly walk into the house, kind of scared of what state I'm going to see my dad in. But I have to pretend that I don't know what's going on.

"Dad, I'm home." I call out but he doesn't answer me. I walk into the dining room to see my dad sitting there in a chair, with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. His eyes are red so I know he has been crying.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I ask, worry overcoming my face. Him and drinking together, can't be good. He only shakes his head. "Talk to me." I walk over to him and take the bottle out of his hand.

"She broke up with me." He whispers, making my heart break slightly. The last time I have seen him this broken was the night my mom died...

"What? Why?"

"She said she couldn't be with me anymore because she wasn't in it all the way like I was." He grabs the bottle from me and takes a sip of it. I take it back.

"I'm sorry dad that this happened to you but this isn't the answer. You know that." I give him a hug. He sighs.

"I know and that's why we are moving back to Texas."

"What?" I ask in disbelief.

No! I can't move back to Texas. My friends are here in Rosewood. I can't leave them. I can't leave this house. I can't leave mom here.

I can't leave Alison behind. I love her and I can't live without her. I need her in my life. I need my friends.

"I can't stay here anymore, Emily. There are too many bad things that have happened here in Rosewood and it's time to go." He explains, making a tear slide down my cheek.

"Dad, I can't leave my friends!" I stand up and pace back and forth. "They are my best friends. It would destroy me to leave them. To leave mom!"

"I know sweetheart and I'm sorry. But we are moving and that's final. I'm the dad and what I say, goes." He snaps while standing up. "We are moving in three weeks. That gives you plenty of time to say goodbye to your friends." And with that, he walks out of the dining room.

I'm not leaving my home.

I grab my keys and head straight to Alison's house.

Short chapter but I plan on updating again! You all are my inspiration and I love you all so much! Let me know what you think:)

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