Your Soul: Where Light Goes...

By Amare-Scribere

71.2K 2.9K 2.3K

[Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued] **Edited version of this story is currently published. Also un... More

Your Soul ~ I
Your Soul ~ II
Your Soul ~ III
Your Soul ~ IV
Your Soul ~ V
Your Soul ~ VI
Your Soul ~ VII
Your Soul ~ VIII
1k? NO WAY!
Not A Chapter
I have been tagged...
Your Soul ~ X
Your Soul ~ XI
Your Soul ~ XII
Your Soul ~ XIII
Your Soul ~ XIV
Your Soul ~ XV
Your Soul ~ XVI
Your Soul ~ XVII
Your Soul ~ XVIII
Your Soul ~ XIX
Your Soul ~ XX
Your Soul ~ XXI
Your Soul ~ XXII
Your Soul ~ XXIII

Your Soul ~ IX

3K 140 192
By Amare-Scribere

Fluff mixed with Cringe 😅

(Nagisa's POV)

"Nagisaaa~" Karma whined, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck, his tail curling from side to side, like a serpent in a trance. I paid no mind to his actions, focusing my attention on my comic book.

     "What." Was all I replied with, frowning when his tail covered my view of the comic.

I winced when his feline teeth tugged at the skin of my neck. "Are you mad at me?"

     "No. And stop biting me, unlike you, I can actually feel pain."

"I do feel pain, holy water burns like the fires of hell. Not pleasant." He informed, now licking the spot where he bit, making me shudder. "You say you're not sure?"


"Are you extra extra sure?"


The cat with fur that mirrors blood, sighed, which surprised me. I didn't know cats can sigh....normal cats don't usually sigh. But then again...this isn't a normal cat. "You're mad at me. Your answers are too short."

     "I'm not mad."

"Then why have you been giving me the silent treatment all day?"

His persistence is somewhat annoying. But for some reason, I feel as if he's genuinely concerned. "I don't know what you're talking about."

That may or may not have been a complete and utter lie. You see...this demon, this oh so intelligent demon jumped off a cliff. Yes, a cliff. And on the second day of him coming to school. And do you wanna know why he jumped off a cliff?

Because he wanted to see how dedicated Koro-Sensei was to his students.

That was a stupid thing to do.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

I remained quiet, not knowing how to reply to that, and brought my attention to my lamp, which was the only thing illuminating my room since it was dark out. Mom was called in for work and won't be back until tomorrow evening, which is the reason why it's so quiet here at home.

"Come on~ tell me why you're mad at me..."

     "I already told you that I'm not mad." I said in the calmest tone I could muster. "So please stop bugging me and let me read."

This darn demon cat. He now sits on my lap, looking at me with those glowing golden eyes that always seem to give me chills, his ears pointed up while growling softly. Me, not wanting to seem like I was intimidated, which I wasn't, stared back into those eyes, a part of me admiring them.

There was something about his eyes that drew me in,

He blinked, opening his eyes wide and slowly blinking again. An action that had me tilting my head to the side. I don't get him. With a sigh, I pat his head and played with his ears, humming in delight at how soft they were.

"I'm still waiting for an answer."

Grumbling, I looked to the side. "Okay fine. Maybe I am mad. But I have a good reason to be!"

He leaned his head into my palm, purring. "Which is..?"

     "Are you serious?" I asked, bewildered. "I'm mad because you leaped off a cliff! You would be dead right now if it weren't for Koro-Sensei! I almost had a heart attack because of you...." My voice below a whisper. "So, don't do that again....please."

When I saw Karma beginning to fall, I tried to reach out for him, but I failed...tripping over my own two feet just as I was about to grab onto his hand.

That was the scariest moment of my life, seeing someone attempt to die before my eyes was frightening, heart breaking actually. Especially because I care about this particular someone.

"Oh Nagisa..." He stood on two legs, pressing his front left paw against my cheek. "I'm a demon, I can't die unless I'm killed by a hunter, or the devil himself."

     "Well I didn't know that at the moment!"

He poofed back into his human(?) form, his legs on either side of my body, his hand still on my cheek. "Well, you know now. So don't worry about me next time, okay?"

Yeah right, easier said than done. I forget he's a demon most of the time....

He pulled the comic from my hands, making me whine and attempt to retrieve it, but his available hand took ahold of my wrist just as my fingertips brushed against it. My lips formed a pout as I looked him in the eye.

     "You're mean."

"Of course I am."

Next thing I know, I'm laying on my back, the demon's legs straddling me as he leaned his body over mine, his head resting on my chest. He's being clingy again. This has been happening lately, but when we're alone, he'd get clingy, and what I mean by that is that he'd want to be closer to me, like really close. As in, body against body close.

And I honestly don't mind, I like it actually. It gives me this strange feeling in my stomach, it's quite addictive.

"Nagisa." He murmured over the skin of my collarbone, dragging his nose over the line. "Your scent is sweet."

     "Um, I took a shower, so that's probably it." Yes, I bathe with scented body wash. Mother buys me the sweet ones, not that I'm complaining, I actually like them.


'Mother has never bought me that one...'

     "Vanilla?" I repeated in a questioning tone.

My faced warmed when his lips pressed against my collarbone, then pulling away with a hum. "Definitely." His thumb dragged over the veins on my wrists, his other hand already removing my hair bands.

     "Don't take off the elastics...I already told you that I don't like my hair down."

"But I like your hair." He mumbled out. "It's soft. Really soft."

The temperature of my face worsened when I felt that the elastics were removed. It's shameful for me to have my hair down. A whine originated from my throat when his fingers caressed through my hair, I'm not used to this.

"What's wrong?" His voice low. "Are you hurt? Do I need to heal you with my flames?"

     "Oh,'s not that."

"Then what is it?"

His fingers massaged my scalp, and I sighed in delight, closing my eyes as I started to speak. "I'm just not used to people touching me like you do. It's new to me..."

He hummed again, leaning up until he was beside my ear. "Like I do? What do you mean..?" His breath was warm, very warm.

     "Um...I've just--uh, I've never had someone treat me...the way you do. I can't explain it."

He kissed the shell of my ear, and my breath hitched, I've most definitely never been treated the way he treats me. The strange feeling in my stomach grew stronger.

He pulled back until I could finally see his face, and--dear Jesus, my eyes must be playing tricks on me because his face was as red as his hair.

"Nagi..." He said in a whining tone. "I really like how you taste."

And with those simple words, my face felt as if it burst into flames. "That's, um, that's cool...uh-huh, not weird at all..."

His lips pressed against my forehead, right in between my eyebrows, his hands holding my wrists on either side of my head. Yes, Karma's been clingy as of late, but never like this. This is entirely new, and I'm ashamed to admit, but I actually like this.

Perhaps it's because I've never received this type of affection, and the fact that I'm receiving it right now has me all giddy inside.

This isn't at all like the first time we met. He was cold and heartless, or so it seemed. Now he's warm and makes feel safe, like if he was my guardian angel--er, demon...

     My guardian demon.

A yawn escaped my lips, an annoying squeal erupting as I did so, Karma backed away and gazed at me, releasing a soft chuckle.

"Tired, huh."

     "Yeah..." I sat up, and tied my hair up with the elastics that I always keep on my wrists. I noticed Karma shaking his head disapprovingly.

"That habit of yours...tying your hair before bed......I'm gonna burn it down to ash."

     "You can't burn down a habit..." I pointed out, playfully shoving his shoulder. "And--" Another yawn. Karma breathed out another laugh.

"Go to sleep, it's late."

"...okay, good night Karma."

(Karma's POV)

I watched as my contractor slept peacefully beside me, taking notice of every little detail.

The way his chest rose and fell as he breathed, the little wine that escaped his lips when he would shift in another position. The way his nose would twitch... And the way he would smile in his sleep...

His face looks so at peace. No one would ever guess what this boy goes through every single day of his life behind these walls.

Getting yelled at for being in the same room as his mother, getting physically abused for not exceeding her expectations, and getting criticized for not being born the opposite gender.

I may not know why, but it angers me. To the point where I want to rip off that woman's throat.

Does she not realize what she's doing?

Nagisa is constantly looking over his shoulder. He doesn't have any confidence in himself. And he thinks so low of his life.... Thinking that death is the solution to his mother's problem.

And why does he think all of this? Why does he do what he does? Because of that creature that claims herself to be human.

When in reality... she's worse than the devil himself. I would know.

Nagisa let out a sigh and rolled over so he was laying on his side, unconsciously snuggling closer to my body. All I did was watch.

Verbally, I would never admit this, but I think I'm starting to care about him. I'm starting to worry about his well being, I get frustrated when he's feeling negative emotions, I feel nothing but rage when he is harmed by others...

Is it because I'm contracted to him? No... That doesn't make sense. But what does? There has to be some kind of explanation. A demon doesn't care about humans, not at all, yet why is it that I do? And it's this human in particular.

During my thinking process I must've unconsciously moved my hand because it was resting on Nagisa's jaw, my thumb tracing along the line. Strange. This feels oddly comforting...and his skin is so...soft. What the hell even is this?

Eventually, my fingers began playing with the loose strands of blue hair. Soft as thread. I am genuinely amazed at how soft his hair is, just what does he do for it to be like this?

I stopped for a moment. Nagisa was shaking, breathing as if no air would ever be enough. Before I could inspect him further, his body jerked up, a small yelp erupting from him.

Puzzled, I sat up as well, tapping him on the shoulder which caused him to flinch and snap his head in my direction. His eyes were wide as he stared at me, clearly he was terrified.

He calmed down after a moment, resuming to lose himself in his thoughts. It was obvious that something scared him, his body still trembled.


He didn't reply.

     "Nagisa." I repeated, a little louder. This time, he turned to me. "What's wrong?"

He only stared at me, his dazzling azure eyes boring into mine. "Um... Just a bad dream. It's nothing..."

     "Oh, okay." I raised a brow. "Aren't you gonna go back to sleep?"

The moment I said 'sleep', he visibly shuddered. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep."

    "And why not?"

His shoulders sagged, his face forming a frown. "If I close my eyes, they'll hurt me again--I don't want, I don't want to. I'm scared--"

     "Hey..." I cut him off. "Come here." I took him by the arm and pulled him into an embrace, his shoulders stiffened but relaxed as soon as I began caressing the back of his neck.

"What are, what are you doing..?" He asked, his voice muffed.

I shrugged. "Having an attempt at comforting you in a human way..."

"But you don't like--"

     "Would you rather me throw you into a fire pit?"


     "That's what I thought." I said, leaning my back against the headboard and pulling Nagisa on my lap so we could be comfortable. I grabbed the blanket and draped it over his shoulders, his hands found their way around my waist and his head rested in the crook of my neck.

His hair cascaded down to his shoulders after I removed his elastics, he made a displeased sound and attempted to retrieve them. "Karma, I don't like my hair down."

My fingers ran through his hair, massaging his scalp. "I know... but I do." He let out a sigh of defeat and returned to his previous position. A hum escaping his throat when I rubbed little circles on his scalp, his body melted at the contact.

"You're being nice and clingy, like, more than usual...are you sick?"

My chest vibrated with laughter at his words. "I don't get sick, doll." I murmured in his hair. "You shouldn't question my actions. Now, when are you going back to sleep?"

"I'm, I'm not going to..." His hands clutched onto the back of my shirt. "I'll stay awake."

     "Nagisa." I said. "I don't know much about humans, but I do know that they need to sleep."

"I'm not sleeping."

I sighed, nuzzling into his head. This boy... "What was it about?"

"Everyone I care about were hurting me." He didn't stutter, but his voice was shaking as he said that, he truly was frightened. "But..."


"You were the only one who wasn't hurting me, you were protecting me....thank you."

Burying my face in his crown, I sighed. "It was a dream, no need to thank me for something I haven't really done."

"I can't help it..."

My throat released a hum. My hands making their way under his shirt to soothe his back, and I'm using this as an excuse to touch his skin. He didn't seem to mind the contact, so I continued to rub him in circles.

     "Nagi, go back to sleep."


    "I'll protect you."

His body tensed. "What..?"

And yet another sigh. I really hate repeating myself, but if it's for this stubborn little human, I'll do it.

     "I'm saying to go back to sleep, you have nothing to worry about. I'll protect you from your enemies, shield you from harmful actions of the people you thought cared about you, save you from your inner demons, and no matter what, I'll stay by your side until the very end. Go back to sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up."

"You promise...?"

     "I swear."

And there we stayed, in silence, doing nothing but staying in each other's arms. After a while, I noticed the bluenet was still awake, due to his uneven breathing.



"When this is all over, if we succeed in eliminating Koro-Sensei, what are you planning on doing with me?"

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