Abused But Loved (Ziall Mpreg)

By SarahHoran587

483K 12.3K 3.3K

Niall is in love with Zayn and has been for the last 3 years. The first year they dated was absolutely perfec... More

Abused But Loved (Ziall Mpreg)
Chapter 1~
Chapter 2~
Chapter 3~
Chapter 4 ~
Chapter 5~
Chapter 6~
Chapter 7~*
Chapter 9~*
Chapter 10~
Chapter 11~
Chapter 12~
Chapter 13~
Chapter 14~
Chapter 15 ~
Chapter 16~
Chapter 17*~
Chapter 18~
Chapter 19~
Chapter 20~
Chapter 21~
Chapter 22~
Chapter 23~
Chapter 24~
Chapter 25~
Chapter 26~
Chapter 27~
Chapter 28~
Chapter 29~
Chapter 30~

Chapter 8~

17.8K 439 222
By SarahHoran587

Chapter Song~ I've made up my mind don't need to think it over if I'm wrong I am right don't need to look no further this ain't lust I know this is love but if I tell the world I'll never say enough cause it was not said to you and that's exactly what I need to do if I'm in love with you should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements even if i leads nowhere or would it be a waste even if I knew my place should I leave it there should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavement even if it leads nowhere  I'd build myself up and fly around in circles wait then as my heart drops  and my back begins to tingle finally could this be it  should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere~ Chasing Pavements By: Adele

~7 Months Pregnant~

Niall's P.O.V

Harry and Hunter have been in school now for about three months and they're going on break soon for Christmas and New Years. It's Saturday and the boys are sleeping in while I am down here reading on this website called, Wattpad. I had picked a random book to read that was under 'Fanfiction' and It's all really good. A lot of these people are good writers and find good plots to write about. I am at a part where people call it 'Smut' and it's basically sex but I just can't believe how detailed all of it is. I continue to read it and get so into what I'm reading that I don't even notice one of the boys come downstairs until Hunter is whispering in my ear making me jump and let out a squeal. I quickly shut my laptop and look at Hunter.

"How long have you been stand there...."

"Not long.. what were you reading?"

"N-Nothing.. i-it was an article about cats."

Hunter narrows his eyes at me.

"Sure you were... let me read this so called 'article'. "

"No! you have your chores to get done that you didn't do yesterday. go wash the dishes now!"

He groans but walks off to the kitchen. I put a hand over my heart and feel myself blush a deep red because I can just picture the people having sex from how much information was put into it. I open my laptop and quickly exit out of the website and delete the history. I go on my phone and open the Wattpad app instead knowing it will be safer for me to read.  I start reading from the part I left off  and I can feel my eyes widen at how big the guys dick is in the story. I move to the corner of the couch so nobody and can read over my shoulder and continue reading. About an hour later Harry comes downstairs with just his boxers on and he walks over to me and kissed my cheek before going to the kitchen. I'm not surprise that everyone is awake but Zayn. I finally put my phone away not knowing if I can handle reading another smut scene in the story. I walk upstairs to my room while Harry an Hunter eat. I walk into the room and lay on the bed and kiss Zayn's lips trying to wake him up. I pull back and see his eyes still close so I start kissing down his neck and start sucking a love bite when I hear him groan.

"Baby what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to wake you up."

"Okay, it's working.."

" Christmas is two months away... we have to go Christmas shopping or we'll never get it done. The boys are going to be on break soon so we have to get the gifts today."

"Alright baby let me get dress. go tell the boys to get dress and we'll go."

I nodded and kissed him sweetly then got off the bed and went downstairs to see the boys on my laptop.

"What are you doing?"

They both jump and turn to look at me. I cross my arms and give them both a look.

"Um, nothing just playing games." Hunter answers

"Hm, sure. Go upstairs and get ready."

"Where are we going?" Harry asks

"Christmas shopping."

"Yes! Okay, what do you want for Christmas dad?" Harry say

"Nothing. I don't want anything."

"Okay, then.." Hunter says with a sigh.

They get up and walk upstairs to their rooms. Zayn comes down dressed and ready to go. He kisses me and wraps his arms around me.

"Baby, since we're going shopping for Christmas we might as well start shopping for baby stuff.'

"You're right! we'll do that too since we'll be there."

The boys come downstairs and we all get in the car and drive to the a mall. We give the boys money to go buy whatever they please and go our separate ways. I walked around the baby area and picked up things we'll need such as nappies, onesies, clothes, bottles, bibs, toys, wippeys, crib, stroller ,car seat, baby lotion, baby powder, baby shampoo and a high chair. Zayn got a few things to decorate the room when we get the chance. We then walked off to the Electronics to get our boys something.

"Babe, what games should we get if buy them a PS4?"

I ask while looking at the different Play Station's wanting to buy the new popular ones.

" We could get them all of the Call Of Duty games along with FIFA games."

"You don't think the Call Of Duty games are a bit violent? I don't want them thinking they can go and shoot someone."

"They'll be fine. They're old enough they know better."

" Okay, What about some Zombie games?"

"Haha, I'm sure they'll love that."

I nodded and looked at the designed controllers.

"Zayn, are we going to get them separate Play Stations or one to share?"

"I'm sure they can share right? Besides they're also getting an Xbox so it should be fine."

" Alright, then go get someone to get the stuff out for us."

He nodded and kissed me softly then walked off to go get someone.

Zayn's P.O.V

I walked off to go find a worker. Once I did they unlocked the glass and grabbed everything we asked for. Niall then started walking to a different area and I wrapped my around his waist as much as I can to follow him. I looked at all the IPad's and I was sure the boys would want one of them. We got the IPad's then walked off to where all the Christmas stuff was since the store was already preparing for the holiday. We got wrapping paper along with tape and we were finished.We walked and paid for everything we got. They double bagged everything so you couldn't see what was inside the bags which I was thankful for. I kissed Niall and put the stuff into the basket for him.

"Baby, go to the car and put all the stuff in the car. I'll be out in a minute I have to go get something I forgot."

"Okay, are you sure you don't want me to just wait for you?"

"I'm sure baby.."

He nodded and I watched Niall walk off. I went to look for a gift for Niall. I walked passed all the kids things and looked at the men's area. I grabbed two new pairs of shoes one Nike's and the other Jordan's. I looked at some necklaces that could be engraved and picked out a necklace that was shaped as a puzzle piece. It was paired with another necklace allowing them to be put together.  I walked over to the lady and had her engrave my name on one necklace and Niall's name on the other. then I had her write Always And Forever Together Until The End . so when you connect the necklaces together it would make the sentence. I purchased all the items and walked out to the car where Niall waited playing with the radio.  I got in and kissed his forehead.

"The boys are on there way. They said they finished their shopping."

"Alright, baby.. when we get home do you want me to set up the baby's room?"

"Yes if you don't mind. I'll help you if you want."

"No, it's alright love I don't want you stressing or picking anything up."

I watched as he opened his mouth to protest but as he was about to say a word I glared at him making him sigh. When the boys got to the car they had a few bags each and we drove home. I took everything we had purchased into our bed room and placed it on the bed since Niall would be wrapping everything but made sure to hide what I had gotten him. The boys ran into Harry's room yelling to not come in because they'll be busy. I grabbed all the baby's things and took to the room that would become the Nursery and began to set everything up. Two hours later I was done and pretty tired. I knocked on Harry's door and as I was about to open he started yelling.

"No!!! Don't open the door!!!"

I heard him whispering something to Hunter and soon he came and opened the door a bit so I was able to see his face.

"Hi Papa!!" He said with a bright smile.

"Hi love"

"What did you need?"

"Oh, I just wanted to ask you and Hunter if you guys wanted to order pizza tonight?"

"Yeah!! I want pizza!!! Hunter and I will order it."

"Alright then.. I'll be in my room if you need me."

"Okay byeee Papa!!"

Harry shut the door and I rolled my eyes at my sons who were trying to keep  something a secret. I walked into my bedroom and saw all the gifts wrapped and sitting in the closet. I looked at Niall as he sat in the middle of the bed with his back to me and the laptop sitting in front of him on the bed. He rubbed his stomach slowly as he paid attention to the laptop screen. He was so focused and into whatever he was doing that he didn't notice my presences. I quietly walked over to him and looked at what he was doing behind him. He was reading something and he scrolled down a bit to continue reading. I finally focused and started reading as well.

' I felt his breath on me as he kissed down my shoulder slowly. He slipped his hands under my shirt and pulled it slowly over my head. He laid me back on the bed and climbed over me. I felt his hands run slowly down my chest all the way down until he reached the my jeans. I shivered from the overwhelming pleasure. He undid my jeans and slowly pulled them off along with my boxers leaving me fully expose. He came back up and kissed my neck slowly leaving love bites. I moaned as he moved his hand up and down my length. I can feel my breathing pick up as I started panting.

" I-I need you now.. P-Please.." I moaned out.

He kissed below my ear before whispering  one word into my ear with his hot breath making me feel even more please.


"I need you right now please.. just fuck me already..."

"What do you want me to do to you.."

" I want you to slam into me and pleasure me .. I want you to show me you love me. I want you to make sure I won't be able to walk tomorrow! I want You! "

He slammed into me making me scream out in pleasure wanting more.. wanting to feel him deep inside of me.. He moved at a fast pace making me a moaning mess. I felt myself about to reach my climax.

"I-I'm c-close!!"

"Come...come for me baby"

I screamed out as his words helped me reach my peak making me climax. I panted and felt him come inside of me. He slowly pulled out and laid beside me panting. '

My eyes widen at what I had just read. I looked at Niall to see him biting his lip and continuing to read. Is this what he does when he's on his laptop? That was just intense I watched as Niall's breathing hitched every once in a while. He was seriously into this. I couldn't take this anymore.

"Baby, what in the fucking world are you reading."

He jumped and slam the laptop shut with a hand over his heart. His eyes wide as he sat there trying to calm down.

"Bloody hell!! What the hell is wrong with you! scarring a pregnant man!"

"What were you reading?"

"I was reading an article about um... cats... you know maybe we should get a cat.."

He said with dark red blush sitting on his cheeks.

"Bullshit. You were not reading and article about cats. You were reading a sex scene!"

"W-What?! N-No!!"

"Yes you were! Stop lying to me!"

" smut.." He mumbled.


"It's called smut... I was reading fan fiction and it was at a smut part."

"Baby, why are you reading that?"

"Um, because it's interesting..."

"Haha, how about I do the same thing that happened in that story to you?"

"N-No... "

He stuttered blushing an even darker shade of red. I smiled at him and began to kiss him passionately slowly moving the laptop away and laying him done. I crawled on top of him and started to kiss down his neck making him moan softly. I was just about to unbutton his pants but was interrupted by Harry calling me from downstairs.

"Papa!!!! Pizza is here!!!!"

I looked at Niall to see his face was a light pink and he was panting. If he wasn't pregnant I would fuck him senseless.

" Come on baby lets go eat."

I helped him sit up and climb off the bed since his stomach has gotten a lot bigger making it hard for him to get up.

"Um, give me a moment I'll be down right now."

I smirked and nodded then walked downstairs. I paid the pizza man and Harry skipped off to the kitchen with the pizza.

" I want this slice!!" Hunter cheered about to pick up the slice to eat it but was quickly interrupted by Harry.

"No! I want that slice!"

"Screw you Haz! You tell me like I give a fuck."

"Fuck you Hunt!! eat the damn slice then I hope you choke on it!"

"Shut the fuck up Harry before I hit you."

Harry whacked Hunter in the back off his head just as he took a bit of his pizza causing him to choke a bit. Harry burst out laughing and Hunter set the slice of pizza down and began hitting Harry. Not hard enough to do damage but hard enough to make Harry stop laughing. Niall comes downstairs and I wrap my arms around him kissing him gently on the neck then sitting my chin on his shoulder watching our boys fight. Hunter had finally had enough of Harry and grabbed a little slice of pizza and slapped it into Harry's face making Harry let out a squeal from the sudden darkness.

"Alright!! that's enough!! stop acting like ten year old's and sit down and eat your pizza." Niall says.

Harry and Hunter sit down and grabbed a plate setting a slice of pizza on it.

"Harry, sweet heart go wash your face." Niall says.

"Okay mum.."

Niall glares at Harry as we all start laughing. Niall sends Harry a look making him stop laughing and rush to go wash his face. When he comes back we finish dinner and go to the living room to watch tv. Soon we all end up asleep with the tv still on dreaming about different things.

Hiii!!!! Haha, so Niall got caught reading a smut part in a fan fiction!!! they also went baby and Christmas shopping!!! Harry and Hunter are going on break for Christmas and New years! I'm sorry for not showing them in school but I find it a bit boring to write. I hope you all like this chapter!!! I will update soon byeeee!! ~ PUNK NIALLER




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