A Shattered Life (LOTR/Legola...

De ElvenArcher0106

69.3K 1.9K 189

It's been 60 years since Amara Silverhood traveled with the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, but the pain in he... Mais

Prologue- A Love Lost
Chapter 1- Rivendell Calls
Chapter 2- The Mountain Pass
Chapter 3- Mines of Doom
Chapter 4- Lothlörien Gifts
Chapter 5- Breaking of Fellowship
Chapter 6- Torture in the Night
Chapter 7- Hope Lost
Chapter 8- Egde of Death
Chapter 9- The Road to Edoras
Chapter 10- Releasing Theoden
Chapter 11- Truth Will Out
Chapter 12- The Way To Helm's Deep
Chapter 13- A Ranger Returns
Chapter 14- To Fight
Chapter 15- To Win
Chapter 16- Reunion in Isengard
Chapter 17- Drunken Love
Chapter 18- Clouded Memories
Chapter 19- The Palantir
Chapter 20- The Ride to Minas Tirith
Chapter 21- Room to Hope
Chapter 22- To the Edge of Night
Chapter 23- Burned Alive
Chapter 24- The Long Expected Confession
Chapter 25- A Refusal to Sleep
Chapter 26- A Diversion
Chapter 28- The End of All Things
Chapter 29- The Crownless Again Shall Be King
Chapter 30- Of Nerves and Celebration
Chapter 31- An Unexpected Guest
Epilogue- Into the West

Chapter 27- For Frodo

1.3K 36 8
De ElvenArcher0106

The march to Mordor was a long and quiet one. Every knight held solemn looks, with a hint of fear behind each of their eyes. Amara's body was tense with anxieties of the coming battle. Everyone held onto the same worries, Amara could sense them only growing stronger the closer they got to Mordor. The sky was dark and grey. The sun, though not blocked by clouds, seemed dim and further away than ever.

Pippin, for once was silent, sitting in front of Amara on her horse. Even he knew the sacrifice they were about to make. Their numbers were too few. And their fate weighed on the success of Frodo and destroying the ring. Even then, every knight went to this battle prepared to die in order to bring peace to the families they left in Minas Tirith.

"Vara lye, Eru Ilúvatar. Cora lye. Maa oe'r lye. Manka ta naa lle will, ona lye lakilea." {Protect us, Eru Ilúvatar. Lead us. Look over us. If it is your will, give us victory.} Amara sent up a small prayer as she pulled her horse to a stop. The gates of Mordor towered above the small army. The air was silent and still. Not word was spoken. Amara's horse pranced anxiously until she rested a hand against his neck and he stilled. Pippin craned his neck up to look at the elf dwarf.

"Where are they?" The hobbit asked.

Aragorn turns to look towards him and then rides forward towards the gate. Amara followed, Legolas riding up next to her, Gimli sitting behind him. Gandalf followed. Then Eomer, who had Merry with him. They ride up close to the gate.

"Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth!" He shouts at the Gate. "Let justice be done upon him!" The gates open and out comes a figure on a horse. He rides towards them.

"My master Sauron the Great bids thee welcome." The servant of Sauron said. Amara couldn't turn away from the horrific creature. He supported heavy black armor and a helmet, with spikes shooting out from the top like a crown. Only his mouth was visible, Amara wasn't sure she wanted to see the rest of his face. His teeth were yellowed and sharp, lined up jaggedly. His skin was pale and gray.

"Is there any in this rout with authority to treat with me?" The servant asked, bearing his teeth in a menacing smile.

"We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed. Tell your master this. The armies of Mordor must disband. He is to depart these lands, never to return." Gandalf spoke harshly.

"Aha! Old Greybeard! I have a token I was bidden to show thee." He held up a sparkling white tunic. Amara gasped. Frodo's mithril shirt.

"Frodo!" Pippin cried as the servant threw the shirt to Gandalf. "Frodo!"

"Silence!" Gandalf snapped.

"No!" Merry shouted.

"Silence!" Gandalf said again, his hands clutching the tunic tightly.

"The Halfling was dear to thee I see. Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host. Who would've thought one so small could endure so much pain? And he did Gandalf, he did." Tears start into Gandalf's eyes. Amara, in one quick motion, drew her bowstring taught, aiming straight at the grotesque mouth.

"You lie!" Amara shouted, tears springing to her own eyes. The servant of Sauron turned on Amara and though he had no eyes, Amara could feel his gaze.

"My Master has waited patiently to meet with thee, great assassin. Tell me what has he shown thee? You knew this would happen and yet here you are to bring all of them to their deaths." He spat.

"You know nothing." She growled.

"Is that so, Amara Silverhood? I see what he sees. And even now he is looking into your mind. You feel it don't you?" Amara froze, her bow lowering slightly. She felt like she was underwater, the creature still spoke, but his words were muffled under a louder voice.

"Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul."

Amara couldn't move, however much she wanted to. She wished to block the voice out, but it only got louder and louder.

Suddenly the trace was broken, the servants head falling to the ground with a dull thump. Amara blinked and shook her head slightly. Aragorn had his sword out, the blade now covered in black blood.

"I guess that concludes negotiations." Gimli said. Aragorn rode up to Amara. He placed a hand in her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly. Amara nodded.

"Frodo..." she murmured.

"I do not believe it. I will not." Aragorn said, shaking his head. He then nodded to the others and lead the way back to the army. Legolas pulled his horse up next to Amara and reached over, taking her hand in his.

"Naa lle vanya, Melamin?" {Are you okay, my love?} He asked quietly.

"Amin naa eithel. Amin naa frid ie' mani sina dagora om brien." {I am okay. I am frightened at what this battle will bring.} She responded. They reached the others and dismounted. Amara turned and helped Pippin down before patting the horse and sending him on his way.

"Ta naa eithel, Amara. Amin naa sinome yassen lle." {It is well. I am here with you.} Legolas took her hand again and kissed it lightly. "Amin mela lle." {I love you.} The elf whispered almost desperately.

"Amin mela lle, Legolas." Amara responded.

"Hold your ground! Hold your ground!" Aragorn shouts, riding in front of the army. Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers. I see it in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day! An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight!" Amara watched as the uncrowded king of Gondor brought courage to the men. "By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand! Men of the West!" The soldiers all unsheath their weapons and stand ready. Aragorn wheels around on his horse to face the oncoming enemy. He dismounted and sent the horse away from battle. The orc army surrounded them on all sides. The knights pushed together, Amara now wedged between Legolas and Pippin.

Pippin unsheathes his sword, Merry looks at him and breathes heavily, holding himself in readiness for battle. Amara drew her sword, taking a deep breath.

"Im yassen amin a're, Ada." {Be with me today, father.} She said quietly.

"Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf." Gimli huffed, trying to keep the somber mood light.

"What about side by side with a friend?" Legolad asked, looking down at the dwarf and smiling. Gimli looked up to the elf, his eyes wide.

"Aye. I could do that." The dwarf responded.

Amara turned her attention to Aragorn, whose eyes were fixed on the approaching Orc army. He stepped forward, lowering his sword slightly. He stared blankly in front of him for a moment before turning and smiling.

"For Frodo..." He said quietly. He raises his sword and runs forward towards the Orc army. Pippin and Merry shout and run after him, their swords raised. Amara followed, her hand leaving Legolas' grasp as they both ran towards the orc army. The rest of the army followed. Aragorn reaches the Orcs first and smashes into them slashing with his sword. The two armies collide in a fierce battle. 

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