The bad boy and the loner girl

By NotPerfect_SueMe

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Beatrice hates school, and everyone in it. she has one friend, her names Mags. other then that she is a loner... More

chapter 1:my life in a nut shell
chapter 2: ohmigosh
Chapter 3: i will squirt you
chapter 4: the loner life
Chapter 5: high as a butterfly
Chapter 6: motor bikes and hitch hikes
Chapter 7: revenge is coming
Chapter 8: centipede
Chapter 9: the secret
Chapter 10: the bad boy cries?
Chapter 11: i am a ninja
Chapter 12: part 1: stuck in a horror movie
Chapter 13: cause sloths are cool
Chapter 14: sassy pants
Chapter 15: i want fabulous
Chapter 16: him and his stupid lips
Chapter 17: tears and confessions
Chapter 18: dont be a meaner
Chapter 19: date night
Chapter 20: cleaners?
Chapter 21: dinner disaster
Chapter 22: eating and throwing
Chapter 23: christmas sex
Chapter 24: zombie apocalypse 101
Chapter 25: thank the sloth lord
Chapter 26: love me or hate me
Authors note!
Chapter 27: prom

Chapter 12: part 2: stuck in a horror movie

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By NotPerfect_SueMe

"Alright i dare you to ask the ouija board a question!" Darren says to Jace.

Oh no. I completely believe in ghosts and evil spirits and all that so i completely am not ok with this.

Jace looks unsure until he gets up determination clear on his face.

"Okay." He then goes into the basement emerging with non other then the ouija board itself.

Oh gosh, oh holly mother of sloth.

"I would rather do bloody Mary then this!" I say.

"Relax. I wont ask it anything serious, just like... when will you die." He says casually.

My eyes widen and i stare at him. "Umm no you wont! Ok ive heard alot of stories when people do that! And its never good so i swear if-

"Beatie, i would never do that to you." He says and grabs my shoulders. "Dont worry, ill ask it my favourite colour or something."

I relax a little and say ok before grabbing a pillow and sitting in front of the board.

The pillow isn't to sit on by the way, its to hold onto for comfort. I would rather have my stuffed skunk but what can you do.

We light some candles and turn out the lights.

"Is that all really necessary? i mean do you want to die?" I ask incredulously.

They just roll there eyes and continue getting set up.

"Fanfrickentastic. I come here thinking, its only one night what could go wrong and now im here probably about to die or be haunted for the rest of my life." I state.

"Don't get your panties in a twist love, jace is the one asking a question not you." Darren says.

"Alright you guys ready?" Jace asks.



"Ok lets do this."

Clearly he doesn't understand what no means.

He takes a deep breath before putting his hands on the centre piece, darren follows his actions and now they just wait for me.

Should i really do this? I mean theres been so many stories of these things going wrong..

Its all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

Or a ghost gets involved.

Or an evil spirit.

Or the devil.

Or a demon.


"Beatie, put your hands on it!" Jace says.

Ok ok i can do this, stop being a scaredy cat!

"Okay?" Jace asks.

"Okay." I say and place my hands gently on it.

"What should i ask? Wait no i got it." Jace says and closes his eyes.

"I bet you dont know what im afraid of." He says.

What? Thats not a question....

All of a sudden the piece starts moving.

"I swear if thats one of you two ill-

"Its not us." Darren says looking amazed.

"C" we say out loud as the piece spells something out.






Oh no. My eyes widen. Ohmigosh.

"Clowns? Im not afraid of clowns?" Jace says.

"Me either." Darren says confused.

"I am." I say terrified. "A lot."

I rip my hands off the thing and start to hyperventilate.

"Beatie nothings happened, everything's fine!" Jace comforts me but it isnt working.

"But they knew! I know it wasnt you guys because i never told you! I never told anyone! Not even my mom knows!" I yell.

I look over to darren and see him texting someone.

"Really? Really? Your texting in a time like this!?" Is he being serious!?

He looks up and puts his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry sorry continue."

I roll my eyes "idiot. Whatever im over it, just put that thing away."

"Okay okay fine, we only needed to ask one question anyway." He says.

"Ya darn tooten it was only one question! If i die, its on you!" I say to darren.

Him and jace start to slowly clean it up as i sit there and grab some more popcorn from the bowl.

10 minutes later we are sitting in a circle again but this time no ouija board in-between us.

Thank the lord for that.

"Well its around 12:00 now guys. What do ya all fancy doin?" Jace asks.

"Something fun but not dangerous." I say and glare at darren.

"Okay well-

All of a sudden we hear a crash in the kitchen.

We're home alone.

At least we were.

I quickly jump up and grab the closest thing which happens to be the now empty bowl of popcorn.

"Pssst! What do we do!?" I whisper.

"Umm call 911!?" Darren whispers back.

"My phones in the kitchen!?" Jace whisper yells.

"Mine too!" I say.

We both turn to darren only to find him running down the hallway.

"Are you kidding me!? Coward!!" I yell quietly.

"Ok we need to hide." Jace whispers standing up and grabbing my arm gently.

I nod my head really fast and let him drag me into a closet in the hallway.

Before the door closes i catch a glimpse of a bright colourful afro.


Breath breath breath.

"Umm jace." My voice quivers.

"What." He whispers and pulls me down onto his lap.

"Its a clown." I say and look at his face.

He stares at me then holds my face in his hands. "It will be ok. I won't let it get near you." He then leans forward and kisses my cheek.

"Okay?" He asks.

"Okay." I say just loud enough to hear.

I close my eyes and focus on my breathing.



"Jace.. I think hes in the hallway!" I whisper.

"Just shhhh! Ok? We will be fine." He says and puts his arm around me.

"But... But hes ganna kill us! I dont wanna die." I curl up even tighter in the small space that were hiding in.

"You wont die. I wont let that happen. We will be ok." He tries to calm me down.

He seems just as scared though.

Oh gawd i dont want to die! I dont want to be murdered in Darren's house just because of a stupid dare!!

All of a sudden the door bursts open.

"Aahhhhhhhhh!!!!" We both scream our friggen butts off.

Ohmigosh it is a clown! The most terrifying clown ever!!


"JACE!!" I scream.

He jumps up and grabs my hand before body checking the clown out of the door frame.

How the heck does he have the guts to do that!?

I quickly turn around and throw the popcorn bowl that i grabbed earlier and aim it at his head.

We run into the living room to see the ouija board set back up!

"What the fricken fudge sticks!?" I yell.

Jace pulls me into his chest "the front door is just around the corner, run to it get out and call for help. Ill distract it." He whispers.

"What? Jace no!!" I say.

"Beatie trust me, ok? I told you ill keep you safe and i meant it!" He then pulls me close and hugs me tight.

"What about you? I cant just leave you." I say.

"You have to. Ill be alright." He says and kisses my forehead softly.

I breath deeply before nodding my head.

"Count of three." He looks up and his eyes widen." Nevermind GO!" He yells and pushes me in the right direction.

I quickly run to the front door but not before looking behind me to see the clown right in front of jace.

I freeze. I cant just leave him....

I notice a knife behind the clowns back and scream.

"JACE! He has a knife!!" I then run to him and jump in front.

"Dont! Dont you dare! You may terrify me but you know what!? I-

I stop talking as soon as i see Darren crawling towards us.

"Darren!?" Jace yells.

He then Pulls me into his chest to guard me.

I grip him tight and stare at Darren's bloody body.

"Run.." He whispers before falling limp.

No no no no. This is not happening. I knew Ouija boards were bad! I knew it and no one listened!

The clown then turns to us with a smile.

"Say your goodbyes." It says creepily.

And i scream of course because clowns are terrifying and multiply that fear by a thousand when they talk like that.

"Beatrice. Look at me. You have to run." He says before pushing me for a second time and just as i look back to him i see the clown stab him in his chest.

We both scream.

I continue to scream even though he had stopped and is looking at the clowns hand holding the knife against his chest.

He raises a eyebrow and pushes the clown away.

He feels his skin, wait theres no blood....

Wait a minute.

"You fu**ing dicks!!!" He yells and tackles a laughing clown.

I am still backing myself into a corner because i have no idea whats happening.

All of a sudden darren gets up and starts laughing too.


My eyes see red as i stand up and march to him.

I hit his chest multiple times and yell things like "how could you!" "Your so disrespectful!" "I hate you"

Yeah im not proud but what can i say, that was mean.

I turn to look at jace pulling off the red nose that was on the clown.

"FINNICK im ganna kill you!" Jace yells and pulls off the wig too.

Both the boys are still laughing their butts off.

Wait finnick? Oh of course! They must have been planning this!

I glare at darren not wanting to look at finnick until he no longer looks like an evil clown.

"Jace!" Whine.

"Yea i got it!" He says understanding

"Take that damn clown suit off!" He yells.

I hear a zipper and then ruffling of material.

I turn around to see finick in normal clothes with his clown make up still on, i can handle just make up. I think.

I rush past him into jace.

I hug him and say "thank god your not dead!"

Then i look to Finnick and say "it was not so nice meeting you."

He laughs and says "i found it pretty awesome."

I glare at him and hit his chest.

"Wash your face! Its giving me the creeps!"

Once hes all washed up they explain that the ouija board thing was real. They were originally just going to have Finnick wear a black ski mask but once he found out i was scared of clowns he got all set up.

When i caught darren texting, he was texting finnick telling him to dress as a clown, 'luckily' he had a clown costume already.

It all worked out just as planned for them. Whopped de fricken doo.

Me and jace on the other hand, not so much.

Oh and they used ketchup as fake blood, worked well since the lights were pretty much out. Then the knife was one of those fake ones that retract when being pushed into someone.

I hate them. I hate them all.

Jace brought me here so i blame him too.

After the explaining was over, they laughed a bit more... Of course. Then they went to bed.

Me and jace were left sitting on the couch.

"So you would sacrifice your life for me huh?" I say smiling.

He rolls his eyes "isnt that what the guy is suppose to do?"

"Yuppers! Im just surprised you did, i mean you hardly know me." I say.

"I know you enough, i just dont know those deep things but i know enough." He repeats.

"Mhhmm. Well thank you." I say.

"You jumped in front of me too. I guess you should get a thank you as well." He mumbles.

"Im guessing you dont say that much." I joke.

"No not really."

"It still creeps me out that the ouija thing was real though." I say honestly and look around just to be sure were alone.

"Yea. Dont worry, umm you can.... you can come sleep in the guest room with me if you want. Y'know so that you aren't alone out here on the couch." He says while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Awe is someone nervous?" I tease.

He lightly shoves my shoulder.

"Okay. Id like that." I agree and we head to the bedroom.

"Ill take the floor i guess." He mumbles.

"Jace..." Oh gosh "umm you can sleep on the bed too. Just in case i get possessed or something." I say quickly.

"Yeah, just in case, i think i should." He smiles.

Since im already in my pj's i hop on into the bed.

Jace takes of his shirt then hops in too.

"Do you have to be topless?" I groan.

"Sometimes i sleep naked but i didnt think you'd want that." He smirks.

"Ughhhh!" I shake my head "nope nooohoho no thank you."

"Good night Beatie." He says softly.

"Good night bad boy." I say back.

Well tonight was really interesting.

Cant say id want to do that again. At least not the clown thing.


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I hope you like it.... :)

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