Double Dirty, Dork (Original)

By XxTrashyAlienScumxX

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Kevedd, so hope you like! comment and vote ...and it might be a little inappropriate so I suggest if you don'... More

Double Dirty, Dork
Kevin, likes Double D
Stutterd words
~ Double Dork texts Kevin ~
"Double the fun!, Doube D it."
~Cul-Da-Sack, Gone Wrong?~
~I Forgive You~
~From sweet to sour~
~Just The Rave, I'm Looking For~
~Double I...~
~Toughen Up~
x~I Dare You~x
~Hello Pumpkin...~
~What A Bickering Day~
~Its Ok Nat~
~Morning, Cupcake~
~Guilt kills the Gut, Double Time~
~...Things Changed...~
~I Dont Believe You~
~Welcome, Back~
~Double D's Back~
~The End~


15K 432 330
By XxTrashyAlienScumxX

{Kevin's p.o.v}

I look down at my phone and see the text dork sent me.

Dork: Eddy wanted to take me with Ed as well, my apologies Kevin

I was a little shocked I got rejected " well then..."

~'last bell rings'~

I walk out of my last period a little upset, and see Marie with Nazz in their secret little corner behind the school, they were arguing again but this time it looked a little violent. I secretly watch ready to stop them in case.

" WELL MAYBE IF YOU WOULD STOP BEING SUCH A BITCH TO MY FRIENDS! OR GET JEALOUS AND RIP ME OUT OF EVERYONE'S ARMS DO I NOT LOOK TRUSTWORTHY TO YOU?!! DO I LOOK LIKE A SLUT?! HUH?!!! DO I MARIE!!!!??!!!!" Nazz was loosing her MIMD, I've never seen so angry...for the first time it looked as if Marie was afraid of Nazz maybe it wasn't the first time this happened, you could tell in Marie's face that it looked like it happened often out of school. Nazz couldn't be a beater or a bitch, could she?!! she's to sweet and nice..." GAWD MARIE I HATE THAT YOU ACT LIKE A PACIFIST BUT YOU STILL CHOOSE TO PICK A FIGHT WITH EVERYONE UGH" Nazz balls her fist.

I couldn't believe what my eyes were starring at it, this couldn't be happening Nazz is so perfectly nice in school.

"STOP YELLING AT ME! NAZZ IM FUCKING TIRED OF I-" Nazz slaps Marie hard, I could hear it echo. Marie looks up with a tear rolling down her cheek and holding her hand marked cheek.

Nazz frowns in disgust angry, she was to mad to care.

"NAZZ?! WHY ARE YOU SUCH A BITCH?! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?! IM TIRED OF YOU HITTING ME WHENEVER I DO SOMETHING YOU DON'T LILE!!" the blue hair just stood there shaking her head looking at Nazz and flinching when Nazz growls and raises her hand to hit her again. I run over and stop her before she could hit her again, Marie looks up at me with painful sad eyes...she gave a thankful look.

Nazz looks at me and I grip her wrist tight "Marie go home" I say as I stare at Nazz with a look of disappointment but she Starr's back shocked. Marie stands up straight from her crouching fear of Nazz, then leaves glancing at Nazz with sad look, she walks covering her cheek.

She pulls her wrist away aggressively from the tight grip.

"What the HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU NAZZ?!" I yell disappointed and afraid.

She just looks down and away trying not to cry, she was embarrassed that someone saw her this way.

"YOU CANT JUST GO AROUND BEATING MARIE LIKE THAT! ITS WRONG!" I growl and make her face me, spin her to face me " LISTEN TO ME GAWD DAMMIT!"

Nazz's eyes well with tears, her cheeks blushing a dark red.

"Marie cares a lot about you, that's all!,there's nothing wrong with her pulling you away from people...I would've done the same if I had a gorgeous lover!, she's just afraid to loose you! like she lost her sisters....ever since they've came to the Cul-De-Sac and ripped them away from her, you know she had such a horrible past since 8th grade! how can you be so cruel!!!! Nazz!! who are you?!??!!!" I couldn't stop yelling at her I felt a deep hurt feeling for Marie, I've never been in that type of situation but I can imagine the pain that ran through her blood, the pain and loneliness she feels when she doesn't have anyone around to comfort her...and just with the thought that Nazz beats her for one stupid mistake makes feel a hatred against her attitude. The blonde just stands there looking away with tears and anger falling from her eyes, it looked as if the tears were sizzling off her cheeks from how hot they could be from how red they were, it basically looked as if their was fire in them "ANSWER ME NAZZ!!!"


"nothing can hurt worse than the only person you have left is beating you" my voice cracks with tears, I felt upset for the both of them...a crazy past balancing and unbalancing between then.

"KEVIn..." she cries and becomes weak falling to the floor " I just can't do this!" she hides her face in her hands "I'm such a horrible person, she hates me!"

I sit against the wall, and pull her into my arms rubbing her back and calming her down. As far as I know Nazz didn't have the exact perfect life either, in fact nobody did in the Cul-De-Sac everyone had a past they couldn't stand, everyone has a secret they hide. Even me.

"Nazz, I'll help you get over this...I know you'll be better trust me!...I'll do everything. I can to make you feel better about yourself, and don't say that Marie hates you, because she obviously doesn't! if she's stuck around after gawd knows how many times you've hit her...she obviously loves you"

she looks up at me with sad red eyes, mascara and eyeliner running down her cheeks. She wipes her cheeks that stung from the hot tears and burning anger "I'm sorry Kevin"

"you'll be fine Nazz, I know it...but right now I think there someone else you need to apologize to, not me." I stand up and reach out my hand.

She nods and sniffles as she took my hand and helped her stand on her weak legs. I clean off her face and fix her hair " there"

She smiles and kisses my cheek "thank you Kevin, I dont know how I could live my life without you...your such a treasure as a best friend" she gives a weary smile as we hugged each other tight in silence, she then pulls away and walks out in front of the school and across the street making her way to Marie's place.

I sigh and watch her leave "I don't know how I could live my life without you either Nazz".

-----Double D's scene pov-----

After the bell wrong I rushed out of my class and out of the school. I had to get home and start on some of my project before the dance started.

"Hey sockhead! where you going?!" Eddy yelled for me from behind.

"Oh why home of course" I walk a little faster down the street as he tried to catch up to me.

" what?! no were going shopping! your not going to the dance dressed like a teacher" he frowns in disgust and grabs me by the collar dragging me to his drive way pushing me Into his car and throwing in Ed to the backseat, he sits in the drivers seat and starts the engine.


"Can it SOCKHEAD!" he backs up and drives on to the street, we stop at a stop sign. When Eddy presses the gas he suddenly slams on the break and Marie looks up shocked, with tears running down her cold flushed face "what's wrong with Kanker?"

" Oh my she doesn't look to well, I hope shell be alright" we watch her walk away and I worry for her.

When Eddy arrives at the mall we walk in to several stores until he found one he loved, I don't remember the name but I do know it was the kind of clothing I would never wear even if I was pinned to the ground and forced too, which I was anyway.

"Sockhead try this" he throws the clothes at me and I try it on feeling uncomfortable but somewhat nice, I walk out and he stares at me as if I was the meaning of perfection, not trying to sound selfish and conceded but that's ready what he had told me.

"your the new meaning of perfection! " he checks me out up and down. I look in the mirror again, I stare at the outfit fitted just right. Black v-neck, with a leather jacket and black skinny jeans with black and white high tops...I looked like a delinquent.

"Eddy I'm not so sure I'm comftorta-" he pushes me in the dressing room not letting me finish.

"yeah yeah yeah sockhead just change so we can go pay for it"

I sigh and changed back into my normal style, and look in the mirror.

'Hmmm...maybe he is right, perhaps that style did look a bit better on me...' I think but then shrug it off. I walk out side and he snatches the clothes from me, pays then drags me back out to the car.


We arrive back at my house and I change into the same outfit again, preparing myself for the dance. I wish I would've had time to start on some of my project but it seemed like I didn't. When I finish, I walk outside and wait for Eddy to call me. I see Kevin walk by and stop in front of my house starring down at his phone.

'Hmmm...he looks adorable' I blush and shake my head 'oh dear, no how could I say such a thing' I look down embarrassed.

{Kevin's p.o.v}

Nazz: I won't be going to the dance I feel like crap and Marie wasn't home.

Me: I'm sorry Nazz maybe I'll come spend the night after the dance

Nazz: thanks kev, your so radd!

Me: yeah, ok I gtg bye.

Nazz: Bye.

I look up from my phone and didn't realize I stopped in front of Dorks house until I heard him yelling at Eddy on the phone, Eddy couldn't go at last minute so I looked up to see him and my eyes shocked and mouth hangs open. I was not looking at Edd, the black v-neck with leather jack, black skinny jeans and black n white high tops.

He looks at me when he hangs up "hello Kevin, why are you'd staring at me that way?" he blushes a bit.

I blushed and scratch my head laughing a little nervously " oh haha, was I staring at I didn't even notice " I blush and look away.

"w-well if your still up for being my date..." he bites his bottom lip and blushes lightly.

I look over at him, even when he's dressed like a badass he's the cutest thing I've ever seen "you mean your want to go?"

"well I have decided to take your advice, I need a break" he walks towards me.

I snicker "well then, we shall go then...sorry I can't bring my bike, it needs fixing up"

The dork blushes and sighs in happy, I know he didn't like motorcycles but it was still a little adorable to see him freakout "its fine" he says and we walk to the dance together.

-Nat's standing behind a tree taking a picture-

(((sorry guys if its short, and you all probably hate me for the abusing Nazz but hey! I needed a good twist...luv ya! don't worry... bare with gets better soon!!! trust me!! that's all I will say lol!!!)))

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