Camp Waters

By dailydosexii

159K 5.5K 3.2K

He looked down, it was so silent the only thing filling my ears was the sound of the fire crackling. "Why are... More

Chapter 1: I Don't Do Pigeon Carriers
Chapter 2: 400 Year Long Journey To The Restroom
Chapter 3: Did somebody burn a Smurf?
Chapter 4: Bree I'm uncomfortable!
Chapter 5: The Taste of Snarky Bitch
Chapter 6: Ready to be a counselor?
Chapter 7: Drunk Thoughts and Mystery Machine
Chapter 8:Puppy with Influenza
Chapter 9: Do You Have A Seahorse?
Chapter 10: Shitty Weddings, Shitty People
Chapter Negative 12
Chapter 13: It Was The Bears
Chapter 14: It Was On People's Magazine
Chapter 15: Whiplash
Chapter 16: A Night of Mysteries
Chapter 17: The Stupid Creek
Chapter 18: He Broke Me
Chapter 19: The Odd Ones Out
Chapter 20: A Camp Telenovela
Chapter 21: Soccor skills and New counselors! Yay?
Chapter 22: The Vampire Diaries
Chapter 23: It all makes sense.
Chapter 24: You Owe Me 15 Dollars
Chapter 25: I like someone.
Chapter 26: First Kiss

Chapter 11: Traffic Light

5.7K 215 96
By dailydosexii

The weather was shit today.

I was in the worst mood, the type of moods you couldn't possibly fix. To top it all off, the advisors decided this would be the best day to go canoeing. It was annoyingly hot, sticky, and there was a hormonal teenage boy next to me that was making it worse.

"As intriguing as that sounds... I'll pass." I proceeded to fasten my life jacket in whatever hopes I had left of not drowning.

"C'mon cheeser, just come canoe with us. You can't possibly rather go canoeing with your cabin mates, no offense but the blonde seems to be missing a few brain cells." Mickey said stupidly knocking on his forehead.

"So you guys have something in common!"

He huffed at my remark and hit me gently with his paddle, "Look I'd rather not go canoeing with little miss Hilary, especially if I'm going to have a front row seat of her and Carson fucking on the water. Besides, she's didn't even come to tell us what we were doing today, we had to find out from the counselor next door."

"Okay... so she's a shitty counselor, we've established that." I proceeded to walk away from him, but him being the unintelligent person that he is, decided to follow me. "But this is going to be our only time being able to canoe without campers."

"If I'm there doesn't that kinda ruin the whole purpose?"

"But you're aren't like the other campers, you're our friend."

I rolled my eyes and tried to hide the obvious smile on my face from the fact that they think of me differently than everyone else.

"Are you jealous of Hilary?"

I started to choke on air and Mickey continued to look down at me smirking.

"Of Hellary? That witch? Absolutely not, Carson can stick his dick in any holes he wants." I put my hands on my hips to seem more prominent. He raised his eyebrows and I started walking over to the canoes again.

"Even if they're snake holes." I muttered under my breath even though Mickey could obviously hear me.

I would never be jealous of Hilary, sure she has a curvaceous body that Carson obviously finds attractive, and long eyelashes that compliment her blue eyes. But she has green hair and I personally didn't find vomit hair appealing, no matter how long and full it was. I didn't own Carson, Carson isn't mine for the taking. Even if I wanted too, Carson obviously sees me as his friend or he wouldn't be dicking down Mike Wazowski.

Not like I wanted too though.

"Okay well if your not jealous, why don't you come canoe with us and prove it."

"Why do you even want me to come so bad Mickey? Go find a blonde bimbo, I'm trying to get my camp experience here."

"Well that's an easy answer," He came around and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "You make life more exciting Bree Jones."

I sighed and ran my petite fingers through my brown wavy hair, I knew there wasn't any point fighting with him.

"Let's just go and get this over with." I surrendered making Mickey jump down excitedly as he sped up walking towards the opposite direction.

"Also don't try to hard with Sebastian today, he's in a really bad mood."

"Why, what happened?"

"I don't know, he got a call from his sister this morning and he's been in a bad mood ever since." I frowned. Sebastian always looked unbothered and smirky, that was just his face.

It took a lot to make him sad.

As we neared where all of the counselors were prepping, I could see a scowl etching on Hilary's face. I couldn't help but feel humored by how instant I could change her mood.

"Oh hi... Brenda, I didn't know you would be joining us." I could see how bad the fake smile was killing her and that somehow brought happiness to my now, bitter heart.

I could see Carson turn around from where he sat on the boat, a smile spread across his face but soon disappeared when he looked at Hilary and I's dispute.

I put on a fake smile, trying to blatantly disregard the fact that she called me a completely different name. "I didn't know I was either! We better get going though, I don't want it to rain and mess up your beautiful and may I say vibrant grass hair."

You could practically see the steam coming from her ears, as I made my way over to sit on a random canoe with Sebastian.

"Is there anyway you can crash into the Loch Ness Monster and drown me? Better yet, maybe it will eat me." I said picking up a paddle and placing it on the edge of the narrow boat.

When he didn't respond I looked up to see him staring out into the water, not paying a simple mind to me.

"You okay?" He remained silent, not saying a single word to me.

"You don't have to talk to me, but you have to paddle okay? I don't want to go in a circle."

"I'm not in the mood pumpkin." He finally looked back at me and sighed ruining his fingers through his hair.

"I didn't ask if you were in the mood pumpkin, I asked you to paddle." He rolled his eyes at my response and we started on our way to the deeper part of the lake.

• • •
I felt a bump.

"Watch where you're going!" Of course it would be Hilary and Carson who decided to bump into us with their canoe.

Of course.

We had paddled all around the lake, taking in the beautiful nice sceneries without a single word to each other. It was nice, it was calming.

"I'm sorry, maybe if your big green hair wasn't distracting me like a fucking traffic light!"

Wrong choice of words.

Before I could comprehend what I just said I felt a paddle hitting me hard on the chest making me tumble off the canoe and into the warm salty lake water.

"Hilary!" I could hear Carson yell as he stood up on the Canoe and stretched over to see me.

"I'm sorry Brenda, I didn't realize how long these things were." She said putting on a fake pout while spreading her hand over her heart.

I was so angry I didn't even realize Sebastian huddled over on the canoe, laughing his ass off.

"Really? This brings you joy?" I said huffing in annoyance as I made my way back into the boat.

"Do you need help?" I shrugged Carson's hand away and got on the canoe by myself.

"I don't need your help Carson, I'm pretty sure you've done enough." I glanced between him and Hilary and shook my head in frustration. I didn't know why I was getting so worked up over a green haired goblin, but she really made me have to restrain myself.

Me and Sebastian canoed back to land, ignoring Carson yelling at us to come back. Neither of us wanted to be there and I had to dry myself off before I started to shrivel like a prune.

I walked back to the cabin and decided to just take a shower all together, I smelt like fish and I didn't want to be reminded of the embarrassing incident every time I took a whiff.

I could see Carson waiting for me outside the bathhouse, I dragged a dramatic groan before exiting quickly in hopes of being unseen by the stupid boy.


Too late.

"What happened?" He said trying to catch his breath from running after me.

"What happened? Really? You want to know what happened? Okay, your crazy psycho girlfriend hates me for no reason and I got hit by a paddle because of it!"

"So she got you wet," Carson shrugged. "I could get you wet too."

"I think I just gagged."

"Why don't you come with me, I have another activity with some kids." He said grabbing my hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

"You do realize I'm also a camper here, I can't just go and hang out with you anytime I want."

I didn't understand why I was being more difficult than usual, I hated Hilary but being thrown into the lake wasn't the worst thing in the world. Part of me knows I'm still upset about the wedding, part of me knows that Shane still has me wrapped around his finger and could probably ruin me instantly.

That's what made me upset the most.

"You aren't going to get in trouble for ditching activities, besides you're helping other kids hence giving back to our community." He smirked, placing his hand above my head on the wall.

"Fine. Let's just go do something I don't want to do, it seems to be a pattern today." I rolled my eyes and started walking in the directions of his cabin.

"Now you're getting it champ."

• • •
"Isn't that kind of the whole point of that movie? To show us what the world would be like with the purge." He said while I was trying to put more details on the christmas tree I was painting.

What can I say? I'm jolly.

"I think the movie was more physiological than that, I think they were showing us what not to do."

"You really do like your movies don't you?" He chuckled and continued on drawing his... Bunny? Cat? Rabbit?

"What are you drawing?" I tried to contain my laughter so the rest of the 13 year old campers in the room could concentrate on their paintings of dicks and pokémon.

"Isn't it obvious? It's a soccer ball." He stared at his painting before busting out laughing making it echo through the entire room.

"At least I tried to be creative with my colors, you have a christmas tree. What's the fun in that?" He pointed at my drawing and I raised my eyebrow defensively.

"I'll have you know sir, this tree happens to be the exact tree from the movie 'How the Grinch stole Christmas.' Don't judge my tree when you don't know my tree's backstory." I picked up my paper and admired my work.

"Oh is that really?" Carson had a big smirk plastered on his face, the kind of smile that just instantly shows what kind of a person he was.

A stupid self-conceited asshole.

Even if he was starting to be my stupid self-conceited asshole.

"Yes, yes really." I said mimicking his tone, it only resulted in making his dimple deeper with his smirk.

"What's your backstory Bree?"

"I don't have a backstory, just a regular girl. Wake up, go to school, go home and repeat." I gulped.

"Oh you're no regular girl." He tapped the edge of the paint brush as he examined me head to toe, I was visibly uncomfortable, so I tried changing the subject.

"Well what's your backstory? Or have you always chose one girl each summer to annoy at all times?"

"I don't have a backstory, my life's an open book." He shrugged and stood up to go put his painting on the rack. When he walked back he wrapped his hand around the paint bottle and looked at me sternly.

"You know what you need Bree? A little color in your life." I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion, before I could stop him I felt the cold blue paint start dripping down my face.

"Oh you're gonna get it now." I stood up and chased him around the room, serving very weird looks from the kids sitting down. Carson kept laughing and that slowed him down enough that I could get a pretty good shot of paint all over his neck and back. I wasn't angry like I was when Hilary knocked me over, I was happy really.

"See, wasn't that fun?" He said turning around to face me, he was wiping the paint off his neck and I couldn't help but laugh.

"No, but this is." Before he could stop me, I tugged at his waistline making his whole body tense before me. I squeezed the bottle making all the orange paint run down his pants.

"O-okay Jones, I d-deserved that." He shuddered looking down at his pants. "Crap, look at the time." he reached for his watch and brought it closer to his face.

"Alright guys, put your paintings on your racks. Go straight to your cabins, it's getting late and I know you guys don't want to run laps like last time." All the boys started leaving one at a time, leaving just me and Carson in the small cabin to clean up their mess.

"Surprisingly enough, you're pretty good with kids." I bent down and wiped off the paint on the tables with a wet rag.

"That's good to know, I feel like I'm always messing up when it comes to kids." He chuckled piling the chairs together next to the door.

"Do you want kids?"

"Like of my own?" He said looking up at me.

"No Carson, do you want my kids?" I said sarcastically, I didn't realize how bad it sounded until Carson started laughing beside me. My face started to heat up and I looked away to hide my embarrassment.

"Gladly." He shook his head and moved the tables over by the wall. "But seriously I think I would, just not for a long time. I want to live out my whole young adult experience before rushing into anything."

"Wow, I never expected you to think about that kind of stuff."

When you first see a guy like Carson you expect their whole life to be revolved around girls and sports, the more you hang out with him the more you see.

I was starting to see more than I bargained for.

"I think about a lot of stuff." Carson stared at me with an unreadable expression on his face and I shifted where I stood.

"What are you doing?" I could feel my heart beating faster and it became increasingly warmer in here.

"Just admiring my artwork." He grinned but never took his eyes off me, it felt weird someone taking the time to stare at me like that.

For someone to actually act like they care.

"Shouldn't you be admiring Hilary's artwork, I love the contrast of green and cockmuppet just radiating off of her."

"Cockmuppet?" Carson stifled a laugh and walked closer to me.

"It's true, you obviously must have some sort of weird attraction to snarky attitudes. Or does she only decide to make my life a living hell?"

"Ugh Bree don't do this to me." He slammed his hands on the desk and hung his head low startling me.

"Do what?"

"When you say all those things about a person making your life hell, it makes me not want to be with that person anymore."  I was taken aback and almost stumbled over the chair behind me, before I could fall Carson grabbed me and pulled me back leaving us face to face. " Then you go and compare our relationship with Hilary's, and you do that stupid thing when you batt your eyelashes and suck in your bottom lip waiting to see my reaction. It's killing me."

I stood shocked, all the words gone. I didn't know if I was more surprised that he noticed that about me, or more surprised that it was "killing" him in the process.

"Don't ever compare me and you to Hilary."

"I'm sorry." I said completely at lost for words, I didn't know what to say or do. How to react when this was obviously something that makes him angry.

"Don't say your sorry, don't act all innocent." He groaned running his fingers through his hair while turning and putting his head on the wall in frustration.

"I'm not acting innocent, I'm confused what's happ-"

"When you act all innocent... it's fucking adorable. It confuses me. Just, just don't make that face anymore."

An awkward silent passed through us, me not knowing what to say and him... well him doing whatever it was he was doing. I couldn't understand if he was joking, he made jokes all the time about how cute I was. Most of them probably just him messing around, I couldn't take Carson seriously. I mean he's with Hilary, why would he possibly think I was adorable.

Why would anybody think I was adorable? All boy's do is complicate everything, they mess with your feelings and leave without explaining anything.

Carson wasn't going to fix me.

Carson was going to break me.

"Let's go somewhere." He walked by my side and grabbed my hand leading me outside.

"What? Where."

"You'll see."

Hiya sorry it took me so long to update, I unfortunately have been really busy this summer lol.

How do you feel about Hilary? Why do you think Sebastian's upset? What about Carson's outburst? Are you guys finally starting to understand Bree's inner demons?

I'm updating very soon and these next chapters are... very very good.

Trust me.

If you're liking the chapters so far don't forget to give me feedback, I love when you guys vote and I love reading your comments even more<3

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