
By superswift_fan

22.6K 435 78

We've all fantasized about being celebrities at one time or another, only to be told that it's just a headach... More

The first one
The one with Christmas
The one with Harry Potter World
The one with the hospital visit
The one with the New Year's Eve party
The one with the morning after
The one with the songwriting session
The one with the birthday
The one with the homecoming
The one with the audition
The one with the callback
The one with Melissa Benoist
The one with Glee!
The One With the Shenanigans
The one with the date
The one with the boyfriend
The one with the soccer game
The one after a week
The one with the Ellen show
The one with Halloween
The one with the special day
The one with Harry Styles
The one with the Jingle Ball
The one with Saint Nick
The one with the truth
The one with cute sister moments
The one with the breakup
The one with the Oscars
The one where they're on tour
The one with the fans
The one with the performance
The one with the hot guy
The one with the rehearsal
The one where they get ice cream
The one after the fight
The one with the awkwardness
The one with the concert
The one with the fluff
The one with, not 'goodbye,' but 'see you later'
The one with all the tears
The one with the happiness
The one at the bar
The one with the friends
The one with the sickness
The one with the sweetness
The one with the distance
The one with the chocolate
The one with the Austins
The one with the fighting
The one with the phone call
The one with the loneliness
The one with the fears
The one with the uncontrollable crying
The one with the make up

The one with the return

223 4 0
By superswift_fan

-August 9, 2013-

Kaitlyn's POV

"Kaitlyn, I need to tell you something," Taylor said, walking into our room.

"Yeah?" I asked, putting down my clothes and turning towards her.

"It's about Austin," Taylor said carefully.

"What about him?" I asked coldly.

"He's here," she said.


"What! Where here? Here, here?" I asked, panicking.

"No, like he just got here for the concert tomorrow night," Taylor explained.

"Why? Taylor, I'm not ready for this," I said, tears forming in the back of my eyes as I fought to get rid of them.

"Kait, come here," Taylor cooed, pulling me into her arms.

"I'm not ready to see him," I said, starting to cry.

"I know, babe, but you don't have to converse with him. He'll be here and you'll be here but I promise I will try to keep him away from you," Taylor said, rubbing my back.

"Okay," I sniffled.

"Okay? Let's get you cleaned up then we can go to lunch and figure out what the surprise song should be tomorrow," Taylor said, pulling away as I wiped my tears.

"Okay," I said, walking into the bathroom.

I washed my face before stepping into the shower. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out to where my suitcase was. I pulled out a navy blue skater skirt and a white tank top. I changed into the outfit and brushed out my hair. I applied natural makeup before sliding my black and blue marble glasses over my redrimmed eyes. I grabbed my phone and threw my tan purse over my shoulder.

I walked to where Taylor was waiting by the door and put on her navy blue Keds that were sitting by the door.

"You look great!" Taylor said with a shocked expression.

"Thanks," I said. "I figured the post-breakup outfit had to be awesome."

"Get it, girl!" Taylor cheered, opening the door.

We walked down the hall to the elevators and rode them down to the lobby. We met up with two police officers in the lobby and they escorted us out of the hotel. We pushed through the paparazzi to walk down the street to the cafe that was on the corner. We sat down at a table in the back as the waitress handed us menus.

"This place is so cute," I said, admiring the aged furniture and antiques that surrounded us.

"I know, it looks like our apartment," Taylor laughed as she spotted something. "They have cats!"

"Where?" I asked, looking around.

"I don't know, but there are cat bowls over there," Taylor said, pointing to where, sure enough, there were three cat bowls sitting on the ground.

"I wonder what breed they are," I said, jumping as my phone buzzed under my leg.

"What was that?" Taylor asked.

"My phone," I said, looking down at the device.

Thought you might want to see this -Hailee

I tapped on the link that was attached to Hailee's text. It took me to where they had written an article about my performance last week.

Kaitlyn Swift has been periodically performing surprise songs with her famed sister Taylor Swift on Taylor's Red Tour. Last week, the sister duo performed Taylor's song All Too Well from the critically acclaimed album Red. As the song came to an end, many fans claim to have seen a few tears slip from Kaitlyn Swift as she ran off the stage into best friend Hailee Steinfeld's arms. The younger Swift was not seen for the rest of the concert nor was she spotted leaving the concert venue.

The Glee actress has been dating singer Austin Mahone for the past couple months. Could this be the reason for the tears? Have the two teens called it quits? A special source stated that "Kaitlyn and Austin are an exemplary couple who are very obviously in love and it would be a shame if they split", the same source now says "Kaitlyn Swift is just like her sister in terms of their dating techniques. She pretends to be in love until she finds someone better around which then she forgets about the previous guy and proceeds to the next one like changing clothes."

"Kaitlyn, what is it?" Taylor asked, moving her chair closer to me in order to peer over my shoulder. "Oh, Kait, don't look at that." She grabbed my phone out of my hands and closed out the window.

"They basically called me a slut," I said to Taylor.

"Don't listen to them," Taylor said. "They don't know anything that happened. Okay? They don't know you, or me, or Austin."

"But this isn't even true," I said, "there's no other guy."

"I know there isn't," Taylor said, placing a caring hand on my shoulder. "This is all just fake news."

"Is that why Austin broke up with me? Did he think there was another guy?" I wondered out loud.

"Kaitlyn, come on, you're too good for Austin," Taylor told me. "You need to get him out of your head."

"I know, I'm sorry," I said, looking down at my lap. "You're probably so sick of hearing me talk about him."

"Kaitlyn, I'm always here for you, okay?" Taylor said, making me look up. "I don't care what you need to talk about; you can always come to me."

"Thanks," I said, giving my sister a hug.

"You'll be okay," Taylor said into my ear, rubbing my back.

We broke apart as the waitress came back to take our order.

"What can I get you- oh my god you're Taylor Swift!" The teenage girl said, her eyes widening.

"Hi, can I get a skinny latte?" Taylor smiled at the girl.

"Yes, of course, anything," the girl said quickly.

"What's your name?" Taylor asked her.

"I'm Bella, and I'm a huge fan," she said.

"Well, Bella, it's nice to meet you," Taylor said. "This is my sister-"

"Kaitlyn, of course, your performance of All Too Well literally made me cry," Bella gushed, turning to me.

"Aw, thanks," I smiled.

"Are you going to the concert tomorrow?" I asked Bella.

"Yeah, I've got floor seats on the left side of the runway," Bella replied.

"Well, we'll see you there," I smiled. "And can I get an iced coffee please."

"Of course, those will be right out," Bella said before walking away.

"She was sweet," I said, watching as she ran to another teenage girl and started talking and pointing to us.

"Yeah," Taylor said, staring into space. "Okay, down to business, what should the surprise song be tomorrow night?"

"I was thinking something upbeat," I suggested.

"What album?" Taylor asked.

"I don't know, but I want it to show Austin that I'm doing fine without him, but also it should tell him that I still love him," I rambled.

"How about Fearless?" Taylor proposed.

"Oh, that's perfect," I agreed.

>>>>>> The next day >>>>>>

Third Person POV

"Ed? You in here?" Austin questioned, walking into the Brit's dressing room.

"Yeah, who is it?" The redheaded Brit called out.

"It's Austin," Austin replied.

"Hey, bro, long time no-" Ed said happily, stopping mid-sentence when he realized who it actually was, "oh, you Austin."

"Yeah, me Austin, what other Austin would it be?" The brown-haired boy asked.

"Austin Swift is here too," Ed said.

"Oh," Austin said, looking down at his feet.

"Anyway, what's up mate?" Ed asked.

"I was just wondering, have you talked to Kaitlyn recently?" Austin asked his friend.

"Yeah, I have, why?" Ed replied coldly.

"I just want to know how she is," Austin sighed.

"Why do you care?" Ed said angrily. "It's your fault she's been so depressed for the past week."

"I know, and I'm sorry," Austin said, flopping down on the couch. "I really screwed up, man."

"Why did you break up with her?" Ed asked, sitting down next to the other boy on the couch.

"There's this other girl," Austin started, "I've been madly in love with her since we were kids and she recently confessed her feelings to me and I knew I had to take the opportunity. I had been waiting for her to tell me she liked me for years, and when she did, I couldn't say no. So Maggie and I went on a few dates and then out of nowhere she told me she didn't like me and that we needed to go back to being just friends. I felt like such an idiot, man, I ruined everything I had with Kaitlyn just for something that I thought could be a fairytale ending, but I realized that Kaitlyn is my fairytale ending."

"Oh, dude," Ed said, putting his face in his hands.

"I screwed up," Austin groaned, matching Ed's positioning.

"You got to fix this, man," Ed said. "Kaitlyn's falling apart because of you."

"I know, but-"

"No, you don't know!" Ed said, his head snapping up. "Kaitlyn cries herself to sleep every night. She doesn't smile anymore, and she hasn't sung a single word since you broke up with her."

"What have I done?" Austin sighed.

"Hey, Ed, Taylor wants to- Austin?" Kaitlyn said, walking into the dressing room.

"Kaitlyn," Austin said, standing up.

"H-Hi," the girl stuttered.

"Hey, how are you?" Austin asked sincerely.

"What?" Kaitlyn questioned.

"How are-"

"I heard what you said," Kaitlyn cut him off.

"I'm going to leave you guys alone to talk," Ed said, leaving the ex-couple to deal with their problems.

"You don't get to do that," Kaitlyn said. "Come back here and pretend like you care about my wellbeing."

"I do care, Kait," Austin said, stepping towards his ex.

"Lies," Kaitlyn said, holding back a waterfall of tears. "If you really cared you wouldn't have left me without an explanation! Do you get that Austin? You just left me for no reason!"

"I'm sorry-"

"You should be!" Kaitlyn yelled. "You tore me apart! You broke me, Austin!"

"I'm sorry, Kaitlyn! Please, just let me explain," Austin begged.

"Fine, explain away," Kaitlyn said, grinding her teeth together.

"I may not have told you everything about my encounter with my old friend Maggie," Austin started. "Maggie and I have been friends since we were kids, and I have been in love with her since the first day we met." Austin took a deep breath. "The day that you saw the pictures of, when we met for coffee, she was telling me about her breakup and I felt bad and I tried to comfort her. She told me that she was starting to grow feelings for me."

Kaitlyn choked out a sob, knowing very well what was about to fall from Austin's mouth.

"I couldn't pass it up, Kaitlyn, I had waited my whole life for that moment. I told her that I had always felt that way about her and we went on a date. The whole thing felt wrong, Kait, I knew in my heart that you were the one I wanted, but my head kept telling me 'this is what you've been waiting for, don't mess it up' so I went on a few more dates with her. Then, she told me that she must have been reading herself wrong and that she didn't really have any feelings for me. As soon as she told me, I knew I had to find a way to win you back. I love you, Kaitlyn, I always will. I made a terrible mistake, and I really hope you can find a way to forgive me."

"No," Kaitlyn said.

"What?" The brown-haired boy questioned sadly.

"No," Kaitlyn repeated. "That's not fair. You can't do that. You have no right! You don't get to just leave me for someone else then come back! I don't want to be your second choice, Austin! I deserve better. I want to be your first choice. The one you want to be with, not the one you come back to when the first choice doesn't work out!"

"You're not, Kaitlyn! You are my first choice!" Austin pleaded.

"No, Austin, I'm not, and I never will be," Kaitlyn sighed, stepping away.

"Kait, please," Austin begged.

"I should go," Kaitlyn said, a tear rolling down her cheek. She turned and left the dressing room before running back to her sister's.

"Taylor?" She said as a flood of tears escaped her eyes.

"Kaitlyn? What happened," Taylor said, rushing to her sister.


Happy belated 4th of July!
Also there's only 4 chapters left!

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