Selena's Sister

By kkatieekloss

45.8K 1.2K 426

I'm Michelle, Selena Gomez's little sister. She's always there for me and I'm always there for her. What's it... More

Selena's Sister
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors Note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 Part 1
Chapter 31 Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Author's Note
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Guess What?
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 35

594 21 11
By kkatieekloss

Guys, I know I said in Chapter 33 that in chapter 34, Michelle will have good and bad things happen to her, but obviously that didn't happen, and never will. So, the story takes place in 2014. I will move it along to get to what's going on now. I'm sorry for any short chapters along the way! Back to the story...


Apparently, I was wrong. I'm not done with him. I'm just so in love with him. I wonder if Michelle knows that I'm back with him.

She's at the country club with Carolyn. I sat on the couch thinking to myself about all the recent stuff that has happened.

Justin got arrested, had a little thing with Chantel (they fled the country) and he's home, and I gave him another shot.

We got back together last night. Michelle was hanging out with Jake and Carolyn all day yesterday so I barely saw her. I know Jake left while Carolyn and Michelle had a sleepover at Carolyn's house. I don't know if she heard the news.

I heard a little laugh from the front door. It opened then shut. Michelle was on the phone.

"Yeah, yeah, I know! Oh my god that was so funny! We should hang out later or tomorrow if you wanna. Later? Ok, I'll ask Jake and you can ask whoever you wanna. Alright, I'll see you in an hour or so. Love ya, Car." Shel said into the phone before hanging up and directing her attention to me.

"SELENA! WHAT THE HELL! I THOUGHT THAT YOU WERE "done with him"?!" She yelled and I shot up front the couch.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" I yelled back.

"Give me a reason not too! You're back with, with him! Why?" She said in disgust.

"Michelle, it's how I feel! I'm in love with him!"

"How? How can you be in love with, that! He's horrible to you! Half of your fan base are Selenators who ship Jelena, and then the other half are Selenators who don't ship Jelena, and I'm on that side!" She said.

"Michelle! You- wait. You, you consider yourself a selenator?" I asked. I always knew she supported me, I just never knew she put herself under the title.

"Yeah, I thought I was your biggest fan, but as of now, I don't think so." She said with tears in her eyes. She shook her head at me and ran upstairs. What am I going to do?


"Carolyn! C'mon, were going to the lake!" I called to her, she was at the snack bar. I was at the Country Club with Jake and Carolyn.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" She said waving us off.

"We'll meet you there!" Jake yelled and she nodded. We walked, hand in hand of course, to the lake. It was hard because there were girls coming up to us, to take pictures with Jake and some for me, I was surprised. I didn't know Sel's fans really cared too much about me.

"You're s'cute, Jake!" One of the girls squealed, and the others talked amongst themselves, I'm sure they were agreeing.

"Thank you, ladies. Um, I'm sorry but I'm here to enjoy today with my girlfriend, Michelle, Selena's Sister. (He gave my hand a squeeze and I smiled) So, I'm going to enjoy it with her and my new best friend, Carolyn who is enjoying a snack up there. (He pointed to her and she waved with a chip in her mouth and I laughed) It was awesome meeting you all, hopefully later I'll meet more of ya. See you guys around." He said smiling and walking with me to the dock.

"Sorry about that." He said as we walked toward the life guard.

"It's ok. I get that a lot with Selena." I said back and he smiled at me.

The rest of the day went on normally. The three of us all hung out and laughed all day. Jake had to leave for a family dinner so Carolyn and I hung out.

We walked back to her house since we live close to the club.

"Wanna spend the night?"

"Sure, if that's ok with your mom." I answered.

"She won't care." She said and I shrugged.

"Shel, now that 'Jelena' is off, who do you think Sel should go out with?" Carolyn asked putting blankets on the floor.

"I want her to go out with Spencer Boldman. He is hot! Plus, he's sweet and knows how to treat a lady." I said pulling out my phone and looking at pictures of him.

"How do you know?"

"I've met him before. And he was a total gentleman to Selena and I, and was sweet to other ladies in the park."

"You were at a park?" She asked, laughing.

"Yeah he was doing a photo shoot in the park and he was on break and we walked over. He was hot, well still is." I shrugged.

"See, he's hot!" I explained showing her a picture of him holding a coke bottle.

"Damn." Was all she said and we started laughing.

"He has a celebrity crush on her, too. She thinks it's adorable. I, and a friend, came up with a ship name, Spelena."

"That's adorable." She said, laughing, and I nodded.

"Can I turn on the tv?" I asked and she turned and looked at me.

"Do you think I care?" She laughed.

"I guess you don't care." I said and she nodded and I turned it on.

"Pop star Justin Bieber and on/off girlfriend Selena Gomez are back on! Jelena fans are so happy! The two were seen out a few hours ago and couldn't have of looked happier! That's all for celebrity news, Ryan." The lady said and the camera went to some guy named Ryan.

"Are you kidding me?" I said angrily.

"Oh shit!" Carolyn said eating pop corn. She knew I was gonna have a venting session.

"Lay it on me, girl." She said plopping more into her mouth.

"I hate Jelena! This isn't fair! Selena said she was done with him! That's not ok! He does this all the time! You watch, he'll promise her everything, but won't deliver! He'll be seen with a girl, they will fight and then break up. I'm sick and tired of it." I said letting it all out.

"I also hate when they say 'his on and off girlfriend.' She has a name! She isn't his!" I said annoyed. Carolyn nodded. We ended up watching some movie but I was still thinking about 'Jelena.'


I reached the front door and was on the phone with Carolyn.

"Yeah, yeah, I know! Oh my god that was so funny! We should hang out later or tomorrow if you wanna. Later? Ok, I'll ask Jake and you can ask whoever you wanna. Alright, I'll see you in an hour or so. Love ya, Car." I said into the phone before hanging up and directing my attention to Selena.

"SELENA! WHAT THE HELL! I THOUGHT THAT YOU WERE "done with him"?!" I yelled and she shot up front the couch.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" She yelled back.

"Give me a reason not too! You're back with, with him! Why?" I said disgustedly.

"Michelle, it's how I feel! I'm in love with him!"

"How? How can you be in love with, that! He's horrible to you! Half of your fan base are Selenators who ship Jelena, and then the other half are Selenators who don't ship Jelena, and I'm on that side!" I yelled. I always thought of myself as a Selenator, with an advantage of being with her everyday.

"Michelle! You- wait. You, you consider yourself a selenator?" She asked.

"Yeah, I thought I was your biggest fan, but as of now, I don't think so." I said with tears in my eyes. I shook my head at her and ran upstairs. I'm so annoyed but feel bad for fighting with her about him again. What am I gonna do?


Thanks for reading guys! Hopefully I'll update soon! Love y'all! Xx

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