Ange ➳ jjk+kth

By Enjoy_Little_Moments

752K 32K 16.2K

"The things you do to me, angel."he says huskily, eyes clouding with stifled lust. Dipping his head, his lips... More

xxxi (M)

xxxii (M)

13.7K 378 216
By Enjoy_Little_Moments

Omfg 8063 words of sin in the previous chapter. >.<



⚠️ W A R N I N G ⚠️
This chapter will include extremely disturbing themes that some of you may not be comfortable with such as heavy violence, cursing and blood play. If you feel troubled when reading such things, please do not continue with this chapter.

I shall give a brief explanation of any vital factors that I may find necessary for those who skipped this chapter to be aware of at the end of this chapter.

"Get the fucker out for me."

Jeongguk stands by the doorframe, long fingers curled tightly around his phone as he shoves his feet into the Timberlands beneath him.

With an aggressive huff, he sets the device on the table beside him, glancing momentarily at the blond beauty smothered under multiple blankets.

He finds himself unconsciously smiling at the sight, eyes dropping from the sleep driven face to the purples hickies that decorated the expanse of his neck.

Memories of the previous night wind in his mind, the skin at his eyes crinkling as he remembers the other's innocence when pleading for him.

"Pee-pee."he snorts, shaking his head fondly, "Cute."

With a final glance towards the sleeping boy, he closes the door softly behind him before bounding the many flights of stairs, fury flaring within him at the fear in his angel's eyes when recalling that wretched man.

Jeongguk was rather impatient, eager to claw his hands into the bastard's flesh. The idiot had forgotten to flee after shooting the blond, instead watching on warily behind his back.

Although the mafia leader would've been more than happy to be the one who had choked him unconscious, he had more pressing matters at hand at that time. But now, with the help of his loyal men who had been witty enough to capture the man, he would make the other beg for having never been born.

With a firm shove, the door to the deserted cellar that rests at the very bottom of the cavernous mansion is flung open, Jeongguk's dominating frame evident in the hushed sea of dead black.

He faintly recalls standing in the very room months ago, fingers curled around a gun as he taunts his angel's father. On the topic of Taehyung's parents, it would be a rather pleasant surprise to drop in, arm in arm with their son. He can only imagine the look of shock across their expressions.

Snorting, he jerks his head at the orange haired male who stands upright and firm, chest pushed forward as he keeps his eyes trained to the floor.

"You can go."he says, eyes never once straying to the elder, instead boring holes into the trembling man in chains below him, "Stand guard at the door."

Hoseok nods sharply, bowing slightly, vision still never straying from the ground, "Yes sir."

There's a pregnant pause as he awaits for the footsteps to diminish, lips curling into a cruel smirk at the sound of a lock being clicked into place.

Hands intertwining behind his back, he strides forward until he's standing simply centimetres from the other before he drops to the floor, arms resting on his bent knees.

"Well hello there Kris Wu."he says gleefully, a wide grin curling at his lips as he tilts his head to meet the elder's gaze.

The said man simply presses his lips into a thin line, averting his gaze as he morphs his expression into one of indifference.

Jeongguk frowns, mocking innocent disappointment as he just out his shockingly red lips out in a trembling pout, "I just greeted you Wu."

Raising an eyebrow at the other's blank expression, his smile drops almost as soon as it had emerged, a scowl replacing the fabricated grin as he throws a punishing blow to the elder's jaw, "Be fucking nice."

Kris's head jerks back, jaw immobile as he grunts, lips parting to suck in a trembling breath.


The mafia leader's smile returns once again, sickening and crude as always as he jeers, nodding his head in appreciation, "That's better."

There's a pause as Jeongguk admires the way how the elder trembles and quakes with fear. Fear for him. God, would he punish him.

"Now tell me what were you thinking when even daring to look at my baby angel, hm?"

There's no playfulness in his tone anymore, mischievousness flicker void from his empty, cold eyes as he stares down at the other.

Kris doesn't not respond, instead opting to glare obtrusively at the ground of the cellar, wrists tied harshly behind his back.

"Not going to speak?"Jeongguk mocks, tongue clicking the roof of his mouth, "What a fucking pussy."

The prisoner, now visibly triggered as his eyes flare in a dead black flame, raises his head, mouth open to spit out a nasty comment to be met with a shoe striking his nose as his body is suddenly flung backwards.

There's a sickening crack from the harsh contact, blood spewing across the floor as the elder groans, blinding, hot pain searing at his skin.

"Fuck!"he curses, tongue swiping at his mouth to remove the thick blood that settles at his lower lip.

Jeongguk appears unfazed, smiling serenely down at the grunting man as he eyes the flow of blood with growing distaste.

"Fucking disgusting."he berates, eyes flashing dangerously's to the elder's, "Getting your fucked up blood on my floors? Like parents like son. Always a darn mess to clean up. Poor police had a shitload of crap to get rid of."

His words seem to unleash some unknown beast within the elder, a stifling silence hanging in the air as the raven haired male's words echo mockingly in his ears.

"You fucking bastard!"Kris screams shrilly, eyes flashing furiously as he jerks forward in his bonds, numb to the pulsing pain in his nose.

It's an impressive jump, his body managing to edge a few steps forward until he lay simply centimetres from the mafia leader who looked down at him as a human would look to a dog.

"What did you say?"Jeongguk questions darkly, tone deadly and dangerous as if daring for him to breach his borders and discover the demons that lay within.

The elder however, fueled with nostalgic fury, fails to notice the warning that strings his words, mind swarmed with anger.

Anger to kill. To avenge.

"You fucking deaf, you motherfucking cunt?"he roars, "You're a fucking bastard, I tell you. Fuck you for killing my family. Fuck you and your fucking mafia!"

He's crying. Silvery, transparent trails are slithering down his cheeks, eyes red and alight with fury. It's obvious he's not hurt over the fact that all the bones and tissue in his nose were probably immobile and broken to the point where adjusting could look rather hideous, but his family were dead. Dead because of the monster standing before him.

Kris had long come to accept that his mother who would bandage his wounds whenever a prick from school decided that he was worthy enough for a beat up or his father who would stay up with him to watch the soccer before carrying him to bed, smothering in numerous blankets, were never coming back.

But God did it hurt to know. To know that never would he taste the familiar hot coco his mother would whip up whenever he was in the verge of tears, body exhausted from countless beatings. To know that his father would never storm out to the very same boys who had scared his fragile skin and curse rapidly, before having to be held back by passing men when he recalled his son's glassy gaze.

"I'm not the bad guy here Wu."Jeongguk states, raising a careful eyebrow as he reaches behind to grasp the object in his back pocket, "Tell me, who was the one to spill my secrets to another gang, hm? Or the bitch who decided to never return any money she borrowed?"

"It was money for my fucking school funds, you bitch!"he snarls, writhing in his bonds.

"Well then, who's fault was it to be so fucking uneducated that they needed the mafia's help so they wouldn't be living on the fucking streets?"

There's a sharp glint as Jeongguk slowly reveals the object he had been, twisting it in an monitory action, dark orbs drilling gaping holes into the elder's chest.

It's gleaming Fixation Bowie, a charcoal black in colour that does not cease to flash gravely in the muffled darkness around the two.

There's a soft creak as the bulb overhead swings, body swivelling to the side with an almighty groan as a sea of moths attack it's torso.

Kris grits his teeth, fury swelling in his mind and body alike as he swivels his gaze from the floor to the leader's smug expression, harsh intakes of breath snarling at his nasal columns.

"My father never told anyone anything."he seethes, lurching forward in a pathetic attempt to swipe at the other's foot.

The action triggers the sudden fall of his posture, Jeongguk snarling at near contact before he threads his fingers into the elder's hair, pulling roughly as he delivers a punitive blow to his rib cage, pointed shoe digging into the broken bone.

The unmistakable crack that slashes the air doesn't faze the raven haired male who only peers down at the other, toes flattening onto the fabric that hinder his vision of the certainly bruised skin.

"Your father,"he hisses, spit flying from his lips at the intensity of his words, eyes flaring with notable antipathy, "was the reason why so many died. Your damn, sorry excuse of a dad killed so many of my men. Why? All because he was offered a raise in the new gang. He murdered thousands for money. Money that he would never get to spend."

The elder, bowed to his knees cannot retort, mouth agape and mind ablaze with the new information he had been supplied with.

Growing up, all he had known was that the young boy who had somehow captured control over so many, was the reason for such merciless and unprovoked death. Naturally, vengeance and the thirst for blood from that very man had begun to brew within his mind, nights spent scribbling down furiously before witnessing his plans perish before his very eyes the very next morning.

12 years. He had spent 12 long years watching, learning and plotting against the other. All were fruitless as the next, falling to sunken ashes at his feet. Until he had seen the man he wished to end converse with such unreal beauty.

Kris was not blind to the fond glint in the mafia leader's eyes, so had many others. And so finally, after years of sobbing nights and wasted coffee cups, he had found the perfect plan.

Kim Taehyung. Jeon Jeongguk's weakness.

But even then his plan was flawed. Never had he dreamed of shooting Taehyung, he promised to never stoop to Jeongguk's level, so when he had, there was no deny the gut-wrenching emotion of sickening guilt. The mafia leader had been a sobbing mess, the blond in his arms and back faced to his remorse ridden frame. It had been the perfect chance. To end it all. So what had stopped him?

Maybe it was the slightest slimmer of understanding, of connection he felt towards the younger. For he knew how it felt to mourn the loss of a loved one. Or in this situation, a possible loss. He could not. It would not have been fair, nor a manly fight.

"W-What?"he stammer, charcoal eyes widening as he scrambles in desperation for Jeongguk to be wrong.

Wrong that his father had second-handedly murdered thousands of men. Wrong that he was the cause of the blood bath that had marked a daunting date in every civilian of the city of Busan.

Maybe if he weren't fueled with the bitter taste of grief after watching many of his loyal men crumble before his very eyes, he would've laughed at the pathetic flare of hope in the elder's eyes, instead snarling as he tugs Kris's head back until their eyes meet, "Your father started it. Not Choi Tae-hee. No gang could inflict such damage without inside aid."

The war of the two most powerful mafia's in South Korea was both a date that many would forever remember, mind scarred with crimson blood spilling over the streets of Busan, shrieks cascading off walls.

It had been the brawl that had diminished the numbers of both of the gangs, scarred both innocents and criminals and tore families apart. Many blamed the Eighteenth Street, the opposing gang, as the culprit for such cruelty, yet now the true reasoning for the thousands of deaths was before him the whole time.

His father.

His father had betrayed Bangtan, spilling the gang's deepest secrets to it's most influential rival. And so the war had broken out, defences futile against the other's forewarned tactics.

No one was claimed victorious. No one was content with the aftermath.

For thousands had lost their life in the unseen attacks. Thousands littered the streets of the city, on the verge of death as they bid their final goodbyes to their weeping loved ones.

Jeongguk too suffered greatly, lashed heavy with tears as he witnessed his closet friend struggle to breathe in his arms, bullet lodged at his chest as he offers the raven haired male a final smile. Yugyeom. The young leader had long moved on, yet his heart never ceased to clench at the thought of such loss.


Kris wishes that he could defend his father in some way, for he was the man who he had looked up to for the expanse of his childhood. However, there's nothing to say, nothing to deny. So instead, he swallows the increasingly uncomfortable lump in his throat, averting his trembling vision to the floor.

He's going to die.

He knows it. He can feel it.

And in all honesty he isn't fearful. For he believes that he deserves it. That death would be a suitable repayment for assaulting the blond, who deemed himself innocent and harmless.

Bowing his head to expose the back of his neck, his eyes flutter close to permit the younger of having his way.

"I'm s-sorry."he whispers shakily, "I was too caught up in revenge that I targeted s-someone who didn't deserve what I did to him."

Above him Jeongguk simply grimaces, knife pressing gently to the elder's neck, a pleased smirk curling at his lips as the man flinches at the sensation of cold metal at his skin.

"You better be fucking sorry."he snaps, tracing a singe line with the tip of his blade, content at the beads of crimson that sprouts at its trail, "My angel's fucking scarred now. All because of your sorry ass."

The elder tries to dismiss the strumming of guilt that pinched at his heart, reminiscing the large, caramel eyes that had stared at him, pleading for him to stop.

He's at the verge of thinking that maybe, just maybe Jeongguk wouldn't actually kill him, better yet harm him.

He should've known though, that the mafia leader didn't take the pain of his loved ones too easily as a startled yelp falling from his lips, neck burning with hissing flame.

Jeongguk watches on, a twisted scowl on his features as he admires the gaping wound at the base of the other's neck, blood sweeping down the back of his neck and soaking the white of his tattered shirt.

He isn't done however, delivering a sharp kick to the back of the elder's head, face sent digging into the rough concrete below.

Kris doesn't think that it could be anymore painful, nose burning and aflame with the amount of harm it was currently under, cheeks wet with tears as he chokes out stammered pleads.

"P-Please!"he cries out, skin aflame with searing hot pots of heated coal, "Stop!...Please! It h-hurts!"

"Don't fucking beg."Jeongguk growls, standing above him as he points the base of his shoe upon the nasty gash on the elder's neck, "You never stopped when he did, don't expect me to."

And he brings his foot down, twisting and turning as the other writhes below him, shrieking for mercy.

The mafia leader can feel how blood smears at the sole of his shoe, the elder's insides now torn and messily arranged.

The man below him, if not at the receiving end of such harsh punishment, would've marvelled at the intensity of such pain. It beat the injuries he had had received from high school bullies by miles. Death seemed so more inviting that continuing to experience the white hot pain flashing against his eyelids.

It couldn't possibly become any worse for this pain tore at his insides, curled at his throat until he was wheezing out whimpers for the end of this living hell.

Then, suddenly out of nowhere, his shirt is ripped from his back, crisped air kissing his scarred skin as the raven haired male studies the fading scars.

"The fuck happened to you?"he grunts, bloodied shoe nudging the elder's back, not too gently either as Kris elicits a low sob.

His answer is not a plead for pity, not that the younger would give him any either as he gurgles weakly, "Bullied."

Jeongguk simply snorts, soulless, charcoal eyes skimming his victim with judgement, muttering a tad too loudly, "Weak."

The elder grits his teeth, refraining from snapping back with a witty comment of his own, instead focusing on trying to keep his vision clear from the hazy spots that begin to bloom across the cement.

The knife is back, kissing his shoulder blades teasingly as he tenses, awfully aware of what the other is more than likely to do.

Oh God. He thinks, eye widening in misery. Please, no.

The metal begins to dig, threading through his pleading cries as it paints crimson streamers over the expanse of his expose back, body unable to fight or push back from the torture.

His screams are useless, crumbling against the walls in depressing heaps of shrivelled ashes. Tears pool at his eyes, stinging at the heap of overturned muscles at his nose.

It's a heartbreaking sight, mind long gone as he begs for other to rethink. For another chance to fix his wrongs.

The mafia leader is relentless though, flicking his wrists over the other's back as he carves studiously, all with a sadistic smirk hanging lazily over his lips.

"So pretty."he murmurs, retreating the blade to asses his work.

jeon jeongguk

Usually, he never bothered to carve the whole of his name into the victim's skin but just his initials. Considering the weight of his crime and his lover's pain, however, he had decided to punish him to the fullest extent.

Soon the elder would die, due to blood obviously, and still Jeongguk didn't feel remotely satisfied.

So with an intrigued grimace he coyly circles the letter 'e', eyes flaring in content at the shaky groans the man below him elicits.

"How you feeling their Wu?"he murmurs, prodding gently at the rim of the wound, the elder flinching at the touch.

"Like I'm being fucking ripped apart you monster."the man snaps, jaw clenched as he wishes for the tears that pool at his eyes to cease.

Jeongguk smiles, eyes notably darkening, "That's nice to hear."

Kris opens his mouth to retort once again when suddenly a flare of unbelievable pain that shakes his very core curls at his back, screams carving at his lips as he erupts into yet another batch of furious weeps.

The mafia leader had dipped a careful finger into his wound, swirling it around with mischievous curiosity, hooded eyes watching the elder in mild mirth, "Hurt? Never really tried this out yet, give me a number. One to ten."

His finger, almost as a sword, suddenly strides forward, striking the flesh with flashing speed as it zooms past oozing crimson that paints his ivory skin.

"Fucking million!"Kris roars, head flinging back as he just his hips back to try and pry the man off him.

And there's another finger, joining the previous one as it sloshes the broken flesh in a haze of monstrosity raw and rouge skin.

Minutes pass, Jeongguk jabbing at the wounds with barbarous contentment as the elder simply cries weakly into the concrete, body numb to any further pain afflicted to him.

"Repulsive."Jeongguk comments as he finally pulls his fingers from the other's bloodied wounds, grimacing at the sticky crimson that wraps his palms.

Too weak to reply, Kris watches with bleared vision as the man walks to his side before crouching down until their eyes are simply millimetres away, an abhorrent grimace painted across his sharp features.

"Get red of this fucking shit."he snarls, shoving his fingers before his face.


"Use your fucking brain."

Surely he did not infer to...

Slender fingers suddenly thread at his hair, ripping the locks from his scalp as Jeongguk rubs his fingers brutally upon the other's scalp, strands of hair dropping to the floor.

Kris feels as someone had set fire to his scalp, skin burning with striking hot metal rods as the younger pulls harshly at his hair.

It's all too much. The burn of his nose and jaw, the shredding torment upon his back and the searing agony of his scalp. He wants it to stop, desperately.

"P-Please..."he whimpers through choked sobs, vision blurry and obscured, "End it all."

The pull of his hair ceases, bloodied fingers dropping from the ruffled mess as Jeongguk smirks at him with sadistic craze.

"My pleasure."



Omg I'm so dissatisfied with this chapter wtf. It feels so rushed and amateur. Apologies for the poor quality.

Now to those who skipped this chapter, here is your explanation. I will explain this in dot points for faster comprehension, if you are confused do not hesitate to ask and I will try and answer as best as I can!

- Kris was bullied at a young age
- Kris's mother borrowed money from Jeongguk to pay for his school funds but failed to return the debt, resulting in her death
- Kris's father spilt secrets to Bangtan's rival gang, Eighteenth Street (Ik stupid name but I found it on the internet so..), resulting in the infamous deaths of thousands of men from the fight between two powerful gangs
- Kris begins to feel guilt for assaulting Taehyung, but is not forgiven
- Kris is eventually murdered by Jeongguk, welp.

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