Can't Get Enough of You (A Ro...

By xxMusicPrincessxx

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Being best friends with a guy is all fun and games until someone catches feelings.. Penelope Reynolds lived n... More

Can't Get Enough of You (1)
Can't Get Enough Of You (3)
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Can't Get Enough of You (2)

5.9K 59 17
By xxMusicPrincessxx

Pic is of Penelope!    

Chapter 2

                                          Penelope's Point Of View

                                         Present time (2 years later...)

           Ross Lynch. That blond cutie. The other half of me and the person who holds a special place in my heart. Two years. Two years without him. I miss him so much. The kiss. That kiss we had before I left was...magical. I could never forget it. And Ross.. I could never forget him. 

  I loved every thing about him. His blond hair. His voice. His laugh. The way he made everything funny. The way he showed off when he did his back-flips. His hilarious facial expressions. Everything about him. I remember everything about him.

  I would sometimes see him on TV. Sometimes on his show or I would watch R5tv on YouTube. When R5 had an interview or something I would always pay more attention to Ross. He never really changed. Well, he got taller but other than that he was still the cute, funny, loving Ross. The one that I might have loved once. I could never stop thinking about him. The two years without him were really hard. I wasn't the same without him. I definitely had a week where I went all emo. I changed my hair style and i always wore really dark eye liner. But I was still the same old Penelope. I was sometimes always depressed and I would mope around but I knew that I had to be happy for my fans. I sometimes faked a smile for them so they wouldn't notice how sad and lonely I was.

   I barely had any appetite for anything. Cassidee and Evan knew that too. I didn't talk much as before and I was really quiet. Evan and Cassidee were really careful of what they do. Like if they put on something including Ross they would immediately turn it off before I could run up to my room and cry and be depressed again. But sometimes I would like to see him do what he loves to do. 

     "Passengers we have landed. Welcome to Los Angeles Miss. Penelope." One of the flight attendants said breaking me out of my thought. My mom, dad, sister, twin brother, and I have been sitting on my private jet, which was taking to Los Angeles, our new home. 

               When we got out of my pribate jet, a white limo was waiting for us and would take us to our new house. Mom and dad stayed back to rent a U-Haul truck to get all of our crap to our new house. As the we drove to the house there were fans waiting for me in the parking lot of the airport. Oh, my adoring fans.

          I rolled down my window and Cassidee, Evan, and I yelled out that we love them. They screamed our names and we rolled our window back up.  

    After about a half an hour the limo driver told us that we had arrived at our new home. We got out and took out some of our bags that we took with us, from the truck. All three of us just stood there admiring the house. It was in the suburbs like our old one but this house way bigger. 

   The first thing that came to all three of ours minds is 'run to get the best room in the house!' And that was what we did. Except both of them forgot that I got the key to the house. Hehe. Both of them were so excited that they ran into the door, probably thinking that it was open. They both fell onto the ground. Stupid siblings. Tsk..tsk...tsk. I happily skipped inside and left their bodies there. I ran back outside and looked for their wallets. Ten dollars for me and another ten dollars for me! Now I have money!  Looks like I'm the smart one.  

   The house was huge. There was an oak wood floor. When you open the door the first thing you see is the kitchen on your left and the stairs on your right. Infront of you was the living room with a big high def T.V. The room next to it is the dining room. Then there is a ball room that leads to the backyard. Next to the ballroom is the garage and next to the garage is a game room.

   In our backyard there is a patio, a pool, hot tub,  trampoline, barbecue, and a swing. The perfect backyard. On the second floor was awesome. There was a bathroom right across from the stairs. Then if you turn right there are 4 bedrooms and a master bedroom.

   The master would go to mom and dad. I chose the bedroom on the right side across from Cassidee's bedroom. Then beside her's would be Evans. The bedroom next to mine would be a guest room. In each of our room there was a bed, closet, a dresser, tv, and a balcony. My balcony was across from a window from our neighbors' house.

  I went down to the living room and mom and dad were unloading the truck. I grabbed my 26 boxes and unpacked them. Now my whole room is purple! My favorite color!! Yay! But I am tired.

   "Penelope! Do you want to play a few songs in the front yard?" Evan asked. 

   "Sure!" I yelled back. 

      I run down the stairs like there's no tomorrow and almost trip over my own two feet. I actually almost did until Evan caught me. His arm reached out for me but by accident he touched my ass. Haha. My naughty twin brother. When he noticed where his hand was, he quickly pulled away his hand and ran to the bathroom. He went so fast, I could actually see a smoke trail behind him. Haha! What does he think I have cooties? I'm his twin sister for God's sake! 

    I walked to the ball room and looked at both of my guitars on their stands. My perfect purple and black guitar on the left and my blue and white guitar beside it. These were my babies. These were the famous guitars that I bring with my on tour. I took my electric and my acoustic ones and their stands with me and I ran outside. The garage door was open and Jesse was setting up his drum kit. Cassidee came into the room with our mic stands and our mic's. 

   Alright! We are ready to rock! Our neighbors get ready to rock! 

                    Ross' Point Of View

     "Goodbye Ross," Those were the last two words that Penelope said to me before she left. Those two words that I will always remember.

    That was...amazing. I had major feelings for her after she kissed me. I was in love. When she left I could barely get myself out of my room. Those 2 long, long, boring years without Penelope. She was the other half of me and had the key to my heart.  

   I loved every thing about her. Her smile that always made me happy. Her laugh, that I couldn't get enough of. Her silky, soft hair. Her personality. Her humor. God, I miss her so much! Two years and I still can't forget her. I remember exactly how she looked and acted. I even know how she walked! 

  But it wasn't like I never saw her again. She was famous. She had concerts everywhere and she was awesome at them. She has interview with everyone and she always seemed so happy and sweet. Oh my gosh why did she have to leave!! 

  I looked at my book which was not interesting me at all!! Why do I have this stupid thing anyway? I threw it out of my room, never letting it back in here. That book is banished from this sacred place forever!!! 

    "Ow!" someone cried. Wait, I know that girlish cry! Riker!! He poked his blonde head into my bedroom and threw the damn book at me. He missed! Hehe!!

  "Missed me! Missed me! Now you gotta kiss me!" I chanted. I ran around the whole house until I reached the pool. I waited until Riker was right behind me and when he tried tackling me he landed straight into the pool! Woo Hoo! Ross 1, Riker 0 !! Stupid brother. 

   I ran back to the house. Just then everything started shaking. Oh God! Earthquake! No! I don't want to die!! I'm too young and pretty!! Please don't let me die!! I want to live!

  Then the shaking stopped. Phew! "Were you scared?" someone said behind me. I looked at a soak Riker.

    "Pft! Me? Scared? No way!" I lied.

    "Oh really? Then why are you holding onto Ratliff's head for dear life?" I looked down and noticed that I was holding onto Ratliff's head. Woops! I let go of it and he hit me. Then it started shaking again. Ratliff, Riker, and I started screaming like little girls.

   Rydel ran into the room with concern in his eyes. "What happened? I heard screeching girls in here!"

  "Why was it shaking? Was there an earthquake?" I asked.

    Rydel shook her head and went back outside. We followed her and it wasn't an earthquake it was just our neighbors playing a really cool song. Wait I know that fucking song! We ran to the open garage and sat on the ground watching them while they played. 

   Evan was singing a song. If he was here that means his sisters were here too. Cassidee appeared next to him and they sang together. Okay Cassidee's here. That means Penelope...

  Penelope appeared next to them and she sang a solo. Our eyes met and I gulped. By the end of the song they all ran back to Jesse who was playing the drums. I they all talked to each other silently. I just couldn't believe my eyes. Penelope. The Penelope, who I have feelings for is standing there before me after 2 long years. 

  She looked different. She got a bit taller and was probably the same height that I am. She had a different hair style and she wore dark mascara and eyeliner. Even though she looked different she still looked beautiful. Butterflies flew in my stomach as she walked back to her mic stand. They played a familiar tune that I remembered.

   It was one of the songs I sang on Austin & Ally. They played Better Together. While she sang it she looked straight into my eyes. Like the words in the song meant something and she was trying to tell me something. I shook my head. That can't be true. Penelope and I are just friends..yeah just friends.

   It might not even mean anything. But what if they do? Stop feeling these feeling Ross! It'll never happen! I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back at Penelope. She was dancing and singing. She was doing the exact same dance moves as me when I sang that song on Austin & Ally.

  Wow, she watches Austin & Ally? That's sweet. 

    "Ross?.." I looked up at the owner of the magical voice. I haven't heard that beautiful voice in ages! Well, hearing it in person. "..I missed you so much!" 

   She ran to me and jumped on me and hugged me. Her lips curved into a smile after she pulled away. 

   "I...I missed you too!" She hugged me again, "What are you doing here?"

    "We moved to LA!" She squealed and jumped around. She was really happy. "Hey do you want to hang out in my house?" 

  I nodded. All 8 of us ran to their gigantic backyard. I went straight to the trampoline and I looked over at Cassidee, Penelope, and Evan.

  Evan and Penelope were talking in there twin language again. It was different from our BFF language. Instead of talking they did some sigh language and also did glares and sometimes different languages. Sometimes when they glared at each other I would think they were telepathically talking to each other. Pft. That's crazy! Twins can't actually do that. Right?

             ~ Penelope's Point Of View~

      "Are you okay?" Cassidee asked for like the millionth time. 

     "I'm sure Cass. Now go and flirt with your boyfriend." She smiled and we hugged. I always had a great relationship with both my sister and twin brother. She walked away and I watched her while she twirled her dirty blond hair around her finger and started talking with Rocky.

    I rolled my eyes and looked at Evan. Okay, now that she's gone. Tell me. Are you sure you're okay? He signed to me. I nodded my head and signed back. I'm fine. But I'm still a little depressed. But seeing Ross made me both happy and sad. Keep a look out for me bro. 

   He relaxed and hugged me. He then ran to the swings with Jesse behind him. I looked around fore Ross. I spotted him on the trampoline doing back-flips. He looked so cute. Every time he flipped his shirt would go up, reveling his drool worthy abs. Okay stop staring Penelope. 

    "Wa To Jo Me?" he asked in our best friend language. How did I manage to remember all of these languages before? I know how to speak Spanish, french, English, sign language, Ross and I's best friend language, Evan and I's twin language, and Cassidee and I's girl language. Ugh! Too many languages! Okay Ross said 'Want to join me."

   "Sure." I took his hand and we started bouncing. Haha this is fun! After we finished bouncing we got off. Evan and Jesse had started a Bonn fire and everyone gathered around it. Evan motioned to us to come over and we did as we were told. 

   We both took a stick and put a marshmallow on 'em. Ross sat far from me. Like he didn't want to be close to me. What was wrong with him? Doesn't he want to sit with me and have fun like when we were kids? sigh whatever. 

  I took another bite of my marshmallow. "Whoa sis. You don't want to rip the marshmallow to shreds," he said.

  I laughed at his comment and punched him playfully on the arm. 

             ~Ross Lynch's too-cute-to-be-mad-at Point Of View XD~

     I need to stay away from Penelope I kept thinking in my head. If I get too close to her I might just tackle her and kiss her. That would actually be fun. Hehe No! No! Bad Ross! I don't think Penelope would like if I did that. We're just friends. Right? But we do hug a bit too much than the ordinary boy and girl best friends. Does that mean anything? It doesn't. But what if it does? But what if it doesn't and I just jump to conclusions and Penelope doesn't feel the same way as I do. But what if she does? Ugh! Too many thoughts going around in my head! 

     "Um..Ross are you okay?" I looked up at Penelope. Her eyes were filled with concern. I nodded and she sat next to me. We were so close. Her hand was actually almost touching my thigh. She was practically on top of me, sitting on my lap. Hehe I wonder how that would feel like to have her sitting on my lap with her head on my shoulder and us just relaxing by the fire. sigh That would be great but it could never happen. 

   "Um, well it's getting late. Um we'll see you guys tomorrow?" Cassidee said. 

   We all nodded and went back to our houses. I plopped down on my bed and started sobbing into my pillow. I heard a faint knock on my door. "Come in," I mumbled into my pillow.

    "Ross? Are you okay." I picked myself of of my pillow and stared at Rydel. I started crying and she came over to give me a hug. Then the rest of the gang came into my room and hugged me.

  Penelope being here is a lot to take in. Two years full of tears, heart breaks, and not her being there and she's finally back. And my heart says go and spend time with her but my brain says don't do it. What am suppose to do!? I cried harder. I stopped after a while and they all left. 

   When my door closed I went back to my bed and covered my blanket over me. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I cried myself to sleep just thinking what I was going to do. But in reality I didn't know what to do. 


  Author's Message...

   Hey guys! How are you today? I'm great. Okay so this chapter was all over the place and I had no idea what to do so I'm very sorry if it sux. I think it's really crappy. I'm sorry. There is a lot of emotion yes, and I am sorry if the changing POV's is annoying or there are too many mood swings. Okay, so not a lot of you know this but when I write a new chapter I have to feel all the emotions that my characters go through. And I was listening to a really depressing song and reading a really depressing book. So yeah. And I have been a bit moody these past few days. Okay, well the side pic is of Penelope. Hehe. Okay, I dedicate this chapter to my best friend/ sister. Oh! And I am still looking for people to play Cassidee. I already have Evan and Jesse. I picture the scrumptious Matt Lanter to play as Evan. And I picture Francisko Lackowski as Jesse. Hehe Prrrr. *drools* Both of them are freaking hot and to die for!! And they are cute! AHH! They make a cute couple here. Hehe. 

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