If I Only Knew (A One Directi...

By Harrys_Dimples1998

272K 4.1K 536

How does it feel like moving to a new place where you have never been before? Or what about starting a new li... More

London Here We Come
The Wedding
Meeting One Direction
The Next Day
Clean Up
The Game
The Game (Continue)
The Park
Date With Harry
Date With Harry (Part 2)
Night With The Boys
Good News
Contest Time
Meeting Danielle and Eleanor!
The Brits
Same Mistakes
Same Mistakes Part 2
New York
Time Square
Back In London
The Plan
Are You Sure It's Gonna Work?
Late Night Adventures
I Love You
Author's Note

Truth or Dare

5.4K 83 5
By Harrys_Dimples1998

Niall's P.O.V

What the hell is going on? Why am I suddenly feeling butterflies on my stomach? I'm pretty sure I didn't eat any butterflies... It all started ever since Zayn knocked on that door to Adela's house. I'm still not sure what's going on, is it my hormones kicking in? Nahhh, maybe I'm just hungry.

"What the hell are we gonna do?" Louis whined.

We've all just finished eating and now there's nothing to do. Well, maybe eat again. We have the rest of the day to just relax, I'm stoked to walk around Time Square tonight though, I heard that there was a new restaurant opening there, I have to try it.

"A gave? Truth or dare?" I smirked.

I love playing that game, and since there's at least more than one chick playing, it'll be great.

"Uhhh, I think Hannah and I will pass this" Harry spoke.

We watched him as he took Hannah and walked to the guest room.

I immediately started laughing as the rest of the lads wolf howled. Man, were perverts.

"So, who's gonna start the game?" Zayn asked.

As usual, Louis volunteered. Well, more like begged.

"Meeeeee" He screamed.

We all quickly stood up and sat on the ground creating a circle while Louis fetched a bottle for us to use.

"Ok, are we gonna keep this clean or dirty?" I asked.

"Indetween, it'll be boring if we keep it clean" Louis smirked.

"But, Louis and I are taken so it's just gonna be you and Zayn guys that can do whatever" Liam announced pointed at Zayn and I.

"Monica and I are both single too, just to let ya'll know" Adela giggled.

Awwww, she looked so cute when she giggled. Wait, what am I saying?

"Ok, so let's begin" Louis smiled devilishly.

Louis quickly spanned the bottle and each one of us watched it anxiously of who it's gonna point to.

"Crap" Adela murmured as it landed on her.

"Truth or dare love?" Louis smirked.

"Erm, uhm. Truth?" She giggled.

"Awww, fine. Who in this room do you find the most attractive?" He chuckled while wiggling his eyebrows.


Adela's P.O.V

Shit. Really Lou? Really?

"Uhm, uhhh" I stuttered.

"Niall" I blushed.

I immediately looked at the ground as I felt all eyes on me. From the corner of my eye I could see Niall smiling. Why was he smiling?

Does he like me too?

Who am I kidding?

That boy could possibly not want me, right?

All he ever think about is food, which I find so cute of him. Wait, What?


Niall's P.O.V

Did I hear that right?

Did she just say my name?

What's this? I'm feeling the butterflies again. It's weird though, I noticed that I only have this feeling when I'm around her. Crazy right?

I smiled as I watched her spin the bottle and landing on Zayn.

"Truth or dare?" She giggled as she saw Zayn's face.

"Dare!" He bit his lip.

"I dare you to wear a bra till this game ends" She giggled making the rest of us burst into a fit of laughter.

"WHAAAT?" He shouted.

"You can borrow Monica's" She winked.

We all erupted into tears as we witnessed Zayn putting on the bra. I couldn't help but snap a quick picture of it, It was seriously hilarious.


We've been playing for the past hour now and we've decided to just watch a movie.

Throughout the game, I had to lick Liam's birthmark, Louis has to wear a dress, Adela had to go next door and ask for some ice and Monica had to eat  a whole piece of jalapeno peppers.

"What are we gonna watch?" Liam asked.

"Insidious!" Louis and I both screamed in unison.

"No!" The girls and Liam shouted back.

"What about 21 jump street?" Zayn suggested.

"I'll get some popcorn" Adela squealed as she dashed to the kitchen.

As the movie started, I decided to sit next to Adela. Well, cause we were to only ones who didn't have a movie partner. Monica and Zayn sat next to each other while Liam and Louis sat on the ground.

I'm feeling the butterflies again. Damn it, What is wrong with me? Was it something I ate?

"Hey!" I whispered as the movie started.

"Wassap?" She smiled.

"SHHHHHHH!" Louis shouted.

"Some of us are trying to watch a movie, you guys can flirt when the movie finishes" He said making my cheeks red.

Thank god Liam turned the light off, otherwise I'd be in deep shit.


Zayn's P.O.V

I don't know what it was about her that made me so attracted to her for some reason. She's just so beautiful and her personality is just so pure and unique.

Look at me, I've only known her for two days and I'm already falling head over heals for her. I bet she doesn't even feel the same way about me.

"You ok?" Monica softly spoke snapping me out of my thought.

"Wha- ohhh yeah, i'm fine. Why do you ask?" I quietly chuckled.

"Well, you were the only one who didn't laugh when they were showing a funny part in the movie. Plus, it seemed like you were thinking of something" She giggled.

"Ohh, I'm fine" I smiled.

"You sure?" She asked concerned.

"Totally, thanks babe" I smiled as I focused my attention back to the movie.


Monica's P.O.V

As we were watching the movie, I noticed that Zayn's mind were elsewhere.

"You ok?" I whispered.

"Wha- ohhh yeah, i'm fine. Why do you ask?" He chuckled.

Gawsh, his laugh was so cute. wait, what am I doing? I can't fall in-love with him. He's Zayn. Zayn Malik to be exact. He's a teen sensation, there's no way on earth that he would feel the same way about me. He could have any girl he wants with a snap of a finger, so what makes me so special. But c'mon, just look at him. He's just so perfect.

Wait, Monica snap out of it.

"You sure?" I asked looking worried.

"Totally, thanks babe" He smiled.

Oh my god, he just called me babe. Calm down. Ohh god, he just put his arm around my shoulder. He is trying to kill me.


The movie finished and it was just around 5:30pm already. Hannah and Harry are still in the room, I wonder what their doing.

"Who's gonna check up on Harry guys?" Niall said reading my mind.

"Not it!" We all shouted in unison.

All except Liam. Aww poor thing.

"Now go!" Louis demanded.

He slowly walked upstairs with the rest of us following behind, curious of what the two were up to.

When Liam quietly opened the door,  I couldn't help but smile.

"Awwww!" Adela and I both cooed.

They were both peacefully snuggling together while sleeping. That was absolutely adorable.

"Who's gonna wake them up?" Zayn whispered.

I didn't know he was right next to me. I mean, right next to me, as in his face was just inches away from mine.

"Not it" We all softly spoke leaving Liam once again confused.

"You guys suck" He pouted before slowly creeping towards the couple.

"Lad? Wake up" He softly spoke while gently shaking Harry's arm.

"Mmmmm, what?" He mumbled.

"Wake up. It's getting late, were gonna go to Time Square" He said.

"Ok" Harry replied back.

We all left and decided to get ready for tonight.

I decided to wear my black skinny jeans with my white floral tank top and my leather jacket. I quickly straightened my hair and added a few makeup to go along with my look.


Harry's P.O.V


Hannah and I were back in London, we were going to the beach where I first took her on our first date.

I had everything planned. I hired some people to light up fireworks when the sun sets, I got some people play live music while we ate lunch and then we'll go for a walk around the beach.

Everything was so perfect. We were both so happy and enjoying the moment.

I could still remember how our first kiss felt like. Her lips, they were so soft and fragile. The way our lips crashed together was like a feeling I can't describe.

She was so beautiful. Her long brown hair was bouncing around as the wind blew. Her beautiful laugh filled my ears as we talked, Her captivating eyes, Oh I could just stare into those gorgeous eyes of her's. How could anyone be so beautiful?

We were watching the sun set, I leaned closer and closer, my lips just centimeter's away from her's. That was until i\I was woken up...


"Lad? Wake up" A familiar voice spoke.

I slowly fluttered my eyes open so see Liam smiling cheekily down at me.

"Mmmmm, what?" I mumbled.

"Wake up. It's getting late, were gonna go to Time Square" He said.

"Ok" Harry replied.

I watched as Liam walked out the door.

I was just about to get up, when I felt a pair of arms wrapping then around my chest.

I turned to see Hannah peacefully sleeping. She still managed to look effortlessly gorgeous while sleeping. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear while I gently kissed her forehead.

I noticed her eyes started to slowly open, greeting me with her beautiful eyes.

"Hey babe, I didn't mean to wake you" I smiled while inching closer to her.

"It's ok, what time is it?" She asked while yawning.

"Around 5:30pm. The lads said that we'll be heading out soon so he they said to get ready" I smiled.

"Where to?" She asked.

"Time Square" I grinned.

"Ok" She smiled back before kissing my cheeks and disappearing off to get ready.


Here you guys go!!! :D Like I promised, here's the second upload! WOOHOO!

I got a few tweets and comments saying that I scared the shit out ya'll! HAHA! OMG, I didn't know you guys would actually fall for them.

But anyways, thanks again for supporting my story:)

You guys are the best! Truly amazing. :'D

Ohhh! and Today's the 2nd year anniversary of One Direction. I'm gonna be an emotional wreck throughout today! *Le Cries*

Bye my lovely's! Xx

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