Od emi_army_97

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He leaves gentle, seductive kisses on my forehead, cheek, jaw. I can barely breathe. "What are you doing?" I... Více

Chapter 1- i'll go home with you
Chapter 2- call to the office
Chapter 3- tutoring??
Chapter 4- your house or mine?
Chapter 5- stop stealing my fries you hoe
Chapter 6- intriguing
Chapter 7- go on a date with me?
Chapter 8- unusual casuality
Chapter 9- night of the party
Chapter 10- a kiss
Chapter 11- legs, boobs, & the mall
Chapter 13- we're gonna expose you
Chapter 14- Sana
Chapter 15- detention??
Chapter 16- don't go
Chapter 17- halloween party
Chapter 18- hug
Chapter 19- kiss cam
Chpater 20- thanksgiving drunk dinner
Chapter 22- permanently
Chapter 23- storm
Chapter 24- who took off my clothes??
Chapter 25- a confession
Chapter 26- i missed you
Chapter 27- inevitable
Chapter 28- was this a date?
Chapter 29- christmas trip
Chapter 30- confession pt.2
Chapter 31- make her mine
Chapter 32- lockscreen
Chapter 33- new years
Chapter 34- birth control
Chapter 35- cold and fake
Chapter 36- Valentine's Day fuck up
Chapter 37- happy for you
Chapter 38- it's an emergency
Chapter 39- viagra
Chpater 40- her dominance
Chapter 41- no shame
Chapter 42- petty bitches
Chapter 43- damsel in distress
Chapter 44- beach walk
Chapter 45- ass smack
Chapter 46- carnival
Chapter 47- three words
Chapter 48- 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦
Chapter 49- "followed by something very bad"
Chapter 50- pitiful honesty
Chapter 51- i need your help
Chapter 52- the sneaky switch
Chapter 53- spend the night
Chapter 54- lala land
Chapter 55- tell me a story
Chapter 56- acceptance letters
Chapter 57- stuck
Final Chapter- speechless

Chapter 21- his marking

112 8 8
Od emi_army_97


        Thanksgiving break seemed to be passing at the speed of light. Ji-won and Hoseok were having so much fun, having run on sleepovers and going out almost every day, making the most of the week off.

        After they had drunkenly confessed to each other, they unfortunately did not get married the next day. Instead, they both pretended they forgot the events of that night, though they both remembered clearly. They acted normal enough, besides the fact that Hoseok was flirting with her much more than normal, acting more romantic in certain ways and making her blush all too often.

Ji-won didn't think about Jungkook much that week, and her feelings for Hoseok possibly even grew. But at the times he did cross her mind, she was reminded of how he said she would regret it, and felt nervous.

It almost became normal for Hoseok to be romantic, and they practically seemed like a new couple. A shame they couldn't make it official, all because of fear.



I have to do tutoring. During. The fucking. Break.

I like Ji-won a lot, but doing math and science when my brain is turned off is just cruel. Midterms were coming up right after the break, and today was the last day. So Ji-won called me and demanded me to come over and study. I was left with no choice, but it also presented me with an opportunity.

We were working in the living room, having the house to ourselves with her parents at work. We sat next to each other on the floor at the coffee table, textbooks spread out in front of us. We went over many units, and it actually wasn't a complete pain because I understood over half of it.

After studying hard for at least and hour and a half, it was already midday and we were starving.

"Just make some ramen." I said, sighing and laying down on the carpet, closing my eyes for a moment.

"We don't have any right now."

I shook my head. "You're a disgrace to this country."

She lightly slapped my forehead. "Get up and help me make some food. We can make kimchi, and rice, I guess."

I groaned, sitting up and glaring at her. "You don't even have pre made kimchi? Who are you?"

"Hush, everything tastes better homemade. You have to help though, or you're not getting any." She said strictly, getting up and making her way to the kitchen. I yawned and pushed myself up, catching up to her.

I sat down at the counter, holding my head in my hands. "Can I have some water." I asked, more of a demand than a question.

"Pick your ass up and get some." She said, picking ingredients out of the fridge. I groaned again and stood up, getting my own damn drink.

I leaned on the marble counter next to her, taking a sip. "You seem like you're in a bad mood." I pointed out.

"I'm not, just tired." She replied lazily, setting the ingredients in front of her. I brought my free hand up to her face and squished her cheeks, forcing her lips upward.

I smiled at how funny she looked. "There. Be happy."

She reached out and did the same thing to my face, and we stayed like that for a few seconds before laughing, probably looking really stupid.

She forced me to cut up the cabbage as she started up on the rice. We worked in comfortable silence, just enjoying each others company.

After we finished those simple tasks, we put all the cabbage into a bowl and added the sauce, putting on gloves to mix it up the old fashioned way.

I put my hands in first, and then after a moment's hesitation she added hers. The bowl wasn't all that big, so our hands kept grazing against each other as we mixed.

Very smoothly, I slipped my hand on top of hers, and weaved my fingers into hers. She looked at me, and I grinned with a little laugh. She rolled her eyes while chuckling, seeming to be somewhat used to my little gestures. She slipped her hand away and continued mixing.

I then did the same thing to her other hand, and I could see her trying to hide a smile. She didn't take her hand away immediately that time, instead waiting almost a full 15 seconds.

When the mixing part was over, she pulled the gloves off, but before I did I wiped some sauce on her cheek when she wasn't looking. She gasped, spinning around.

She quickly reached into the bowl and pulled out a piece of kimchi, throwing it at my face. I yelped like a little kid, ducking just in time.

We put our freshly made food into bowls and brought them back to our coffee table, moving the textbooks out of the way and eating. The chunks of kimchi I cut were too big, but everything else tasted pretty good.

When we were finishing up our meals, I put my chopsticks down and cleared my throat, turning to face her. She back at me, listening.

"Do you remember what I said to you at the game?" I asked. I saw her tense up a bit.

"Well, we talked a lot that da-"

"The thing that I repeated at the restaurant after your little romantic scene with Hoseok."

Her eyes widened a tiny bit, but she tried her best to look neutral. "That was my first time being drunk, I don't remember anything."

I chuckled softly and shook my head. "Don't lie. You know exactly what I'm talking about." I said. "Tell me, Ji-won, what did I say to you?" I asked, leaning closer.

She blushed. "You... you told me not to do it anymore."

"Not to do what?" I asked, cocking my head to the side, loving her nervous reaction.

"I-I don't know, be... romantic with Hoseok or something like that..." She said, getting quieter with every word.

"And yet you said you loved him, right there in front of me."

She bit her lip. "It's not even a big deal, I was drunk."

I paused for a few long seconds before speaking again, pain hitting me. "We both know it's more than that."

She kept the eye contact, and I could practically hear her heart beat. She didn't speak, so I continued.

"What else did I say to you?" I asked, and she knew exactly what I wanted to hear.

"You... you said that if I did it again you'd make me regret it."

I nodded, bringing my hands to either side of her hips, leaning forward. Our noses were only an inch or two apart. "Do you remember how a while back I told you I didn't make promises I couldn't keep?"

"W-what did you mean by making me regret it?" She asked, stuttering. I didn't reply, just smiled faintly and kept leaning in. As I did, she leaned back, all the way till her back was on the ground, and she couldn't escape anymore. I swung my other leg over her hips too, so I was completely on top of her.

Her face was red as I moved a few strands of hair away from her forehead, and she didn't dare to speak. I leaned toward her ear and whispered "Were you doing it in front of me on purpose?"

"Jungkook, what are you doing?" She asked quietly. I moved my lips to her cheek, and lightly kissed it before speaking again.

"What was your goal?" I asked, then kissing her forehead, my heart picking up pace as well.

"What exactly do you want?" I asked, my voice just above a whisper, then pecking her temple. She brought her hands up to my chest, trying to push me away, but it was easy for me to grab both her wrists and pin them above her head with one hand. She was so nervous that she was weak.

"What are you doing?" She asked again, sounding even less confident than last time. I loved the affect I had on her.

"Keeping" I kissed her cheek again, "my" then her chin, "promise." Then the area right next to her lips.

I made that one last longer, noticing her breath was shaky. When I pulled away, I kept my lips hovering over that same area.

After a moment of hesitation, Ji-won tilted her head a tiny bit to the right, so her lips were directly beneath mine. Before she could lean in, I moved my kiss to her left cheek, grinning very faintly. I wouldn't kiss her, teasing her in the worst way.

I left butterfly kisses all over her face, avoiding her lips every time. She tried to kiss me once again, but I moved away.

When I left a peck on her jawline, I made it last a little longer too. I felt goosebumps form on her arms as I moved further down to her neck, being more passionate. When my lips finally reached the perfect spot on her neck, I started sucking at her skin.

She gasped softly at the feeling of my tongue being added to the mix. "Jungkook, don't..." She said, trying to pull her wrists out of my grasp. I gripped tighter and sucked harder just for that.

I slowly moved my lips up and down her neck, nibbling her skin as I let my tongue start to leave a little bit of red tint on her skin, exactly what I wanted.

I shifted my position slightly, leaning in harder and pressing my torso against hers. I picked up the pace, getting rougher on her skin as she continuously tried to pry her wrists away from me. We both knew she was powerless.

"S-stop, you're gonna leave marks." She said weakly. I bit her neck for talking, and I felt a satisfaction course through me when a moan finally escaped her pretty lips, starting to turn me on.

"Jungkook m-my parents will see." She stammered, more frantic this time.

"Maybe," I began, trailing my lips up to her jawline again. "You should have thought about that before."

I worked my way up to her ear and nibbled at it before whispering "you can't say I didn't warn you."

I went back to the hickey I was making, it was already getting dark. With my free arm, I brought my hand down her waist, then slid it up to her lower stomach, letting it venture slightly up her shirt. Her skin was smooth, warm. As I continued upward, I traced circles on the area just an inch or two below her breast.

I knew she was extremely nervous because of her goosebumps and shaky breath, but I also knew she was enjoying this because of the way an occasional soft moan would escape her, or how she slightly leaned her neck to the side, in a needy way.

I was getting more turned on every second, I wanted to touch her more, to kiss her in places other than her neck, but I knew I couldn't. This was simply a tease, to make sure I left a mark.

I finally saw that the hickey was large and purple, and I was satisfied with my work. I pulled away slowly, making eye contact with her the entire time. Her breathing was very slow, like she didn't want me to hear her need for air.

I smirked faintly. "You won't be able to hide it." I said, before getting up, picking up my stuff, and walking right out of her house.



Avoid him at all costs. Don't speak to him, don't look at him, if he approaches you, run like you're on fire.

That nervous feeling, that excited but also terrified feeling that tingles all over me doesn't leave. It's been here since yesterday afternoon. Today was the first day back from the break, and I had to use a lot of makeup to cover up that hickey. It's was huge, when I saw it after he left I literally screamed. I wore a gigantic turtleneck when my parents got home yesterday to cover it, and I sweat my ass off the whole fucking night.

I couldn't face him after that. Not today, not ever. I was just going to ghost on him forever and ever, and never have anything to do with him ever again.

But before we started taking the practice midterms, when Mr. Yoo was passing out the materials, Jungkook was just staring at me from his desk with the most innocent, adorable, yet lustful stare, that intrigued me and reminded me of yesterday yet at the same the same time made me want to hug him.

        How can I give up a stare like that?

       I worked through the whole test, it was incredibly easy, and finished with 3 and a half hours to spare out of the 4 total. I read almost the entire time, except in the very last 20 minutes, when Jungkook finished.

        Instead of reading afterward like he was supposed to, he just kept looking at me with that precious face, looking so cute with his head cocked to the side.

        And then he smirked.

        How the fuck does he do that?!?

       I made eye contact with him so many times in those 20 minutes, and I thought I was just going to die from an internal explosion of too many feelings.

        When the time was up, I rushed out of that classroom at the speed of light, not waiting for Jungkook to be able to approach me. I practically ran down the halls, desperate to get to Ms. Lee's room for lunch before anyone else found me.

       "Ji-won, wait up, where are you going?" I heard Jin call, putting a hand on my shoulder. I chuckled nervously, looking around briefly to make sure Jungkook wasn't near.

       "I-I was gonna eat lunch with Ms. Lee toda-"

       "What are you two just standing there for? Let's go." Namjoon interrupted, coming between me and Jin me putting his arms over our shoulders and steering us to the lunchroom. The rest of the guys joined in, and I knew there was no escaping.

       We arrived at the lunchroom, and I greeted Hobi and Haru briefly. Luckily Jungkook wasn't here yet, I still had time to bolt to Ms. Lee's-

       "Hey guys." Jungkook said, strolling over into his seat, making sure to make eye contact with me. My face instantly heated up, and I was sure everyone could see my blush. There was no stopping it, I was just too overwhelmed with his presence after yesterday.

         "So I was gonna eat lunch with Ms. Lee today I'm gonna go." I said quickly, standing up to walk away. Hoseok grabbed my wrist.

        "How come? Stay here, we all just took long boring tests, have a little fun." He whined, pulling me into my spot. After a long hesitation, I nodded and started eating my food, keeping my eyes down on the table.

         Lunch passed by, and I didn't say a word, almost like how I was at the beginning of the year. Not until someone forced me to speak.

        "What's with your neck, Ji-won?" Jungkook's asked, his voice slightly playful. This fucking bastard won't live to see another day.

        "Nothing." I replied simply.

         "It looks like it's all covered in makeup, like a different color from the rest of your neck. That's weird." He continued, purposely sounding corny. Does he want everyone to figure out or something??

        "That's true, what's wrong?" Haru asked, peering at me with suspicion and concern.

        "It's a rash." I said blankly, not wanting to give anything away.

       "When I was at your house yesterday you didn't have a rash." Jungkook said, putting emphasis on your house. I wanted to punch him so hard that his little smirk was permanently removed. I've never felt so bipolar towards a person.

        I noticed that Haru was now grinning widely with her mouth hanging a bit open, looking back and forth between us. Fuck.

          "Well I just woke up with it okay!" I snapped, staring directly at him. I also noticed that Hoseok had an unreadable expression, one that worried me. He couldn't be catching on too??

       "You should treat it with ointment then, not covering it with makeup. That'll make it worse. Why don't you wipe it off?" He asked, his smirk widening.

        "Because it looks disgusting." I said, staring him down.

        "Did it feel just as bad?" He asked. The fact that he said did just completely blew it. Everyone was staring at us, extremely confused.

       I stood up. "Ms. Lee is waiting for me." I said, before turning around and finally walking away.

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