Actress in Disguise

By The_Anonymous_Me

47.1K 1.7K 504

The top actress in Hollywood, Jessica Raymond, goes undercover as a nerd attending a normal high school. What... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 8

2.1K 83 27
By The_Anonymous_Me

Chapter 8~

"Ouch!" I shrieked, as Beth pulled my hair a little too hard.

"Oh sorry," Beth says in an unapologetic tone, as she starts to braid my side bangs.

"You sure don't seem very sorry," I mumbled bitterly under my breath, as I feel the side of my cheek get burned by something.

"ELISABETH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, as I jumped out of my seat, and shot her a death glare. My eyes wandered over to the curling iron in her hand. "Really?"

"Woah, chill!" She said as she backed away, putting both hands in the air. "It was really an accident this time!"

It's a Saturday, and we're having a girls' night over at Beth's place. For the past hour or so, she's been putting my hair in weird hairstyles that she invented, claiming that she "just wants to try them out on someone"...

I rolled my eyes, annoyed, as I cupped a hand around where the iron had burned me. "Yeah, as if."

"Come on, have a seat!" Beth eagerly motioned to the chair. "I still haven't tried out the pigtails yet!"

This earned her a penetrating look from me. I was about to state my comeback to her ridiculous childness, but the vibration in my butt cut me off.

I sighed, as I reached into my back jean pocket to grab my phone. I notice Beth staring at me with anticipation written all over her face, clearly wanting to know who the caller is.

I ignored her. "Hello?"

"Jessica!" My manager Sarah cried excitedly on the other end.

Strange, it was quite rare for her to call me... And I don't remember having a photo shoot this afternoon...


"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my GOSH!" Chanted the middle aged brunette excitedly. "I don't know how I should tell you this... But... Oh my gosh..."

I rolled my eyes. "Will you stop 'oh-my-gosh' ing me, and just get to the point?"

"Yes, yes I will... " I can hear her rushed breathing on the phone. "Oh my gosh, so... You know..." I twitched at her mention of 'Oh my gosh' again, but I tried my best to pretend I never noticed.

"Yes?" I asked, starting to lose patience with her. This is the thing with Sarah, whenever she gets nervous, she takes absolutely forever to get to the point...

"Oh my gosh... Jessica, seriously oh my gosh! I can't believe it... Like oh my gosh..." Her breathing paced, and she spoke in a rushed tone. "I seriously can't believe it, can you?"

"Umm... You haven't told me yet?" I replied in an obvious tone.

"Oh, that's right... Okay, so you know Max Crystal is coming back to town?"

I nodded, even though it was obvious she couldn't see me, and waited for her to go on.

"The reason is because he's going to be filming a new movie. And he wants to do it in his hometown."

"What's that got to do with me?" I asked, as I begin to twirl a strand of blonde hair around my pointer finger.

"That's the thing... Oh my gosh, how should I say this... Oh my gosh..."

"Get to the point." I stated sternly, not wanting to waste anymore time.

"Well, he called me today!"

I froze, and dropped my hand down, no longer playing with my hair. "And then?"

"He wants to see you... He wants you in his new romance movie!"

It took me a while to finally process her words clearly, because I was still stuck in shock. But once I did, my eyes widened, and my jaw dropped. Max Crystal wants me in his new movie?

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Sarah started to freak out again. About at least ten more "Oh my gosh"s followed afterwards, but I was too giddy to pay any mind.

"When?" I asked Sarah, after she finally calmed down.

"Tomorrow at ten in the morning, at Crystal Cafe. It's owned by his family."

"Thanks Sarah. Bye."

There was a click on the other end, and I slid my phone back into my usual spot, feeling satisfied. When I turned to Elisabeth, I notice her staring at me, with her pleading wide eyes, desperately wanting to know the news.

"It was Sarah," I said.

She shrugged. "Isn't that your manager? She doesn't call often, does she? What's the matter?"

"Well, the thing is..." I began, as a smile started to play at my lips. I couldn't hold my excitement back any longer. "Max Crystal wants me in his new movie!" I screamed, as I jumped at her, tightly embracing her in a deep hug.

"Really?" She asked, not too surprised. She clearly doesn't get how important this was to me. "What's the big deal though? You're the top actress of Hollywood, this was bound to happen!"

"But... But..." My bottom lip quivered, and I pulled away from her, pouting. "I've always wanted to work with him! He's like my idol!"

She let out a helpless sigh. "Fangirl, much?"


I sat at a table in the far corner, as I nervously waited for Max Crystal. My heart pounded hard against my chest. Any more, and I think it'd pop right out. My hands trembled and my breathing was brisk, as I waited in anticipation for him to show up. I've never been this nervous before in my whole life! I could feel the speed of my heartbeat multiplying by each tick of the clock, making me anxious. When was he going to come? I stole a quick glance at my phone screen. 10:01 am. He should be here soon... Take a deep breath, calm down... I counted to 10, and then backwards back to 1, followed by a few deep breaths.

I scanned the cafe for any sign of the director anywhere. I catch sight of him just as he's about to enter from the main entrance. He's here! I waved, in the second that we made eye contact. He smiled and waved back, as he made his way towards me. My heart skipped a beat.

"Good morning, Miss Raymond." He greeted in his deep, manly voice, as he sat down in the seat across. I took the time to examine his features. He looked just the same as he did on TV and in magazines. Dark hair styled in a spiky Mohawk, partially greying at the roots. He had a well defined jaw line, paired with the same baby blue eyes as his son. Other than appearance wise, they are nothing alike. This fine being, and that beastly sick manwhore? I don't think so. He wore a leather jacket, paired with jeans of the same ebony tone. He had a slight goatee, and a mustache. They fit amazingly well with his overall appearance.

It was breathtaking, seeing him in real life. "Good morning, Sir Crystal." I beamed one of my famous award winning smiles.

"So I have this new movie that I'm thinking of filming..." He began, as he handed me a booklet, which I took. "And I couldn't think of anyone better who could fit the role of the female main character..." His compliment made the temperature in my cheeks rise, but I tried my best not to let it show.

"You're flattering me." I let out a soft chuckle. "I'm truly not as amazing as you claim I am, Sir Crystal. The amazing one is you."

He seemed taken back by what I had said. "Surely not... I have been watching your shows and movies, and honestly... You're fabulous. You have great talent."

I smiled. "You know, Director Crystal, I've always been a fan of yours since childhood. It's really an honor for you to be interested in working with me."

"Likewise, my whole family loves you." He paused, as if deep in thought, before finally continuing again. "So you've agreed to cooperate in filming this new movie?"

I shrugged, "Of course!"

"I'm glad. Look over that booklet. It describes the movie, and the scenes it will include, as well as your role."

"Thank you. I look forward to working with you."

"Oh and one more thing," he beamed brightly at me. "I almost forgot. I have someone I want to introduce to you." His eyes wandered to behind me, right when I feel a figure step up from behind. "This is my son, Tyler. He will be playing the role as the other main character in my movie." At the mention of his name, my whole body went rigid. Tyler Crystal?

I snapped my head around almost instantly, and my jaw fell open, as I gaped at the director's idiot son in shock. He flashed me one of his usual arrogant smirks, and immediately, I could feel my whole life shatter before me... I was going to film a movie- a romance one, with this conceited, self centered bastard, that I despise oh so much... There's no way it can go well, absolutely no fucking way...


That's it for Chapter 8. Please vote, comment, and follow me! Especially COMMENT, because I'm dying to know your opinions!

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