devil's backbone 🗝 tommy she...

By finnmikaelson

669K 22.4K 6.6K

"Don't care if he's guilty, Don't care if he's not; He's good and he's bad, And he's all that I've got." She... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 10

21.2K 761 337
By finnmikaelson

n// wow i am really on a role with this story and lily james is the most beautiful woman i have ever seen and thats whats up

ps sass master billie is my religion wbu

pps long chapter alert!!

"Miss Day?" The familiar voice of the school's secretary spoke, breaking the silence of her lunch break. "There's an Inspector Campbell here to see you."

Billie furrowed her brows and looked up from her book, gaze being met by an older gentleman with a grey moustache. Putting her book down, she stood up from her seat, dusted her dress off, and walked to the door to greet the man as the secretary left.

"Hello," She greeted politely, letting him in. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Uh, yes, there is, actually," The man smiled, thanking her with a nod as she got him a chair that wasn't meant for children. "I'm Chief Inspector Chester Campbell, head of the new police force brought here from Belfast, and I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind."

"No, of course not," She spoke, sitting down across from him. "May I ask what this is all about, first?"

"Well, I'm sure you're familiar with the Peaky Blinders."

Sybil almost flinched at the way he spat the name out from his accented tongue, but kept her composure.

"That I am."

"And I've been made aware that you have some sort of relationship with them — is that correct?"

"No." Was all she responded.

"Well, if that's so, more than a few witnesses have some explaining to do." The man chuckled humourlessly.

"I said that I have no relationship with the Peaky Blinders," Billie restated, trying her hardest to cover up the hostility she was now feeling. "Not with the Shelby family."

"I imagine that if you get one, you get the other."

"With some people, that might be so, but not with me."

"Then pray tell, Miss Day, what is the nature of your relationship with the Shelby family?"

"I tutor the youngest brother."

"And what of your relationship with Thomas Shelby?"

Upon bringing up his name, Inspector Campbell opened his briefcase and took out a file, placing the picture that was inside on the schoolteacher's desk.

Sybil looked at it for a moment, suddenly getting taken back to when she was just a teenage girl. She'd forgotten that Tommy once looked like that. So young. So... human. She'd grown long used to his stoic and cold public persona, associating that with his character. Which, as of now, would be true. But she remembered going to school with him, seeing him play football whilst they were on their breaks, and always being one to cause a little bit of trouble here or there. Another thing she noticed was how much younger he looked, and that was in more ways than one. She saw the hurt and pain in those blue eyes of his every time she looked into them, and in this picture... well, there was a lot less of that, if any at all.

"My relationship with Thomas Shelby is purely professional." She spoke, not missing a beat. "I teach his brother, he arranges things, and pays me my dues."

"And by... paying you your dues... you're referring to the instruction of the young man, correct?"

If Sybil could get away with assaulting the Chief Inspector, she would've in a heartbeat.

"I don't know why you're insinuating that I am a woman of that particular profession, Inspector Campbell, but I can assure you, that I have not had any relations with Thomas Shelby aside from those I have previously stated." She spoke sharply, trying to remain calm. "I am an honest woman, who lives an honest life. I love my job, I am dedicated to each and every single one of these children here in Birmingham, and I am the best at what I do. So, with all due respect, sir, please do not go spreading things that are false about me, as I have worked hard for this reputation that I have, and I'd like it if I were to be treated with the same respects that I have been treating you with."

At this, Campbell was silent, just staring at the woman that his informant at the Garrison had given information on. She was much different than the image that Grace had painted him, that being the young woman overcome with emotions that depended on Tommy Shelby to make everything better. This painting was headstrong, powerful, fierce, and tender all in one.

"A liberated woman, I see." He muttered to himself with a little laugh. "Tell me, Miss Day, what does your husband think of your association with the Shelby family?"

"If I had a husband, he probably wouldn't think anything of it." She replied cordially. "He'd support me doing something I'm passionate about and something that supports the greater good of the future."

"And what's a lovely little thing like you doing unwed? Surely you have suitors lined up for miles."

"I do not wish to be married at this moment."

The Inspector made a note of this, meanwhile Sybil took some mental notes of her own.

Someone had to come to him about her. Someone that'd witnessed the real bond between her and Tommy. Someone that wasn't affiliated with the Blinders, as they knew better than to cross them better than anyone. Then it hit her like a freight train.

The new barmaid.

It all made sense to Sybil in that moment, every single part of it. Both of them from Ireland, both arriving around the same time, and not to mention that the new barmaid had seen the scene between her and Tommy after what'd happened with Danny and that Italian.

But, for the sake of future leverage and making sure that it was really her, she kept it to herself. Inspector Campbell obviously had something against Blinders, and apparently, thought that she was some sort of person that meant something to them enough to affect them as a whole, and someone that was worth anything to them.

Little did she know, right?

The man also clearly underestimated her greatly, obviously holding little to no regard for women's rights or respecting women at all, which was Sybil's least favourite type of person to begin with. She would do anything to get him out of her town at this point.

"A liberated woman indeed," He mused, collecting his things and standing. "And since you were wondering, love, there have been threats of a communist revolution happening here in Small Heath. That's why I'm here."

"And what does that have to do with the Peaky Blinders?"

"There was a lot of corruption of the police force before my men and I came down here, Miss Day," He said cryptically. "The Peaky Blinders seemed to have a lot to do with that."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

They both already knew the answer to that one.

"Just exploring everyone who might know something." He covered up, smile on his worn out face.

"With all due respect, Inspector Campbell, the children are going to come back in soon, and I wouldn't want them to be alarmed..."

"Ah," He chuckled. "I guess I best be off, then."

"Yes, I think it would be best."

"I'll be seeing you, Billie," At the mention of the nickname, her heart dropped. "That is what Thomas Shelby calls you, isn't it?"

Billie refused to let him see her crack. So, with the best friendly smile she could muster, she replied: "Perhaps you will, Chester. Good day."

The look on his face was one of anger trying it's very best not to show, bringing a sense of satisfaction (and a hint of fear) to the woman. But, nevertheless, Inspector Campbell just returned the parting gesture, and left her classroom.

"Good day."

The rest of the school day seemed to drag along for hours to Sybil. She knew that she needed to tell Thomas of what happened to her, and more specifically, who came to see her. She almost felt annoying, in a way, seeing as everything that happened to her somehow ended up in the hands of the Blinder, but this was one thing that she knew needed to be shared.

So, as soon as the bell rang, she formulated a plan.

The Garrison was too dangerous to go to at a time like this. She wasn't positive that it was the barmaid that was the informant, but at the same time, she wasn't sure in the slightest that she wasn't. Either way, the Garrison was out. She couldn't discuss police matters there, not while the situation had barely any time to cool on in general. The Shelby residence was too risky, seeing as the police were probably all over that area, so that left one place: the betting shop.

If the Sybil Day that she was before that stupid wedding of her cousin's could see what she was doing and where she was going, she would have thrown a fit. The thought was almost comical. The very people she'd sworn to hate, the same people that she would have done anything to get rid of, were the very same people she was paying a visit to in order to save them.

But she shook herself out of those thoughts as she approached the enterance, looking over her shoulder for any coppers that might have seen her come over. And much to her relief, there wasn't any.

"May I help you, love?"

Billie turned around and was met with the beautiful face of one of the woman that helped her the night of the attack. Tommy's aunt, Polly.

"Is Tommy in?" She asked quietly. "It's about the inspector."

And that was about all it took to let the woman in. Once the door was shut, Polly was quick to help the young woman take off her jacket, lead her into the kitchen area, and put on the kettle.

"The boys aren't here, but they will be soon." She grumbled, smoking furiously from her cigarette. "I see the bastard's paid you a visit, too."

"He stopped by my fucking work." Billie hissed. "I'm a schoolteacher for fucks sake!"

"He got me in church," Polly scoffed, pouring the hot water in the cup along with her homemade blend of tea. "Had the balls to threaten me like that in the house of God. The nerve of that inspector!"

Sybil smiled a little in thanks for the tea, holding the warm cup in her cold hands, feeling more relaxed already.

"Polly!" The voice that Sybil had grown fond of cried out, door slamming after it. "What the bloody hell happened out there?!"

Tommy, Arthur, John, and two men that Sybil didn't recognise entered the kitchen where the two women sat, drawing looks of shock from all of them. But before any of the men (mostly Tommy) could question Sybil's presence, Polly explained.

"That bloody Inspector Campbell paid Sybil here a visit this afternoon while you boys were out at the fair." She began, confusing Billie as to why she didn't mention the visit she got, but continued before she could think on it any longer. "Smashed up the local pubs and houses, too, as I'm sure you've all seen. The coppers told everyone Arthur had agreed to it when he was arrested. They said the Peaky Blinders had cleared out to the fair to let them do it."

"I never said nothing to that copper about smashing up bloody houses." Arthur grumbled, grabbing a pint of amber liquid from the bucket that Polly had put on the table.

"Alright," Tommy interfered, trying his hardest to keep his calm. "Which pubs did they hit?"

"The Guns, the Chain, the Marquis." Polly answered. "All the ones that pay you to protect them. The only one they didn't touch was the Garrison, to make sure people think we were in on it. He's smart, this copper. Tommy, you have a word with Miss Day over here while the rest of you finish your beers. After that, you get out, and show people that you're still the cocks of the walk."

The men quickly downed their drinks and set off, leaving Billie, Tommy, and Polly alone.

Tommy stood against the wall, pensive, angered, and stressed all the same. Just as the last time she saw him, she knew that this look wasn't directed at her, more at the situation surrounding her. Of all the years that she'd known Tommy (which was more than she had ever really thought about), she'd never known him to get mad at her.

"What happened?" He asked, taking a hit of his cigarette as Billie stared down at her tea. "What did the bastard want from you while you were fucking working?"

"He kept asking about you." She huffed, sipping her tea. "Well, you, Tommy, and my relationship to you."

At that, Tommy's heart fell.

"And what did you tell him, love?" Polly asked, feeling bad for the girl, getting dragged into all of this.

"I told him the truth. That I was just Finn's teacher. Then he started twisting it around, implying that I was Tommy's whore, and asking if I had anything to do with the Peaky Blinders."

Tommy wanted to kill this man.

"And then... he started asking about me. If I was married, why I wasn't, stuff like that. After that, he started talking about the communists, and how the Peaky Blinders made the police here corrupt, and that's why he was here. I'm sorry to come here and intrude like this, but I figured that you should know that he came to my work and—"

"Love, you did the right thing," Polly interrupted, reassuring the young woman. "Thank you for coming to us. But did he say anything else?"

Billie thought over the conversation, remembering the barmaid thing, but deciding to keep that one to herself. The last thing she wanted was for an innocent woman to be tried and punished for a crime that she didn't commit. So, she brought up the other weird thing that occurred during the conversation.

"He called me Billie," She informed, looking up at Tommy. "He referred to me as Billie after I asked him to leave. I never mentioned that to him, and I was introduced as Miss Day."

And right when Tommy thought it couldn't get worse, it did.

"Sybil, you need to lay low a bit. I'll have someone walk you home while we clean stuff up around here. If that inspector tries to talk to you again, tell him you don't know anything, even if you do."

Nodding, she went back to looking at her tea, feeling exhausted already. And if this was what the Peaky Blinders went through on the daily, well, she now had a newfound respect for them. Sybil sat in silence as Tommy got someone to escort her home like he always did, while Polly smoked her cigarette, staring down at the girl.

"Don't tell him anything," Tommy repeated, watching her as she put her coat on. "Keep doing what you're doing, Sybil."

"I will," She replied before turning to face Polly. "Thank you for the tea, it was lovely."

"You're welcome, love," The older woman responded, doing her best to smile. "Thank you for your loyalty."

And with one last small smile, Sybil was off, leaving Polly and Tommy to their own devices.

"So we both know what they were looking for," Polly stated, sitting down in the seat where Billie just was. "You don't read the papers."

"Racing papers." Tommy rebutted, raising his eyebrows a bit.

"So let me tell you the odds. I reckon it's three to one, there'll be a revolution."

"I wouldn't bet on that."

"That copper's betting on it. He's not going to let it rest until he gets those guns back."

Ah, yes, the fucking guns.

Sitting down next to his aunt, he tapped the ash from his cigarette.

"Did he talk to you, Pol?"

"In the church."

"Did he try to find our Ada?"

"She was sleeping."

"Where was she sleeping, Pol?"

"I thought you didn't care for women's business." Polly smirked. "He knows you're the boss. He wants to meet you. Will you talk to him?"

"No. You don't parley when you're on the back foot. We'll strike a blow back first."

Tommy rose from his seat and headed toward the door, but was stopped by one last question from Polly.

"You love her, don't you?"

Tommy's silence was answer enough, and they both knew it.

"Do you plan on making her yours?"

"No," Tommy said, tone flat. "No, I don't."

"And why is that?"

"Things are going to get a lot bigger around here, Pol." He spoke, back still facing her. "I can't bring her into it. She deserves a normal life."

"My God, you really do love her, don't you?"

More than you could imagine, Polly.

"Well, if you have a change of heart, tell it to hurry up before it's too late."

"And why do you say that?"

Picking up the cup that Billie used to drink her tea, Polly held it up, leaving Tommy no choice but to look at the leaves.

"A heart, Thomas." Polly smirked, smoking her cigarette. "A bloody heart."

n// billie cant catch a break i know but im working her into the plot of season one also im really happy with how this ended!! hope you all enjoyed and dont forget to vote/comment!!! love you!!!!

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