Dean What Have You Done?

By 1Rawrbork

13.3K 345 24

Dean pisses of a witch and gets cursed. The rest is history. More

It Wasn't Just A Dream
New Clothes New Person
Not What He Was Thinking
I Cut My Hair To Change Myself But It Didn't Work
Coping Comes In Many Forms
Now We Must Wait
Dean, This Isn't A Torture Chamber
I Don't Want, I Need
It's A
Telling The News
Just Her Luck
Sam's Thoughts
I Wanna Leave
Ugh Cleaning
Back at Regina's
Not the Police
Sam's a Good Moose
Sweet Sam
Supportive Uncle
Mary Jess Winchester


257 9 2
By 1Rawrbork

DEAN POV: I wake up in one of my old t-shirts from when I was a boy.  I had on some pants that I didn't recognize. I try to sit up but I feel really sore and slugish. When I sit up I looks around and realise I'm in Bobby's safe room. I then realise I had to pee really bad and I barely made it to the bathroom on time. I slowly walk up the stairs to find Bobby and Sam in the living room. I walk  to the couch and sit down. Sam and Bobby give Dean a glance as she does this. "I'm glad you're finally awake," Sam states. "What happened, how long have I been out, and I really need a burger like right now." Sam and Bobby chuckle," Do you want the story first or the burger?" "Someone go grab the keys to a fucking car and get me a burger, and the other one better tell me what fuck happened cause this isn't funny!" I said with a ton of sass. Bobby and Sam started hysterical laughing. Bobby sighed," I'll be right back." He walked out and I heard him start the car and leave. I pull myself up again and go back to the bathroom, I  come back to a giggily Sam. "Will you please tell me what happened?" I snapped. Sam gave a smile and a half laugh," You've been gone for nearly 5 weeks. We had went to that little gas station and you got possessed, and it took me nearly 4 weeks to even track you. Took me several days to trap you and do the excorsism cause the demon had caught on to me. Me and Bobby honestly had a fun time trying to find you. You also killed a bunch of people while possessed so we can't really let you leave the house. I got rather pissed," Fanfreakintastic," I said with an eye roll. "So I'm only 25 weeks pregnant?" "Yes." "Great, Where did these pants come from?" "I went to a nearby store and tried to find you some new clothes, and I just decided to put you in one of your old t-shirts." My face turned rather blushed," You dressed me?" "Who else would of done it, you might wanna shower though." I sighed,"  I am supposed to get bigger, I can barely function  as it is." "Regina gave you an ultrasound and checkup while your were out. She said you were small  for how far along you are. You're also fine but you need to take it easy, she really doesn't want you hunting anymore. The ultrasounds are in my room I'll go get them. Dean tried to breathe, she didn't need to get overwhelmed. Being out for 5 weeks will stress a person out though. Sam came back just as Bobby pulled into the drive way. I was laying on the couch with my hand against my forehead trying to think the whole situation through. Sam came back giving me the pictures and Bobby walked in carrying a paper bag that contained a salad. Sam poured Dean a glass of water with that. "What the fuck is this, I asked for a burger?" Bobby chuckled," Regina left a list of things you should be eating and she left you some prenatal vitamins. I picked up the ultrasound picture and get looks from San and Bobby, and my eyes start tearing up. "Damn horomones," I then rolled my eyes, ate my rabbit food, and headed towards the shower. I was going through my clothes and was suprised to find a couple duplicates of the stretchy pants I was wearing, some flowy dresses, and a couple flowy shirts. I grabbed basically a duplicate of what I was wearing and headed to the showers. I looked in the mirror. I wasn't as large as I  had thought, but I did look pregnant. I was about the size of a majorly  deflated soccer ball. I got undressed and stepped in the shower. I came out and had to roughly pull the hair brush through my hair that now went right above my mid back. I got dressed and pulled my hair back in a low pony tail, and I grabbed my computer and sat at the kitchen table seeing if I could find a hunt or anything were I could get out of the house.

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