It's A

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7-8 weeks later Dean is 16 weeks pregnant, or 4 months. They're in the motel. DEAN POV: I go to the bathroom and put on a tank top for underneath my button up. I take a glance in the mirror and notice a bump, I pull up my shirt and stare in awe. I decide to wear a black t-shirt instead of a tank top, and I self-consiously kept my arms crossed over my chest most of the day. We were on a salt and burn mission. Sam had to dig up Britney Beaux's grave, and I kept watch with a flashlight and salt rifle. I didn't have to shoot the rifle once,we burned the bitch. Then get in the car. ''I think it's about time we book another baby appointment,'' I stated anxiously. ''When have you ever tried to get a doctor's appointment?'' Sam questioned sarcastically. ''I just wanna make sure everything is ok, my last appointment was 2 months ago.'' ''I can give Regina a call, she's only 2 cities over.'' SAM POV: I gave Regina a call and we go back to the motel to pack. Dean was sitting on the bed absentmindedly stroking her slightly swollen stomach which felt like it had several butterflies flying around in it. I gave a look,'' Dean?'' Dean jerked her hand away and I laughed. ''I-er, shut up!'' Dean said defensively. I threw my hands up in surrender,'' Was just gonna ask if you were ready to go.'' Dean gave a distracted answer,'' Yeah, let's go.'' Dean threw her stuff in the trunk and jumped in the driver's seat. ''You seem happy,'' I stated. ''I just feel good right now,'' Dean said with a smile and we drove off to Regina's. We arrive and Dean walks behind me with her arms crossed over her chest. Regina gives Sam and Dean a hug and walks us back into the hospital looking room. DEAN POV: ''How you've been?'' questions Regina. ''I've been good, sleeping is a joke but I'm used to that. Morning sickness is pretty much gone, just making reappearances here and there, and I'm still wanted,'' I said with a smile. Regina gave a smile,'' Well that's good beside being wanted.'' I shrugged,'' Comes along with the job sometimes.'' Regina asked me her standard questions, kicks Sam out of the room for a second, brings him back in, then we start the ultrasound. I pulls up my t-shirt to reveal my slightly swollen abdomen. SAM POV:I noticed Dean's little swell, and know now  why Dean was so anxious to book an appointment and why she was in a good mood. Regina puts the cold gel on Dean's stomach, and she jumped at the touch. Regina moved the tool a little bit, then the screen flashed on to reveal the baby. ''It looks like a baby this time,'' Dean said in awe. ''It has all its fingers and toes. I could tell y'all the gender if you'd like.'' ''Could you do that?'' Dean asked. Regina moved the tool around,'' It's a girl,'' she says with a smile. She prints off several pictures of the ultrasound and then the room is filled with the baby's heartbeat. Dean stares transfixed at the screen, rubbing her now puffy red eyes," Damn horomones," she muttered while me and Regina talk. Dean rubs of the gel and pulls down her shirt, the whole time murmuring," A girl.''

Dean What Have You Done?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon