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DEAN POV: I give Bobby a call and ask him to meet us at the Roadhouse, I give Ellen a call for a heads up. We reach the Roadhouse about early morning the next day, Bobby had beat us there. I was super nauseous when we got there, but I knew they had to know the truth. I didn't really want to be babied after either. I anxiously check to make sure the ultrasound was in my coat pocket, then I grab my  bag, and become Sam's shadow. ''Dean, are you ok. You don't look to good," Sam asks me concerned. ''Morning sickness,'' I grumble. Sam nods,'' Are you going to tell them later then?'' ''No, I need to do this now. Plus I don't feel like being nursed on by Jo and Ellen.'' Sam nodded,'' Let's just get this over with.'' ''Agreed.'' We walk in get greeted by everybody, are showed a room, and then we all sit down to talk about why we are here. ''Dean, you feeling all right, you don't look to hot,'' Bobby asked me. ''I'm fine,'' I said flashing a half smile. ''Anyway on to the topic,'' I  took a deep breath and reached into the old leather jacket that used to belong to my father and pulled out the ultra sound picture giving a grim smile. Then a wave id nausea hits me like a bus. ''I'm-gonna be sic-,'' I dashed off to the bathroom, dropping the ultrasound, covering my mouth and barely made it to the toilet before I hurled. Sam rushed off behind me leaving Jo, Ash, Bobby, and Ellen alone with the picture. BOBBY POV:I noticed the picture, and  being the one nearest to it, I picked it up and quickly put it back down upon realizing what it was. ''What is it?'' whispered Jo. ''I think it's best if we have Dean explain.'' We all just sat there and waited for Dean and Sam to get back. DEAN POV: Sam was behind me holding my hair back and rubbing circles on my back. I regained my composure and San helped me stand up,'' Sam I dropped the ultrasound, you need to go get it," I say freaking out. ''Dean it's been nearly 10 minutes they'd of seen it by now.'' ''Then I guess I should hurry so I can explain,'' I snapped. I quickly brush my teeth,'' I still feel nauseous, but the nerves aren't helping,'' I said to Sam. ''They're our family, and it wasn't your fault. They should understand.'' I turned around and snapped,'' I'm not worried about that, I'm worried they'll want me to abort it. I can't do that, I've heard its heartbeat and its picture. I'm just going to go get this over with.'' I dash out of the bathroom followed by Sam. I sit back down to find the picture right were I had dropped it. I pick it up and give it a glance and give another nervous smile. ''I'm pregnant.'' Everyone gives me a look, wanting to know who. ''Me and Sam had went to this diner, this man tries to flirt with me, I tell him no thank you, he buys me a beer anyway, I take a sip, eyelids get heavy, I feel someone carry me, pray it's Sam, wake up to snoring, look down and I'm naked and covered in hickeys and bruises, I get dressed, memorize the apartment number, call Sam, run downstairs, grab gun, run upstairs, shoot his ass, leave a note, and get the hell out of dodge. Everyone gives me a concerned look. ''I was raped,'' I said with a fake smile,'' And now I'm pregnant, and I'm putting the baby up for adoption.'' ''Congrats,'' Ash said with a smile,'' Don't get me wrong the story sounds sucky, and I'm sorry for that, but your expecting another Winchester.'' Everyone else starts congratulating and I pass around the ultrasound. ''I'm gonna go take a shower,'' I state, then I calmly stand up and leave.

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