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DEAN POV: My timer beeps. Sam sighs,'' I'll go check.'' He walks out not knowing whether to say congratulations or appologise. Every test either had a plus sign, two lines, or said pregnant. Sam sighed. He walked out of the bathroom. Looked at me and sighed,'' You're pregnant,'' he said with a reassuring smile. I ran into the bathroom and threw up, not due to morning sickness but due to disgust. I couldn't believe that rapist bastard had impregnated me
Sam sighed and sat on the bed until I  came out of the bathroom. I was in the bathroom for about 10 minutes, I came out and sat on the bed beside Sam. ''I can't abort it, it's not its fault its father was a rapist. I can't kill an innocent life, it hasn't done anything wrong. I can't keep it either, I'm not raising a child into this life, I can put it up for adoption though.'' Sam put a hand on my back careful to be gentle of my bruises. '' If that's what you want.'' I sighed,'' It's not what I want, but it's the right thing to do.'' ''We're going to have to book you a doctors appointment after we deal with the monster in town.'' I shuddered, I hated doctors especially when I was the patient. ''What are we waiting for, let's go find the bastard,'' I sighed. The case ended up being a shapeshifter problem. ''Dean honestly you need to stay home, I can handle a shapeshifter by myself.'' ''I'm fine, honestly," I grumble even though I feel nauseous and awful. ''Dean you look like you're gonna throw up.'' I grumbled something under my breath,'' Whatever, but if you need backup call.'' Sam sighed,'' I will, but you need to lay down.'' I rolled her eyes,'' I will, I feel like shit anyway.'' SAM POV: I sighed and laughed to myself. I left and tracked the shifter into a super market which had cameras. Which was fine except for the fact the shifter looked exactly like Dean. The shifter killed several people on camera as Dean, now making poor pregnant Dean a fugitive. ''Fuck,'' I murmured to himself. I followed it into the sewers and shot it with a silver bullet. I got to the motel to find Dean awake drinking a cup of coffee. ''Dean we've got to go,'' I said throwing my clothes in a bag. ''Did you kill it?'' ''Yes, but we've gotta go, it shifted into you and killed people, and you're a fugitive now.'' Dean grumble ,'' Fuck, I'm not in the mood for this.'' I sighed,'' I don't think either of us are, but you need to get packed and leave.'' ''Don't get snappy with me, I'm packing.'' ''Sorry, I just- I don't think you're allowed to drink coffee," I blurted out thinking about some things I had learned while dating Jessica. ''I think you're just being mean to me,'' Dean said as she threw her now packed bag over her shoulder. I grabbed the car keys and practically dragged Dean to the car. Dean didn't help the matter, she just dragged a long making sure her coffee didn't spill. I grabbed Dean's bag and she situated herself into the passenger seat. We drove towards the Roadhouse and I made a few calls to book Dean an appointment. The whole time Dean just shot me dirty looks,'' Being a dick, shoving me out of the motel, and you tried to tell me I can't drink coffee.'' I murmured under my breath,'' Hormones. Dean I'm sorry I snapped at you, we needed to get out of that town, and you weren't exactly hurrying to leave, and I really don't know if pregnant people can drink coffee. We'll find out at the appointment.'' Dean rolled her eyes,'' I don't know why me drinking coffee would effect a pregnancy.'' ''Dean, we'll find out your appointment is in about 3 hours a few town away. She's a friend of mine, and we're doing it at her house. She knows about the whole shifter situation, so she isn't going to call the cops.'' Dean sighed,'' Let's just hurry up and eat somewhere, cause I'm starving.'' I murmured under my breath,'' Of course you are.''

Dean What Have You Done?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora