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SAM POV: We're at a gas station about 4 hours out from the Roadhouse... Dean walks into the gas station in front of me. I notice  a red spot on the lower-back of her t-shirt that had not been there before. I quickly take off my jacket and whisper in Dean's ear to tie it around her waist. Dean gives me look, but does it anyway. ''Dean, get back in the car, I have to tell you something,'' I whisper calmly. Dean sighs and gets in the car. I  look Dean straight in the face, thinking about everything I had learned when I was dating Jessica. ''Congratulations, your reproductive system works fine.'' Dean gives a confused look and I sigh and think about how to explain further. ''So you're a girl now.'' ''Yeah?'' ''And you have girl parts now.'' ''Yeah, so get to the point.'' ''Do you know how girl puberty works.'' Deans face dropped, ''Please-no-this can't be-no-this isn't true.'' I give a straight face head shake to prove I'm  isn't lying. ''Dude this isn't funny, you can stop joking now.'' ''Dean stay here, I'll be right back I'm going to see if they have any shark week products. You're gonna be fine. I walks in find what I'm  was looking for I buy some pie, a couple candy bars, and some strong doses of pain medicine just in case. I head back to the car with the bag and  open the box and hand Dean the instructions, a pad, and another t-shirt. DEAN POV: I walk into the gas station trying to seem like everything was under control, but in my mind I was crying and wanted to die underneath the hood of my Impala.

Dean What Have You Done?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz