Not the Police

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DEAN POV: "Sam I need to pee," I blurt out randomly. Sam nods his head then he pulls over at the next had station we pass. I run in shoving people aside to get to the bathroom. Apparently someone noticed me, because when I go back out side Sam is being handcuffed. "Sam-," I shut up because I hear a gun getting cocked behind me. I start to slowly turn around, but then I get grabbed rather roughly and shoved into the wall so they could handcuff me. "The baby!" I yell over protectively." "You have the right to remain silent," the man with the gun said. I start fighting and kicking to get away from the wall. I was in no shape to fight the police, so they were all failed attempts. During the 'fighting' they moved me away from the wall, and they shoved a waddling me into the car. "Hey," I shout defensively. The cop gives an eye roll and slams the door. Sam gives me a look as I stare at the men in disgust. SAM POV: While Dean had went in, the cops pulled up sirens going off, they shoved me onto the car and handcuffed me. DEAN POV: When we arrive at the station, they force me and Sam into two different interrogation rooms. They handcuff me to the table then they walk out. The chair I was sitting on was uncomfy asf, and I was getting hungry. When the man and women walked back in I smart assedly went," I'd like to order a burger with extra lettuce," I say with a smile. The man rolls his eyes,"You think you're cute?" "I think I'm adorable," I say with a big smile. The man rolled his eyes and started the interrogation. He asked me about what me and Sam have been doing, and blah blah blah. I reply a long road trip blah blah blah. Then he starts showing me images of 'myself' when I was a shifter and possessed. "Is that you?" he asks me. "No," I reply calmly. Then a sudden pain hits me and I find myself feeling rather uncomfortable, it felt like my stomach had tightened. I place my hand on the table and grip my stomach. It came as quick as it left and I tried to act like nothing happened. "You alright?" the man asks me. I shrug," I don't know, that didn't feel like a kick, and I'm way to early to be in labor, it's probably nothing. The lady beside the man went," I think that may have been a Braxton hick, they're practice labor pains. I give a nod and the man returns to his questioning. "Is that you?" the man asks again. I roll my eyes and sassily say," I said it wasn't me the first time, and my answer remains the same." The man snaps back," This isn't a joke, those people are clearly you." "It wasn't me," I say boldly yet again. SAM POV: They take my handcuffs off and they place me in an interrogation room, a lady walks in and starts questioning me. She asks me what me and my brother have been up to, I tell her a road trip. She asks if I thought my sister had killed those people, I reply no. She aggravatedly walks out. THIRD PERSON POV: The man and women meet together," Sam's story matches Deanora's perfectly," the women said seriously. "It was obviously Deanora on those videos though, we saw Sam in one of the videos to." "Maybe they're lying," the women said half heartedly. DEAN POV: I'm getting sick of being here, so I tell the man I'll confess to what happened. They drag a confused Sam, a tv, and a camera into my little interrogation room. "I wouldn't suggest doing this," my lawyer tells me. "Look straight in the camera, and confess the man told me." I sigh and look into the camera," I didn't look any of those people, that first time it was a shape shifter. It shifts into anything it wants and kills people and eats them, you can kill them with silver. I was at the motel with morning sickness, and Sam went to hunt the shifter. The second time I was possessed, I woke up five weeks later, and I didn't remember anything," I say with a straight face. "The man's face starts turning red," This isn't a joke, you killed dozens of people." I roll my eyes," like I just said I didn't kill anyone, monsters did." The man starts getting redder and redder,  he unplugs the tv and everyone is forced out of the room. He leaves me there handcuffed to my chair. "I'm starving, and I gotta pee," I scream hoping they could hear me through the door. The man pops in about 5 minutes later, a lot calmer looking now. "I've gotta pee," I say trying not to ruin my pants. The man gives a laugh," Don't think you're going anywere," he said with a laugh. "Look I don't care if I stayed handcuffed, but if I don't go soon my chair is gonna be wet," I say earnestly. The man rolls his eyes," Fine," he then unlocks me and the women takes me to the bathroom. I decide not to put up a fight, cause I know I can't win, so the women takes me back to my room and locks me back up to the chair. I'm rather sick of being handcuffed, so I beg her not to do it, she appologised and says she had to, I roll my eyes and look at my surrounding. There was really nothing I could use as a weapon, and the door was probably locked, so I stay put. The man comes back and places a water bottle and grilled chicken salad on the table," What is it with giving pregnant people salads," I say with an eye roll. "Be greatful, I wasn't going to feed you," the man said with a fake smile. I roll my eyes as I eat my salad.

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