I Cut My Hair To Change Myself But It Didn't Work

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DEAN POV: I wake up to snoring. I sit up and wince at the pain that's shot through my back. I look over and I don't recognize the man beside me. I look down at my body to discover I'm  naked and covered in bruises and hickeys. I may not be gentle during sex, but that looked and felt painful and I don't think I would've allowed it. I didn't even think I wanted to date a man considering I was one a few days ago. My eyes widen in shock as I  realized what had happened. From years of experience I  quickly and quietly gets ready and sneak out of the room. Realizing I was in an apartment complex type thing I checked the room number, 17, and kept the door cracked. I called Sam and begged him  to hurry. I waited outside praying the man didn't wake up. Sam was there in about 5 minutes, without saying anything I  popped open the trunk grabbed a 9 millimeter with a silencer, hid it in my  coat pocket, calmly walked back up the stairs, found the man still asleep, shot him, and made sure every thing I had last night was with me. I grab a piece of paper and a pen and write ''he raped me'' keep the pen, pulls the door closed, puts the gun back in my pocket, and walks down the stair into the passenger seat of the Impala like nothing happened. Sam didn't ask me anything, he just drove. I was huddled by the door nearly in tears cause my thoughts had finally caught up with her. I felt so dirty, and worthless. The fact he had touched me like that without my consent was shattering me. I fell asleep silently crying. SAM POV:I had no idea why Dean had cried herself to sleep, or why she'd grabbed a gun from the trunk and ran back in. I knew something was wrong, Dean hadn't cried once since becoming a girl, and after a fun night she grabs a gun and cries. She was also covered in what seemed like bruises and hickeys. Dean may have came home with a few hickeys but the majority of her neck was purple and red. I didn't know what to do so I left Dean asleep and drove faster than the speed limit to Bobby's. Dean stayed asleep the whole day when she woke up it was around 3 in the morning, half asleep she asked me if he wanted to swap places. I had been awake for over 16 hours but I told Dean to go back asleep that we would arrive at Bobby's in about 2 hours. We arrived at Bobby's around 5:30. DEAN POV: I was half awake when we got to Bobby's so I  tried to jolt myself  awake with failed results. I managed to open the door, but then I fell back asleep. Sam laughed as he tried to gently shake me awake but he managed to grab me by one of my newly formed bruises so I winced in pain but tried so play it off as if I had been abruptly woken up. ''Dean, we're at Bobby's, let's go on inside.'' I nodded my head and shakily stood up, grabbed my bag, and walked to the door. Sam knocked on the door and Bobby opened it confused why a 5'4 girl was wearing Dean's jacket. Then Bobby realized,'' Dean you igit what did you do?'' I couldn't look Bobby in the face, I didn't want to explain anything, I felt everyone could read me and see what happened. I dashed underneath his body, ran into the bathroom, locked the door, and started a warm shower. I put the water onto a scolding hot temperature so that it would burn then numb my body and remove  the germs the man had left on my skin, I rubbed my body so hard it became raw. I cried out in pain but I couldn't stop, my body burned, I fell against the wall and collapsed onto the shower floor. I stayed on the shower floor until the water became cold. I turned off the water wrapped a towel around myself, then I looked in the mirror. My shoulders had rough purple hand marks on them, my neck was covered in hickeys. I roughly pulled a brush through my tangled hair, crying im protest but refusing to be gentle making my  scalp numb from the pain. I then frantically searched through Bobby's bathroom drawers for an electric razor, I find one put my  hair back in a low pony tail, plug it in, then cut my hair to above my shoulder length, praying it would make the girl in the mirror change to someone-anyone else. I unplug the razor and looks back in the mirror to find the cracks in my flaws. I was the same girl that was raped, just with shorter hair. I start crying, and I bitterly looked away from the mirror, and gets dressed, I walk out of the bathroom with a fake smile, a heavy heart, and dried eyes.

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