I Promise (Tony Stark Fanfict...

By ILoveBooks987

281K 7.9K 4.2K

Tony Stark has everything a person could ever want in life. That is, except a kid. Isadora Stark was a love c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Part 1)
Chapter 12 (Part 2)
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

14.4K 528 414
By ILoveBooks987

Isadora POV


I jerked open my eyes and immediately sat up in the bed I was currently sleeping in. Thor stood in my room, along with Steve, dressed in their pajamas from the night before. I had to admit, it was a funny, yet adorable sight to see two towering and muscled men in the cheesy Christmas pajamas my father had gotten for all of us. While Steve wore a variety of ornaments on his, Thor had insisted he wear the ones with tiny Santa Clauses’. He said they looked like Odin, which made me burst into laughter.

S.H.I.E.L.D had provided me with a basic room here at the base, since my father was staying here for a “special project” that was “too dangerous” for me to even know about. I just assumed they were exaggerating because they believed that it was just something that a child was not meant to here. But, yet again, I’m not an ordinary child.

The first day I moved in here would always be a memorable one. The recent memory clouded my head as I looked around the simple room.

“And here’s your room, kid,” said Tony as he opened a plain white door that led into a basic bedroom.

Stepping in cautiously, I familiarized myself with what would be my temporary shelter. Surprisingly, there wasn’t that much white décor; unlike every other room in the building that was drenched in the color of absolute nothingness.

The walls were a soft gray, with a black metal frame bed against the left corner of the north wall covered in simple, soft yellow bedding. A black couch was placed against the west wall on a large yellow rug, facing the large plasma television hung high on the east wall. In front of the couch, a basic white coffee table held an antique looking bowl of gray candles. Near the television, a white book shelf held a variety of novels that ranged from the classics to the modern bestsellers. Another plain white door was located on the east wall as well. Feeling adventurous, my legs led me to what was a simple, but nice bathroom decorated in shades of yellow and gray. Located on the far side of the bathroom, was a decently sized closet.

“Fury had said that they had prepped a room for you, knowing that you’d be staying here for a little while.”

“This is all for me?” I asked in complete awe as I walked back into the room and gently placed my backpack on the floor.

“Sure is kid,” Tony said with a sad look on his face; however, he didn’t try to show that in his voice, It sounded almost like a happy tone; almost.

Making my way slowly to the edge of the soft bed, I ran my dirty hand across the beautiful fabric.

“I’ve never slept in one before,” I murmured unconsciously as I marveled at the unfamiliar object that was something so common for most people.

“What, you’ve never slept in a queen sized bed before?” Tony said with a small smile as he padded gently over to where I stood. Looking up at him with an emotionless face, my eyes bored into his as I opened my mouth to speak.

“I’ve never slept in a bed,” I whispered.

Snapping out of my thoughts, my eyes drifted slowly to the small digital clock on the left wall as my mouth couldn’t help but to open in a loud yawn. 6:54 AM. Someone shoot me, please.

“Christmas, Thor,” I said a little irritably as I rubbed my eyes of their sleep. “It’s Christmas.”

Realizing on what I had just said, I looked up quickly and grinned. The two men laughed at me as I untangled myself from the sheets, bounding my way towards the door. Taking each of their hands, we basically ran down the halls towards the lounge where I knew the Christmas presents would be. I just couldn’t wait for everyone to open their gifts; I wanted to see that I had made someone happy.

“MERRY CHRISTMAS!” I yelled as I yanked open the door of the lounge and was met with all of my new friends and their smiling faces.

“Merry Christmas, Isadora!” My father was the first to run up and embrace me in a tight hug. My arms wound around his neck as he twirled me around whilst I couldn’t help but to let out a giddy yelp of glee.

“Ready to open presents, Isa?” Pepper said with a small laugh as she came up to hug me as well. She had begun using the simple nickname for me a few days ago, and I was surprised to say that I actually liked it. However, she was the only one allowed to call me that; it was basically an unspoken rule understood by all.

“Of course,” I said my eyes turned to the mountain of pretty presents under the magnificent and terrific tree. Grabbing a pillow from the couch, I placed it on the floor near the presents. Everyone copied my actions, forming all of us into a semi sitting circle around the tree.

“Here, Steve!” I handed him a small and wrapped box, but I knew what was hidden behind the pretty paper. “Open your gift! It’s from Daddy and me.”

Steve chuckled as he took the box from me, leaning over to place a small kiss on my forehead. Shaking the box, we all laughed as he tried to figure out what we had gotten him. He tore off the paper and stared at his newest “modern contraption”, as he liked to call all twenty-first century technologies.

“What’s an iPod?” He asked dumbfounded. I laughed as I leaned over and showed him the instruction guide.

“It plays music, Patriotic Panty Dropper,” said Natasha with a laugh. Steve blushed liked crazy as we all burst out laughing. I had to admit, the title did fit. He was the incredibly handsome Captain America.

“Well, thank you, guys,” he said as he gave me a small hug and shook my father’s hand. I promised to show him how to work it later as I handed Thor his very own present.

“Thank you, child! I am sure that I will adore whatever you have ‘presented’ me.” He boomed in his thunderous voice.  Not wasting anytime, he immediately ripped off the wrapping paper and laughed as he stared at his iPod.

“Look, Steve! We now both have a pod of an eye! We will grow accustomed to technology together!”

“You’re Welcome, Thunder Tantrum,” my father laughed at him. Bowing his head in gratitude, he too laughed as he put his gift near his feet. Reaching blindly for a random gift, I grinned as I quickly handed the box to Natasha.

“Here, Nat,” I grinned, “I hope you like it.” She smiled wide as I handed her the box, then tore off the paper.

“Oh, how did you know? I needed more nail polish, and perfume too! Thanks, Isadora.” She leaned over and hugged me gently as she gave Tony a high five.

“No problem,” I said as I hugged her back.

Clint, Bruce, and Phil had opened their presents as well, and thanked my father and me for the gifts. Tony nodded to me discreetly, and I knew that it was the signal to get Pepper’s gift. Reaching far under the tree, I pulled the hidden box from behind and handed it to Pepper.

“Merry Christmas, Pep.” Daddy said as he kissed her cheek and put his arm round her shoulder. I leaned my head against her other arm and draped my arm over her stomach in a soft hug. Pepper, being the emotional woman she is, began to cry as she tore off the paper. I didn’t blame her, though; I was an emotional person as well.

“Oh guys,” she gasped as she saw the jewelry, “They’re beautiful. Thank you!” She kissed my forehead and gently kissed Tony as well. It didn’t bother me, surprisingly; the fact that my father had a woman who wasn’t my mother in his life. Pepper was a good woman, and judging from what I’ve heard about my mother, she was the better choice.

“Okay!” began Nat excitedly. “Everyone look for a gift with your name on it and rip that paper to shreds!” We all laughed as I watched my friends dig through the pile of presents to find their own. After everyone had claimed their own, there were still a good number of presents under the tree. They were probably Director Fury’s. He was probably still in bed on his one day off from the entire year.

Steve had received an iTunes gift card to go along with his new iPod, a few books about the history of the world after WWII, and some guns and knives for combat. Bruce had received a few books as well, some nice pens and notebooks, and a cool laptop bag for his computer. Natasha had received a bunch of gift cards because the guys claimed they didn’t know what a woman like her would want. Luckily, Clint did know and gave her some high tech combat gear as well, along with a pretty green scarf from Pepper. Thor got, believe it or not, a few boxes of Poptarts, along with some “Midgardian” clothing and even a cool wallet. Clint got some high tech upgrades for his bow, a few gift cards, and some new sunglasses. Phil received a fair amount of ties, along with a cool new watch. Pepper received some more jewelry, a pair of nice gloves, and a bottle of perfume. And finally, Daddy received some cool upgrades for his suit and some gift cards, which were all to Starbucks and something called “Shwarma”.

“Isadora,” said Bruce with a perplexed look on his face, “You didn’t open your gifts?”

My eyes became saucers as I looked at what could’ve been around twenty gifts under the tree. Those couldn’t possibly be for me. Not all of them.

“They’re mine?” I asked. Daddy scooted next to me and wrapped his arms around my skinny, but growing frame. I was eating a little bit more now, and gaining some much needed weight.

“Of course, sweetheart,” he whispered, “Did you really think we weren’t going to get you anything?”

“Well, when you put it that way,” I said with a small smile. Everyone chucked as I began to open my very first Christmas presents.

I couldn’t help but to let out a few tears as I saw the things that my friends had bought for me. I had received some new pairs of jeans, quite a few different tops that ranged from short sleeves to hoodies, socks, a pair of sneakers, a few hair accessories, and a thick jacket, for when it got very cold. I had also gotten a thick blanket, some new pajamas, and some lip balms and perfume.

“Thank you so much, guys,” I said as I got up and embraced every single one of my friends.

Soon we had all parted ways, taking all of our gifts to our rooms. As I was putting up my new gifts in my closet, a knock on my door alerted me that my father had come in. I looked at him curiously as he pulled in a large box overflowing with wrapped presents.

“Hey,” he said with a small smile, “These gifts are from me and Pepper. Merry Christmas, Isadora.” I stared in stunned silence at my father, not comprehending how this could all be happening.

Less than a month ago, I was a homeless orphan. Starving and freezing, I was barely alive. And now, I was somebody that someone cared about; that someone worried and looked after. The feeling of being accepted filled my heart and made me place my hands on my face as I began to sob in happiness.

Almost immediately, I felt my father’s arms around me as we sunk to the floor together in an emotional heap. I could feel his tears on my head as he rocked us back and forth gently.

I savored the moment because, for some strange reason,I felt it would be a long time before I experienced this again.

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