I'm Not Ok | Landonmc X Reade...

By YoureNotEvenReady

3.3K 95 110

Inspired by @LonelyFemale 's story, called I saved the world. (WHICH GOT DELETED BY WATTPAD) Started ~ June 1... More

OC Descriptions
Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 29

39 1 1
By YoureNotEvenReady

Almost thirty chapters!!!



"Autumn can you pick through the photos from Badminton?" "Sure, somebody share the folder with me." I say as my computer logs on. "Already sent, you just need to go on your emails." I nod, clicking on Chrome. The next minute, I'm scrolling through photos of my Badminton team playing in the tournament from a few weeks ago. One second I'm laughing at a photo of me diving to the ground, and the next the entire room is shaking, the lights flickering. I cry out and push myself away from the desk, scrambling to get under before the ceiling comes crashing down and traps my legs under around 300 pounds of pressure. I screech out some unintelligible noises and I hear multiple people calling out to me through the white noise.
After what seems like forever I've lost all feeling in my legs and I just rest my head on the ground, untouched by rubble, under my desk.

This isn't how it happened.

One second I'm laughing at a photo of me diving to the ground, and the next the entire room is shaking, the lights flickering. I dive under my desk, smacking my forehead on the edge by accident, "Shit!" I curse and clutch onto the table leg as the ceiling comes crashing down and the seat I was just on is crushed. "ANYONE GOT EYES ON KEIRAN?" Tui yells. I look up and spot him unconscious, "ME!" I call out, moving as close to the edge of my desk as I can, before darting out on unsteady legs and grabbing him, dragging his heavy body under the desk opposite to where I was. "WHAT ABOUT JOSH?" I yell. "HERE, I'M ALRIGHT." He calls back.

That's better, but I thought he was there?

He comes in later.

"HERE, I'M ALRIGHT." He calls back. I clutch the desk leg like it's my lifeline until the shaking finally stops. "IS EVERYONE ALRIGHT?" The teacher, Mr Hall, yells out. "Keiran is out cold but I'm fine!" I call back. Everyone reports back, Keiran seems to be the only one of us seriously injured.
"If you are trapped, stay where you are, if not, get up and out this whole floor could collapse in at any second!" He yells out again.
I look around me, "DAMMIT, I'M BOXED IN!" I call out, pulling Keiran further in. "Stay there, we'll go and get help!" Tui says. I sit back on my butt, looking around the small space as their footsteps get quieter. I can hear the excited and scared chatter of students around the school. I lean my head back against a chair that is crammed up against the side of the desk and examine each gap, wondering if I could crawl through one.
I hear a shout from outside somewhere, "She's WHAT?" Tui must have seen someone and told them where I was. I can tell it's a guy from the deepness of the voice.
The distant wailing of sirens meets my ears and I sigh with relief, the fire department must be coming to find people in the rubble.
"LET ME GET TO HER!" The same voice yells out, protesting voices holding him back.
"Miss are you alright?" A closer, deeper voice asks and I look up, "I guess, my head hurts a little and Keiran is a little worse for wear." I reply as a slab of the roof is pulled away and I can see out.
The desk shifts and one of the legs snaps, I screech as it crumbles in, pushing me down onto Keiran. "SHE'S NOT OK LET ME GO!" The voice screams again.

"HELP! PLEASE IT HURTS! HELP!" I sob, the pain indescribable.
My pleas for help turn into wordless wailing and screeching as they slowly move the table off me.
"You're almost out miss, don't worry!" One of the voices reaches me through the haze and I quiet down, panting and sweating. The weight on my lower body disappears and I relax as gentle hands place me on a stretcher, picking it up and carry me out of the building.
"AUTUMN!" The scream comes again, and finally there's somebody by my side, clutching my left hand. "No no no! Don't leave me!" Small droplets hit my cheeks and I squeeze my left hand around theirs.
"<Missing character file>..... Don't let go..." I whisper, "I'm not who..." My vision begins to darken and I sit up with a jolt, breathing heavily. I try to call out but my breath is hoarse. I scramble off my bed and fumble with the door handle for a second, the vision still haunting me as I throw the door open and lunge out of it, hitting the wall in the hallway as if I can escape the memory that doesn't belong to me. I stumble down the hallway on weak and shaking legs, knocking over one of the small tables, vaguely hearing the smash of the pot plant on the floor as I take the stairs dangerously four at a time. I hear a cry and people calling out to me, one of them the person I stole the memory from. I can't face her. Not yet. I have to find out what it means. I have to hide.
A hand grabs my arm and slams me to the floor, knocking the breath from my body. I lay there, gasping and panting as Anti holds me down. "wHaT ThE FOcK Is gOiNG oN LaSSiE?" He asks, a little too harsh.

I get my breath back and choke out a sentence, "I don't know, but I know that I'm not safe and I have to leave." "Then... Robbie will come with you." I look up, only to find I woke up over half the egos. I smile, "You're not that subtle Robbie, it'll be hard to hide you." "I'll go!" Bing chimes in. Anti shakes his head, "yOu cAN'T lEAvE. goOgLE nEedS YoUR HElp." The room falls silent for a few seconds as Anti helps me into a sitting position and apologizes quietly, before a soft voice speaks up, "I'll go." For a moment I can't tell who spoke, but when Chase steps forwards I smile, "I've got nothing left to lose. If I die, at least it was helping somebody I love." Anti helps me stand and I walk over to hug him, burying my face in his neck, "Thank you." "Take Landon. He's awake and he needs to be in the human world to be able to heal. And if you're lucky, it might speed up the duplet process." Dark cuts in. I pull away from Chase and nod, "Let's do it."

Within the space of an hour, Chase, Landon and I have been dressed in suitable clothes, given a suitcase each and said our goodbyes to the Egos. Only Marvin remains with us, leading us towards a portal he spent the hour opening. He urgently presses a book into Landon's hand, a pendant into mine and a keychain with a small gun on the end of it to Chase. "The book is full of magic spells, it'll use your mana when you cast them, u-umm, the pendant is extremely powerful, it can store mana, it can transport you back here if you get in trouble it can-" I touch his shoulder, "Thank you." He smiles, "And the keychain, that's an actual gun but it has infinite modes. You can use it with rubber bullets which is the default setting and they will knock people out pretty easy." Chase brofists him, "Thanks man!" "Good luck, we'll miss you." He says quietly, before we each hug him and thank him one more time. I step through the portal first, finding myself in the kitchen of Landon's Condo.

Landon and Chase follow, "What happened here?" Landon mumbles, looking around at the mess. "Chico?" I call out, and the small pupper comes racing out of Landon's old room, jumping at my legs. I let go of the suitcase and kneel down in front of him, petting him, "I missed you buddy!" He licks my cheeks. Chico barks a couple of times and runs into Kyler's room. He barks again and I follow him in, reeling at the sight before me. I lean against the window outside the room and Chase comes up, "You alright kiddo?" I nod, steeling myself before stepping into the room. "It's....." Chase trails off. "It's Glacies." Chico sits beside him, whining and pawing at his stomach. I dart over and kneel beside him, "Come on Glacies you can't die on me... What were you doing here anyway?" I mumble, pressing my hands onto the neck wound. Chase grabs a hoodie from the closet and throws it to me, and I replace my hands with it. He coughs, "I was... finding Chico..." He whispers. "LANDON!" I scream, "THE SPELLBOOK!" Landon stumbles in, handing me the spell book and I flip through it, finding a healing spell. "Quick, read this out!" I shove it back towards Landon and take my pendant, holding it over Glacies pale body.

"Let this damaged warrior become whole once again." Landon says.
My pendant begins to glow and I see myself reflected in the window, my eyes glowing a pale f/c.
Strings of white, pastel f/c, pastel blue and pastel green light begin to float into the pendant from Glacies, Me, Landon and Chase. I look around frantically, worried I am draining them of energy but they both look just as fine and confused as I am.
"Let him stand to fight for another day."
Chase's eyes are glowing pastel green, Landon's pastel blue and Glacies', white.
My hair is floating around my head like I'm underwater, each strand moving differently to the ones next to it.
"Let him live to be strong."
The book slams shut and the strings of light weave around Glacies' body, some peircing through his skin and making him glow.
A few seconds pass and the strings of light swirl faster until they compress around his body, before they dissapear and his body touches the ground again.


I feel like it's long overdue to mention that I am not feeling my best at the moment.
Recently, I've been catching myself more and more on track to a dark place that I'll get stuck in for a long time.
I don't want this to happen to me but every day I wake up it gets harder to prevent.
I've been skipping most meals of the day, always starting with breakfast, and I just can't find it in myself to eat anything somedays.
I don't want you guys to be affected by my mood so I'm going to continue writing, trying my hardest to keep on track because I feel like I keep going on long tangents as I go, and there's been almost no romance between you guys, the readers as Y/N, and Landon.

I'm sincerely sorry for this and I will try to get better.


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