Just, How? {Lee Suji & Ji Han...

By storhea

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Suji is a hardworking girl. She'd give up anything just for her family. She doesn't have much freedom to spar... More

CH 1: Same old, same old.
CH 2: Blurry
CH 3: It Was You
CH 4: Memories
CH 5: Protected
CH 6: A New Worker?
CH 8: Why?
CH 9: Jealous
CH 10: Childhood Crush
CH 11: Find Out
CH 12: Guardian Angel
CH 13: Promise
CH 14: As Soon As Possible
CH 15: Interviews
CH 16: We're Here
CH 17: Gone
CH 18: Shadow
CH 19: Hope
CH 20: Just, How?
thank you so very much!

CH 7: Listening

111 6 0
By storhea

"Good news one again!" Suji's mom hummed as she was coming out from the back.

The boy left a few minutes ago and Suji tried her best not to make eye contact with him, while Hansol didn't care at all. He needed to know who and why he's making Suji act like this.

"Let me guess, a new worker?" Suji rolled her eyes.

"Yes! The interview went well."

"The interview?? But he just came here? He can't just have an interview so soon!?" Suji argued.

"He was fine with it, why are you so stubborn? Your friend is working here now." Suji's mom put her hands on her hips.

Suji bit her lips, looking away.

"Is something wrong?" Suji's mom came closer to her daughter but Suji pushed away.

"Don't worry mom, everything's fine." Suji lied. She didn't want her mom to know about him and the past. As long as her mom is happy and can get some rest.

Hansol knew Suji was lying, though Suji is very good at lying, Hansol could just tell because of his great observation.

"Okay.. But if anything is wrong, tell me. You got that?" Suji's mom put her right hand on Suji's left shoulder.

"Yes mom.." Suji said with a fake smile.

"Alrighty, so the schedule changed. Suji, you're still working in the mornings and Hansol will come around 10AM, you're off at 3:00PM and Hansol is off 4:00PM, Hwanhee starts 12PM and is off 6:00PM. I will come around 3:00PM so Suji, you will run the store in the mornings and part of the afternoon. You're in charge in watching the boys. You'll have to train Hwanhee since he doesn't have much experience. Once we get more workers, you'll be able to have day offs! The café gets so busy lately, mostly young girls come around." Suji's mom laughed.

So his name is Hwanhee. Hansol thought.

Suji couldn't process what her mom just said, but she just nodded.

"Alright mom. At least you get rest." The girl smiled at her mom.

The door rung and Suji's mom rushed to the counter.

Suji took a deep breath and turned around until she felt something grabbing onto her shoulder.

"Is there anything you need?" Suji asked Hansol as she saw his hand gripping on to her shoulder.

"Who's Hwanhee?" Hansol asked, curious to know. Suji widened her eyes a bit, not expecting this question at all.

"He's the new worker, why?"

"No, in your past." Hansol asked once again, still gripping Suji's shoulder as if he doesn't want her to leave.

"Let's talk about this after work.. Today's the last day we get off work at the same time, so it's best if I tell you then."

Hansol nodded and let go of Suji's shoulder.

The café was blowing up right now. It was true, a lot of young girls around her age were crowding the counter. And they mostly had their eyes on Hansol.

Suji scoffed.

They actually think they have a chance with Hansol? Haaaah Suji thought.


Suji and Hansol were now walking around Naksan Park. It was currently 3:52PM.

Suji took a deep breath because she knew she was gonna open up a lot about something she's been keeping in for such a long time.

"Sooooo Hwanhee used to be my best friend but things changed for the worse and I didn't know what to do back then because I was very shy and I had trouble standing up for myself-" Suji said very fast.

"Woah, woah slow down." Hansol smiled.

"Okay.." Suji took a deep breath. "Meee aaanddd Hwanheeee wereee-" Suji said very slowly.

"Are you trying to be funny? Talk normally, in a medium pace."

"Well I thought you were serious- but okay." Suji took another deep breath. "Hwanhee was my best friend, he was the only person I had. I depended on him, told him all my secrets. He was one of the loners-" Suji got interrupted by Hansol who tried not to laugh when he heard loner.

"Oh um sorry, go on." Hansol bit his lips.

Suji hit him teasingly then continued. "And I was just an average girl. Though making friends was hard. I mustered up the courage to confront him because I felt bad. And that's where our friendship started. He was so dependable, a good friend, he'd always listen to your problems. I trusted him with all my heart because he was my first friend in high school. I thought we had each other in good and bad times. But ever since he knew I was working at the café, he took that advantage and made a fool out of myself. He started posting pictures of me working in the café, saying I was poor and posted online, 'Oh, that's why she has no time for friends.' or 'I feel bad for the owner, she must be doing a terrible job.'. Stuff like that, that will make your heart break knowing that someone you trusted, and thought you could depend on, did that all just for the attention. After dozens of people seeing the posts, I've earned many bullies. Bullies who became friends with my first ever bully, Hwanhee."

Hansol became quiet and then Suji started to say something again.

"One year later, Jane came to the school. She was the first person to ever come up to me and talk to me. I was having trust issues that time and didn't know if I could trust Jane. But Jane proved to me that she was a dependable girl, she introduced me to Minju, Euna and Yujin and that's when we called ourselves 'D ARK'. It just sounds cool and each of us plays a role in our small group. Jane would stand up for me, and I'd always repay her with food." Suji weakly laughed. "At the very end of our last year, Hwanhee came up to me, asking for forgiveness. He wouldn't leave me alone. I'd always tell myself I'm better than that. I wouldn't forgive someone whom given me so much trauma in just one year."

Suji stopped in her tracks and looked at Hansol.

"That's why, I'm scared.." Suji said quietly.

Hansol put both of his hands on Suji's shoulders.

"Don't be. Because I'm here, and you have amazing friends, a wonderful mom and a caring family who's always there for you." Hansol smiled.

"But.. I'm scared for you, what he's gonna do for the people I care for the most." Suji looked down. "I'm sorry." Suji said quietly again.

"Hey, don't be sorry, okay? Everything is going to be okay."

Hansol pulled her into a long hug, Suji didn't want to ever let go. She felt protected and happy.

"I'm sorry." Said the mysterious voice from behind Suji.

Suji looked behind to see it was Hwanhee.

Was he listening the whole time?


I'm so tired because I came back from the beach but ayyy chapter 7 is now out!! We're pretty close to 200+ reads!?? I never knew this story was going to rise so much. Thank you so much ;((!

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