Maiden In Black {Sesshomaru...

By FanficDemon1701

18.1K 416 30

{Book and look of Kita has been updated and re-edited} Takes Place after Naraku was defeated.... Kagome had a... More

Character: Kita Higurashi
Maiden In Black: Enter Kita
The Maiden In Black: Electric Angel
The Maiden In Black: Dragged To Lala Land
Maiden In Black: Spidey Is Back/Hello Doggy!
Maiden In Black: Tolerant Doggy
Maiden In Black: Patience To Bullhonky
Maiden In Black: Red String Chain String
Maiden In Black: Kidnapped
Maiden In Black: The Dog's Possession
Maiden In Black: Bathing To Ogre Attack
Maiden in Black: Overwhelmed Kita
Maiden In Black: Obedience to Marked=Catnip 2
Maiden In Black: Queen Of Pranks Strikes!
Maiden In Black: Truth To Her Existence In Feudal Days
Maiden In Black: Healing An Injured Canine
Maiden In Black: Jinenji's Help
Maiden In Black: Fleeing
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P1
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P2
Kitrainyokai's Fanart Of Kita and Sesshy
Enter: Ray Piper and Nicolas/Nick
Future Sneak Peaks: Future Characters
Bad Omens
Part 1:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Part 2:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Enter!! Yoko Kurama!!
Bad Inuyasha and Rin's Message
Inuyasha's Betrayal & Down The Rabbit Hole
Shopping Chaos Part 1
Shopping Chaos To Affections Across Time
"Do not say such nonsense" Sesshomaru
To His Amusement
Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha Combine!!
Mating Game
Fighting For Her!
Shocking Revelations!!
Meeting a Long Lost Sister

Maiden In Black: Obedience to Marked=Catnip

475 12 0
By FanficDemon1701

Only Kita Higurashi will have a POV!

So you guys know Catnip only affects Purebred Dog Demons this way which you will find out this chapter!

Warning overload of cuteness ahead!

Sesshomaru after a quick patrol found Kita holding her arms out and caught the fox child called Shippo and comforted the child as he hid behind a wall and peeks around the wall to watch her secretly. The fox child cries into her arms and she shushed him, as well as she rubbed her nose on his making Sesshomaru feel warmth in his chest and she hugged the fox child to her front and she ran her fingers gently through the fox child's hair in gentle strokes making the fox child start nodding off from how her fingers massage his hair as she hummed a tune but not sing it.

Sesshomaru noticed Jaken watched her in wonder that Kita was so tender to the fox child and soon enough she had the fox child sleeping soundly on her lap still humming to him and smiling a warm smile down at him.

I hum the Pokemon Center theme from my Pokemon Game at home in my Era to Shippo stroking his light brown licks like I used to do to Kagome to lull her to sleep when I babysat her and Sota both, I did that to both my cousins to get them to relax to sleep. I smile warmly at Shippo as he snoozed quietly away on my lap as I then ran my fingers gently through his fluffy light brown tail.

"Wow, you got him quickly to sleep." Jaken whispered and I nod.

I whisper back. "I used to do this to Cousin Kagome and Cousin Sota when I used to babysit them, you wouldn't know it but Sota and Kagome when tiny as Shippo was would cry for Auntie, so how I got them to settle down was doing this something my Dad used to do to me to get me to go to sleep at night when storms scared me at night, they still do, I used to hide under things as a kid of it thundered." I say with a warm kindred smile to Shippo. "I enjoyed taking care of my cousins quite a bit."

A-un perked up seeing Sesshomaru walk up, and I look up seeing Sesshomaru as well walk up quietly and look to me then the hog, crackling his right hand he moved his hand slicing the hog up as pieces of meat fell onto a big metal shield Sesshomaru held as he sliced it up, catching each slab of meat on it. Sesshomaru sets the shield down on the ground between me and A-un. Sesshomaru nods to me, as if saying for me to eat.

I nod and quietly not to wake Shippo reach for me a plump rib-like stick of meat and hold it with one hand since I held Shippo in a cradle like position in the other and took a small bite of the hog meat, spices and other flavors in the meat hit my taste buds making me chew and savor the bite and then swallow it down.

I look down at Shippo and sigh knowing he would be hungry too, so I gently nudge my nose on his cheek a few times whilst holding the meat I had in the other. Shippo slowly opens his eyes and yawns, sitting up. "Hungry? Here." I say tearing off a piece and hand him some.

"Thanks." Shippo bites into the meat and smiled at the good spices I guess he tasted like I did.

"Good?" I giggle playfully poking his nose.

"Yep it's yummy! Kagome was right you'd be a great mommy you remind me of my mommy!" Shippo says cheerfully.

I blush and say shyly. "I don't know about that Shippo, I'm not ready to have kids."

"But I swear you'd be a great mommy!" Shippo says trying to I guess encourage me to be more confident about how motherly I guess I was.

I blush from my neck to my ears and forehead. I shake my head and bite into my meat and tore off another for Shippo who greedily gobbles it down as I chew and swallow mine down. "Slow down Shippo you'll choke ya know. Kids choke easier. Eat slower geez." I sigh and pinch his cheek for him to get the message gently. "Trust me on it, I snarled food down at your age and my Dad had to do a certain thing to stop me from choking. Since then he always reminded me growing up to chew well and eat slower or end up foaming at the mouth from choking on my food." I gently scold him making him nod with a pale look to his face.

I let his cheek go watching him chew slower. "There ya go, good boy." I gently ruffle his hair making him grin his fangs at me. "You're too cute little fox." I pinch his elf-like ear and he giggled.

"Can we play after this and you do the rocket ship like you did to the human kids?" Shippo asked.

I blink. "Oh yeah you never got the rocket ship ride they did, were you that jealous?"

Shippo pouts. "Yeah I was!"

"Okay, okay I'll do the rocket ship to you then the airplane too as an extra bonus that sound good?" I ask Shippo who goes googley eyed.

"Yeah please! Please!" Shippo says excitedly.
"Buts what's an airplane?"

"An airplane is a metal bird made by humans in my Era that helped me travel from my homeland to visit Kagome in her timeline across the sea far far away to Kagome's home. My home is crossed the ocean in my Era far away so I had to travel by this metal bird for a whole day which is how long it took to get to her home in her Era. I got to see the clouds in the air and the ocean pass under me through a window it was amazing, also birds flew by without a care in the world too." I tell Shippo who goes even more wide eyed in interest. "But long ago in my Era many many years ago planes were also used in war to help defeat enemies even to the present they still are. Your homeland here in Japan at the times planes were used for war a big tragedy happened to Japan where they made a treaty with my homeland I was raised at across he sea, and Japan vowed to become a peaceful nation and never get involved in war ever again like ever, so far they never have, only Japan sat in meetings to discuss things with the leader of my homeland I was raised in a crossed the sea on advice on any wars with enemies of my homeland a crossed the sea. Japan is like a supporter in giving advice but still does not get into any kind of war. Japan also has the lowest crime rate than my homeland acoss the sea in my Era. My homeland has tons of crime which was why I had the can you saw that if I sprayed your eyes it blinded you, and my knife too. Some women if they don't have that stuff they can be harmed by bad guys in my homeland a crossed the sea." I say to Shippo who was fully following the story.

"Wow so the tragedy made Japan we live in now not war ever again that's weird when humans do alot of it here in Japan in this Era!" Shippo says and I nod.

"Your homeland will change way way further but your homeland is my ready yet for that big change." I pat his head gently.

"What else is there in your homeland across the sea?" Shippo asked.

"Well, so you know women have rights of their own, we have freedom of speech, awesome food like food you used to get Kagome said you called it Ninja Food. Oh and chocolate, best thing ever! Oh and sweet milk that's cold that melts in your mouth called ice cream, my favorite flavor is made with a bean you ground up called a coffee bean." I tell Shippo who I could tell was drooling on the inside now craving those foods I talked about. "Too bad I can't go back to my Era though to let you try those foods I would love to see this guy behind me go ape tasting it and you go outta your mind too tasting it too. I'd be cracking up in laughter for weeks." I giggled imagining these two Sesshomaru and Shippo reacting like nutcases to the food. "But I think since Sesshomaru is a canine chocolate is poison though to canines, some chemical in chocolate can if eaten too much can harm canines they warn us in my Era though, since you're canine too Shippo that's not a good idea you eating chocolate." I say making Shippo pout.

"Why can't canines eat chocowhatever it's called?" Shippo asked me not understanding I guess.

"Its hard to explain. See when Chocolate is made they put natural stuff in it. The Chocolate is made of brown beans not like in the ice cream no, these beans in chocolate is what makes chocolate so good. But the beans have this tiny chemical which is natural in the beans that will over time if canines eat it too much, it can cause serious sickness. Humans sadly can only eat it. And I don't know how it'll affect canine demons though like you and Sesshomaru." I say to Shippo who pouts more but I could tell he understood.

I giggled at Shippo. "Oh, guess this cat's are weak to something new you never thought possible."

"I would like to hear this!" Jaken ran over excited. "Tell us! Maybe Lord Sesshomaru can use it whenever the cats start another war!"

I laugh at Jaken. "Okay. It's a natural plant, humans found it in my Era, and humans like to keep cats as pets. Example my Auntie's cat Buyo. It's called Catnip. You can buy it anywhere in my Era. So one year when I visited Kagome, I bought Buyo catnip a yearly present for a Buyo's birthday from me to crack up." I snort and continue on. "So I take out some of the herb called Catnip and sprinkle it in front of Buyo and Buyo rubbed himself in it. So you know cats lets just say they are drugged in a good feeling way from catnip that they are just docile. But give them too much they aren't with it. Buyo's black eyes were dilated huge and there you go catnip is a herb that makes a cat lets just say high on life." I giggle making Jaken roll his eyes.

"That is not helpful at all." Jaken scowls.

"If I had catnip I'd prove it to you and let Sango's twin tail enjoy it. But Kagome might murder me afterwards when Sango goes ballistic seeing Kirara off her rocker high on life from catnip." I say and snap my fingers. "Oh I bet I have some I remember I bought some before I would go on the plane for Buyo and I forgot to give it to Buyo! The little turd! No wonder he was meowing at me so much and rubbing me like crazy. Cats who had a sniff of catnip they know the smell anywhere!" I giggle evily.


Cutting this off the chapter was originally too long overexeedding word limits.

To be continued.....

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