We Are Bulletproof! (A BTS Fa...

By lexias31

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What will you do if Bangtan turns your life upside down? Then it'll be a hell of a rollercoaster ride! More

1- Arrival in Seoul
2 - Get ready for Battle
3 - X marks the Spot
4 - Boy In Luv
6 - Rude
7 - Ms. X
8 - One-sided Love of V
9 - I found her
10 - I miss you
11 - Meaning behind words
12 - Honest Feelings
13 - Not so bulletproof after all
14 - The Snake
15 - What friends are for
16 - I don't like you
17 - I will take her
18 - Change of Heart
19 - The Test
20 - Miss Right
21 - In just a second
22 - I'm not jealous
23 - Whatever Happens
24 - Goodbye Stage
25 - A.R.M.Y
26 - Doegopa neoui oppa
27 - Just one night
28 - Problem turned to Plot
29 - You're in Danger
30- I like it
31 - Confession.Confusion.
32 - Mine
33 - War of Hormones
34 - Just One Day

5 - Short escape from reality

816 17 1
By lexias31

Jungkook's POV

I taught her the whole choreo and finished by 9am. A bit tiring but it was fun, we were laughing through short breaks then get back to getting serious while dancing. "Thanks a lot. Woo, that choreo was really nice. Why haven't I heard of your group before if you have these cool songs?" she asked while picking up her phone and shoulder bag.

"So you're an A.R.M.Y now? haha." I asked while unplugging the stereos and getting my phone.

"Ah that's what you call your fandom. Well, maybe a bit. By the way, I'll be heading to the other studio to change, I live at the second floor of that building. What's your plan now?" she asked while helping me turn off all the lights in the studio. Hmm what am I gonna do later.. I planned on eating some black bean noodles after rehearsing then look for new clothes but.., 

"I want to see your place, can I go?" I just asked, I do wanna see her place and I've heard there is also a nice balcony at the other studio.

"Really? I guess you really have no plans today. Let's eat noodles then after!" she said cheerfully. wah, finally she doesn't feel awkward that much anymore. 

We went to the studio just a block away, it's almost as big as the studio back in the building but there are more mirrors here and there's this two-way mirror as walls so you can see who is inside the dance studio and watch them without being conscious of being watched. It's just awesome. We went to the second floor and saw her room, it was the whole second floor as studio type, everything is neatly arranged.

"I'll take a shower first. if you want you can also take a shower after I'm done. But for now, feel at home but don't mess around kookie." she said as she grabs some clothes and towel from the white closet then went in the bathroom. Wait, did she just call me 'Kookie'? ah... chincha? chincha? it's just funny. 

I then saw a black studded bag beside the white closet and it was zipped open, I was curious to look in since I saw like a nice rugged pants and some chains for accessories I guess. And as I rumble the stuff in the bag, I saw a black face mask with a white x-mark. It looks really familiar then suddenly i remembered and sighed, "so she really is ms.X" I let out a half smile and sat on the bed then lied flat on my back. Shall I tell the other members what I found out or not? hmm.... 

Your POV

After I showered and changed in my white pull-over and black leggings, I went out and searched for Jungkook instantly then found him napping on the bed - he must be really tired, why won't he just take a rest on holidays rather than polishing his moves.. I sat beside him and scan his face. He has really fair skin and big nose, his lips are like of a woman's and his face is entirely adorable but then suddenly his eyes opened and obviously he caught me staring, SHIT.shit shit. I just took of my gaze and quickly looked at the window,

"uhm. I just finished taking a shower, sorry for the wait. It's your turn now." I said then I stood up and fixed my opened black studded bag at the corner and closed it. I didn't dare see his facial expression, he might give off that teasing look again. ugh. YOU- Minah is freaking miserable.

As he was about to go inside the bathroom, he stopped by the door and looked at him, he might need something, "Minah-ssi. Stop staring." he said then let out that teasing smile again. UGGGGH i am so done with this kid. well sorry if I like staring at nice faces - everybody does that right?! It doesn't mean anything at all!, "I didn't stare!" I responded loudly as he closes the door. I then closed my bag and saw my black face mask, good thing I threw it in here last night rather than leaving it on bed as I usually do.

After like 15 minutes, Jungkook was done and he also wear this black and blue sweater and skinny pants. We went to this noodle shop he recommended and we ate blackbean noodles. It was indeed yummy! Though at first it looks weird, I should discover more korean foods I guess. After having lunch, he asked If I can accompany him to buy clothes and I just agreed because I haven't travelled outside the neighborhood since I just settled in. He put up his hood and wore big nerdy glasses so people won't recognize him - especially those saesang fans. 

We shopped together at Kwangjang Market and Forever21 then had some street foods. We walked around, eat icecream as he share about bts, before they debuted, each of the members' habit and attitude and funny experiences. Then by 6pm, we went to Chonggyecheon Stream and sat at the side and taking a rest from our walk trip around the city.

Jungkook's POV

"wah- seoul is really pretty and still there's more I shall discover here. thanks for this and for sharing those stories about your group. I hope I'll go along well with you guys." Minah said as she sighed and stared at the sky.

I've never spent this long hours slacking off and just hanging out with a girl before, but I wasn't bored one bit. She's really funny and she just laughs at each of our habits and related her experiences too. It's like there's still more to talk about but night time is coming swiftly. wait, is this like a date or something or is this how dates happen... I don't want to put it that way though, it will just make me feel awkward.

"So, in our group, who do like the most? the one that interests you alot." I asked, since I'm really curious.

"hmmm.... Taehyung-nim. He acts a bit odd and his voice is so deep but then he becomes this weird person all of a sudden. I want to see what's inside his mind!." she answered honestly, well yeah - Taehyung-hyung is really interesting especially when I first met him too. Although at the back of my mind she should've said my name. Shut up Jeon Jungkook. Why are you like this.

"But you are also interesting Jungkook-ssi. Your determination and maturity on stuff is really awesome. Especially when I saw you alone practicing this morning, I said in my mind 'woa. what a hard-wokring person he is' . People like you are really inspiring." she said when she cut off his gaze from the sky and looked at me. I was happy when I heard that, I like people praising me for my dedication actually. It energizes me and inspires me to do better and train more. But sometimes, trying so hard all the time is tiring. And we don't really have a chance but do so - we're idols. We can't last in this industry if we became incompetent even just for a second.

"You should have a cheat day or rest day so you can ease your mind and body from all the stress of being an idol though considering you are really young too. You train this hard to be one of the best but you might over work yourself, get sick, or worse lose your enthusiasm as an idol." she added and tapped my shoulder.

"Like a break from reality. Yes, I shall try that. Thanks." I said as I realize what she said was right. I do need a break sometimes to let off some steam. A short moment to escape from reality -a short moment like this.




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