Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y...

By cherlyswan

170K 7.1K 1.9K

"oh my! he thought you were my boyfriend." you exclaimed in a serious tone before breaking out into pits of... More

41 (final chapter)


7.7K 362 54
By cherlyswan

"Yah! Kim Taehyung!" You yelled on the phone when he picked it up after a few rings.

It was almost 8 a.m. and your school started at 7:30 a.m.
But here you were, infront of Taehyung's house, ready to go to school, ringing his house bell but with no reply, after all your tries calling him on the phone again and again. Till he picked up.

"Why the hell are you yelling?" He said, sounding sleepy.

"Yah! Get your ass down here right now." You warned him

"Why?" He asked with his hoarse voice.

"Why?! You have school." You yelled abit calmer.

"School?..... Shit....." You heard him curse and the sound of a few things falling was heard before he ended the phone call.

After a few minutes, the front door to his house flung open, revealing a taehyung with a sandwich in his mouth and he grabbed your hand before dragging you and running to school. He was dressed messily and you were fixing it while running with him.

You reached the school gate and like you expected it was already closed.

"Aish!" You groaned annoyingly.

"Come on." He pulled you towards the staff parking.

The wall there was shorter and climbable.
This was the place from where you two would sneek into school when you were late.

You glanced at your watch, 8:34 a.m.

You jumbed up on the wall and crossed it while smiling in victory.
But your smile soon disappeared when your eyes met the principal's angry ones.

Taehyung was right behind you and he was laughing while looking at you. He followed your gaze and he too became wordless.

The principal came closer and snatched away taehyung's half eaten sandwich from his mouth.

"You two! My office! Now!" She warned before heading towards her office and throwing the sandwich in the dumbster on the way.

"My sandwich~" Taehyung whined and you chuckled at him.

You both listened to the principal and entered her office ready for your punishment.

"I don't even know what to do with you anymore." The principal sighed

"Then are you gonna leave us?" Taehyung gullibly asked earning a glare from her.

"How about this. Taehyung, your incharge of making sure the canteen is cleaned after break time."

Ohh.... Good luck with that, tae.....

"And you, y/n..." Her words were cut off when her phone started ringing and she picked it up gesturing for you to stay.

"Hello?" She spoke on the phone."yeah, I remember." "No, you don't have to worry." ,"I'll make sure of that." She said before hanging up the phone.

Now her eyes were once again on you.

"Y/n, why don't you help a fellow student as your punishment? He would be joining our school tomorrow." She informed in an authoritative form.

"Sure." You answered.

"It wasn't a request." She glared at you.

"Sorry." You apologized and took your leave, closing the door behind you.

You headed to your class and Taehyung headed to his.

When you reached your class, you took a deep breath before opening the door.

"May I come in?" You asked politely just to be ignored by the teacher.

"Ma'am? May I come in?" You tried again and again you were ignored, some students were even chuckling at you.

Why do i even try?

You just entered the class and sat at your seat without permission.

"You can't just barge into the class like that, miss y/n!" The teacher scolded you and the other students started laughing.

"...." This time, you ignored her.

"Principal's office, after class." She informed before facing back to the board and continuing the chapter.

Which side of the bed did she wake up on?

You respected your teachers and elders but sometimes even they could drive you insane.

After the bell rang, you made your way to the principal's office again but for your luck she wasn't there. You turned around ready to go back but came face to face with her. Just your luck.

She eyed you down and called you after her going inside.

"So tell me. I just got complaints from students that you are a 'bitch', it says in the complaint forms." She said handing you the complaint papers.

And yep, each complaint was from Taehyung's fangirls.

"Whatever." You shrugged it off because you knew she didn't believe it either.

She chuckled at you and sat down on her spinning chair.

"I really don't know what to say anymore so why don't you head back to class." She said focusing on her paper work.

You turned around and reached for the door handle.

"But why don't you keep a little distance from Taehyung for now. Eventhough the complaints are false, the number of complaints are enormous and I'll need to take action whatsoever." She spoke from behind.

You slammed the door shut behind you, angrily and headed back to class.

You entered your classroom, placed yourself on your seat and let your mind wander off to god knows where.

~Time skip~
break time.

"So what's your punishment?" Taehyung asked you while eating his lunch.

"Nothing special just showing some new kid around." You answered totally uninterested at the topic as your mind was still hooked onto what the principal said earlier.

"That's so unfair~ why do i get a harsh punishment and your let off the hook that easily?" He whined referring to his punishment which was cleaning the canteen after lunch.

Eventhough you both were caught together doing mischiefs, you would always get away with minor punishment which couldn't even be called punishments whereas Taehyung always got harsher and tougher ones.

Why the different treatment? It's a secret well kept.

"Do you want me to help you?" You ask him knowing that your help was his intention all along.

Without answering he just grins wide and says "thanks~"

"Hey guys" a new voice belonging to jimin calls out, "y/n, I heard your power is going to be challenged."

"Power? What the hell are you talking about?" You get annoyed cause of your crappy mood.

He chuckles and takes a seat by Tae's side who is seated infront, facing you.

"Family power. I heard that somebody from another influential family would be transferring to our school." He answers.

"Whatever. I don't really care." You state back

"Seriously? Y/n, your family is the most influential in this school followed by Taehyung's family and mine." He looks at you shocked "wouldn't you be in number two if someone new transfers here."

"So what?" You ask

"You're just saying that because you don't realise the privileges you get for being at the top." He sighs.

"If somebody is transferring, isn't it the person you're supposed to show around the school." Taehyung joins the conversation.

"Oh yeah~" you nod amused when realising he's right.

"What are you talking about?" Jimin asks

"My punishment for coming late today was showing around the new kid who'll be joining us tomorrow." You answer with a sigh.

"If it's the same kid then wouldn't it be fate?" Jimin nudges Taehyung.

"...." You zone out, not even interested in answering.

"Fate my foot!" Taehyung snaps at jimin.

The bell rings and jimin leaves. You stay behind to help Taehyung clean up the canteen.

"Tae?" You call him while wiping the tables.

"Hmm?" He looks up from his part of the work.

"Would you stop seeing me if everybody told you to? Would you stay away from me?" You ask out of nowhere.

" Ofcourse not." He answers

"I can't." You say absent mindedly

"Can't what?"

"I couldn't stay away even if i tried...." You answer, looking into his eyes.

You both stop and stare into eachothers eyes as if time itself had stopped. Both of your heartbeats increase simultaneously for some unknown reason. You share a moment of silence in which you both communicate with your minds. You both know how much you mean in eachothers lives and it somehow brings peace and happiness to your hearts.

His heart is conflicted as to why your suddenly saying this whereas your heart is shattering knowing you can't stay away but need too or else maybe you'll end up losing him.

I........... I............lo..........

I think.... I...... Lo.....

You stop, knowing what you were going to say and shaking the thought away, you close your eyes and continue wiping the table.

Taehyung stills stands there, frozen. He opens his mouth to say something but no words make way.

Taehyung's P.O.V.

Was she........... crying?

But why?

I'm sure, i saw tears in her eyes.....

But why would she cry??

I wanted to ask her.

I wanted to hug her and make her feel safe.

I open my mouth to ask her why she's crying but close it when i remember how much she hates to seem vulnerable infront of others.

"Shall we ditch school and go somewhere tomorrow?" I ask to lighten up the mood.

"Sure~" she chimes happily

I'm shocked how she changes her mood in a blink of an eye but then again she is who she is.

Normal P.O.V.

After cleaning you went back to class and after the end of the classes, both of you walked to your respective homes.

You layed down on the bed and let your mind wander off.

Like always, tae managed to bring a smile on your face today.
You slightly curse under your breath when you suddenly remember that you have to show the new kid around school tomorrow. But you couldn't just say no to Taehyung.
In the end you decided to ditch school.

Is a new kid more important or Tae?

You don't even need to think about it. The answer is definitely Tae..

Your snapped out of your thoughts when your phone starts to ring, breaking the silence of your room.

"Hello?" You answer the phone.

"Honey! I'm sorry but me and your dad had an important meeting today so we had to go to Hong Kong. I hope you understand." Your mother spoke gently on the other end.

"When will you be back?" You ask disappointedly.

"In a week or two."

"Okay. Be careful." You say

"Thanks for understanding. Your the best daughter ever. I gotta go now, bye. Sleep tight, okay?"

She hangs up the phone before you could even reply.

"Bye~" you say knowing she isn't on the other line to hear it.


I twist and turn on the bed.

Unknowingly, a tear falls down.

I wipe the tear away and stand up, making my way towards the door.

Taehyung's P.O.V.

"Bye mom" I say hugging my mom.

"Bye dad." I hug my dad and whisper in his ear, "good luck on your date."

"Bye honey." They both say in sinc before leaving to have dinner together.

I stand there adoring the two. I wish i too had someone who i could love forever like that. For some reason, y/n comes into my mind and i smile at the thought of her.

I close the door and head towards the kitchen to get a glass of water.

My eyes land on the note on the fridge.

' Don't drink cold water :( It's bad for your voice..

Love, who am i kidding😂 '

I already know who wrote the note. I chuckle at the thought of her. She sure knows how to make me smile.

And just in que the house bell rings and I open it just to find her waiting there while hugging a pillow.

Why the hell did she bring a pillow?


I move out of the way to give her space to come in. She just helps herself up to my room with half open eyes. I close the door and head upstairs myself.

I find her sleeping comfortably on my bed. I sit down beside her and let my hands stroke her hair ever so gently.

She looks so peaceful..

I should probably go before I go crazy....

I whisper goodnight and gently kiss her forehead carefully in order to not wake her up. I shift and stand up ready to leave the room.

I guess I'll sleep on the sofa tonight...

I stop when i feel another hand holding me back. I look down just to find her holding my wrist. I look up to meet her eyes and she opens them, making eyecontact with me.

"Please don't leave. Please...... stay......" She says with wide tearing eyes.

"I'll never leave. Even if you want me too." I smile warmly at her.


"I promise..." I assure and she slightly chuckles.

She goes back to sleep and i lay down beside her, hugging her in my sleep.

"Goodnight y/n." I whisper in her ears.

"Goodnight." She says back.

This moment right here, it's something i never wanna lose.....

Let me stay like this, right here forever....

I want to be with her forever....


A/n: I hope you liked this chapter.

Thank you so much for reading😭 and please vote and comment.😊

Each and every one of your votes and comments mean alot to me.😄

See you in the next chapter, angels~😘

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