.Rise And Fall.

By takenbyshawnbut_

1.9M 66.9K 10.6K

Highest ranking: #1 in Rise. #1 in Fall. #1 in... More

.Rise And Fall.
.Rise and Fall. (1)
.Rise and Fall. (2)
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.Author's Note And Cast.
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.Bonus Chapter.
.Bonus Chapter.

.Rise and Fall. (30)

21.5K 818 103
By takenbyshawnbut_

|Chapter: 30|

Me: Do I really have to dress for the party?

I texted Sarah and plopped down on the couch with the blanket. And it smells like him because everytime he stays the night, he'd use it while watching some thrilling movies.

My phone buzzed indicating a new text.

Sarah: Of course Duh.

I sighed hugging the blanket close, taking in his scent. I tossed the phone somewhere in the couch before flipping through the chanels.

Why did I even agree to go to some stupid highschool party? All beacaue of Nick and finding a way to spent time with him, get to his world better. Bullshit.

"What part of wait for me do you not understand?"

Not again.

And seriously what did he say again? I was really pissed by now. He was the one to make me wait on him and also he gets the right to get angry on me. And for potato's sake, he was my ride back home but he was clearly busy making someone laugh.

Ignoring him, I continued to watch whatever channel I randomly stopped at.

He stomped infront of the television with his hands on his hips. I didn't look at his face because I knew I'd easily give in. Damn, where did I toss the phone away?

"Answer me. And the fuck don't ignore me", he stated angrily.

That's it.

"Technically you said you'd be back before my class ends and you didn't. So I left", I said in a very calm voice. I didn't want him to know that I was really piss under my cool mask because our relationship status is still single and we don't need to chop each other's head off for small matters like that. And I don't care what he has with Stella or anyother girl for that matter of fact.

Sure thing, my mind mocked me.

He sighed letting his hands fall on his sides and walk towards me. I was surprised when he came down, sitting on the floor and rested his chin on my folded legs.

Then he looked up, "I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have reacted that way." I almost fell for his innocent look and was about to forgive him untill his next words hit me. "But I told you I had some work and you should've waited for me a bit longer."

I instantly stood up making his face fall. Gosh! I need to stop acting like we are in some kind of relationship. I took a deep breath and forced a smile.

"Apology accepted, Nick. You should go home now, I need to finish my homework", I lied. After switching off the television I walked up the stairs to my room hoping that he would leave without agruing. But he followed behind like always.

"Why do you always do that?", I asked.

"Don't get me started with the list", he said. Even though I had my back to him I knew that signature smirk was playing on his lips. "Lets just begin with, I like the way your butt moves when you walk."

I stopped dead on my track. My eyes wide and I felt my cheeks getting warm. He chuckled muttering, "I'm just kidding. You look like you saw someone die while having sex."

I shoved him away and walked inside my room.









"The sheep."



He started laughing. And then I realised what I said.

"What? You love me?" How much I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face. He lifted his body now laying on his one side on the bed, tilting his head. He looked so innocent.

I shifted on chair uncomfortably. "I heard hate", I said to which he rolled his eyes.

"Liar liar, your bare ass on fire."

"It doesn't matter, it just a game", I said as I rolled my eyes getting up.

"A game that you just lost", he laughed.

I opened my closet amd started searching for the dress I'd be wearing tonight for the party. I never went to one and had no idea of the theme they follow, or they don't at all. Will they sue me if I wear something casual then?

Maybe something sexy. Urgh!! I don't even know how to act like one.

Finally, I choosed to wear a white crop top with a pair of white jeans and grey long cardigan. I took it out, although I was not sure about my old boring clothes.

Nick was silent the whole time, surprisingly. I turned around only to find him passed out on my bed. How adorable. Another thing about the delinquent I've recently discovered, he loves to take naps, like he sleeps a lot every time he was here. And I don't mind because he looks a lot more peacful and happy.

I dropped the clothes on the floor before kneeling near the bed and I ran my hand through his soft hair. He mumbled some incoherent words inside his mouth with his eyes still closed. I smiled and without thinking I kissed his forehead.

I stood up quickly before I'd start showering with kisses all over his face beacuse lately I'm doing things without even filtering my thoughts. I don't trust myself around him anymore.

I took the chance and got ready while he slept through the whole time.

Checking myself in the mirror, I was doing my hair in a loose braid when I heard the shuffling sound which meant he was awake.

"You didn't tell me we are going out for a date?", he asked with his voice hoarse.

I turned around slowly and I heard him intake a breathe when he saw me, making me blush stupidly. I regained my straight posture even when he was checking me out openly from top to bottom.

"We are not", I said tieing the end of the braid with a rubber band. "But I am." It wasn't a date exactly but I wanted to rub it on his face because I was still mad at him. And somehow I wanted to break his egoistic ass, but did I?

He jumped out of the bed like the flash. Faster than I can even blink before he towered over me.

"With who?", he was deadly serious. The way his eyes darken were enough to cower me away but no, I cannot be always scared of him.

"The guy who didn't abandoned me for some cheerleader and gave me a ride back home."

Why did I even say all that? It sounded so sassy and good inside my head but in words, I sound like a desperate jealous girlfriend.

"What are you... Wait you saw me with Stella?", he asked with confusion drawn all over his face.

"No. Stella? Who is she?", I instantly played dumb. Great going Serena.

"She is my... that's not important. So you're trying to tell me you left me because this guy you're going out with right now gave you a ride?", he asked with anger lacing through his each word. Then, suddenly there was only amusement in his eyes. I blinked and he completely changed his mood, that's how fast he can cover up.

"So, where are you guys going?", he asked cooly, shoving his hands in his pants' pocket.

"A party", I answered, shortly.

"Sounds cool", he laughed like he was mocking me, "since when do Serena, the goody two shoes enjoy weekend merrymakings?"

He was making fun of me, surely. Yeah, I've never been to a party in my last seventeen years of my life even once I admit, and he has been living in the opposite dimension all this time. He was known for throwing the best parties throughout the town, while I was the girl next door in yellow Spongebob shirt trying to get some sleep.

"Since today", I replied, grumpily.

"But who are you going with?", he asked, ever so slowly I'd have missed it.

I ignored him and started collecting the things I need put in my purse. He didn't understand the signs that I wanted him gone, instead he grabbed my arms and pulled me to his hard chest.

"Who and where are you going? This is the last time I'm asking and if you don't answer I won't hesitate to lock you inside this room." He was playful, but some seriousness lay within the cold gaze he was looking me with.

You wouldn't dare, I thought.

But in reality I gulped because something inside me told that he can actually do that.

"J-James and to Max Holland's party", I answered. He let go off my arms and I quickly step back.

"That kid.. I should've known he'd be a problem later", he muttered to himself while running his hand through his hair. How sexy. Stop it. Then he looked up with his hand still grabbing his hair. My knees were jelly from that look knocking all my senses out.

"Aren't you going?", I asked, hesitantly. Is that even a question? Of course the bad boy would never miss a party for no-damn-thing.

"I was just thinking to spend the ti....", he trailed off and then walked to my bed. "Nevermind", sitting down he pulled his boots on.

"See you at the party." With that he jumped out of my window. Smooth as always.


"You look beautiful."

I blushed at his compliment as I played with the end of my cardigan. "Thank you."

He pulled into the lot already filled with tons of cars. The party was already in full swing as the loud music burst out of the house. James held the door open for me which brought a genuine smile on my face.

We walked in together through some people just making out openly, some dancing their drunk ass down and some were just casually talking. The scenario infront of me is like the typical highschool parties I read about in books all the time, no different. The stuffed air inside the house, the red cups all over the floor, and the music that could make me go deaf for weeks, I felt suffocated.

"SERENA YOU MADE IT", Sarah pushed her way through the crowd to us.

"Yeah I did", I said looking around. Why did I even come?

"Hey Jamey boy, I'm Sarah", she extended her hands to James.

"Nice to meet you Sarah", he took her hands. "And how did you get my name incorrect?"

They both laughed and I smiled slightly. The crowded room and the packed atmosphere made my head spin. I need water.

"Serena talks about you all the time", my bestfriend said. She smirked while my eyes went wide, ready to pop out. When did I do that? I just told her, I'm going to the party with him.

Your bestfriend ships you with every guy you hang out with.

"Really?", he asked scratching his neck smiling sheepishly. He looks cute when he does that.

I smiled awkwardly, "Yeah sometimes."

I wanted to brush off the smile from Sarah's stupid face. She clutched her hands together, "Okay I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." Then she disappeared into the crowd in the next moment, leaving us both awkwardly standing.

"Do you need a drink?", he asked.

"No I don't drink, maybe some water", I said.

"Alright be here, I'll be right back", he walked away too.

What do I do now? Seriously I'm never coming to a party ever again. I should've just stayed home, do homework and then watch Pretty Little Liars instead, with my 'Ezria' shirt on. Yeah I actually own few tees with my favourite shipping names on them.

"Your little boy toy left you already?", I didn't have to turn back to know whose annoying voice was that and so deep and sexy at the same time.

I glared at him once his stood in the front looking as handsome and intimidating as always with his black attire.

"Don't call him that."

He smirked. "You came here at the party with him but I put the ground rules."


"What kind of ground rules?"

"My kind of ground rules, Rena."


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