5SOS Adopted Me?

By mercurygrant

964K 26.2K 8.9K

Madison Greene, a soon to be 14 year old girl gets adopted by a band she didn't even know existed. They don't... More

5SOS Adopted me?
One: Publicity?
Two: Someones coming
Three: Lights Camera Alone?
Four: Rainbows
Five: Paint War
Six: Fear
Seven: Day out
Nine: Awkward Apologies
Ten: Sleepover
Eleven: Friends
Twelve: Trouble
Thirteen: Cameras
Fourteen: Who?
Fifteen: Attack
Sixteen: Hurt
Seventeen: Oops.
Eighteen: "Its not my fault."
Nineteen: Drop
Twenty: Dinner and Forts
Twenty-One: Morning cuddles and old 'friends'
Twenty-two: Mall
Twenty-Three: First Day
Twenty-Four: Dye
Twenty-Five: All Ready
Twenty-Six: Date?
Twenty-Seven: Freshman
Twenty-Eight: OTP
Twenty-Nine: Meeting
Thirty: Day with Ash
Thirty-one: "Forgive us?"
Thirty-Two: James
Thirty-Three: Sick Day
Thirty-Four: Games
Thirty-Five: Dance
Thirty-Six: Unspoken Forgivness
Thirty-Seven: Midnight
Thirty-Eight: Locked Out
Thirty-Nine: Phase one
Fourty: Dots
Fourty-One: Waiting
Fourty-Two: Flesh and Blood
Fourty:Three: Truth
Fourty-Four: Surprise
Fourty-Five: Excuse you?
Fourty-Six: Child's Play
Fourty-Seven: Love
Fourty-Eight: Visitors
Forty-Nine: Pregnant
Fifty: Girls Day
Fifty-One: Stories
Fifty-One: Wander
Fifty-Two: Get Out!
Fifty-Three: Home
Fifty-Four: Change
Fifty-Five: Yelling
Fifty-Six: Rain
Fifty-Seven: Bowling
Fifty-Eight: Interview
Fifty-Nine: Makeups
Sixty: Girlfriend
Sixty-One: Brat
Sixty-Two: Exposed
Authors note!

Eight: Decorations, Fights, Friends, oh my!

25.3K 605 386
By mercurygrant


I grab my giant plush animals and stand behind Ashton and Luke waiting for them to unlock the door. I had a pretty good day with the boys, shopping was okay I guess. It could've been better but showing up those girls was honestly really funny in my opinion.

"Mads, you can go put those in your room if you want. Michael and Calum already brought your clothes up." ashton informs me and I nod heading straight upstairs and having to put down the penguin to open the door. I walk inside and gasp at the sight slowly shutting the door and locking it. I walk in slowly and take in my surroundings. I only see my bath and body bag left out and one more which means Michael and Calum put away all my clothes.

I see that the other bag has bra and underwear, smart boys not putting that away. It would be a bit awkward. That's why I got those without them. I try to comprehend everything in my new room and sit on my queen sized canopy bed. They got me a galaxy bedspread! These boys really outdid themselves. I spot a desk with a plush purple chair to sit in with notebooks and drawing supplies? Well that's cool. There's also Christmas lights hung up across my wall. This is like a tumblr bedroom.

I notice two of those egg seats and run over to them finding a new MacBook in the purple one and a bunch of iPhone accessories in the blue one. There's Beats, a docking station, and so much more. I didn't realize it until now but the boys also put a fluffy black rug covering most of my floor. There's shelves on my walls and a small black chalkboard which I think I will use for quotes. This is definitely a tumblr bedroom.

I see a white and black spotted pin board with an M in the middle above my desk as well. I have two bookshelves in my room stacked full of books ranging from To kill a mockingbird to TFIOS. One of the bookshelves is on the floor and coming to a bit above my waist and has cute little decorations like ceramic elephants and snow globes and stuff. My other one is at about chest height but the bottom shelf is to put things there. So I put all my lotions and perfumes and stuff there and skip off to the bathroom to put stuff stuff in my shower.

I look to see that the boys bought me a bunch of nail polish and a container for it. Also a small mirror, a curler, a straightener, and a blow dryer set. They're all a turquoise color with white polka dots on them and honestly, they're pretty cool. I also have a toothbrush and tooth paste now I guess. I lean down and look under the sink to see three foot baths? They match the rest of the set too. I leave the bathroom and sit on my bed, noticing a dream catcher. I just sigh I content and loo around the room.

I notice some things I didn't see before. Like the fact that there is a giant beanbag and one of those window bed things and all in all, it's cozy. There's some paintings like and quotes and stuff like one says, 'the city that never sleeps' in fancy writing. I decide it's time to checkout my walk-in closet.

The closet, is huge. There's a table in the middle with a few drawers which is wear I put bras and underwear. The top of the table is covered in my shoes and the sides of the closet open and on one side is shirts and dresses(including PJ's) the other side has pants, shorts, and skirts. Again that includes pj's. I notice so,etching on the back wall though. It's a painted tree but there's fake flower petals sticking off of it. But one is a button so I push it.

It opens so reveal a bunch of jewelry behind it. It varies from chains to earrings to meal bracelets. There's even some band bracelets and others with just words on them. I slip those on my wrist and realize I'm still wearing shoes. I slip off my dirty black converse and put them on the table with the rest of my shoes.

I go into my bathroom and find a matching hairbrush too and use that to brush my hair before sitting down in my purple egg chair with my laptop. Of course it hasn't been charged yet but there is a iTunes card in there so I use that to my advantage and get out my iPhone putting the card on it.

I buy some songs from Boys Like Girls, The Neighborhood, Blink, Nirvana, A Day to Remember, Sir Sly, and Greenday. I decide I should go downstairs and thank the boys now. They did a lot for me and I can only imagine how much money this cost them. I search all the rooms and I still can't find them. They could be in the basement, I never actually went down there.

I go to open the door and hear shouting from down there and start descending the stairs. I see them playing Fifa and see different games everywhere. We have a game room?

Ashton sees me first and gets everyone's attention towards me. "Mads! Did you like your room?" he asks looking hopeful. They all look hopeful actually. They thought I wouldn't like it? What's not to like about it?

"I loved it. Thank you guys" I smile and Ashton tells the other boys that we're going upstairs. Ashton wasn't playing, and there was another controller. That's a bit strange. Maybe he doesn't like the game? Or maybe he doesn't play video games with them anyways?

"What do you want for dinner Mads?" he's been calling me that lately and it's a bit strange. I'm definitely not used to nicknames or these boys yet for that matter.

"Can we make spaghetti?" I question, eyes twinkling with hope. He just chuckles and nods. I start grabbing stuff to help him make it and he boils water. I realize I've never actually cooked anything in this house before. I'm pretty sure I don't know where anything is so I just sorta stand there staring at my feet; making Ashton laugh and point to a cabinet. I nod and get out everything we need for it. Ashton puts in the spaghetti and I smirk and put some sauce on my fingers and when Ashton turns around, I flick it towards his face.

He stands there shocked and licks the sauce off his lips. "Oh it's on." he laughs and grabs a new jar and chucks some at me and I gasp when I see it's in my hair. I just finished getting all of the paint out of my hair and now I have sauce in it? These fights occur often and their house then I'm guessing because I've only been here for like, five days and here we are having our second one.

"You're dead Irwin" I say and dump the jar down the back of his shirt and make sure to get some all in his hair. I squeal when he gets it all over me and grab a new jar splashing it towards his black tee and before long we're squealing and giggling with each other and we hear the other boys coming up the stairs but don't stop anything. We I loud out a high pitched squeal and Ashton giggles as I dump sauce down his pants and he groans me laughing.

"What happened in here?!" Luke shouts. Well what does it look like Luke? We killed a tomato and it's guts splattered all over the walls?

"We were making dinner and you can guess the rest from there." I shrug looking at the walls. "She dumped sauce down my shirt AND pants!" Ashton pouts making me scoff. "Ya but you got it in my hair first so you deserved it." I retort. You don't do that to a girls hair, it's like rule number one.

"Ashton you're the oldest, why don't you act like it?" Luke shouts. So what if we had a sauce fight? We all would've done it. "Sorry for having fun Old Man." Ashton says and storms off. He went out back but that's okay I guess because it's still lit for another like two hours. I'm faced with the other three boys. Luke looks pissed, Michael and Calum look like they can't conceal their laughter.

"Cal can I have your jumper?" I ask and he pulls his big black hoodie over his head and hands it to me. I pull it on and run upstairs slipping on my shoes and easing back downstairs. "I'm going for a walk." I mumble and leave without staying for a protest and running down the street so Luke doesn't follow me. I end up coming to a park and sitting on the swing on my phone. I see the Calum mentioned me on twitter.

It's a picture of me and ash in the middle of the fight laughing. I save it to my album when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I'm about to yell but I turn to see one of the girls I saw earlier at the mall. Except it's not the hoe or friends. It's one of the nice girls that liked me apparently.

"Madison? What happened to you?" she holds back a giggle and I sigh. "You didn't see it on twitter yet?" I question and she shakes her head and I pull out my phone and show her the picture. She laughs and says 'ohhhhh' and I just sigh and nod.

"So why are you here alone?" she asks and I explain how Luke got mad and I took Calum's jumper and just left. She's a good listener and we might even become friends. She's really nice and something tells me it's not just because she likes the boys. I think she's generally a nice person and wants to be my friend. She tells me how she thinks Luke was unfair and I learn her name is Lacey. We talk for what seems like hours on end but only could've been about an hour and a half.

"Here take my number, but please don't give it out to anyone." I say and we exchange phones laughing about something she told me about the boys. They're pretty chill from what I can tell. Luke will probably loosen up as I get older she tells me. I wish he would loosen up now. He's kind of been getting on my nerves since before I knew his name. She laughs when I tell her what I used to call Luke and we probably look crazy giggling this much.

"Me and some friends, they were at the mall with me, are having a sleepover soon. You should join us." she tells me. that sounds like fun. I've never actually had a sleepover of anything before because of the orphanage and I really couldn't make friends. "That sounds cool. Instead of your house, if you like we can have it at mine. You could all meet the boys." I tell her and her eyes light up and she nods like crazy. I tell her they can't tell anyone my address because of the boys and she says sure and there will be seven girls, including her.

"I should go. It's getting dark and the boys are probably worried. See ya Lacey!" I shout waving to her. It feels good to finally have a friend. I've always been kind of alone in this world. It's been me against everything else and it feels better to have a friend. I come up to the house and inhale before opening the door and smelling the usual smell. Cinnamon. It's kind of homey.

"Where have you been?" I jump and see four unamused boys. Looks like they made up.

"Uh the park? You could've texted me." I say and they scratch the back of their necks, Luke bites his lip mumbling, ,'we didn't think of that' and I sigh giving Cal his jumper. "Well dinners ready now." they say and we walk to the table and eat in silence. This is gonna be one long night.

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