
By Xscapee

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The world has lived in darkness for over a hundred years since..he..has taken over. Humankind has been all bu... More

Author's Note
Ch. 1: The Before Times
Ch. 2: The Announcement
Ch. 3: Set In Motion
Ch. 4: Preparation
Ch. 5: Spero
Ch. 6: Dancing with Death
Ch. 7: Clever Girl
Ch. 8: Capture
Ch. 9: Slipping Through
Ch. 10: Sickening
Ch. 11: A Demon's Secret
Ch. 12: A Deal
Ch. 13: In Your Place
Ch. 14: Insult to Injury
Ch. 15
Ch. 16: Like Clockwork
Ch. 17: Demons None the Less
Ch. 18: Mask
Ch. 19: Impure
Ch. 20: Atmosphere
Ch. 21: Dinner for None
Ch. 22: Dear Family...
Ch. 23: To the Skies
Ch. 24: Risus
Ch. 25: Visiting Hours
Ch. 27: The Death of the Leader
Ch. 28: Care
Ch. 29:
Ch. 30: Defiant
Ch. 31: Search and Rescue
Ch. 32: Enough
Ch. 33: Treason
Ch.34: Light Hearted
Ch. 35: Not Today
Renegade: Trivia!

Ch. 26: The Ballad of Risus Schneid

3.6K 176 173
By Xscapee

"I—" (Y/n) paused. "I met Paps. I met Tyler. Through the time in the castle I was reliving his memories. I was him in my dreams and I was talking to this guy named Mark. From what I know it's Dark's human. It wasn't until my last dream that I wasn't him. I was — myself. He was fighting with Dark. Then it ended and Paps, he was — right there. He talked to me, Nana. He told me to come find you, that you were ill." She was on the verge of tears through her little speech, as if she could hardly believe the worlds she was saying herself. 

"What else did he tell you?" Rose inquired.

"That I'll be okay. I didn't get to ask him about the dreams, but I think I figured it out on my own.."

"Let me begin at the beginning then dear." She coughed briefly. "I met Tyler in the 9th grade. We were in the same homeroom together. From there we began our friendship. He soon introduced me to Mark. The three of us were irrespirable, that is until I moved away. That was right after graduation. It wasn't until three years later I ran into Tyler again, but it wasn't Tyler." She sighed. "I had moved into the area where he attended college. We began hanging out again, and it was very nice. That's when I started falling in love with him. That's when I found out the truth."

"That Paps was a demon?"

"That he wasn't really Tyler."

(Y/n)'s eyes grew wide.

"It took me a while to understand this myself, but I'll try my best. Over the years it had become harder and harder for demon's to live without a human host. Risus was the demon who had inhabited Tyler since he was twelve. They got along quite well, which was frowned upon in the demon community. Risus was a kind demon, and through his eyes, he saw me. Tyler had only ever seen me as a close friend, but Risus, he saw me as something truly wonderful." A large smile spread across her face. "When a demon falls in love with a human, they split. The demon develops their own body. It's rare in the demon community, but it happens. They refer to it as De uno suo" **

"It's not just rare — it'll get ye killed," Anti spoke up. "What demon's would do for their own body." He shook his head. "There's a few problems but the main downfall is that yer weaker in yer own body than with a human's."

(Y/n) hesitated. "So, Risus and Tyler split, then what?"

"I never found out until I saw him years later. I saw Risus." Rose let out another sigh. "Risus sat me down one evening to tell me all about it. He explained to me that Tyler had passed away due to kidney failure. When they separated, his kidney started declining, he was due for a transplant, but it was too late and he died. Risus knew how loved Tyler was and felt like it was all his fault, so he did something about it. He began posing in Tyler's place as Tyler. It was a secret only known by three people. Tyler's brother Jared, Mark, and myself. In the beginning that is. So he carried on Tyler's legacy, and it worked out. It took me a while to get a grip on the whole situation. Risus told me if I didn't want to talk to him again he would understand. He said I deserved to know the truth after all. So, I stayed. I was in love with him. He finished college, as did I and we — it was difficult. We went through relationship troubles, breaking up for a little, getting back together. We had gotten back together and a year later he proposed. This is when I found out about the others. Contrarium, Tenebris, and Mors."

"Anti, Dark and Die." (Y/n) spoke. She really couldn't believe what Rose was telling her, but at the same time it all felt right to hear. 

"Risus didn't want me to know about them. He wanted to keep me ignorant to the idea that they actually existed. There were dumb internet videos that were posted about them. Youtube was the website name. That's how Mark, Sean and Felix met. Their humans. It wasn't until I visited Mark one day that I found out about the others. I was supposed to meet Risus there, but I arrived early. I walked in on Dark in control of Mark's body, he had blood up to his elbows. At first I thought it was a skit, but it wasn't. It was real. Dark saw me and gave me a look that I had never seen before. A look I'll never forget. I was scared for my life. I rushed to the front door only to meet Risus there. If he hadn't come, I don't know what would have happened to me. He stopped Dark in his tracks. Talked Mark into pushing for control of his body. It worked."

"And from there you knew all about demons?"

"I slowly learned Dark's plan. He wanted complete control of the world. To break free from the grip humans held on their demons. He wanted the help of Risus, Anti, and Die."

"And Paps refused."

"Multiple times. He was against it. He wanted a normal life. A family. It's what I wanted, but no matter what happened, Dark came to us. I never knew their personal relationship, but I do know Dark did not like me. He thought I was a — distraction."

(Y/n) paused. "How did Papy die?"

"It's the day I truly felt at war with Dark." Rosie took a deep breath. "It had been several years since, the negotiations had begun taking place. Dark had opened up a portal that allowed all demons to finally escape the pits of hell to take over their humans. This unleashed a wave of power that we couldn't handle." Rose coughed slightly.

"Nana, drink your water, please."

The old woman nodded and grabbed the glass of water next to her, drinking it slowly then continued. " It was the meeting of our last negotiation, and we were getting ready to leave. We had paperwork signed over the approval of creating a neutral world. He wished to speak to Risus alone, to catch up. He left the room, with me still inside with other leaders. It was a trap. One by one they began closing in on me. By this point, I was trained to fight, but myself against several other demons? Suicide. I was beaten badly, but Risus heard my yells and banging. He came into the room and killed all the demons with pure rage flowing through him. He took me and blurred me back to our home. He was hurt, but not as bad as I. I was bleeding from my chest, and I was losing blood fast. He made a very bold decision at that point."

"What do you mean he made a bold decision?"

"It's what caused his death. When a demon has it's own physical form, he can choose what he does with that power. He decided to mend our souls together. In doing so he would cease to exist, but I would survive, and even more."

"So Paps absorbed his soul into yours so you could live?"

"He did, and I always felt close to him. He is part of me now, and I couldn't be happier." Rose placed a hand on top of hers. "In my heart, I believe that a small piece of his soul -- whatever is left -- reached out to you (Y/n)."

"So if everything you're saying is true —" (Y/n) paused. "That means I'm — part demon."

She couldn't believe it. The creatures she was fighting were part of her. She was part of it. A human with demon DNA flowing through her veins. She needed a moment to process the information. She no longer felt like she was the "best" simply because she trained. There had to be an unfair advantage somewhere. 

Rosie wasn't finished though. "The genetics of a demon are very strong. Overwhelming. I've watched my children, and their children etcetera develop through the years showing abnormalities."

"You mean they have like — demon — abilities?"

"Quite possibly. I believe its something needed to be unlocked, but I've never seen it take place so I have no idea."

(Y/n) stared down at the floor. "I have demon DNA through my veins."

"As does your father, your brother, and his children."

"Can I use it?"

"I doubt it, lass." Anti sighed. "It's been passed down so much through each generation. I'm sure it's diluted."

Rose then spoke up. "That is a possibility, but hybrids are something we know little to nothing about. A demon is more powerful while occupying a human host, but to have pure DNA running through their veins...Mixed together.."

"Two birds, one stone." (Y/n) spoke up. "So there's a chance I can — tap into this power?"

"The only problem is that we don't know how to do that." Rose coughed slightly. "I don't tell stories about you because I like to tell stories. I tell stories about you because the nations need to know of you. I know you are destined for great things, (Y/n)."

(Y/n) felt terrible. She wanted to meet the expectations of her Nana, but how would she do that if she didn't want to fight demons anymore. Not telling her wasn't an option anymore.

"Nana, I have something to tell you." She breathed.

"What is it, child?"

"I don't want to kill anymore. I don't want anyone, or any demon to die anymore..." Tears filled her eyes. "If I learned anything it's seeing how much we're — the same.. Put the killing aside and look at us." She stood up and pointed at Anti who only looked up at her. "Two eyes, a nose, a body, two arms. A heart. A spirit. Emotions. Thoughts. We're only different in death, and if no one has to die then let's make it that way."

Rose smiled. "That's how I felt about your grandfather. We were the same when it came down to it."

"Then why the rebellion?"

"Innocent lives were being taken at an astronomical rate. We lost half the population to demons. Risus was one of the very few who didn't wish to partake in this. The older I became, the more I realized that I was vengeful, full of hate. I was doing this for all the wrong reasons."

"Maybe we can change that then."

"Pfft, fat chance." Anti snickered. "It's not that simple to make the population hold hands and sing kume-bi-yah."

(Y/n) paced the room. "We have to try. Do something. I'm proof that it works." She raised her voice. "Risus would want me to try. Besides, if I can befriend the top three demons in the world then I'm sure there's hope."

Rose began coughing again, but more violently. Blood came up onto her hand.

"Nana!" (Y/n) panicked.

"I'm alright dear, you must leave though before you get caught." She paused. "Actually, I have something here for you. On the other side of my bed."

(Y/n) walked over to the other side of the bed and reached under grabbing something familiar. She stood up flipping it around. It was the staff Rose had given her when she first left. She had almost forgotten the gift. 

"You couldn't take this with you, but I think now is the only chance you may get."

She clenched the staff tightly.

"(Y/n), I think we should get back to the castle before they figure out yer gone." Anti stood up, pulling his hood back up. He then placed a hand on her back. "Come on, lass."

"We can't go yet, I —"

"Listen to him, dear. He's looking out for you."

"But what if I don't see you — what if I don't get out —"

"You did get out. You're here right now." Rose placed her hand on top of (Y/n)'s. "I'm not going to be here much longer, and I'm very glad I was able to see you again. You will be fine without me, and I know you will do great things. Risus and I will be with you in your coming days, I promise."

A smile spread across (Y/n)'s face. She leaned down and hugged Rose tightly. This was her final goodbye as far as she knew.

"I love you, Nana."

"And I love you, (Y/n)." She smiled. "Semper risus."

(Smile Always)


(I will.)

"Come on, lass." Anti lightly tugged on her sleeve. "Lets get out of here."

"Alright, I'm ready."

Anti placed a firm grip on her shoulder and transported them both back to her room in the castle.

She stood for several moments in one place, as did he, clutching the staff tightly in her hands. Her knuckles slowly turned white as she stared down at the wood and the saying Risus had carved into it. He had held this staff, and now it was hers. 

Anti didn't want to say anything, but the silence was killing him. "Say something, lass."

"I don't know what to do." She looked up at him with tears still in her eyes.

"Well, no one said ye had to." He tucked his hands into his pockets. "That's something that'll happen a lot throughout yer life. You'll just get stuck. At that point, you just have'ta make decisions as they come."

"I just —" She paused letting out a sigh.

He decided to help her along a bit, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Alright, here's yer next problem. It's the wee hours in the morning right now. Yer exhausted from fighting me all day, and emotionally drained, what do you do?"

"I lay in bed and hope I fall asleep."

"What do you mean hope? I don't even need to sleep but five minutes on me pillow and I'm OUT."

(Y/n) smiled at him. "But you do a hell of a lot more than I do all day."

"Ehh it's all talk and no bite." He lightly pushed her towards her bed. "Go on now. Get some rest."

"Well — I need a favor from you." She turned towards him. "Stay in here?"

"What?" He raised his brows.

"I don't want to be alone, and I know you don't sleep or really do anything at night so can you like — this sounds weird, but just — stay in here while I sleep?"

Anti took a few moments to think about this. For once he felt bad for this pathetic creature. She'd done nothing wrong to him, why not just continue being nice?

"Wait here." He disappeared and returned with a large chair that was covered in red fabric.

"Isn't that Dark's chair? From his study?"

"Was." He dragged it over to the front of her bed so that it faced the bed. "Get to bed now, alright?"

A soft smile formed on her face. "Thank you, Anti."

"Yeah, yeah." He sat down on the chair and kicked his feet up onto the edge of her bed. "Yer just lucky this chair is cozy." He then crossed his arms and sunk down into his seat

"Right, right." She pulled down the covers than placed her staff next to her bed. "Goodnight Anti."

"Night ye damn bed bug. Don't let the demons bite." 


De uno suo: Latin for "Of One's Own", which is the separation of human and demon. This only occurs when a demon has fallen in true love with a human. 

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