《His Eve》Tsubaki|Servamp|Fanf...

By _Tired_Kyo_

17.6K 500 99

Tsubaki's first Eve. There may be parts where Tsubaki or other characters are OOC. I don't spellcheck, sorry... More

✨Magician Vampire✨
🥊Training With A Piñata 🥊
💥Fighting With A Fox💥
🌇Day Off🏙️
🌆Day Off🌃
⁉️Unexpected Situations⁉️

⛩Fox with two tails⛩

3.1K 72 13
By _Tired_Kyo_

'~My name is Kyoko, I'm 14, I like interesting things I hate cliché stuff, that's why I started an interesting adventure by picking that fox up. '


-Kyoko P.O.V.-

-Ahh...how boring...

I mumbled as I walked towards my giant home like place. Don't get me wrong, I love my house but after sometime you get bored of the same thing. It is hard to find houses like mine nowadays. I basically live in an old japanese style house.
I looked up at the sky then mumbled:
~It really has been long since you guys passed away...
My parents passed away when I was 5, so my uncle took me in with his wife, but after a year or so, his wife passed away and he started going on business trips more often. Not that I mind it. I like living alone, but it's still pretty lonely...I don't really have that many friends, scratch that I don't have any friends. Though I do have some people in my life. Damn, beings lonely makes even your thoughts boring. Lately all I could think of is the few people that are in my life. Oh and food, definitely. Even my seemingly empty brain has no room for thoughts about school. No wonder I get bad grades.

The walk from school to my home is pretty long and boring. It's the same. Look, there's that pole that I accidentally ran into a week ago and here's the trash can I tripped over just yesterday. Oh and let's not forget that weird looking building across the street. My thoughts came to a halt when I layed my gaze upon something next to the lab. It was something adorable. A fox to be exact. A fox isn't something you see everyday so I immediately ran towards the street[and I almost got run over by a car but that doesn't matter] As I got closer to it, I could make out the patterns on the fox. He was black and white. But the real thing that grabbed my attention was his umm... Mutation, so to say. The fox had two tails. How interesting. Mesmerised by his form, I picked him up and continued my way to my house.


After kicking my shoes off, I prepared the kitchen sink for the little creature. As I was still holding him in my arms, I searched about foxes. The weird thing is that foxes do sneak in villages sometimes. But only the village that are in the same area as a mountain.

I guess he escaped from the lab?

I thought. And yes it is a he. Uppon a more clearer inspection, I could see that his leg was bleeding and that the blood had soaked my shirt, great. I placed him in the sink and carefully rubbed the soap onto his head while humming a random tone. The fox finally started to move when he made contact with water. I sighed in relief.

After getting him patched up, I hugged him to my chest and made my way to my room
I placed him on my futon and closed the door so that he would stay inside. Then it hit me.

~If I'm going to take you as my pet, I have to name you.

I looked around the room, and found the thing that I was looking for. Sunglasses, for pets. I had always thought of getting a pet, but I never thought that my oet would be a tamed fox. It was off how tame and calm this fox was around humans. Equally odd thing was that I was the first one to pick him up. I mean, loom at him. He is adorable. I placed the sunglasses over his nose then stared at him, like I was waiting for him to do something. To be honest, I was waiting for him to speak or do tricks.
~What should I name you?...Kuro?.No...Shiro?...Definitely no...

He then pointed his paw towards the window. I walked towards the window and looked down. That's it!

~You are really smart, aren't you?

I showed him a close-eyed smile.

~Camellia flowers, eh?...how about...Tsubaki!

Yeah that's it!

[Tsubaki= Camellia flower]

I grabbed him and twirled around with him between my arms.
~You really are interesting!
As I said the word 'interesting' something seemed to spark in him. He nodded.

Maybe he can understand me?

I thought.

Hah, as if.

After placing him on my futon once again. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and started to undress myself. As I did that Tsubaki started scratching at the paper door. . I stopped and looked at him to see that he was moving uncomfortably. I tilted my head and opened the door for him to explore the house. He immediately rushef out and I continued changing into my casual clothes which consisted of a shirt and some shorts.


After changing my clothes I went downstairs only to find Tsubaki laying on the tatami while looking outside.

Our[more like my] house was pretty big compared to others houses and because of that it was really silent and lonely, but now I have Tsubaki at least.
I opened the fridge which caught Tsubaki's interest, then pulled out a bento box full of Makizushi. Yeah I know I know, it probably tastes bad because of that. But still, how am I supposed to store it otherwise?

I then went on the internet once again to look at what Tsubaki can eat. My good ol' pal Internet never once let me down.

~The internet says that he can eat fish...hmm...but can he eat Makizushi?

I asked to no one in particular. And looked over my shoulder towards Tsubaki to see that he was looking directly at the bento box in my hands. I scratched the back of my neck with my free hand and went to set the table. After I set the table, I looked around, trying to find something that Tsubaki can eat with. My eyes wandered over to Tsubaki every now and then. While I did that his eyes never left the bento box. I then went to open the lid to see what he'll do. He directly got on the floor table and started to eat the Makizushi that I made yesterday. But before that I could swear that I heard a little 'Thanks for the meal'. I panicked and picked him up.

~Hey! No pets on the table.

I scolded him and carefully placed him down, minding his injured leg then I went to get a plate, the plate had a very beautiful design. I had nothing else for him to eat in. So I picked up the Makizushi one by one with my chopsticks. As Tsubaki started to eat, I went to the other side of the table and sat down. I clapped my hands together and happily said:

~Thanks for the meal~
Then I started to dig in.


There I  layed down with Tsubaki holding my belly.

~Hey...Tsubaki wasn't that great?

I lazily asked him, and he nodded in agreement. I then got up and went towards the very old part of the house with Tsubaki following me. I didn't know how a fox was supposed to act but I sure wasn't minding how he was acting. He acted like a normal human being which was kinda weird but cool at the same time.

I sat down near the edge and watched as the sun said bye~bye~
Tsubaki then came near me and sat on my lap as I stroaked his head.
~This is nice...
I smiled.


After an hour or so, I picked up Tsubaki and went to my room. I didn't dare look at the mess of a kitchen as I walked passed it. We both settled in the futon and I used Tsubaki as a plushie. Before going to sleep I heard a low chuckled followed by something along the lines of "interesting".


I slowly parted my eyes, but instead of seeing the normal sight of my room, I saw a very well built man chest. And my body was pressed against this well build chest. In an instant moment heat rose up to my cheeks.

~What the hell do you think you're doing in my bed!!!
I yelled to the handsome stranger. The handsome stranger jolted his eyes open and he then looked at me. We both sat up, quite separate from each other. After sometime I collected the courage to ask him a question.
~Who are you?
The strange yet handsome guy, adjusted his sunglasses that looked exactly like Tsubaki's then said:
-You don't remember me?
As he said that I had the chance to take a good look at the man. He had silky black hair that beautifully accompanied his glistening red eyes. He wore a yukata with Camellia flowers at the end of it. This man oddly reminded me of...
With that a red chain made it's way from his neck to my wrist, the only difference was that the part of the chain which was near me was purple. The man then started to laugh like a maniac which made me jump a little.

-AHAHAHAHAHAHA...not interesting at all...

Not interesting?

-Oh well...as you know I'm Tsubaki and I'm a vampire.

He said it like that was the most obvious thing in the world.


Saying that I was shocked would be an understatement. He only replied with a smirk.

-Yes, but worry not I will not suck your blood. I was not planing on having an Eve but I guess I should thank you...since you helped me. Since you now gave me a name and these dumb sunglasses.

He motioned the sunglasses that I gave him. I personally took offense to that but I let my comebacks die inside of my throat due to the instant chill I felt on the back of my neck.

The first sentence(question) I could muster up was.

~where is my fox?!

I asked in panic. He then went towards the window and poof my cute fox was back. Then he walked back towards the part where the sun rays couldn't reach, and poof again he was a human/vampire?! While he was standing I could figure out that he wasn't all that tall, byt he was still taller than me which meant that taking him out would be hard. And I'm not even counting the fact that he is something inhuman. So the best choice seemed like flight. I got up and ran downstairs, too scared to look at him in the eye. When I reached downstairs, he was already there waiting for me.

-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...how un-interesting...

He then grabbed both of my shoulders and pushed me towards the wall, trapping me between him and the wall. He stared deeply into my blue-ish purple eyes.
-I guess...I have an eve now...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...so not interesting...As I said so before, I'm a vampire. You took me in, you gave me a name and you gave me these sunglasses and because of that you are my eve now, and I'm your servamp...


~Servamp?...servamp, servamp, servamp, servamp...

I kept repeating the word, trying to find the meaning. After repeating for so long, I figured it out. As mentioned before, I am slow.

~Servant-Vampire! S-So you're now my servant and you're a vampire.

He nodded and started to laugh, histeric-ly once again.

-So not interesting...

He muttered, I really was getting annoyed by this, first he laughs like a maniac then he pretends as if he hasn't just laughed like a murderer.

-I'll do anything you ask for...as long as I can take your blood.

Now that made me jump, he...he really does only want blood I guess.

-Not that I'm craving for your blood...

Okay well ouch, ummm my blood is way too precious anyway.

~So...is there anything else that I needed to know?

I asked, breaking the awkward silence. It was weird how easily I accepted the situation. However, I was a person who got bored really easily and Tsubaki was probably the most interesting thing I could ever imagine being real.

-Well right know you and I performed a temporary contract...which means I have to tag along with you for 24 hours until I'm free...as long as I don't drink your blood.

~Wha-What happens if you drink my blood?

I asked, even though I tried to sound normal my voice was still shaking.

-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...so not interesting...

His laugh made me shiver. That really has to stop...

-If I drink your blood...you'll forever be my Eve...well not forever...until you die...I'll obey everything you say if you become my eve as long as I can drink your blood.

That made me think for awhile...but even after thinking I couldn't give him an answer. Not that he needed one. I looked over at the clock on the wall to see that I was almost late. I tried to run towards my bedroom to start my morning montage but I was stopped by the glowing chain. I flew backwards and fell down. Tsubaki who was on the other end of the chain laughed at me while I tried to get up. I dragged him over to my room alongside me, accepting the challenge that was this Servamp.

And so that's how I met, with Tsubaki...


I changed it a little, how is it?

~Sleepy Kyo

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