The Unintentional Collision

Door official3sadiya

225K 8.1K 568

Lillian Livingston (23), is an independent, well mannered, beautiful and an innocent girl who has life planne... Meer

Prologue: How It All Began...
1. The Stranger
2. Break up
3. Last Encounter?
4. New Start
5. The Date
6. Moody Margaret
8. Closed book & Open book
9. Lost with him
Author Note
10. Angry Bird
11. Dream?
12. Business Trip
13. Packing
14. California
15. Jacob Returns
16. The Attack
17. The Challenge
18. Miss Pathogen
19. Lillian
20. Kidnapped!
21. Reality
22. The Unforgettable Moment
23. Awkward
24. Evalyn
25. Exposed
26. Sneaking Out

7. The Abandoned Place

9.7K 432 16
Door official3sadiya

Was I following my boss? Yes. Was I trying to not come into his view? Maybe. Well, it would've been a yes if the driver wasn't driving so slowly. You must be wondering why on earth was I following my boss on my first day of work? Well, it's simple. He didn't appear to be the type of person who would leave in the middle of their work, and I was just a bit curious.

I really should get my own car.

His car turned left, and I told the driver to stop before he turned left. I didn't want to come into his view and get fired, of course.

I had to be very careful.

Stepping out of the cab, I paid the driver and hurriedly followed William.

Was I scared? Yes. Was I going to turn back? Nope. You would think it's really stupid of me to carry on. But something seemed fishy about the way he randomly disappeared from his office; he didn't appear as the type to take his work lightly. I know, I should've minded my own business, but the curious little George inside me was awake. Not my fault.

As soon as I turned, in front of me was a huge black gate but they looked really old and rusty. As I pushed the gates open, they creaked making me more alert, in case he comes out of nowhere. There was a small fountain in between a house and the gate. The fountain was really dried up with lots of spider webs and dust around it. There was dust and spider web everywhere; especially when it came to the house. It was an average sized house. As I stood in front of the house, I noticed that the door was open.

Did he go inside? Why would he come to a place like this?

At this point, a normal person would've turned back and headed back to their own business but looked like I wasn't normal.

Taking a deep breath, I timidly sneaked into the house.

As I walked down a long passage I wondered if this was a trap. A trap to kill me in the unknown place and so that no one could find me. What? That could've been a possibility. What if he was a serial killer? That could have been a possibility as well. But that would've been literally the worst-case scenario because then that would mean he was a professional killer, and he wouldn't have left any traces of me to be found. Dramatic? Hmm, probably. I guess I had more of my dad's personality, he wouldn't rest until he cleared his suspicions or worries.

I continued to walk ahead in the complete darkness. It was completely dark for my liking, so I turned on my phone's flashlight to have a better look around me.

If I thought the outside looked bad, the inside was even worse. Couple of sneezes escaped from my mouth involuntarily.

Damn it!

I was surprised that I didn't get caught yet, considering the fact that I did sneeze really loud. Blame the amount of dust that was present, not me.

I stopped in front of a closed door. Mostly likely a room. The original colour might've been wooden colour, but there were a lot of dirt and dust, so it looked like chestnut brown. What made it weird was the fact that it was the only door in that abandoned house, which was closed, the rest of doors in this place was open. 

Could he be inside?

I didn't know what made me so brave that day, but with shaky hands I went for it. I was about to push open the door when I was rudely grabbed by my arm and pushed against the wall.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"What do you think you are doing?" He seemed dangerously calm. Silence before storm? It was as if my lips were sealed. They didn't even open.

Not again.

He gritted his teeth in attempt to conceal his anger, but clearly failed miserably.

"I needed your sign." I blurted out hurriedly.

"For what?" He seemed suspicious and it was evident through his tone of voice and expression.

"For this file." I was surprised how confident I sounded while pulling out a blue file in between us, as a barrier.

"There was no need to follow me all the way here. Tell me the real reason."

"I thought this was important and since this is my first day I didn't intent to lose my job." Well, I was partially telling the truth.

Without saying anything else, he fixed his blazer and hair. I must say, I had a strong urge to run my fingers through them.

Shut up, again!

SO, WHAT HAPPENED NEXT WAS THAT we both exited the building, got in the car, got through the day with absolutely no difficulties and went home.

Did you really think it was going to be that simple? Nothing in my life was simple.

We got out of the building while he was ahead of me. I was walking behind him like I was caught red handed in theft. I was mentally cursing for following him at the first place.

We were making our way towards the car when there was a strike of lightening across the sky. I jumped on my spot and looked up at the sky, which was cloudy.

Great! It's gonna rain.

I looked to my right to see that he was already in the car and impatiently was waiting while tapping against his watch. I rolled my eyes and got inside just in time as it began to pour right after.

I sat there next to him just shivering while he tried to find his keys to the car. I had a strong urge to ask him the questions that were racing across my mind, but I went against it.

Maybe another time.

Actually, fuck it!

I turned towards him and cleared my throat to get his attention. He side glanced my way and went back to searching his car for the keys. 

Ugh, what did you even expect from him? Undivided attention? That's never gonna happen in a million years.

"What were you doing here?" I blurted out without a second thought and instantly regretted.

I should've phrased it another way. I never think things through.

He gritted his teeth, making his jawline look even more sharp than it already was. Wow.

He turned my way with an unreadable expression. "That's none of your business."

"It is."

Why did I say that?

From anger his expression changed to more of a soft expression. I didn't want to give him the wrong impression of me as his assistant so I added, "As your personal assistant it is my responsibility to make sure that you're ok, and that I help you out with anything you might need."

Yep. That's the only reason.

He went back to trying to start the car with his usual cold expression.

"I don't need anyone to look out for me. I'm enough for myself."

I held back the urge to roll my eyes at that point. Who does he think he is? I would've said that to his face if I didn't need the job.

"It's no use. It's not starting." Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse.

"You're not doing it properly. Try it again."

I know what you are going to think. I even knew that I would regret it later on, but at that point I was freaking out. It was raining heavily, and I was in the middle of nowhere with my boss, who could've possibly been a serial killer? I didn't even know, and I didn't want to know, I just wanted to be home with Sof watching Netflix.

He got out of the car and I hurriedly got out as well. "What are we going to do now?"

No reply.

"Are we going to ask for a lift?"

No reply.

"Right, you don't ask strangers for help. So, are we going to call a cab?"

No reply.

I just gave up and stopped asking questions.

Why does he have to walk so fast? Walking with heels isn't a piece of cake, but he clearly wasn't aware of that.

"I'll text you the address. Send a car right now."

I should've guessed he would have his car sent by someone.

So predictable.

"Could've just said that." I mumbled under my breath, hoping he didn't hear me.


But it was too much to ask for.


I wrapped my arms around myself, in attempt to reduce the unbelievable cold that was coming from the rain. I am sure he heard my teeth chattering together uncontrollably.

Looks like he did because he glanced my way from the corner of his eyes and stopped and took of his blazer.

Don't get your hopes up high. He isn't gonna do what you think he is going to do.

And that's exactly what he ended up doing. He took his blazer off and offered it to me, and of course I took it without a second thought.

I was freezing!

What cologne does he use? It smells amazing! Probably expensive anyway.

I gave a quick, "Thanks" while we continued to walk.

The road that we were walking on was unbelievably quiet. Too quiet for my liking. There were trees on right and left side of the road.


On top of that, our clothes and hair were drenched because of rain. What a day!  

Why did I even follow him at the first place? God knows.

I turn my head a little to see him walking with his hands in his front trousers pocket. His jawline became more sharper than it was. He was clearly cold but wouldn't make it obvious.

I took off his blazer while walking with him and handed it back, receiving an arched brow as a response.

"Don't say that you're not cold because you are." He seemed surprised at the fact that I even noticed. Come on, I'm not a bad person that I would let someone freeze to death. He was still looking at my eyes, it looked like he was searching for something. But what?

"I can handle a bit of cold. Put it back on."

"But-" One look from him was enough to make me shut up.

Why does he even have that kind of effect on me! I hate it!

Nevertheless, I put it back on and continued to walk with him.

I really wanted to ask him about what happened last night.

Did he really drop me off?

"Did you really drop me off yesterday?" I closed my eyes shut while stopping in my tracks. I was expecting him to be fuming, but it turned out to be the opposite. It was so quiet that both of our breathing could be heard. His was a little fast, probably because of the cold. On the other hand, mine was really heavy, and not because of the cold.

Is he angry? Does he regret dropping me off? What is he going to say?

Many questions were going on, but I didn't dare to open my mouth, instead, I bit my bottom lip to keep them shut.

We kept walking and walking until there was a point where I thought my legs would fall off, but I didn't say anything since I didn't want to annoy him further. I glanced his way to find him staring straight ahead and I noticed a grey range rover a bit further from us.

Thank god.

When I say that I was relieved, it's an understatement. I have never been that happy to see a car. Exaggerating again? Probably, but you can't blame me since I was wearing heels and it was a mission walking up until here. I needed to sit so badly; my legs were killing me. Without thinking twice, I opened the door and hopped inside the car. I let out a sigh while throwing my head back on the car seat and closing my eyes. It didn't feel like more than 20 minutes, so it made me wonder why my legs were aching so much?

"How long were we walking for?" I turn my head to my left to find him staring at me with same unreadable expression.

What's it with him and that expression? The more I tried to figure out what kind of look it was, the more confused I got.

He bought his usual cold expression back on his face in a split second.

Now, that's a talent.

"You might like to waste time, but I don't. Close the door." I was confused for a millisecond, but I turned to my right and closed the car door.


I pushed a few strands of hair behind my ears and look down while fiddling with my frozen fingers.

"1 hour and 15 minutes."

I looked up to see that he was typing on his phone.

"What?" I was genuinely confused. Why did he just randomly announce a random time?

He let out a small sigh in annoyance and looked my way. "We walked for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Is that clear enough for you?" He didn't even expect for a reply, he went back to typing on his phone.

1 hour and 15 minutes? Wow. That's my 2 weeks' worth of exercise done.

I looked out of the window as we drove passed thousands of trees on the side of the road. There was something in this atmosphere that I liked, in fact, I loved it. I didn't know what it was, but I just loved it. It was as if I was content at that moment as if I had everything in the world. Weird? Not really. What I didn't know was the fact that the person sitting next to me was going to be my happiness, my world.

THERE WERE A FEW VOICES. One of them were really close. I tried to open my eyelids, but I couldn't, I was too drained, but I was forced to open them when I felt like I was being lifted from my seat. Afterall, I didn't wish to be kidnapped by a stranger. What? Please don't assume that I was crazy because I wasn't. Kidnapping has become really popular.

I was panicking for no reason, it's only William carrying me out of the car. I relaxed and closed my eyes only to snap them back open again.


I started to try and get myself down. Ok, I wanted to, but I couldn't bring myself from doing that. You possibly cannot blame me. Blame his strong cologne and him.

I can't do this.

"Y-you can put me down now." I spoke up while trying to get down.

"I've got better things to do than to carry you anyway."

He put me down instantly. Almost dropping me to the floor.


I let him walk ahead while I let out some of my frustration by rolling my eyes and air punching his way. I know that I was acting like a teenager, but he was starting to get on my nerves with that attitude. I followed behind him into his mansion. Yep, you read correct. It was enormous. The exterior had white all around it and by the looks of it, it had 2 floors which was excluding the ground floor. I looked behind me to notice a fountain that was similar to the rusty old house that we just came from. When I stood back and looked at the gate, fountain and the house as a whole, I realised that it was exactly like that place. The only difference was that the fountain here had a couple of fishes in there while fresh water was coming out from the top. Also, the gate had fresh black paint of them and there was a security guard standing near the gates.

Why does he even need security guards?

I was rudely interrupted by a deep voice from behind me.

"Do you need a separate invitation to come in?" He was standing there changed already.

Did he already take a shower?

That must've been a really quick shower. How long was I standing there though? I'm sure it wasn't more than 5 minutes? He looked nice out of his usual work clothes. He was wearing casual black joggers with white top that hang tight around his muscles nicely.

Damn. I could stand here all day.

Well, it would've been true if I wasn't still cold.

I walked inside with him and the door closed behind me.

"Linda, show her the room for tonight and give her clean sets of clothes that have been arranged."

I looked at him surprised. I mean, I knew he wouldn't have let me sleep in wet clothes because he needed me to work for him tomorrow morning without catching a cold, but I was still surprised he did that for me.

I really needed to stop with that. I was talking as if we were closer than just an employee and employer.


I looked his way. "Thanks." He looked my way for a second and then looked away again. "No, I actually mean it." He looked my way again. He probably thought that I was saying it for the sake of it, and that I didn't mean it.

I did mean it. There was something in his eyes though. Something obvious was laced around his eyes, but I still couldn't make out what it was. I wanted to know what he was thinking; I wanted to know what was going on in his heart. I wanted to pinpoint what it was and why did I constantly feel that way, but it seemed impossible. There was something about him that made him different from others. Please don't ask what it was because I didn't know myself.

I bought myself to walk up the stairs, with Linda walking in front.

I'm defo getting ill tonight. Ugh.

By the time I walked up those stairs I saw Linda standing by a room with the door open. I walked up to her and smiled while saying, 'thanks' before going inside the room. I couldn't even hear the door close behind me as I starred at the room. 


It was amazing. No words are good enough to describe how wonderful the room was. I went towards the dressing table and noticed different perfumes and makeup set that were sitting there. It was an Italian furniture set, which was incredible. I've always wanted that kind of bedroom; in fact, that was the sort of room that everyone wishes for. I dragged my feet near the bed and carefully dropped myself on the queen sized bed.


I couldn't help it but to say it again. I mean, every corner of the room screamed luxury. I could've only dreamt of sleeping in a room like that, but as my eyes travelled from corner to corner, and as my eyes wondered through everything that was present in the room, there was only one thing that was escaping my mouth. Yep, you got it right.


I decided to walk towards the dressing table and run my hands through the various perfumes and makeup sets that were on top. I would've tried them on, but I doubted that it was for me.

Obviously, it isn't for me.

In fact, he didn't even know he had to let me stay until few hours ago.

I grabbed the white towel that was on the bed with some spare clothes and made my way to the bathroom.

And "Wow!" It definitely had to escape my lips because, holy shit. It was too good!

There were marble tiles on the walls and an enormous mirror above the sink; a round shaped bath tub as well as a shower that was in the corner of the bathroom.

I shouldn't get usedto it. It's only for one night.

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