Secret Relationship...With My...

By lottie_1D_TW_JLS

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Secret Relationship...With My Brother?
Chapter 1- Intro
Chapter 2- I like you
Chapter 3- Thank you
Chapter 4- Hope
Chapter 5- What are you doing?!
Chapter 6- Frozen
Chapter 7- I'm sorry
Chapter 9- Need to stop
Chapter 9- Adopted
Chapter 10- Perfect
Chapter 11- Can we talk?
Chapter 13- Leaving
Chapter 14- To forgive or Not to forgive
Chapter 15- It's him
Chapter 16- Cheater
Chapter 17- Leaving 2
Chapter 18- Taken
Chapter 19- Hiding
Chapter 20- The truth
Chapter 21- How long?
Chapter 22- Over
Chapter 23- That face
Chapter 24- I miss you
Chapter 15- Back as one
Chapter 26- Hotel
Chapter 27- Re Run
Chapter 28- Wedding
Chapter 29- Summery

Chapter 12- Caught

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By lottie_1D_TW_JLS

Zayn's POV

Mary: Zayn, can we talk?

Me: urm. yeah sure

we walked into the hallway and i could see tears in her eyes

Me: hey. whats up?

Mary: Zayn. I'm sorry, but, we can't go public

Me: wait. why not?

Mary called Rosie and she wandered in with her laptop. On the screen there was lots and lots of hate tweets. i looked at the tears brewing in the girls eyes. i hugged Rosie first and said to her that everything will be okay, then i hugged Mary, i knew how hate affected her mentally and sometimes physically. if she got any hate she wouldn't live it down for months!

i remember once when she was 12, a girl said that she was fat, ugly and no one would ever love her, which of corse was in no way true and trust me i told her that all the time, but anyway when the girl said that she didn't leave her room for 3 weeks. she is absolutely terrified of going public now, she knew she was going to get hate. more than anyone else because she's my sister.

Me: it's okay Mary, we can wait until you are 100% ready

Mary: Thanks Zayn

* 2 Weeks Later*

Niall's POV

Rosie has finally stopped getting hate, the fans have now accepeted her and i feel so much happier knowing she's happy.

Rosie: hey Niall, i'm going shopping, see you later

Me: okay, have fun

i gave her a quick kiss then she left.

i watched some Jeremy Kyle, casual i know. When that finished i started to get hungry, nothing out of the ordinary for me. So i went to Nandos, can't complain.

when i got there i couldn't beleive my eyes!

Rosie's POV

i walked out of the house and down the road to Harry's, we were going shopping today then to Nanods for some lunch. I had was really close to Harry since we met in the club, he was the one who got me and Niall together, i loved him for that! he's like a brother to me. that makes: Toby,Michael,Harry and now Harry.S Normal.

I got to Harry's and was greeted by Louis,Liam and Harry


Me: haha. hey guy, Harry, you ready to go?

Harry: Yeah lets get shopping

and with that we left

* hour later*

We had been shopping and were now on our way to Nandos, when we got there i felt a hand in mine, i looked up at Harry who had a cheeky grin on his face. next thing i knew we were sat in the resurant waiting for our food when i felt a pair of lips on mine. im not going to lie i enjoyed it so i started kissing back

???: ROSIE, HARRY ?!?!?!?!?

i pulled away from Harry. looked at the door and saw....


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