OCs Oneshot

By Anonymous_Otaku901

419 6 30

Oneshots featuring all my OCs! More

Kikyo x Reader 🔪 Pt. 1
Lemi/Lolli Story 🖤 Pt. 1
Kikyo x Reader 🔪 Pt. 2
Satoshi x Lolli 🌸
Lemi/Lolli Story 🖤 Pt. 2
Lani x Akami (Collaboration)
Kikyo x Minty 🍋
Marina's Past 🖤
Yumi x Reader
Kikyo x Minty 🔪
Lemi/Lolli Story 🖤 Pt. 3
Satoru x Reader
Kyu x Reader 🖤
Junko x Kohana x Katsumi
Yuriko x Reader (St. Patrick's Day Special)
Lemi/Lolli Story 🖤 Pt. 4
Dixia x Reader
Dixia and Yumi x Child Reader (Easter Special)
Yandere Kikyo x Luciano 🔪🖤
OCs x Reader Finale (Halloween Special)
OCs x Reader Pt.1 (Halloween Special)
OCs x Reader Pt.2 (Halloween Special)
OCs x Reader Pt.3 (Halloween Special)
Marina x Reader 🖤
Homo x Reader
Ziek x Reader 🖤
Lenora x Helena 🌸
OCs x Reader Pt. 1 (Christmas Special)
Paige x Tomiko Winter Collection Pt. 1
OCs x Reader Pt. 2 (Christmas Special)

Shiko x BFF Reader 🖤

3 1 0
By Anonymous_Otaku901

One of my newest characters, and she's already a favorite. SO OF COURSE I HAD TO MAKE THIS TYDHTSDRDYRFGJYGIYHLJHUKHUA (Note after I finished the oneshot: Took me 3 and a half month of procrastination to finish this, Shiko was made back in early June hgnnnn.)

Shiko... she's the closest friend you have, and you are hers too. But... you two barely meet in person. You could barely remember the last time you held her so closely in your arms, because... you never could.

It all started in middle school. Otsuka Shōko, a transfer student. She seemed like a nice person, but the second she got in front of the class to introduce herself, she started tearing. You didn't understand why at the time, but you guessed she had reasons. Your classmates wasn't so fond of her however. Her first week was horrible enough to make her absent for another 7 days. When she came back, the teasing worsened.

Everyday, the bruises on her pale skin become more visible. And you could always hear her silent sobs behind your seat.

- timeskip -

It was lunchtime, and you suddenly wanted to find her this time, because you felt like something... wasn't right. You searched the hallways for the newcomer, but not a single trace of her was found. You then started checking the outside of school, then the restrooms, and that's where you found her... surrounded by a group. You could hear their conversation, saying, "Look at her... she's so... pathetic." They laughed, terribly disgusting you.

As much as it concerned you about what's happening to Shōko stuck in the middle, you couldn't just rush in, you're easily outnumbered. But still, you walked in, pretending to mind your own business. The girls walked aside just so you could get into one of the stalls, but that was enough for you to get a glimpse of Shōko... with her entire body soaking wet.

Shōko sniffled as the cold water soak in her uniform.

"Come on, stand up." You heard them say from inside the stall. "I said stand up!" The sound of something being slammed into another object, followed.

Shōko could be heard pleading for mercy. "N-no... Please... no... P-please stop...."

Shivers sent up your spine when you heard those words... You couldn't imagine what they've done to her to make her beg like this, but you were frozen in fear because you were too afraid to get involved.

Lunch time was almost over, and so you heard them leave the restroom. You quickly unlocked the stall door and rushed out, but Shōko was already laying on the quarts floor completely unconscious. It started giving you a panic attack, causing you to scream for help, even though everyone else was already in their classrooms. Your mind started blurring up until you passed out yourself.

- timeskip -

You slowly regained consciousness as your eyesight cleared up. "Y/N?" A girl called out, it was one of your classmates. "Y/N, what are you doing on the restroom floor? Everyone was looking for you." You stared at your classmate with blankness.

Then it hit you... "Yuri! Where's Shōko?!"

"Shōko? She was with us in class."


"What happened?"

"N-Nothing..." You brushed it off, and got up.

- timeskip -

You were the first one at the gate, because you wanted to talk to Shōko about a couple things, but even after all the students had head home, you never saw the indigo haired student. And so you walked home to conclude the day.

At the dinner table you just couldn't help but wonder what happened.

"Y/N? What are you doing, did you lose your appetite?" Your mother asked worriedly at your blanked out expression.

"O-Oh! It's nothing mother, just...."

"Is that new transfer you talked about, hard to socialize with or something?"

"Something along that line...." She looked at you nervously after that sentence.

- timeskip -

You took a step into your classroom to realize that neither Shōko or the bullies came.

"Mr. Tanaka, what happened to Shōko?"

"I'm sorry Y/N, but Otsuka is staying home today because she got sick. She was outside in the cold with her clothes soaked. I'm unsure about how it happened, but that's all the details her parents told me."

"Oh... is that so...?" You questioned with worries. "Very well... I hope she gets better soon...."

You sat down, and class started without any hesitations.

Shōko came the next day, but she seemed somewhat more insecure than usual. Taking a closer look, you start to notice her trembling, and her silent cries. You felt helpless as her trembling worsened, but kept quiet, afraid it would only hurt her even more....

- timeskip -

The news only started popping up after the first two days. It turns out all the girls that threatened Shōko in the girls' restroom, had died the following day, hence why none arrived to school.

The hallways were filled with chitter chatter about your classroom, and entering class, the conversations only got more serious. Your classmates started panicking about each other's theories, saying that there was a hitman targeting the students in this class, or some demon came for them.

Some of them started having breakdowns, but then there was Shōko. She stood in silence, as if she was hiding something. When the teacher arrived, all of the anxious students, including you, sat down and pretended like nothing happened, even though droplets of sweat and tears fell from each and everyone's faces.

- timeskip -

"Shōko!" You called out while running from behind the indigo haired girl. She flinched from the suddenness, and turned around. "S-Shōko! I finally caught up to you...!" You panted and gasped for air.

She stared in silence, not knowing what to say.

"Shōko, I'm from your class, remember?"

Her eyes widened as she realized it. "Oh– Y/N from Class 2-A." You smiled, since it was the first words you've heard from her casually.

"That's right! So... I just came to ask you if you're free today? Maybe we could go to the festival later?"

She spaced out as she thought about it, before managing to nod.

"Great! See you there at seven!" You walked away, still waiting for the right time to ask her some questions.

- timeskip -

You sat down on a nearby bench as you waited for Shōko, and soon enough, she arrived in a dark blue kimono. It complimented her indigo hair and dark blue eyes. She walked over to you and sat down right next to you.

"Why... did you invite me to join you...?" Hesitation cracked in her voice.

You looked over to Shōko to see her staring down on her hands. "Well... I'm actually a very lonely person in school, and you seemed to be that way too, so... I thought we could be friends and get to know each other."

She looked up and smiled. "Y/N, let's go check out the festival." She said happily as she got up. "Mhm!" You nodded and followed. You two checked stall to stall, stand to stand, bought all the food, played all the mini games, and enjoyed the entire night.

Some time between, you saw her free hand swaying as the two of you walked. You tried to reach for it, but she dodged your contact almost instantly and pointed over to a goldfish stand. You weren't sure if she knew, or if it was just a coincidence, and so you let it slide for the rest of the night.

At the end of your festival journeys, You sat down with Shōko, on the same bench from the afternoon.

"Thank you Y/N, for inviting me here today. It truly made me the happiest I could ever be." She looked up at the glistening full moon.

"It's not a big deal, it would be boring if I came here alone tonight."

She looked down at her hands again. "Y/N..."

"Yes?" You replied.

"You tried to hold my hand earlier...." A shiver went up your spine. "I'm sorry... but I can't let anyone touch me.... I'm bad luck...." Tears fell from her eyes when she mentioned it.


"Those girls... that were in the stall with me that time... It was because of me... that they died...!" She cried out.

You stood frozen. Confused? Angered? Scared...? It was mixed emotions you felt.

"I"m cursed.... I warned them, but they touched me... and now...!–" She took a deep breath before continuing on. "They're... dead...."

- 2 days earlier -

"Shōko~ What are you doing?" The leader of the group asked.

Shōko was still trying to wipe off her tears and cleanse her face before heading to class, yet a group of bullies decided to visit, knowing everyone must've gotten ready to head back too.

"I-I'm just washing... my face...." She quietly answered.

"Well too bad, water can't wash off ugliness, but bleach and acid could. But then again, you're a broke bitch that cant even afford propers shoes." The group laughed hysterically.

"I-I'm sorry... I'll be heading back if my presence irritates you...." She walked past the bully's shoulder, but was stopped, and forcefully pushed to the tiled floor.

"Wait, you little bitch. Listen–" She picked Shōko up by the collar. "–Your entire. Fucking. Existence. Annoys me."

Then the rest of the group proceeds to toss an entire bucket of water at Shōko. She yelped at contact with the freezing water and trembled.

"Whatever you do... you can't... touch me...." She warned.

"Why the hell should I listen to you? I have an idea, let's all touch her."

"Don't... touch me... please...." She warned a second time, but they didn't need the warning and started fisting her into the tiles, while others kicking her.

Then you walked in.

- festival time -

She faked a smile and clenched her fists. "I-I'm sorry, I have to go..." She excused herself and walked away.

You couldn't believe what you just heard, and headed back yourself.

You opened the door with a emotionless expression.

"I'm back..."

"Welcome home, sweetie." Your mother greeted.

You ignored everything and head into your room. Your mother watched you with worried expression, but didn't want to be nosy, so she left you alone.

- timeskip -

The next day at school, everyone stared at you as you entered the class. "What the hell?" You thought to yourself. You sat down in confusion, it felt like your privacy was violated of some sort. "Shōko." You whispered, you started to remember what happened last night. She wasn't in class yet. Minutes later, she stepped foot into the classroom, and everyone threw their erasers and pencils at her. Shōko yelped in pain, confused.

"Sh-Shōko!! You damn monster! Y-You're the one that killed them!!" A student shouted, with fear present in her voice.

Shiko ooked over to you in fear. "You told them...?" Her voice cracked as she started to tear.

"Sh-Shōko?! Heh... The freak deserves a name like Shiko!!"

"Shi... ko...?" Shōko worded out.

"Get away from me, you freak!!" They continued to shouted, still throwing objects at her.

She shifted her arms over her ears and hunched over. Tears constantly streaming down her face.

"Kill yourself!"

Shōko's eyes widened as her mind went into a blank state. It was like a void of darkness, with no exit.




Shōko snapped out of her state of blankness.

"Y/N! What the hell?!"

"Why are you defending that monster?!"

You wouldn't budge from the spot in front of Shōko. "Listen!! She's not a monster!! The people that died all passed from accidental causes, so what does any of it have to do with Shōko?!" Right then and there, a classmate walked forward.

"I- I heard everything... at the festival.... It was you Shōko... I have it all  recorded on my phone." He pulled out his phone from his front pockets and started to play the recording, making you lashed out in anger and punched the student.

"She's not a monster!! It was me that killed them!!"

"Y-Y/N...." Shōko cried.

You forcefully pulled out the student's phone from his hand and tossed it to the floor, shattering it.

"Listen... everyone. I, Y/N, of (School Name) Middle School... k-killed 6 of my classmates..." You gulped and swallowed your words, there was no turning back now.

The dialing noises from their phones were the last you could remember...

- timeskip -

After that, you were arrested for being accused of second degree murder, but was soon released due to lack of evidence, and was expelled from your school, while Shōko was transferred once more, to another school.

You never saw her again until your third year high school, because you immediately recognized the new transfer with silky, indigo hair, and innocent indigo eyes. When you graduated together, Shōko decided to be an online japanese and music teacher, while you chose to be a doctor, in hopes of a cure for Shōko. To this day, you two still visit each other, or FaceTime nightly. Every time you guys did meet however, both of you had to wear protective clothing from head to toe, but when you hold her gloved hands, you swore it was so warm, it were her hand that you were holding. No part of her felt like a monster, she was just... Shōko.

The end...
Take a shot every time a timeskip happens, then cry at how I lack motivation to write good stories. nO WORRIES, ILL HOPEFULLY DO A HALLOWEEN SPECIAL. h o p e f u l l y.

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