3 Things I Hate About You

By _ohcaptain

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“There are 3 things I hate about you. 1. You always make me worry about you. 2. You somehow always make my fr... More

1. Yes and No
2. Park Chanyeol is Perfect
3. Daehyun's Jealousy
4. Standing Stationary
5. A day with Daehyun
6. Sudden confession from a prank letter
7. Absurdity
8. Failed plan is humorous
9. Opening Up
10. Motive of the fist
Not an update
11. First encounter
13. Second and last encounter
14. Second and last encounter: part 2
15. The fault in our relationship
16. Change
17. Life moves on like a conveyor belt
18. Divulgence [final]

12. Confession 1

1.2K 63 18
By _ohcaptain

Chapter 12 – Confession 1

Minha's POV

It's really nerve-wracking to choose a decision that you certainly think it's right, because you never know the outcome since it hasn't happened yet. Although I could somehow predict what will happen using my own common sense, sometimes there's a twist somewhere in between.

And relating to that, I might or I might not have regretted the decision I have made right now.

Clank. The sound of glass shattered across the room, I suppose, because the floor was made out of wood and that Sojin always screams whenever a glass breaks.

I opened the door in a rush and there stood an unfamiliar bulky figure that looked like a man but had long hair and was wearing a skirt.

"W-what the-"

I could finish my sentence because a vase was thrown at my direction. "What's going on?" I managed to ask without being cut off.

"Oh, is this another one of your new transfer student?" The figure cooed and yanked my shirt.

Haeun intercept before my arm was about to be twisted. "Just go away, Gyuri! Leave her be!" She managed to push me away, but that didn't help me reach out of her grip.

"Who are you?" I asked something that was too late to take back.

The bulky woman (yes she looked old somehow) laughed sarcastically. "Who?" She laughed again. "Oh dear, you're so cute. But you'll be cuter if I throw you to the side!"

She gripped my arm tightly and swung me to the side where I hit the bunk beds in which I groaned because the pain jolted badly to my head and my arm.

"MINHA!" Sojin came up to me. 

"Look okay I know you're still upset about what happened last time but-"

Haeun was punched in the guts. Then Jiwoo was attacked as well along with Soyeon who was standing still. I couldn't believe what I saw – my eyes was bulging to the max and I couldn't do anything and so does Sojin.

My body couldn't move. I was there helpless.

All of a sudden the door opened in a second and was slammed to the wall from the impact. There stood Chanyeol with a worry face.

"What the hell happened in here?!" He shouted.

At that moment I swore Chanyeol looked super heroic and his face expression was indescribable. With that handsome ruffled hair, I was swooned by his presence.

But something else had made me question myself – that Gyuri girl turned 180 degrees to a girly cute girl wannabe in front of him in a split second. I couldn't believe my eyes at first but she really did.

"C-Chanyeol oppa?"

Oh great, she knows Chanyeol. I had goose bumps when she suddenly added the 'oppa' at the end.

"I-uh, you see Jiwoo was choking," She slowly, slowly unleashed her grip at Jiwoo's collar and pretends a smile. "So I thought-"

Ignoring her, he rushed towards me and bent down. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Obviously shocked and fluttered at the same time, I stuttered. "Y-yeah. My h-head kind of hurt."

Chanyeol, who always make my heart go crazy, suddenly did something much unexpected: he lifted me from the floor in bridal style.

"C-Chanyeol? What-"

"Ssh, it's okay. Let me carry you to the infirmary."

I took a glance at Gyuri, and oh god I was appalled at her expression – she was glaring at me intensely as if she was going to kill somebody. I kind of flinched which Chanyeol noticed.

"Hey, did I grip you too hard?"

"N-no! I was just shocked. It-it's okay." I tried to smile.

Never did I expect this area to have infirmary nor did I ever expected to be a burden again to Chanyeol. The infirmary was quite far and I think I'm pretty heavy so I feel bad that he had to carry me all the way. But I wouldn't want to say to him to not carry me since I quite enjoyed it.

"You know you didn't need to carry me like this." I sheepishly laughed.

Chanyeol rubbed his neck. "It's alright. I have a lot of muscle and you were really light."

I blushed so hard when he said 'you were really light' because it's either he has a poor sense since I consider myself as heavy or he's really muscular.

One thing that made me kind of worried was when he frowned as he looked at my arm. "Are you sure your arm is okay?"

Seeing that he sat on a chair beside the bed I was laying at, I sat up and nodded at him.

"You don't need to worry, I'm really fine." I smiled. "My head's already better with this ice pack."

He finally smiled. "Thank you."

I swear to god his smile was so endearing and his pushed back hair was so distracting I couldn't resist but to squeal on the inside and close my eyes really tight to avoid squirming.

"Hey, hey," He lightly laughed. "I thought you were okay."

I lightly whacked his arm. "Seriously Chanyeol, I should be the one thanking you. Not you thanking me."

Chanyeol flashed a smile once more. "Alright, alright, I'm welcome."

This time I laughed loudly at his response because it was just hilarious and his face was so mischievous. I regained my sense a minute after.

"Thank you, Chanyeol. If you weren't there I would've been beaten up."

Chanyeol looked down in the process of smiling. He clutched his hands together without any noise. "It's nothing really."

"Aigoo," I scoffed. "Stop saying it's nothing. You're currently my hero now."

He suddenly had that 5-year-old smile in his face that I swore I almost lost my sanity. I forgot how to breathe for a moment.

"Hope I'll be your hero in the future as well." He grinned.

I giggled. "Oh sure you will be."

"I like saving people. Especially the ones that I care a lot." He looked away.

My ears couldn't believe what he was saying at first – did he just? A surge of adrenaline was rushing through my body, my cheeks felt like it was warming up.

I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck. "But really, Chanyeol, I've never met someone as lovely and kind as you."

Chanyeol had this sad but smiling expression planted in which my heart suddenly felt heavy of guilt that I couldn't even speak. He simpered and my heart beat became uncontrollable.

"Me too."

He suddenly got on his feet – sitting sideways on the bed – and embraced me in his arms. I was shocked, obviously; and my stomach did that flip-flop thing I could not describe.

Daehyun's POV

"Daehyun! Have you heard about the quarrel thing in cabin 3?" Youngjae came up to my bed. "There was Minha too!"

I lightly frowned at what he just said. "Quarrel?"

"Yeah! Apparently there's this girl who just came up to the cabin and messed everything up. They all have been in contact with her."

I scoffed at his way of words. "You mean they've been somehow bullied by her?"

"Yes!" Youngjae exclaimed. "But I think Minha's state is the worst!"

I stood up in reflex, knowing that that girl is easily hurt. "What? What happened to her?"

"I'm not sure, Dae. But she's in the infirmary right now."

Without hesitation, I dashed towards the door, trying to figure out where the hell this infirmary is. I didn't even know there was any because this place was a goddamn forest.

"Wait!" He shouted.

Looking annoyed, I glared at him. "What?"

"The thing we talked about last night... I think this is the chance. She might be alone now, I'm not sure, but this might be the best chance."

"You–" I was speechless. This guy actually thought about the things I said. Wow.

 He broke a big grin at me and said, "You can do it! I know you can!"

I awkwardly rubbed my neck. "Oh shut up, will you. I'll try."

Youngjae cheered loudly at me and the others who were resting at their bed looked at him weirdly. "Calm down!" I quietly shrieked. I stood straight, full of pride, and stride forward. But then it hit me.

"Uh, Youngjae?" I asked.


"Would you care to tell me where it is?"

Youngjae clasped his hands. "Ah! Sorry, it's just near the muster area. Want me to come with you?"

"No no that's alright."

I tried to regain my memories of the place, and thanks to my good brain I managed to know where it was before asking other people who was sitting outside their cabins.

But one thing I was curious about was, why is she always getting hurt? I mean like, out of all the people in her cabin, why is she the targeted one?

That was one question I could not understand.

Moving on, I finally reached the infirmary. The place was quite small, but the windows were quite too big compare to the construction. But there were curtains, obviously, so I didn't need to crouch down and hide in case she looks out.

Is she alone in here? What if her friends are inside? I wouldn't just want to barge in finding out that she's already taken care of. What was I doing?

Should I just say 'I love you'? Ah, no, that's just lame. My heart was going berserk. I had a serious debate of whether I should say this or that, and that took me quite a while to snap back to reality.

I took another step forward and carefully grabbed the handle, but only stopped by the sound of people talking.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to say this."

The first voice I heard was Chanyeol chuckling and that made me quite fired up – what the hell was he doing there?

"It's okay, go on." Said Minha. "I'd love to hear it."

"Would you be... my girlfriend?"

My mind was dazed and stunned at the same time. "W-why's this jerk..." I whispered to myself. No, this is not happening right now. After all the courage I had just now – it's all going to be wasted.

"Yes!" She shouted.

My hand limply let go of the grip. I was confused. 


OH MY GOSH THIS CHAPTER IS SO LAME I'M SO SORRY FOR MY TERRIBLE EXPLANATION OF THINGS BUT BEAR WITH ME PLS. Anyways ahaha hope you won't find this chapter too cheesy because the next chapter will be even more (you will never know). If you liked this chap do click the vote button on the right! And if you don't like it... click it too ;-) Comment below for your response! (It'll really help me a lot)

Until next time,

XOXO, _ohcaptain

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