STRANDED ( Niall Horan )

By niall_horan_smiles

214K 6.2K 2.1K

Stranded on an island with the famous Niall Horan was every girl's dream right? Not for Taarika Hayden. After... More

Why Me?
You Don't Say.
I'll Do You.
First Kiss.
Up The Hill.
You Jump, I Jump.
You And I.
What Is He Scared Of?
No Regrets.
Shaving Scenes.
Till Death Do Us Apart.
Through The Dark.
Another Regular Day.
Date One-o-One
Date One-o-Two
Date One-o-Three.
After Effects.
Last Night.
Summer Love.

Fish Matters.

5.2K 153 18
By niall_horan_smiles

Day 05

I woke up as usual to Niall's fingers digging deep into my waist. After his revelation yesterday I decided to blame him less for stopping me to think about being rescued. But that still didn't stop the haunting thought to pop up in my head at weird times. The thing that never left my mind was that maybe he was just being strong for me, but who would be strong for him in return? I was an emotional wreck when it came to such situations, who would be strong for him when our steps would finally reach a dead end?

"Wake up babe", Niall shook my waist. I turned and faced him. His hair was flat on his forehead, I missed his quiff.

"I'm up! What's so urgent?", I asked confused.

"I've got an idea. Let's go fishing", he got to his feet and stuck his hand out for me to hold on to.

"Fishing? How? Where?", I straightened my t-shirt and looked at him. This lad always came up with innovative ideas.

"We can swim over there to that rock", he pointed to a rock not so far away resting in the middle of the water. It was big enough just for the both of us.

"I'll grab something which can help us catch the fish from the plane", he smiled to himself and nodded his head like he had discovered something great.

"Why didn't we think about this before......?"

"Oh wait you are the dumb one here and I didn't think of it because I've been sharing company with you. Makes sense now. Imagine fresh fish for lunch", he was literally having a conversation with himself.

"People who talk to themselves are termed as mental", I spoke as I walked towards the clothes to grab us some towels.

"Did you just call me mental?", he ran and came up to me. You could clearly see, by the look on his face, that he was offended.

"The one's who call me dumb are mental", I stated.

"Oh but you're my dumb", Niall pulled me by my waist and I bumped against his chest.

"You're not getting a kiss if that's what you pulled me so close for", I huffed and tried to get away from under his tight grip on me.

"Fine. Don't come running back and begging me to kiss you. You know you can't stay away from my luscious lips", he then kissed the air.

Luscious lips? What side did he wake up on?

"We'll see who caves in first", I challenged him.

"Game on, Hayden. The loser will have to do whatever the winner says."

And Hayden was back. Ugh. But I knew I would be winning, then I could order Niall around. I waved him off as I folded two towels and an extra pair of clothes for either of us. Niall walked towards the plane and dissapeared inside.


We were now sitting on the rock away from our beach, for at least three hours. Niall had found a net-like-thing in one of the compartment of the plane and it had been lying untouched now swaying on the water surface without any sign of any fish being caught. Like always, I was ready to give up because it had been three hours we were sitting ideally and waiting. At once I heard Niall snore and I wacked his back and he awoke startled.

Suddenly the net moved. Niall and I both jerked up and looked at each other.

"What do I do now?", he asked excitedly.

"Get the net out before the fish escapes", I gave him a little push forward.

" it is.....", he pulled the net out and with it a big, at least a foot long size grey coloured fish was attached by the mouth to the net. I looked away because for one thing in the world I couldn't see the fish struggle for life, yes I agree when it comes to eating I don't say anything, but seeing something struggle for its life made me feel bad for it.

Next I heard a "plonk" to which I turned around. Niall was wrapping the net up. I couldn't see the fish.

"What happened to it?", I asked curious.

"Well I knew you were uncomfortable with the fish struggling. Believe me I've seen the same look on Zayn's face and its alright actually. This fish was just lucky, it wasn't his day today", Niall didn't maintain any eye contact but I knew he was feeling bad.

"But Ni we wasted three hours. There wasn't any need for you to throw the fish back. It was your hard earned prize", I put my hand on his shoulder. I was feeling guilty, it was because of me that now Niall couldn't get his long avaited meal of fish.

"The next time you stay back at the beach okay? I'll come here alone", he gave me a reassuring smile. But I could sense the sadness behind it. I couldn't hold it in me any longer. A tear escaped my eye and the next thing I know is my lips are pressed against his.

After kissing for a while we both pulled back to catch our breaths.

Niall rested his forehead against mine and whispered, "Technically you lost the bet Hayden."

"No I didn't. You kissed me first", I giggled. I was in no way admitting that I had lost.

"No you did it first. You just couldn't keep yourself away from these right?", he patted his lips.

"Self centered much?"

"You know you lost. Get ready for your punishment now", and with that he picked me up bridal style. I gave out a yelp, shocked as me picked me up in a second.

He twirled me around and we both giggled. I was on my feet in a matter of some seconds.

"Let's go home now", and with that he dived into the water, with the net in one of his hands.

Home. This was our home now?


I've uploaded this chapter from the app, so spare me for any mistakes, I'll do a recheck once I'm home.

I am currently sitting with 1,665 reads! I can't believe it! Thankyou so much for all the votes and comments!

I love all of you'll!

It takes one second to vote, so if you'll haven't for the previous chapters, please do! It'll bring a smile on my face thinking that someone's actually liking it!

Drop in a comment if you'll like what I'm writing or can't understand anything or just have some criticism! I'm open to all!

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