Open Coffin (Kol x SalvatoreS...

Justfangstvdto tarafından

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"Good guys and bad guys. One side of the same coin or different entirely? Who or what determines if you are t... Daha Fazla

Chapter 01 "You'll find them in Chicago"
Chapter 02 "Here to pick up the pieces" (Part 1)
Chapter 03 "Here to pick up the pieces" (Part 2)
Chapter 04: "Recipe for Disaster"
Chapter 05: "Ghosts of the Past" (Part 1)
Chapter 06: "Ghosts of the Past" (Part 2)
Chapter 07: "Chasing All The Stars"
Chapter 08: "Look Alive, Stay Alive"
Chapter 09: "Fury Rising"
Chapter 10: "This could be Heaven, this could be Hell"
Chapter 11: "Out of the Black"
Chapter 13: "Dark Before Dawn"
Chapter 14: "Hello My Old Heart"
Chapter 15: "A Party Never Killed Nobody"
Chapter 16: "Drunks, Lovers, Sinners and Saints"
Chapter 17: "Never Be Afraid Of Darkness"
Chapter 18: "Walking the Razor's Edge"
Chapter 19: "Caught in the Storm"
Chapter 20 : "Crossing A Line"
Chapter 21: "For Whom Does The Next Bell Toll?"
Chapter 22: "Error: Sympathy not found"
Chapter 23: "In Search Of Tomorrow"
Chapter 24: "All's Fair and Karma is a Bitch"

Chapter 12: "Where do we go from here?"

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Justfangstvdto tarafından

The room falls completely silent. Merely the fireplace crackling in the background deflects from the fact that everyone is staring at you. Only Stefan looks at the ceiling, rolling his eyes at Klaus awful timing.

Speaking of Klaus, he, of course, smiles like a Cheshire cat.

"Oh, you were unaware of your sisters love affairs?" He says fakely offended by his indiscretion "How rude of me."

"Niklaus, this is not the time to-" Elijah begins, the Peacekeeper in him in full swing, but Damon interrupts him

"No no do tell. We're curious, right Stefan?"

"Not really, no." Stefan shakes his head "I know all I need to."

"You knew?!"

"Leaving the oldest brother in the dark. What a turn of events." Klaus puppeteers yet again.

You bite the inside of your cheek to avoid saying anything about Klaus unnecessary commentary.

Damon once again proves that he doesn't trust you still. Not even when it comes to love.

"Are you gonna say anything or are just gonna sit there?"

"What do you want me to say? I won't apologize for falling in love. "

"Love? You can't actually think you one, know what love is and second, think that he, a Mikaelson is capable of anything remotely close to love." He blurts out suddenly unaware of his environment. He looks at both Mikaelson brothers and raises his hands in defense "No offense."

"And you would know that how? Right, you don't. You haven't known me for centuries." You glare at him, your fury rising to an already unhealthy level "Besides, I don't see why you should be allowed to judge me anyway, considering your past. Or present."

"That has nothing to do with-"

You plunge the knife you had been clutching into the expensive table, the pinch damaging several inches "It has everything to do with that!"

"Finally!" Klaus claps as if to congratulate himself "I feared you've lost your fire."

"I'm so fucking sick of your double standard." Damon swallows, quite a bit baffled by your sudden offense "Need I remind you, you are in the same exact situation with yet another doppelganger claiming to be so in love you're willing to sacrifice your relationship with your own brother. Do I like any of that? No. Do I judge you because of it? Actually yes, but I would never tell you what to do. So, don't you dare judge me or the only good thing that has ever happened in my life. Don't you dare."

The room falls silent yet again, only the breathy laugh of Klaus on the opposite side of the table. He, of course, seems to enjoy this quarrel, especially because for once it's not him and his sibling's bickering.

Must be refreshing indeed.

"Now now, we don't intend to judge anybody, now do we? Your brother, as well as I, are merely curious about how you came to know of my brother's whereabouts in the first place." Klaus asks, more satisfying his curiosity than Damons "Somebody must've sent you. I would've known if a Salvatore lived in New Orleans."

"Do you really want to know who send me? I don't think you'd be happy with the answer." You say and Klaus narrows his eyes, trying to gather any information as to who you're referring to.

"You were sent? Like a spy?" Stefan asks, now curious despite his previous statement.

"You could say that." You nod" It was in 1913. I was ordered to gather information about the Original family. So I did. When I learned of Kols history I discharged my mission and we joined forces."

"Why would you do that?"

There it is. The moment at the crossroads. You could either go down the same path you've been trodding on since you returned to this dreadful town. It's the path lead by the fear of losing your brothers again, so you kept secrets hidden behind lock and key or you sugar coated them to lessen the blow.

Then there's the unknown, foggy path, where every secret and bottled feeling lies out in the open. The road might be lonely, but if there is one feeling you're used to it is loneliness.

Screw it. Nothing left to lose anyway.

Secret's out. Better to abandon the path the led to nowhere.

"Because he was abandoned by his family like I was. The odd ones out that nobody seemed to care about."

Stefan looks on his plate as does Elijah, a rush of guilt rushing over both of them. Stefan seems to feel responsible for sending you away after he figured out that you were the one that told your father about Katherine. And Elijah, well, he stood by while Klaus daggered his siblings and did nothing. Of course, he feels guilty. He should.

Klaus and Damon, on the other hand, don't seem to be too faced by all of it. Their masks of anger and wit still glued to their faces.

"And somewhere along the line, we fell in love. Until he decided to take him away," You reminisce, pointing at Klaus," simply because we planned on doing the same to him he did to all of his siblings." You look at Klaus, his face unchanged, almost bored by the telling of your story. "And you saw it as a betrayal, didn't you? As if you never betrayed your family before."

"And despite all your joined ambition look where you are now. Kol is safely tucked away, as is the key ingredient of the weapon that has the same effect as a common dagger. You've dealt your cards, now haven't you?"

He's right. You have dealt your cards and you don't have an ace in the hold.

"So, that's why you waltzed back into town, isn't it? To find Kol?" Damon asks, eerily similar to Stefan only mere days ago.

"No, Kol not the only reason. I came back to help Stefan. And maybe even for you. Not that you care of course."

"Now now, Y/N, don't forget the best part about your arrival. Or should I say Elijah's arrival?

"Niklaus." Elijah shakes his head, warning his little brother to stop treading on the path of alienating you and your siblings.

But Klaus being Klaus he decides to make things worse instead. "Tell me, who falsely lured my dear brother to Mystic Falls with the promising news of yet another Petrova doppelganger, hoping it be me who comes running?"

Stefan snickers at Klaus words and shakes his head in disbelief.

"Something funny?" Klaus asks, not quite understanding the reason for Stefan's amusement.

"Yes. You." Stefan looks at him "She wouldn't do that, you're lying."

"Such faith in your sister. It's ill-placed I'm afraid." Klaus sighs and looks over to you " Isn't that right Y/N?"

Stefan glances over, his eyes fixated on you once he sees the guilt written over your face "Tell me he's lying."

"I can't. It's true." Your voice is shaking with the heartbeat that seems to be stuck in your throat.

Stefan blinks once before he lowers his head, the truth sinking into his bones. You are responsible for Elijah finding Elena. You're responsible for Klaus coming back here and breaking his curse. And you are responsible for everything that has happened after.

How could is own sister, that he loves, be the cause of his misery that has befallen him?

"Say something, please." You plead, burning tears of frustration and hurt threatening to fall from your eyes "Fine. We're right back where we started, aren't we? After everything I did for you."

"You mean what you have done for yourself," Damon speaks out what presumably everyone in this room is thinking.

"Nothing I did was intended to hurt you or Stefan, but believe whatever you need to believe. I know that my intentions coming back here were true. Not entirely unselfish, but true. If you can't see that, so be it."

Klaus opens his mouth to pour another tinge of salt in open wounds, but Elijah stops him from doing so.

"That's enough." he says "Why don't we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal, rather than relive memories that have no place at this table?"

"You know what, you go right ahead. I'm done." You throw the handkerchief over the plate and get up "Congratulations, Klaus. You win. You burned me out. I give up." You look at Stefan who refuses to even meet your gaze.

You don't even have to look at Damon to know what he shares his brother's fury.

Tears roll down your cheeks as you turn around, not looking back once. Slamming the door behind you, tears now freely running down your face blurring your sight.

You showed them the side you've been hiding. The rotten part of yourself. All the lies, loneliness and secrets were put out in the open. All the feelings of despair and loneliness.

You spoke the truth and you were judged for it. Worse, you're ended up right where you started. Yet another set of memories that will soon crumble, be immortalized and buried six feet under.

What's left to do then leave and never look back?

Exactly, nothing.

Meanwhile at the Mikaelson Manor

"Let's get to the deal then. " Damon says and leans forward, his elbows resting on the table "Klaus gets his coffin back, in exchange, he and the Original extended family leave Mystic Falls forever."

"The deal sounds fair, brother." Elijah shrugs.

"I don't think you understand. Elena's doppelgänger blood ensures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those that oppose me. I will never leave her behind.Nor will I leave my family." Klaus shakes his head and gets up to pace the room "Let's say I do leave her here, under your protection, what then? How long before one of you turns her into a vampire? Or worse, how long before she dies caught between your feuding?" Damon looks at Stefan at Klaus words, but Stefan keeps his head down, still digesting the secrets that have been laid before him. "You see, each one of you truly believes that you're the one that can protect her, and that is simply a delusion. Gentlemen, the worst thing for Elena Gilbert is...the two of you."

Damon gives Klaus a weak smile "I'm gonna get some air."

"Let me deal with this." Elijah springs up from his seat and follows Damon outside.

"Well, I guess the only reason you agreed to this evening, Klaus, is to drive a wedge between us," Stefan says, as he paces the room. He can't seem to sit still anymore.

"Oh no, you're doing that well enough on your own." Klaus laughs, obviously still very amused by the chaos he caused.

Klaus and Stefan turn their heads as Elijah and Damon reenter.

" there a problem?" Klaus asked wearily, already sensing that something appears to be wrong

"Where are your manners, brother? We forgot dessert." Elijah takes the cover off the tray one of the servants bring in.

Two silver daggers lie on it.

Klaus looks at the tray and his eyes widen "What have you done?"

"What have you done? You see, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. And after your despicable act tonight I decided to abandon my tactic. We're doing this on my terms now."

Right on cue, Kol enters the room, eyes burning at the sight of his bastard brother.

"Kol." Klaus says, fear written over his features. Kol is the sibling he fears the most, especially now that he just severed the ties with you and your brother. Kol will be furious once he finds out.

And if Klaus and Kol share one aspect of their personality, it's rage.

"Long time, brother." Kol walks towards him and Klaus backs away.

The oldest brother Finn, now undaggered as well suddenly appears and grabs a dagger and stabs Klaus through the hand "Finn, don't!" Klaus rushes away, bumping into his sister.

"This is for our mother." Rebekah stabs Klaus in the heart with the remaining dagger: She pulls it out the dagger out and Klaus falls back into Kol's arms and he restrains him.

Elijah looks at Damon and Stefan switching before his eyes land on Kol. Should he tell his little brother to go with them to find Y/N? Or would Kol feel even more excluded as he already does if he sends him away?

"Stefan, Damon, you're free to go." Elijah says and gives them a nod "This is family business."

"Salvatore?" Kol pushes Klaus over to Finn, the thirst for revenge overshadowed by the longing he feels for you."Was your sister with you'?

"She left." Damon answers shortly. He is still bitter about the secret you've been hiding. Right now, he couldn't care less where you are.

"Take me to her," Kol demands.

Stefan and Damon share a quick look, having one of their silent conversations. They both know that if Kol is anything like his siblings, he won't take no for an answer.

Besides, Stefan can't help but think how you are dealing with this situation.

Even after everything you've done to get here, he knows that sometimes drastic measures like luring the Mikaelsons to Mystic falls and every chaos that has unfolded is necessary. If it was in this case, he has yet to figure out.

"Fine." Stefan agrees to Kol's demand "Let's start at home."

Kol glances out the slightly dirty passenger window, outlandish looking cars fly by, accompanied by strangely dressed people either talking or looking at a handheld device.

It's safe to say he's confused by the sudden time leap. He feels even more like an outsider in this day in age, than he used to.

"So you're-" Damon begins to talk, attempting to form some sort of non-awkward road conversation.

"I'm in no mood to talk. Especially not to you." Kol blows him off. After everything you've told him about your family quarrels, Kol doesn't have the slightest desire to talk to Damon.

"Nevermind, I do have one simple question." Kol shifts in his seat to catch a glimpse of Stefan in the backseat "Who do I have to torture to find out who scared Y/N away?"

"Who do you think?" Stefan scoffs, the answer obvious to him.

"Nik, of course." Kol looks out the window, hands clenched and lip twitching."Let me guess, you played his hand, didn't you?"

"It's her own fault. She could've told us the truth." Damon says, the bitterness and fury hearable.

"Because you handle the truth exceptionally well the last time." Kol scoffs and shakes his head.

Your brothers remind him so much of his own siblings. He too is always the first to blame or the one that's judged the harshest, even if his own siblings committed as awful of atrocities.

Sometimes even worse ones.

Y/N | Boarding House

You've been crying all the way to the Boarding House. Calling it home now, would not be appropriate. At least not anymore.

Your brothers searched for the first indicator to push you away again. And Klaus served it on a silver platter.If they want to get rid of you so badly, so be it. You'll cross the town borders in the next minutes without looking back.

A new adventure awaits.

Another road redefined.

You swing the heavy bag containing your belongings over your shoulders, as you turn to get a last look at your room that has never quite felt like home. You close the door behind you, as well as the metaphorical door of this failed attempt to reconcile with your brothers.

Alone, like you've been used to for the last 100 years.

Maybe it's better this way. Wherever you to set foot in chaos soon seems to follow. They're better off without you.

You open the front door, stepping outside under the darkening sky, your heart both heavy for leaving, especially the way you do, but the tiniest part of you feels freer.

Finally, they know what you've been hiding for a long time. Not everything still, but the most important parts.

You take a deep breath before turning to close the door behind you. The wind seems to pick up once you do, a swift breeze running down your back. Before the door fully closes, a firm hand wraps around your neck, squeezing tightly before pulling you into the darkness with a swift break. Your bag falls on the floor, as does your phone as your attacker drags you away at rapid speed.

Not a minute later, Damon speeds down the driveway and Kol jumps out while it's still moving, impatient to see you again. He has the brightest smile on his lips and he knows once he can wrap his arms around you, every pain he endured will be washed away.

He'll know he'll be whole again.

His smile quickly falters as he stops at the door that's still ajar, the bag on the floor catching his attention. He looks around him in panic, searching for any indication of you. When he can't find one he kicks the door open in rage and worry, speeding through the entire house searching room for room, but nothing.

Kol balls his fist and returns outside, grabbing Damon by the neck holding him firmly a few feet above the ground.

If this would be any other vampire than your brother, he would go straight for the heart. But he knows no matter how much your brothers hurt you, you would never let anyone hurt them as long as if there's no way around it.

"Where. Is. She?" Kol grits through his teeth, voice dangerously calm and sharp.

"Knock it off! We don't know where she is." Stefan intervenes, but Kol doesn't budge.

Stefan then switches from defence to offence and speeds towards him. Kol doesn't even have to look behind him to anticipate the attack and grabs Stefan as well.

"If you would've stood by her for once in your pathetic lives, she would be here. Now you will help me find her. And we will find her, do you understand?" They nod, face already red from the loss of oxygen.

"Very good." Kol releases them and they heave for air, coughing their way back to normal breathing "Let's get started then, shall we?"

A/N: Guys, before I start, please put the pitchforks down!!! I know letting them miss each other by just a moment this is cruel, very cruel in fact. But how boring would've been if I just went with the normal plot line. I mean, I am a sucker for that overdramatic running into each other's arms thing, but the angst won once again.

Also, what do you think about the secret(is) revealed? Do you think Stefan and Damon overreacted? I know where I stand, where do you'? ;)

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