Eren x reader O///o///O finis...

By Butt0n-eyes

69.5K 2.1K 932

Ask and you shall receive, the second book is out. It's called Memories return. I hope you enjoy <3 More

8 years ago
The Real Training Begins
End of day 1
5 Years Later
This is useful?
Wow... Thank You so much!!!
Quincy (2)
Second book
Um... Hi...
Ok, so Hi.

Quincy (1)

4.3K 162 183
By Butt0n-eyes

“WHAT?!” I screamed standing up. Pixis looked at me.

“I have found someone to adopt you. He repeated. I mentally face palmed. 

“Who is going to adopt me?” I asked annoyed. He closed his eyes and smiled. The door opened and a woman with light brown hair and glassed ran in and held my hands up slightly.

“I’m adopting you!” She cheered. I blinked. What the heck is going on?

“Uuuuuhhhh… Who are you…?” I asked quite scared to learn the answer.

“My name is Hanji!” I continued to stare when the door slammed open again. What now?! A monotone teen came into the room and began to pull on Hanji’s hair.

“Come on you idiot.” He growled.

“Now now Levi! Let Hanji talk to her new daughter.” Pixis said gesturing to me. I blushed and looked down. He tch’ed and walked outside. 

“Um… Commander what was the second thing you were going to tell me?” I asked.

“Oh! Yes! Hanji will be taking you to the scout corps. They just lost a commander, and you have the choice to be a commander or stay as you are.” Pixis finished. I thought for a moment. 

“I guess I’ll be a commander.” I whispered. Hanji cheered and clapped her hands. 

~1 Week later~     ~3rd Person~

Y/N Stood in her cabin. 
“*sigh* Mom, Dad and Reilly wanted this. I remember them talking about it.’ She thought. Her mother, father and sister watched as she pulled on the green scouts coat, and walked outside. 

“My poor little sister.” Reilly whispered a few tears dripping from her wispy form. Her mother and father hugged her and continued to watch their last alive relative. 

~Y/N pov~

I walked outside of my cabin and went staight o the stable. I walked throught the stabled looking for my horses name. Quincy. 
"Hey boy!" I chirped. Quincy stuck his head out the door and nuzzled me. He whinnied a I walked away.

"Woah! Calm down Me.Whinney pants. I'm going to get your gear silly boy!" I said laughing. He stopped having his little tantrum and calmed down. I took Quin/Quincy out of his stal and put all his gear on him. 

"You wanna go for a ride Quin?" I asked my horse in a silly way. He 'nodded' his head and started to trot towards the person I was looking for. Hanji.

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