
By Auroriana_h

403K 12.4K 1.8K

❝It wasn't that I wanted to die; no. It was that I was so desperate to live.❞ - Valentinia Morelli. She is ca... More

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ᴛʀᴇɴᴛᴀ Qᴜᴀᴛᴛʀᴏ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
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Qᴜᴀʀᴀɴᴛᴀ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
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Qᴜᴀʀᴀɴᴛᴀꜱᴇᴛᴛᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
Quarantotto - Past
Qᴜᴀʀᴀɴᴛᴀɴᴏᴠᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
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ᴄɪɴQᴜᴀɴᴛᴀQᴜᴀᴛᴛʀᴏ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
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ᴄɪɴQᴜᴀɴᴛᴀ ꜱᴇᴛᴛᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
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ꜱᴇꜱꜱᴀɴᴛᴀ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
ꜱᴇꜱꜱᴀɴᴛᴜɴᴏ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
ꜱᴇꜱꜱᴀɴᴛᴀᴅᴜᴇ : ᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛ
ꜱᴇꜱꜱᴀɴᴛᴀᴛʀᴇ : ᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛ

ᴛʀᴇɴᴛᴀ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

4.9K 163 17
By Auroriana_h

Sometimes people have to die and be sacrificed for people to bring about change. It's a way of life. ~ Unknown.


Past (3 years ago).

After I had made sense of everything, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't take Acer outside, because I wouldn't be surprised if Mr Morelli and his crew were out there waiting for us. Ready to taunt us.

So, I carefully guided Acer over to the lounge room, to place him upon the sofa. He needed medical attention immediately, otherwise, he would die. I am not going to beat around the bush and try and act in- denial, because I know that is going to happen if he continues to bleed out. He has lost far too much blood already, never mind the puddle that is gradually building up beneath him.

The crimson liquid was beginning to transfer onto the couch, staining the once perfect material.

Serves him right, he shot him. Therefore, his furniture can be damaged, even if that is the least that he deserves. It brings me the slightest amount of satisfaction thinking about his reaction.

I dashed around the room, rifling through all of the cabinets and drawers trying to find a phone or any other technological device. But, it was useless as there wasn't anything that I could use to contact anyone. Besides, even if they were, it would probably be hacked and looped.

However, I did find some blankets and some tape that would help me aid to Acer's needs. It wasn't perfect, but it would be better than nothing. I couldn't risk going to any other room, he could be anywhere, and I wasn't going to leave Acer out like an open target. With nothing to defend himself with.

Walking closer to Acer I dropped onto my knees, carefully not trying to put too much pressure onto my thigh. The knife was still lodged within it. I knew not to remove it as it would most likely make it deteriorate.

Gradually, I untied the fabric that I had used previously to apply pressure to Acer's bullet wound. It was now saturated red, making me feel queasy. I inspected the hole situated in his abdomen and noticed that the bullet was still lodged in, deeply.

I needed to remove it and remove it immediately, otherwise it could move deeper. In- turn, causing internal damage, he may already have some, but I can't be one hundred per cent sure and I didn't want to make it worse.

"Okay Acer, I need to remove the bullet and it is going to hurt. Just hold my hand tight and try not to scream. It is going to be okay." I assured him, trying to prepare him for what I am about to do.

I push my index finger and thumb into the gaping hole and Acer growls lowly, but painfully, trying to compose his voice.

"Shh, just relax Acer. I know that it isn't going to be easy, but I promise that it will be over in a few seconds." I mumbled, focusing on my task at hand.

Wiggling my finger around slightly in the wound, I tried to distinguish the small metal bullet. It felt warm and sticky and the blood was rushing out of it like it was a waterfall. He didn't look good either, his face was becoming paler and paler, making me nervous. Still moving my finger around I finally come across the metal ball. Sighing in relief I subtly pull it out, trying not to tear anything in him or trigger a heavier flow of blood.

The bullet was between my index finger and thumb, I had no time to inspect it as I needed to stop the bleeding. Grabbing one of the blankets I tried my best to clean the wound and its surrounding areas.

It isn't stopping, I need some thread and a needle. The only way that I am going to stop the bleeding is by stitching up the wound, even if that isn't the correct way to go about it. I knew I had to try and save him. It was my duty as of right now. I need to go into the kitchen, to find anything materialistic that would help me in aiding to Acer's injury. I didn't want to leave him, but I knew that this was the only way that would give Acer a chance at survival. I thought, determinedly.

Rapidly wrapping one of the throws around Acer's abdomen, I whispered in his ear.

"I'll be back in two minutes, stay as still as possible." And with that, I rushed towards the direction of the kitchen, without waiting to hear his reply.

Messily hunting through the cabinets of the kitchen I finally found a sewing kit.

Thank God. This will have to suffice, it is better than nothing. I thought, whilst blowing out a shaky breath of relief.

Gathering the supplies, I dashed back into the lounge area. Thankfully finding Acer and nobody else present in the grand vicinity. Rushing back towards where Acer was currently situated, I yanked open the sewing kit and grabbed the necessary things.

Licking the end of the thread with the tip of my tongue, I concentrated on feeding it through the loop of the needle. I failed a few times, due to my hands shaking like a leaf. But, assuringly it went through at last.

"Acer, I need to stitch up your wound to relieve the bleeding. I have no way in being able to get my hands upon any anaesthetics or numbing appliances, so it is going to hurt. But, don't worry, just take deep breaths and focus on something happy.

Just think about the stars and focus on how bright they shine, even if they dimmer over time, they never fully burn out or disappear, they are always there. Focus on that." I told him, whilst kissing his forehead, Katy used to do this to me every night before I slept, it relaxed me and assured me that things will work out in the end.

He seemed to have relaxed slightly, resting his eyelids by sealing them shut. Grabbing a hold of the punctured skin I gently thread the needle threw it, pulling it tight to seal the incision shut. Glancing up at Acer to see if he is okay, I observe that his eyes are still closed, however, he is squeezing them shut tightly. Demonstrating how much pain he is in, but he is trying to subdue it.

I continued to thread the needle back and forth until his skin was sealed shut, tightly. It was the best that I could do, it wasn't perfect. It was jagged and a bit untidy in some places, but it stopped the bleeding. I mean, I am not medically trained, so I don't know how to do it as specialised as the professionals do.

I once again glanced up at Acer and saw that his breathing had calmed down. He looked so peaceful, right now. He needs a lot of rest, for it to heal correctly. When I was in the kitchen I also grabbed some spirits to disinfect the wound and a gauze. Shakily, I poured some of the alcoholic spirit onto Acer's sawn up wound, it caused him to open his eyes wide, gasping.

"Ow, fuck that hurts." He complained, a pain-stricken expression was situated upon his face.

"I know, but it needs to be done otherwise it could lead to it getting infected. It could lead to sepsis and you, nor I don't want that to happen." I argued, a serious expression adorning my face. Trying to show him how serious this situation that he is in is.

Nodding his head slowly he relaxes again, unwillingly. Finishing disinfecting the wound, I carefully placed the gauze over it, to prevent the stitches from getting caught on anything or ripping.

Acer still looked pessimistically pale. It caused me to wonder whether he did have any internal damage? And if he did. What would I be able to do about it? I know that I wouldn't be able to do anything, he would require surgery by a professional. And I am certainly not a surgeon for Christ's sake. I thought, worriedly chewing upon my bottom lip.

Standing up, I lifted Acer's head and placed into my lap, to try and bring him a sense of comfort. I lovingly stroked his hair and eyebrows, he snuggled his face into my palm. It brought a small smile onto my face.

"I-I guess that y-you won't get to e-experience my a-amazing cooking a-after... all." He struggled out, slightly smiling. It caused me to let out a smile laugh, smiling myself with tears adorning my eyes.

"Damn, I'm looking forward to trying your famous chocolate chip cookies." I said, he wasn't going to die. He couldn't. Not now, not after everything.

"Hmm... I-I was looking f-forward for y-you getting t-to meet m-my m-mom, s-she would have l-loved y-you." He rasped out, his eyes leaking tears. It caused me to let out a sob, his mom. This is all my fault.

"I-I would love to m-meet her, j-just let me know when." I stuttered out, trying to maintain my sobs, I didn't want him to hear me. It would only scare him more. But, I couldn't suppress the tears from slowly running a path down my sore cheeks.

Just hang in there. I thought, whilst playing with the silky strands of his hair and silently praying that he will pull through this.

"Oh, will you look at that. What a pitiful sight, is it not? Loverboy is dying in your arms, what a fucking shame." He suddenly appeared in the room, whilst barking in laughter. It caused my head to snap in his direction, my eyes wide, holding a scared expression.

Mr Morelli was stood there in all of his glory with a sneer plastered upon his face. His muscular form standing at his intimidating tall height glowered down upon Acer and me. He looked at Acer disgustedly with his head laid in my lap. His posture was stiff, almost as if he was ready to pounce at any given moment. It scared the hell out of me, Acer is in a lot of danger and I am petrified that I won't be able to prevent it.

"Get his fucking head off of your lap, Leonessa. Right. Fucking. Now. He is a man, you insist. Therefore, if he is a man he shouldn't be letting himself appear weak. Pathetic. He should be able to face me. The man whose woman he tried to unrighteous steal." He continued, his face was red in rage. Whilst ranting about stupid shit, he stomped over to Acer and me.

He bent down and grabbed Acer by his collar yanking him up, roughly. It immediately caused Acer to roar out in agony. I shot up from my previous seat, ignoring the pain in my leg.

"Release him right this fucking instant. How dare you do this to him? You are more heartless than I thought. Your true colours amaze me, Mr Morelli. They demonstrate just how disgusting your real exterior is. The only pathetic one here is you, having to beat and shoot a man for something other people would consider as child's play." I sneered in his face, whilst aggressively pushing him away from Acer.


A ringing noise emitted throughout the entire room, everything had heightened from the impact of the hit. He caught me off guard.

Grabbing me now by the collar, he brought me closer to him and roared in my face.

"Now you are fucking defending him, Leonessa? How fucking dare you? Don't you dare question my methods in handling problems? He attempted to steal what belonged to me. He deserves what I have done to him and so much more. Death. And death he will receive." He snarled, honestly.

His eyes were identical to the night that he had so cruelly carved his name into my flesh. No colour. Gone was the Emerald green. Replaced by hollow darkness of nothing.

"I will question whatever the fuck I want, I don't need your permission to do so, dad. You can't kill him, he is innocent. Do you want an innocents blood on your hands?" I question, snarkily, I had begun to recover from the punch that he had delivered so ruthlessly to my face. So, I was stood firmly rooted to the ground, ready to defend myself and Acer at costs.

"Oh, bambino I have plenty of innocent's blood staining my hands. However, this one's won't be on mine. It will be on yours's. But, you already knew that, didn't you?" He questioned, a sinister smirk adorning his face.

"I know that and I take full responsibility for that. It astonishes me how you are so ruthless and cruel? How could you shoot him, wasn't he already injured enough?" I asked, desperately trying to find a solution into keeping Acer alive.

"This- he started waving his hand in Acer's direction.

- is nothing. This is only the beginning, only a minuscule amount of what I am truly capable of. You underestimate me greatly. I'm offended." He said mocking a hurt expression. His bulky arms painfully holding onto my waist.

How could he tease me when he had just hurt someone so much that they are on the brink of death? I thought, bitterly. His behaviour was vile.

"We need to get him to a hospital if you care about me as much as you say you do. You will do it." I stated, a leading expression adorning my face. Trying to encourage him to do something right for once. I was sure that my eyes were desperately pleading with his. Filled to the brink with tears.

"You are not going fucking anywhere, Leonessa. He is going to die, just like he deserves. And you are going to watch it happen, slowly. You are going to watch him bleed out onto the floor until he takes his last, pathetic breath of air. You are going to learn exactly what happens when you mess with me and break my rules.

Don't use my feelings towards you as a ploy to manipulate me. Because I promise you that it will never work, all feelings aside. I am still the one who is in control and you will always be below me. You will be taught a lesson for your wrongdoings and be punished." He sneered, his hold becoming tighter on me. Before roughly shoving me back onto the couch next to Acer, who was once again unconscious.

I landed on my back in pain, my body was radiating pain. Traitorous tears sprang from out of my eyes, and like a river flooded down my face, before dropping onto the couch.

"You will learn to obey me, Valentinia." He spat in my face, hovering about me.


Leonessa:. Lioness

Bambino:. Baby

Word Count:. 2589

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